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FORKNI-L Digest - 20 Jun 2002 to 21 Jun 2002 - Special issue (#2002-183)

Fri, 21 Jun 2002
There are 34 messages totalling 1013 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. How well did Nick know Urs? (15)
  2. OT: Squirrel Antics at FK show time
  3. Nick and Urs
  5. WINNERS! 2001 Forever Knight Fan Fiction Awards
  6. movie? (2)
  7. Nick Knight movie
  8. Admin: WARNING: ebay hoax e-mail
  9. 2002 Winners (2)
 10. squirrels & Nick's excuse
 11. Nick's excuses:  Blackwing & Bad Blood
 12. Opossums after dark (4)
 14. vampire abstinence (was: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?)
 15. There are carouches [Was:Opossums after dark]


Date:    Thu, 20 Jun 2002 14:27:15 -0700
From:    "Brooks, Julia A." <BROOKJU@m.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

> From: Paula Newman
> ... [Nick]went straight to Vachon to ask about Urs.  My personal
> speculation is that maybe she had become his go to person for
> sex after Janette had left.  Its just that we were never told
> about it.

Also de-lurking for a moment...

My opinion is that maybe not before, but certainly after HoD, Nick might
have gone to Urs for some succor.  There seemed to be such a sympatico
between them in that final scene on the rooftop by Echardt's hottub that
made me sit up and say "I wonder?" also.

OTOH, both Urs and Nick were emotionally needy individuals and I think that
their kind of relationship would have been self-destructive to both parties.
Which could be yet one more reason that Nick got so depressed as season
three progressed.  (Make my cheese Havaarti, please)

Back to lurking...
Julia B. (aka Brooksie) and Allie's Brook
forever Knightie crusader, Les Chevaliers de la Nuit
"And a screaming fine ride [he] is, too."
with Ginger (Woofpack) and Dusty (FoSiL)


Date:    Thu, 20 Jun 2002 18:12:01 -0700
From:    "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: OT: Squirrel Antics at FK show time

Hi Everyone:

Okay, while we were talking about this excuse
stuff...I thought you might appreciate this.

When I left for work yesterday, I set my VCR for
my daily dose of FK.  When I got home, I found
the timer was blinking and nothing had happened.
I later found out that the power surge had been
caused by an overly curious squirrel.
Apparently, the little furball decided to snoop
around at the local substation and cut off the
power to 9000 of us local residents at about
9:45AM until 11AM.  (Of course, this would have
to happen during FK.) <shrugs>

Enough of this stuff...More on LK coming up.




Date:    Thu, 20 Jun 2002 18:26:40 -0700
From:    "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Nick and Urs

Hi Everyone:

After watching today's ep again, I can see what
you guys are getting at with Nick and Urs.

A little more on LK.  Since Divia had removed Urs
from the picture in "Ashes", that would have also
removed her from Nick's orbit. Without an
immortal outlet, he would have gone stir crazy.

On the partner thing, as much as Tracy did try to
be a good partner, I see season 3 as Nick and
Nat's story/Tracy and Vachon's stories.  As such,
the support within the dept. which Schanke
provided in Seasons 1-2 wasn't there.  Also, Nick
was the "big brother"--a role which really didn't
suit him at that point.  More responsibility=more
opportunities=more times to fail=more guilt and
anxiety=rash reaction.

Oh well, that's my two cents.




Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 12:15:48 +0800
From:    Elliza Rahim <relliza@h.......>

Saw this clip on my morning news scan... They say it's aliens, but something
tells me one of our FK vamps went berserk and an Enforcer clean-up crew did
the rest of the stuff to muddle human investigations.


Argentina Sends 'X-Files' Team to Probe Animal Deaths

June 20
— BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) - Argentina is sending its own "X-Files"
scientists to probe strange deaths of farm animals found dissected,
mutilated and drained of blood on remote Pampa plains, killings some have
blamed on aliens.

