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FORKNI-L Digest - 4 May 2003 to 5 May 2003 (#2003-131)

Mon, 5 May 2003

There are 23 messages totalling 673 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Admin: Forkni-l Rules
  2. my trash can is too efficiant
  3. Crossovers (3)
  4. questions (6)
  5. FK fanfiction catalog
  6. Today's Birthday:  May 5
  7. FW: TVShowsOnDVD.com - News for Forever Knight (3)
  8. Yes, it's real! Forever Knight IS coming to DVD! (2)
  9. Today's Birthday: May 5
 10. DVD
 11. Forever Knight on DVD - new info from shows on dvd (3)


Date:    Sun, 4 May 2003 16:26:11 -0500
From:    mclisa <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Admin: Forkni-l Rules

Direct from a gray afternoon in Indianapolis, live (sort of), we (McLisa and
two cats at the computer) bring you the rules for Forkni-l.

McLisa (human, contrary to popular opinion <g>)
Lowman (long-furred black cat)
Lionel aka The Lion (orange tabby cat)

>> If you need a hand or have any questions please don't hesitate to contact
>> Don Fasig Argent@c...... or Lisa McDavid  mclisa@m.......>.
>> >
>>  For tips on managing your Forever Knight subscriptions please visit
>>  Don's page at: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7139/fk-lists.htm
>>  List digests are archived at:
>> If you need a hand or have any questions please don't hesitate to  contact
>> Don Fasig Argent@c...... or Lisa McDavid  mclisa@m.......>.
>> >
>>  For tips on managing your Forever Knight subscriptions please visit
>>  Don's page at: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7139/fk-lists.htm
>>  List digests are archived at:
>> https://knightwind1228.tripod.com/forkni.htm
>>  2. Please don't quote more than four lines of a previous post in replying.
>> If you have more than one point to answer, then you may  quote the relevant
>> four lines for that point also.
>>  3. Limit sigs to 6 lines. Your sig starts with the first thing you write
>> after the text. It includes all the lines under that, even blank lines. If
>> you have one of those providers that insists on putting an ad after that,
>> don't worry. The ad doesn't count.
>> 4. Please don't send to the whole list when you are only talking to  the
>> person who wrote the post you are answering.
>>  5. Advertising on list is on a case by case basis. Please consult the
>> listowners, Lisa McDavid, mclisa@m....... or Don Fasig,
>> Argent@c...... for permission.
>>  6. This list is for the discussion of Forever Knight and related topics.
>> FK cast and behind the camera people are ok, except that we don't discuss
>> private lives.  Announcments by authorized spokespersons about events in
>> those lives are ok.  List members' fannish activities are ok, as are sharing
>> personal events in our lives.  Non-FK vampires or vampires in general or not
>> 7. No off-topic posts are without permission from a listowner.  This
>> includes virus warnings.
>> 8.. No role-playing on Forkni-l. This includes character names as
>> pseudonyms or posing as a character.
>> 9.  Each subscriber is limited to five posts per day on Forkni-l.
>> McLisa (Lisa McDavid)
>> "That will be trouble".
>> Listowner, Forkni-l and Fkfic-l
>> mclisa@m.......


Date:    Sun, 4 May 2003 21:03:51 +0100
From:    Kezia Hepden <kezia.hepden@b.......>
Subject: Re: my trash can is too efficiant

Hi, Megan!

Here's the article you mislaid!

Cousin Kezia

I was browsing through the ever fun 'About Urban Legends' website
(www.urbanlegends.about.com) (and if you've never been there before, make
sure you have all afternoon/evening to spare - it's great fun!) looking for
some info to disprove yet another email I'd been sent.... you all know the
ones I mean, the ones with the latest warning about not
buying/eating/drinking whatever .... when I came across a reference to blood
in wine.   Just as well I didn't have a mug of coffee by the computer at the
time, or the poor beastie would have been the one drinking it!  Of course, I
*had* to click on that link and read more!

Here's the text I found (which actually came from their sister site,

Blood in Troubled Wines

      You've heard the story, perhaps from BusinessWeek or another source.
Europe banned genetically modified crops coming from the US. In retaliation,
the US decided to ban wines that had blood added to them. Consumers panic -
what do they MEAN blood is in wine??

