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FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Nov 2002 to 1 Dec 2002 (#2002-350)

Sun, 1 Dec 2002
There are 9 messages totalling 353 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. FK on Space, season 1 order, and LC's un-death
  2. the ghostly stake? (2)
  3. Admin: Rules
  4. Find Your Vampire Name - Oh, Dear! (2)
  5. Today's Birthday:  December 1
  6. Birthday List Update
  7. Vampire Names


Date:    Sat, 30 Nov 2002 19:06:23 -0500
From:    Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: Re: FK on Space, season 1 order, and LC's un-death

>           ****Actually, Nick tells Joan of Arc is real name in the
>flashback in "For I Have Sinned" (Episode #103), so we didn't have to wait
>to the second season to find that out.
You're right I had forgotten she said you're Nicholas de Brabant  the man of
the night.



Date:    Sat, 30 Nov 2002 19:16:49 -0500
From:    Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: the ghostly stake?

In  the  episode dead of night Alyssa warns Nick that he should leave.  The
Ghosts of his victims  were  converging on the house and that if he stayed
he would  die.

I don’t mean to be difficult  and I am not blaming Nick for running from his
ghostly pursuers, (that makes sense considering the amount of guilt he
carries with him.). but just  how were  these ghosts going to kill Nick?

Vampires can only  be killed by fire, a stake and decapitation or  sunlight.

Ghosts   are by their very nature non  corporeal.   This would  make it very
difficult for one  them to pick up a stake  and plunge it through Nick’s
heart.  And although the light accompanying them seemed to repel Nick I find
it hard to believe since they were coming to kill that that light
represented any kind of divinity.

I suppose they might  have ultimately  set fire to the house  (the fire in
the fireplace did flare up  with their arrival ).   But if they did that
they would destroy  their own portal to  our world.

Mind you I am not saying Ghosts  can’t kill.    They might  under certain
conditions frighten a person  to death especially if that person  had a weak
heart , or cause them to fall down the stairs .  But  somehow I never
thought of   vampires being  prone to heart failure unless of course
there's a stake involved and I as far as I  know falling down  a flight of
stairs can  not kill a vampire.

Tracy’s ghost  tried to lure her in front of a on coming car.   It looked to
me as if  these  ghosts were herding Nick to Shirelle  but since they knew
what Nick was, they  had to  know he couldn’t be killed by a bullet.

I suppose  It’s possible that  ultimately they might have     driven  Nick
out into the sunlight.   .

Which brings me to the next question.

Having got Nick on the run why did they stop  after he crashed through the
window.  Tracy’s and Natalie’s ghosts proved these ghosts  had the ability
to  leave the house at will . .

And what happened afterward.  Nick  couldn’t just leave.  He  still had to
deal with the owner’s murder which meant  ghosts or not ghosts  he was going
to have to go back inside the house.

One comment.  I always thought Schanke should have turned up in this
episode.  If only to ask Nick why he never trusted him with the knowledge of
  what he was.


Date:    Sat, 30 Nov 2002 23:12:49 -0700
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: the ghostly stake?

> I suppose  It's possible that  ultimately they [ghosts] might have
> driven  Nick
> out into the sunlight.
Or, since Nick's condition has some pretty metaphysical components (in
my opinion, not Nat's of course ;-), perhaps they would be able to rip
his head off or something, once they all ganged up on him.

> Having got Nick on the run why did they stop  after he crashed through the
> window.  Tracy's and Natalie's ghosts proved these ghosts  had the ability
> to  leave the house at will .
Good question. As they said in the show, it's not the house that's
haunted, it's the people. Perhaps once they're outside the house,
they're too weak to do any actual physical damage, just talk, cause
hallucinations, or lure the victim into danger? (White Cheddar, please.)

> And what happened afterward.  Nick  couldn't just leave.  He  still had to
> deal with the owner's murder which meant  ghosts or not ghosts  he was going
> to have to go back inside the house.
Well, the owner's murder was open-and-shut, with the death of Shirelle,
so he just left Tracy & Reese to pick up the pieces. After all, he can't
do all the work for Tracy, now can he? :-)

> I always thought Schanke should have turned up in this
> episode.  If only to ask Nick why he never trusted him with the knowledge of
> what he was.
That would have been great! Fic, anyone?

Your very humble & most obedient servant,


Date:    Sun, 1 Dec 2002 10:09:27 -0500
From:    mclisa <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Admin: Rules

Roses are red,
Violets are  blue.
Break these rules,
And you could be, too.

McLisa, poetic for some unknown reason.