Full story at: http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/reuters20020620_74.html


Date:    Thu, 20 Jun 2002 23:44:25 -0500
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......>
Subject: WINNERS! 2001 Forever Knight Fan Fiction Awards

I am pleased to announce the winners of the 2001 Forever Knight Fan Fiction

All the votes have been tallied (including "No Vote" in each category---if
are more "no vote" votes than votes for a story, there is no winner) and the
results are in. So, without further ado, the fan fiction readers' choices for
the best Forever Knight fiction of the past year are:

--Vignette: "Harbinger" by Jean Graham
--Short Story: "Getting Physical" by Eve Dutton
--Novelette: "The Gift" by Dorothy Elggren
--Novella: "Too Close for Comfort" by StormyNite
--Novel: "Five Years Later" by Kytaimnestra
--Poem: "Lost" by Phylis Sullivan
--Filk: "Vampires in the Night" by Patty Costantino

--Vignette: "A Moonlight Rendezvous" by Nancy Kaminski
--Short Story: "Waking Dreams" by Cindy Ingram
--Novelette: "Cold Comfort" by Klytaimnestra
--Novella: "Through a Glass Darkly" by Diane Harris
--Novel: "Games Strangers Play" by Patty Costantino

Congratulations to all the authors for their excellent efforts! And thanks to
everyone who participated in the awards this year. It's the support of readers
like you that keeps the authors writing the continuing adventures of Nick
and Co.

If you haven't already, please go to the Awards website (www.nancykam.com) and
read the winning stories. You're in for a treat!

(And winners, you'll be receiving the 2001 awards graphic to commemorate your
winning effort in the next couple of days!)

Until next year,
Nancy Kaminski
Awards Administrator

Nancy Kaminski
Participate in the 2001 Forever Knight
Fan Fiction Awards: www.nancykam.com


Date:    Thu, 20 Jun 2002 21:48:04 -0700
From:    StormBorn <thestormborn@m.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

Sunny pondered:
>> Isn't ‘not sharing blood’ for a long period of time for vampires the
equal to sex deprivation for humans? Maybe that's the reason why he finally
snapped in LK?<<

Contrary to what the boys may have told you in high school <g>, one does not
"snap" from a case of blue balls.  Even highly-sexed humans can endure long
periods of sexual abstinence without untoward mishaps.

www.voluptuarium.net (I'm working on it, I'm working on it!)
"It's not fair!"  "You say that so often.  I wonder what your basis for
comparison is?" -Sarah and Jareth, Labyrinth


Date:    Thu, 20 Jun 2002 22:43:57 -0500
From:    DPHEIL <dpheil@a.......>
Subject: movie?

HI . . . I've been watching forever knight for a while
(I wish it would have gone longer then 3 yrs)

I found out on the net there was a pilot movie

Nick Knight with Rick Springfield

Is there somewhere I can find a copy
I don't think it's something that would be at blockbuster
but I don't know where else to look

(or was it buried by sony?)



Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 01:08:10 -0400
From:    siona <siona@s.......>
Subject: Re: movie?

At 11:43 PM 06/20/02, you wrote:
>HI . . . I've been watching forever knight for a while
>(I wish it would have gone longer then 3 yrs)
>I found out on the net there was a pilot movie
>Nick Knight with Rick Springfield
>Is there somewhere I can find a copy
>I don't think it's something that would be at blockbuster
>but I don't know where else to look
>(or was it buried by sony?)

For DVD check ebay at
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1544599502  or



Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 03:47:13 -0400
From:    Cecilia Long <celong@m.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

>Contrary to what the boys may have told you in high school <g>, one does not
>"snap" from a case of blue balls.  Even highly-sexed humans can endure long
>periods of sexual abstinence without untoward mishaps.

Heck I still hear it from the 20-30 year olds at my work. You would swear
that they would just shrivel up and die if the didnt get SOMETHING!  IN fact
a friend and I had a bet.  He was harping on me to stop caffiene because I
didnt NEED it, I wouldnt die without it... So I said "fine, you give up
'self-indulgence' and Ill give up caffiene, and we will see who breaks
first! "
His respoinse was. "Well thats DIFFERENT. I NEED that."
"No you dont NEED it..."