First, let's explain what blood was historically used for in wine, centuries
ago. Wine back then, just like beer and cider of the age, was extremely
cloudy and full of extra 'stuff'. To drag out the extra proteins, wineries
would use a clarifying, or fining agent. This agent could be clay, egg
whites, or yes, sometimes blood. The substance would fall through the wine,
attracting the proteins as it went. The resulting larger clumps could then
be kept separate from the wine.

In modern times, fining is used only on certain wines. It can be done with
egg whites, chemicals or inert clays. Most wine drinkers don't even think
about fining agents at all, since the material is removed from the wine long
before the wine is bottled. Fining is not used only in wine. Fining is also
done to many beer types, to keep the beer crystal clear and fresh looking.

This fining and clarifying is quite different than filtering. You can filter
but not fine, or fine but not filter. Filtering uses filter paper, usually,
and is done on a size-of-object basis. It uses the same principle as a water
filter does on a faucet.

        Is blood used in current times? First off, it is explicitly illegal
to use blood in both the US and France, and is extremely uncommon in other
countries. Most wineries would choose to use other agents, such as egg
whites. Bordeaux is known for its use of egg whites.

So drink your French wine without fear! Blood is not used, fining is
something done only to certain wines, and the fining agents are removed
anyway. Vegans might be concerned over the use of egg whites as a fining
agent, since some small amount of egg white might remain in the wine. For
most people, the use of fining agents is just one more interesting part of
the winemaking process to learn about and understand.


(Sigh!  One more legend blown to pieces...)

Cousin Kezia


Date:    Sun, 4 May 2003 19:16:07 EDT
From:    Evelyn Duncan <BrandyKitt@a.......>
Subject: Crossovers

Has anyone written a Forever Knight-Doctor Who crossover?
It doesn't matter which of the Doctors; I like them all.

Evelyn Duncan
How do you catch a unique rabbit?


Date:    Sun, 4 May 2003 20:30:16 EDT
From:    Becky Hinson <bbhinson3@a.......>
Subject: Re: Crossovers

There's one I can think of, on <A HREF="www.fkfanfic.com">www.fkfanfic.com</A>
but I don't remember the name.

~Cousin Becky

Carpe DM --  Seize the Dungeon Master


Date:    Sun, 4 May 2003 21:24:19 EDT
From:    Robin Tidwell <Robinchristine79@a.......>
Subject: Re: Crossovers

>>Carpe DM-sieze the Dungeon Master

(snickers) Love it!!

Cousin Robin


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 09:53:33 +0800
From:    ell hase <relliza@h.......>
Subject: Re: questions

DPHEIL wrote: I'd love to hear LaCroix give a lecture about his life
>I bet there are a few historians who'd love to hear a first hand
>account of some battle or some other famous event...

Throw in Methos from "Highlander" <he and LC would probably argue about
things> and you'd have MY fantasy FK evening.


I'm in charge of finding myself,
and I make sure it never happens - Adam Pierson


Date:    Sun, 4 May 2003 22:16:15 EDT
From:    Evelyn Duncan <BrandyKitt@a.......>
Subject: Re: questions

In a message dated 05/04/2003 8:54:28 PM Central Daylight Time,
relliza@h....... writes:

Throw in Methos from "Highlander" <he and LC would probably argue about
things> and you'd have MY fantasy FK evening.


Definitely!  I can imagine LC coming into his studio one night and
seeing Methos lounging in the chair with a cold one in his hand.

Evelyn Duncan
How do you catch a unique rabbit?


Date:    Sun, 4 May 2003 19:31:06 -0700
From:    Ith <ithildin@o.......>
Subject: Re: questions

At 10:16 PM 05/04/2003 -0400, Evelyn Duncan wrote:
>Definitely!  I can imagine LC coming into his studio one night and
>seeing Methos lounging in the chair with a cold one in his hand.

Heh! That's how I opened a story once! With his stockinged  feet up on the

* Denise * Ithildin@o....... - http://ondragonswing.com * Ith *
     * Tales From The Darkwood - http://www.ondragonswing.com/tales *
  "Yeah, but I want to see me live happily ever after even more." ~Methos


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 11:41:22 +0800
From:    ell hase <relliza@h.......>
Subject: Re: questions

Hi Ith,

Evelyn Duncan wrote:
> >Definitely!  I can imagine LC coming into his studio one night and
> >seeing Methos lounging in the chair with a cold one in his hand.