> > If you need a hand or have any questions please don't hesitate to
> > contact Don Fasig <Argent@e.......> or Lisa McDavid
> > <mclisa@m.......>.
> >
> > For tips on managing your Forever Knight subscriptions please visit
> > Don's page at: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7139/fk-lists.htm
> >
> > List digests are archived at:
> > https://knightwind1228.tripod.com/forkni.htm
> >
> >
> > 2. Please don't quote more than four lines of a previous post in
> > replying. If you have more than one point to answer, then you may
> > quote the relevant four lines for that point also.
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> > 3. Limit sigs to 6 lines. This includes all information, decoration
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> > text, your name and the blank line or lines between count as part of
> > the six line limit. If you have one of those services that insists on
> > putting an advertising tag on the end of posts, don't worry. We
> > realize you can't control that and it doesn't count as part of your
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> > 4. Please don't send to the whole list when you are only talking to
> > the person who wrote the post you are answering.
> >
> > 5. Advertising on list is on a case by case basis. Please consult the
> > listowners, Lisa McDavid, <mclisa@m.......> or Don Fasig,
> > <Argent@e.......f> or permission.
> >
> > 6. This list is for the discussion of Forever Knight. Cast, crew,
> > staff and producers in connection with what they're doing now or have
> > done in the past are ok. So are list members' FK- fannish activities
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> > if someone from the show is appearing, or if you're going to be
> > there. Non-FK vampires, or vampires in general, are _NOT_ ok.
> > Vampyres@t....... does that. McLisa can tell you how to
> > subscribe. . 7. Off-topic posts are _NOT_ allowed, no matter what
> > they are about or how urgent the warning may appear. If you have an
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> > Occasionally one of the fan club presidents will make an
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> > pseudonyms or posing as a character.
> >
> > 11. Each subscriber is limited to five posts per day on Forkni-l.
> >


Date:    Sun, 1 Dec 2002 11:52:45 EST
From:    Torrey Bruley <TorreyRN@a.......>
Subject: Re: Find Your Vampire Name - Oh, Dear!

OK here I am:
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Genevieve du Coudray
Known in some parts of the world as:
Venus of The Winged Death
The Great Archives Record:
Comes on silent wings in the night and wraps a deadly cloak about the victim;
impartial as a die, unyielding as stone.

       Hmmm not Bad ....but I hate to fly <g>.



Date:    Sun, 1 Dec 2002 10:57:44 -0600
From:    eowyn3@j.......
Subject: Today's Birthday:  December 1

Hi Y'all!

Today is the birthday of:       Lucie           Inicolua@p.......

You can send birthday greetings to Lucie at the above e-mail address.
Please NOT to the list!

People who share birthdays on this date include:
Woody Allen,Movie Producer/Director
Bette Midler, TV/Movie/Stage Actress
Lou Rawls, Jazz Singer
Rex Stout, Mystery-writer (Nero Wolfe)

Significant events on this date:
1878, The first telephone was installed in the White House.
1887, Sherlock Holmes first appears in print: "A Study In Scarlet."
1917, Father Edward Flanagan opened Boys Town.
1955, Rosa Parks, a black seamstress, refused to give up her seat to a
white man aboard a Montgomery, Ala., city bus.

I hope you have Very Happy Birthday, Lucie!

If you would like to be added to the birthday announcements, please send
your name, birthdate (no year needed) and e-mail address to me,
privately, eowyn3@j....... and I'll be glad to add you.

eowyn3@j......., eowyn@w.......
GWDFC, G-IV & V Attendee, Knighties Listowner, TKD, FK X-Stitcher,
Proud Survivor of Fk-fic  Wars 8-11, Keeper of the FK Birthday List
She can be taught!  But only in little bytes!


Date:    Sun, 1 Dec 2002 11:05:42 -0600
From:    eowyn3@j.......
Subject: Birthday List Update

Hi Y'all!

I need a current e-mail address for Clouddancer for the birthday list.

Cloud, if you want your birthday announced I need it asap. Thanks!

If anyone else would like to be added to the birthday announcements,
please send your name, birthdate (no year needed) and e-mail address to
me, privately, eowyn3@j....... and I'll be glad to add you.

eowyn3@j......., eowyn@w.......
GWDFC, G-IV & V Attendee, Knighties Listowner, TKD, FK X-Stitcher,
Proud Survivor of Fk-fic  Wars 8-11, Keeper of the FK Birthday List
She can be taught!  But only in little bytes!


Date:    Sun, 1 Dec 2002 09:36:46 -0800
From:    Viv <viv11374@y.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire Names

--- M Chamberlain <mcham_thorne@h.......> wrote:
 But what
> the heck is a
> Hierophant? My Funk&Wagnalls doesn't run to such exotic words.
Hierophant means high priest or pope (I think).


Don't annoy the crazy person

Life's a witch and then you fly


Date:    Sun, 1 Dec 2002 12:06:52 -0800
From:    Sherri C <sherric@e.......>
Subject: Re: Find Your Vampire Name - Oh, Dear!

But Torrey.... remember the war you got to fly with Vachon & sing
limericks??? <heh heh> Of course, you were slightly snockered at the time....

At 11:52 12/1/2002 -0500, Torrrey wrote:

>        Hmmm not Bad ....but I hate to fly <g>.

Sherri                          sherric@e.......


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Nov 2002 to 1 Dec 2002 (#2002-350)

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