Well to say I was surprised he agreed to to try, and was soundly cursed the
next day when we met up for lunch that the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue
arrived and I was evil incarnate!  ;-)


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 01:43:38 -0700
From:    Megan Hull <mistrydder@y.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

 Contrary to what the boys may have told you in high school , one does not
"snap" from a case of blue balls. Even highly-sexed humans can endure long
periods of sexual abstinence without untoward mishaps.

I know many men, including those in my family, who, being either unmarried or
deprived of their spouse, do not give in to ANY kind of indulgence, self or
otherwise.  Sex is by NO means neccessary to a person's sanity.  Though I would
imagine vampires find abstinace to be as annoying as humans often do, I don't
think it could drive them crazy.

"Eternal nights too short,

How quickly melt away,

With all the love we shared once,

Forever in a Day."


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 06:43:54 -0400
From:    Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

At 10:50 AM 6/20/2002 -0700, Sunny wrote:

>Isn't 'not sharing blood' for a long period of time for
>vampires the equal to sex deprivation for humans? Maybe
>that's the reason why he finally snapped in LK?

Umm... Sunny? Despite what you might think from reading the recent
pedophile-priest scandals, celibacy in humans does *not* cause insanity
(ask all the priests, nuns, monks, etc. who *have* honored their vows).
Forced celibacy generally does not cause insanity, either. Yet it seems
that you are implying that FK-vampire celibacy *does* cause insanity?

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
         UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 07:26:02 EDT
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

In a message dated 6/21/02 3:43:45 AM Central Daylight Time,
mistrydder@y....... writes:

<< Sex is by NO means neccessary to a person's sanity.>>
A human person's sanity. We aren't talking about humans, we are talking about

  <<Though I would imagine vampires find abstinace to be as annoying as
humans often do, I don't think it could drive them crazy. >>
We really have no canon to say it would or wouldn't, this is just someone's
theory. I could see it happening, myself.  FK Vampires are different than
humans. We don't need to eat blood to survive, for example, but FK Vampires
do as it is how they get their nurishment. I could see a scenerio where a
vampire needs the ... closeness of vampire sex to remain healthy, the
contact, the feeding from each other to regain and maintain strength.



Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 04:46:03 -0700
From:    StormBorn <thestormborn@m.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

Libs wrote:
>>I could see a scenerio where a vampire needs the ... closeness of vampire
sex to remain healthy, the contact, the feeding from each other to regain
and maintain strength.<<

Except that 'Crazy Love' is ep #213.  Throughout the first season and most
of the second, we're shown nothing that indicates that Nick needs to feed
from another vampire; in fact, he's shown resisting Janette's attempts at

www.voluptuarium.net (I'm working on it, I'm working on it!)
"It's not fair!"  "You say that so often.  I wonder what your basis for
comparison is?" -Sarah and Jareth, Labyrinth


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 07:54:54 EDT
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

In a message dated 6/21/02 6:46:56 AM Central Daylight Time,
thestormborn@m....... writes:

<< Except that 'Crazy Love' is ep #213.  Throughout the first season and most
 of the second, we're shown nothing that indicates that Nick needs to feed
 from another vampire; in fact, he's shown resisting Janette's attempts at
 seduction. >>
I was talking to remain emotionally healthy, not physically, and we don't
know what he was doing with Janette in the background ;-)

I guess a good comparison just for the fun would be a child or adult who is
not given physical contact, I don't think the love would be so important for
a FK vampire, but just the companionshipo of other vampires. Children who
grow up that way usually are "not" normal and do not function well in society.

Hmmm... makes me wonder if the reason that carouches are so... different.
Screed had Vachon, Urse, and in the past, Bourbon, who accepted him (well,
Bourbon didn't seem to really....) The other carouche we saw was absolutely
wild in the bushes and LaCroix treated it like a wild creature when he fed it
Nick's dog.