Ith wrote:
>With his stockinged feet up on the

Ooh where is that story?


I'm in charge of finding myself,
and I make sure it never happens - Adam Pierson


Date:    Sun, 4 May 2003 20:42:38 -0700
From:    Ith <ithildin@o.......>
Subject: Re: questions

At 11:41 AM 05/05/2003 +0800, ell hase wrote:
>Hi Ith,

Hey! :)

>Ooh where is that story?

It's here: http://www.ondragonswing.com/tales/fkhl.htm along with all my
other FK and HL stories :)

Thanks for asking!

* Denise * Ithildin@o....... - http://ondragonswing.com * Ith *
     * Tales From The Darkwood - http://www.ondragonswing.com/tales *
  "Yeah, but I want to see me live happily ever after even more."


Date:    Sun, 4 May 2003 20:43:41 -0700
From:    Ith <ithildin@o.......>
Subject: Re: questions

At 11:41 AM 05/05/2003 +0800, ell hase wrote:
>Ooh where is that story?

Duh! would have helped if I gave you the title, huh?

It's called "A Ghost Of Winters Past"

* Denise * Ithildin@o....... - http://ondragonswing.com * Ith *
     * Tales From The Darkwood - http://www.ondragonswing.com/tales *
  "Yeah, but I want to see me live happily ever after even more."


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 05:52:23 +0200
From:    Gladys <joe_black_2000_3000@y......>
Subject: Re: FK fanfiction catalog

> What's the submission process for being in the catalog?

Thanks to everyone who liked the FK fanfiction catalog and wrote me that! We
have never thought about a submission form, but the webmaster gets up soon, and
I forward him this request. I'm sure he will come up with a solution. Until
then, if I missed your stories, just write me, and tell me every information you
want to have about them in the catalog.



Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 06:14:27 -0500
From:    eowyn3@j.......
Subject: Today's Birthday:  May 5

Hi Y'all!

Today is the birthday of:       Mildred G. Cady, Merc  Mommy General


You can send birthday greetings to Mildred at the above e-mail address.
Please NOT to the list!

People who share birthdays on this date include:
Michael Martin Murphey, Country Singer/Guitarist
John Rhys-Davies, Actor
Nellie Bly, Journalist, Civil Rights Leader
Soren Aalys Kierkegaard, Philosopher
Tammy Wynette, Country Singer

Significant events on this date:
1494, during his second voyage, Christopher Columbus sighted Jamaica.
1913, the American College of Surgeons is organized.
1961, astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. became America's first space
2000, Conjunction of Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Moon.

I hope you have a very Happy Birthday, Mildred!

If you would like to be added to the birthday announcements, please send
your name, birthdate (no year needed) and e-mail address to me,
privately, eowyn3@j....... and I'll be glad to add you.

eowyn3@j......., eowyn@w.......
GWDFC, G-IV & V Attendee, Knighties Listowner, TKD, FK X-Stitcher,
Proud Survivor of Fk-fic  Wars 8-11, Keeper of the FK Birthday List
She can be taught!  But only in little bytes!


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 10:51:21 -0600
From:    "Bryant, Heather" <Heather.Bryant@m.......>
Subject: FW: TVShowsOnDVD.com - News for Forever Knight

Crossing my fingers that this e-mail is reporting correctly!!

Cousin Heather

-----Original Message-----
From: news@t....... [mailto:news@t.......]
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 10:43 AM
Subject: TVShowsOnDVD.com - News for Forever Knight

Dear Heather,
We've added a news item for "Forever Knight" to the site. Here it is:

DavisDVD reports.... - 9:42 AM 5/05/2003
That's right, DavisDVD is reporting that "Forever Knight" is among the TV
product Columbia TriStar has slated for release later this year.

You were sent this email because you have expressed having "Forever Knight"
released on DVD. If you no longer want to receive these emails you may
change the setting in your User Options - "Change Account Information".

Gord Lacey - http://www.TVShowsOnDVD.com


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 13:00:35 -0400
From:    Portia <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: FW: TVShowsOnDVD.com - News for Forever Knight

I just got news about this, too, and was looking for the addy to forward it to
the list!  How wonderful if it is true!!!!!

