FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Dec 2002 to 23 Dec 2002 (#2002-372)
Mon, 23 Dec 2002
There are 6 messages totalling 159 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Happy Holidays Announcement
2. Auction alerts
3. The West Wing and FK (3)
4. coat of arms
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 17:05:55 -0800
From: Bonnie <callalily@l.......>
Subject: Happy Holidays Announcement
Dearest FORKNI-Lers,
At this most joyous and stressful time of year, the Bonnies would like to
thank you for keeping the spirit of Forever Knight alive, as is show beyond
all shows, with fans beyond all fans! We would also like to thank everyone
who has written and posted fiction this year -- your efforts have not gone
unnoticed or unappreciated.
We have a little Holiday present we would like to share with you all. You
can find it at --
Forever Knight Holiday Postcards -- we hope you will enjoy sending them to
your friends and loved ones!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good knight!
With Real Love,
Pardoe and Rutledge
"Up with trees!"
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 00:26:35 -0500
From: Quinn <quinn@g.......>
Subject: Auction alerts
Hi all!
If you are interested in being alerted to future charity auctions
please click on over to GWDFC_charity-subscribe@y.......
and join our GWDFC-charity announcement list. You can also sign up
for the list by visiting our web site and using the subscribe link in
the left frame.
Have good holidays everyone!
GWDFC officer quinn at
Official GWD Fan Club site -
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 07:48:08 -0800
From: Aurora Rose <aurorarose58@y.......>
Subject: Re: The West Wing and FK
KnghtWtch@a....... wrote:
Did anyone else notice the use of the deBrabant family name. And now in this
generation, they made it into French Royalty.
Happy Holidays to all. Health and Happiness to everyone.
YUP, I did notice it. My husband and I burst out laughing. We wondered whether
or not it was intentional (an FK fan is a writer) or it just kinda happened. He
was extremely handsome too..I dunno..that family line is simply yummy.
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 11:21:30 -0600
From: DPHEIL <dpheil@a.......>
Subject: Re: coat of arms
Someone sent this out awhile back
Did they make any progress?
If they found it I'd like to see it
Is there an address or can you send me a JPEG?
> I am uploading a drawing
> pf the Coat of Arms for
> North Brabant..this may have
> been done before but....
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 18:26:32 +0000
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......>
Subject: Re: The West Wing and FK
Aurora Rose wrote:
> YUP, I did notice it. My husband and I burst out laughing. We wondered whether
> or not it was intentional (an FK fan is a writer) or it just kinda happened. He
> was extremely handsome too..I dunno..that family line is simply yummy.
This has come up on several lists. No, Zoe did *not* introduce the young man as
being a de Brabant. His name was something-something-something Comte de
Bourbon. The Bourbons were the ruling family of France from about the 1600s on.
Pronounced in the French manner (and not the Kentucky whiskey manner <g>) it
does sound a bit like "de Brabant."
Sorry to be the wet blanket!
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 13:31:32 EST
From: Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: The West Wing and FK
In a message dated 12/23/02 12:27:39 PM Central Standard Time,
nancykam@a....... writes:
<< Comte de
Bourbon. The Bourbons were the ruling family of France from about the 1600s
Pronounced in the French manner (and not the Kentucky whiskey manner <g>) it
does sound a bit like "de Brabant.">>
Bourbon? BOURBON???
Screed would NOT be 'appy 'bout this.
<< Sorry to be the wet blanket! >>
Ya h'ain't, h'its tha' Bourbon character wot h'is.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Dec 2002 to 23 Dec 2002 (#2002-372)
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