It is JUST a theory, after all, about a fictional television show, with
fictional vampires.



Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 14:20:14 +0200
From:    Lorin <vachesang@1.......>
Subject: Nick Knight movie

Someone asked on-list for the Nick Knight movie, but I lost the e-mail

Up for grabs: I have one VHS copy of the movie, taped from Lifetime
several years ago - the picture/sound quality is not great, but it is
watchable (it was all I had until I got the DVD, and I've watched it
several times).  It's NTSC, so you need a multisystem video player if
you're not in the USA.

The first person to ask gets it for free - unless you live in, like,
Australia or something where it'll cost me megabucks to send it, in
which case I'll ask something for postage.



Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 15:36:32 +0200
From:    Lorin <vachesang@1.......>
Subject: Admin: WARNING: ebay hoax e-mail

Posted with McLisa's authorization.

I just received an e-mail, supposedly from ebay, as follows:

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by
 (eBayInformation2) on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 12:56:06
message: Dear eBay User,<br><br>              This email is to notify
you of the previous bid you made. We received email from other eBay
users saying you did not pay them after the auction was closed. Due to
this problem, we would like for you to verify that you are the current
account holder of this eBay account. Please < a
href="www.angelfire.com/nb/ebayrefresh">click here</a> immediately and
go to our secure website and fill out the needed
information.<br><br>Have a nice day!<br>eBay

I visited the page, and it is a very official-looking page, using the
ebay logo and set up exactly like one of the ebay pages.  The only
problem is, ebay doesn't work like this.  If you don't pay for an item,
you get reported to ebay by the seller, and ebay sends you a warning.

This is obviously a hoax, but a very professional-looking one; if you
visit the page, they ask you for your ebay password, your paypal
details, and your credit card details.

I know Forever Knight items come up for auction on ebay regularly, and
I'm sure many members of this list bid on them.  I'd really hate for one
of 'our' folks to get caught by this.  If you receive this e-mail, or
one like it, do NOT give them any information.

Public service announcement over. ;-)



Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 06:30:38 -0700
From:    Helena Handbag <momra1@l.......>
Subject: 2002 Winners

Congratulations!! to all the recipients of this year's awards.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful stories.



Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 06:46:24 -0700
From:    Kelly C Smith <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

Okay, okay... I KNOW men can survive long periods of time without sex
(ask my husband!), but here's MY theory:  Since Nick drinks only bovine
blood, he is missing out on the emotions/life he would get, were he
drinking human. In 'Francesca', he told Nat that the blood is more than
just their food, it's how they feel and experience life.
Now, if Nick isn't getting it from the blood he drinks to survive, he has
to have the vampire blood sharing in order to experience the emotional
connection.  If not, *that* could drive a person insane... couldn't it?
I'll go back to working on my stories now...

KC Smith
Nick/Natpacker with Dark tendencies.
"I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 08:55:49 -0500
From:    Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

Just adding my thoughts. I do not think Nick knew Urs very well at all. To
him she was just Vachon's friend, with a notably sad soul. She is nothing
like Janette was to Nick. Nick knew Janette for almost 800 years and they
were more than lovers to each other. In season 3, he'll run across some
necks of the week and that's about it, except for the rare and unusual Nat

"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 08:59:16 -0500
From:    Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

Oh, but this is season 3, where Nick drinks quite a bit of *human* blood,
especially after "Night in Question" in the backsliding episodes, not to
mention, Marian's recent blood in "Blackwing" when he takes back his guilt
and darkness from her.

"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."

Since Nick drinks only bovine
> blood, he is missing out on the emotions/life he would get, were he
> drinking human.


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 06:58:22 -0700
From:    Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Re: squirrels & Nick's excuse

Oh man, anybody else getting visions of that GEICO
commercial? <g>  Little squirrel carouches created
by Screed gang up on unsuspecting Toronto motorists.