:o) :o) :o) :o) :o)

Portia, somewhat...HAPPY!!!!!!! "g"


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 10:16:05 -0700
From:    Amanda Berendt <debrabant_foundation@y......>
Subject: Re: FW: TVShowsOnDVD.com - News for Forever Knight

I hope this is true.  We had a false alarm earlier this year about
COlumbia House, but it turned out not to be true.
-Amanda (hoping this is the real thing!)

"Give me your soul and your heart will take flight
Forevermore in the night, Forever MINE in the night"


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 12:52:46 -0500
From:    Kristin <kris1228@e.......>
Subject: Yes, it's real! Forever Knight IS coming to DVD!

Yes, it's true! Go here to see Columbia's Announcement:


~too excited for words~
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 13:56:33 -0400
From:    "Mildred G. Cady" <mgcady@h.......>
Subject: Re: Today's Birthday: May 5

>Today is the birthday of:       Mildred G. Cady, Merc  Mommy General

Damn it everyone.  I'm sorry to post this to everyone, but I forgot to
update my email address... that one doesn't work anymore...

use mgcady@h.......

Mildred G. Cady
~Merc Mommy General and Computer Genius, soon to be court-martialed
"Chocolate, Freedom, Mayhem for Profit"


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 11:05:11 -0700
From:    Amanda Berendt <debrabant_foundation@y......>
Subject: Re: Yes, it's real! Forever Knight IS coming to DVD!

--- Kristin <kris1228@e.......> wrote:
> Yes, it's true! Go here to see Columbia's Announcement:
> http://www.davisdvd.com/News/daily_news.htm

Yes, I read that too, but when I went to Sony's site as indicated on
the advertisement on the davisdvd site.

Forever Knight is not among the choices for the poll.  I don't know
where the davis dvd people are getting their info.
-Amanda (hoping, but a little wary)

"Give me your soul and your heart will take flight
Forevermore in the night, Forever MINE in the night"


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 11:50:10 -0700
From:    Jenice Coffey <jenice_coffey@h.......>
Subject: DVD

This is what came in my e-mail box today!

Dear Jenice Coffey,
We've added a news item for "Forever Knight" to the site.
Here it is:

DavisDVD reports.... - 9:42 AM 5/05/2003
That's right, DavisDVD is reporting that "Forever Knight"
is among the TV product Columbia TriStar has slated for release later
this year.

You were sent this email because you have expressed having
"Forever Knight" released on DVD. If you no longer want to
receive these emails you may change the setting in your User Options
- "Change Account Information".

Your Friend,
Jenice Coffey
Favorite Quote

"You don't love somebody because of their looks or their cloths or their
car. You love them because they sing a song that nobody but you can
understand." L.J. Smith Secret Vampire.


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 15:51:10 EDT
From:    DanaKnight@a.......
Subject: Forever Knight on DVD - new info from shows on dvd

Did anyone else get this message from TVShowsOnDVD.com?

We've added a news item for "Forever Knight" to the site. Here it is:

DavisDVD reports.... - 9:42 AM 5/05/2003
That's right, DavisDVD is reporting that "Forever Knight" is among the TV
product Columbia TriStar has slated for release later this year.

I hope they're right!!!!



Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 16:14:25 EDT
From:    Evelyn Duncan <BrandyKitt@a.......>
Subject: Re: Forever Knight on DVD - new info from shows on dvd

In a message dated 05/05/2003 2:57:55 PM Central Daylight Time,
DanaKnight@a....... writes:

Did anyone else get this message from TVShowsOnDVD.com?


Yes, I got it; now I'll really have to buy a DVD player!
I wonder if the first season will be the Canadian version
or the CBS version.  I hope it's the Canadian.

Evelyn Duncan
How do you catch a unique rabbit?


Date:    Mon, 5 May 2003 13:29:59 -0700
From:    Amy Aikman <red@s......>
Subject: Re: Forever Knight on DVD - new info from shows on dvd

> Did anyone else get this message from TVShowsOnDVD.com?

I got it too!  <dance dance dance>  I wonder what kind of neat features it'll
have - behind the sceens, bloopers, comments from cast and crew?



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 4 May 2003 to 5 May 2003 (#2003-131)

Previous digest Back to May's list Next digest

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