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 07:06:51 -0700
From:    Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

 From: "Brenda Bell"
> Forced celibacy generally does not cause insanity, either. Yet it seems
> that you are implying that FK-vampire celibacy *does* cause insanity?

Well, we are talking about  a totally different species
here, the rules for which seem to have been rather
loosely defined by the show.  Perhaps it could be
the case for FK vamps.

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 10:06:56 -0400
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: Nick's excuses:  Blackwing & Bad Blood

> If he was in the Southern US, he could yell "'POSSUM!"<g>
        Driving a big old Caddy?
        You aim for it and yell "DINNER!"
        RoadKill ala Cadillac.
        Screed will bring the wine.

     Tim Phillips
     Systems Developer II
     802-241-3420    timp@d.......
     "We can afford the time to do it right tomorrow more
     than we can afford doing it wrong today and
     redoing it tomorrow."


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 08:37:23 -0700
From:    Beverly Collins-LaCroix <beverlylacroix@w.......>
Subject: Opossums after dark

<<The opossum has gradually extended its range (see Audubon field guide
for mammals). They are now quite common in northern Illinois and central
Iowa. (Maybe farther north, too, but I can personally vouch for northern
Illinois and central Iowa.) Their little bald ears and tail tend to get
frostbitten, but it doesn't faze them. Who knows? In a few more years,
the vampires of Toronto will be able to yell--or sip--"'possum".>>

That sounds like an underground club, Opossums After Dark.  I hate
opossums, and I know they're nocturnal, but when I was watching Screed
fill his glass from his hanging rats, I didn't see one opossum on his
rat line.  I wonder if he would consider ...  Naaaaaah, he's a rat

P.S.  Is there any such word as "carouche?"



Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 11:46:32 -0400
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Opossums after dark

In a message dated Fri, 21 Jun 2002 10:37:23 AM Eastern Standard Time,
beverlylacroix@w....... writes:

I wonder if he would consider ...  Naaaaaah,
> he's a rat
> carouche.>>
Although he craves rats, he apparently at least occasionally tries other
animals as he doesn't like dogs. "Too much drool, dogs." LaCroix didn't even seem to
consider what kind of animal the carouche he fed Nick's dog to liked, or at
least that we know of (it could be he'd seen the carouche sample dog before). I
doubt there'd ever be a shortage of rats, but if there was, I suspect Screed
would eat anything.

Except white lab rats, they give 'im indy-gest-tation!

> P.S.  Is there any such word as "carouche?"
Not that I've been able to find.



Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 11:58:02 -0400
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: Opossums after dark

> > P.S.  Is there any such word as "carouche?"
> Not that I've been able to find.
        I wonder if that is "screedspeak"?
        What happens if you "reverse the procedure?"
        What is the "english" version?
        Maybe we've been coming at this from the wrong angle?

        My guesses:
        The Roach
        Carbonized Toast
        Car Ouch.....


     Tim Phillips
     Systems Developer II
     802-241-3420    timp@d.......
     "We can afford the time to do it right tomorrow more
     than we can afford doing it wrong today and
     redoing it tomorrow."


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 09:41:07 -0700
From:    Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Opossums after dark

"Carouche" must have been invented specifically for Forever Knight.  I've never
heard it anywhere else.  In fact, it's been ages since I've heard it at all.
I'd forgotten exactly how it was pronounced.  Just watched Blind Faith on my
tape last night.  It's been ages since I've seen that episode -- or season 3.

--- Beverly Collins-LaCroix <beverlylacroix@w.......> wrote:
> P.S.  Is there any such word as "carouche?"

Emily M. Hanson
Homepage - http://www.geocities.com/hansone.geo/index.html
My Web Graphics - http://www.galaxyofimages.com


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 10:26:21 -0700
From:    Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>

You know you're been reading/watching too much FK when you see a comic strip,
and one character reports that all the memories of senior management were being
erased and the other character asks how, and you think "Vampire whammy!"


Emily M. Hanson
Homepage - http://www.geocities.com/hansone.geo/index.html
My Web Graphics - http://www.galaxyofimages.com


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 10:34:07 -0700
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

--- StormBorn <thestormborn@m.......> wrote:
> Contrary to what the boys may have told you in high
> school <g>, one does not
> "snap" from a case of blue balls.

I went to an all girl's high school (school in general if
you're wondering), there were no boys to tell me anything
so I guess that's why my information isn't first hand. As
for what I mean by 'snap', I was more referring to Nick
devouring Nat on the spot. I think there is probably a
difference between a satiated and a starving vampire when
they bite you. I assumed the same would be true for a
happy and a sexually frustrated man.


LaCountess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk

"Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!"
--Homer Simpson


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 10:57:55 -0700
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: vampire abstinence (was: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?)

--- Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......> wrote:
> Umm... Sunny? Despite what you might think from reading
> the recent pedophile-priest scandals, celibacy in
> humans does *not* cause insanity (ask all the priests,
> nuns, monks, etc. who *have* honored their vows).

I'm no Christian either so I don't know much about these
priests. Where I used to go to school, they told us men
would get blind with need if they were deprived and that
women had to cover themselves for the sake of their
sanity. Of course I always knew it was all BS. As for
religions, the only religion I believe in has just one
priestess and that's me. And the priestess who's also a
vampire expert says that since drinking blood for a
vampire is also the equal of food, water and intimate
affection in addition to sex, it is not too far fetched
to believe that abstinence might cost a vampire its
sanity. Read the stories about vampires who were trapped
somewhere without any source of blood for a long time and
you get my meaning.


LaCountess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk

"Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!"
--Homer Simpson


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 11:02:25 -0700
From:    StormBorn <thestormborn@m.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

Libratsie wrote:
>> I guess a good comparison just for the fun would be a child or adult who
is not given physical contact, I don't think the love would be so important
for a FK vampire, but just the companionshipo of other vampires. Children
who grow up that way usually are "not" normal and do not function well in

The phenomenom you're referring to is, I believe, referred to as 'skin
hunger.'  I agree wholeheartedly that the companionship of other vampires is
necessary for FK vampires to function properly; this is why I've always felt
that Nick's course was a self-destructive one.  IMHO, of course.

>>Hmmm... makes me wonder if the reason that carouches are so... different.
Screed had Vachon, Urse, and in the past, Bourbon, who accepted him (well,
Bourbon didn't seem to really....) The other carouche we saw was absolutely
wild in the bushes and LaCroix treated it like a wild creature when he fed
it Nick's dog.<<

Good point!



Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 11:10:26 -0700
From:    StormBorn <thestormborn@m.......>
Subject: Re: How well did Nick know Urs?

Sunny wrote:
>>As for what I mean by 'snap', I was more referring to Nick devouring Nat
on the spot. I think there is probably a difference between a satiated and a
starving vampire when they bite you. I assumed the same would be true for a
happy and a sexually frustrated man.<<

Thanks for the clarification.  I think the proper analogy, though, is
between a starving man and a starving vampire, not a sexually frustrated man
and a starving vampire.

www.voluptuarium.net (I'm working on it, I'm working on it!)
"It's not fair!"  "You say that so often.  I wonder what your basis for
comparison is?" -Sarah and Jareth, Labyrinth


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 11:13:27 -0700
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: 2002 Winners

I also wanted to congratulate all the winners and thank
all the voters for keeping the awards alive for another
year. Special thanks to Nancy Kaminski for organizing and
supervising the awards. You rule Nancy.

Sunny LaCountess

LaCountess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk

"Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!"
--Homer Simpson


Date:    Fri, 21 Jun 2002 14:22:29 EDT
From:    MRKKaye@a.......
Subject: There are carouches [Was:Opossums after dark]

In a message dated 6/21/2002 12:41:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
emilymhanson@y....... writes:

>Carouche" must have been invented specifically for Forever Knight.  I've never
>heard it anywhere else.  In fact, it's been ages since I've heard it at all

Carouche is used mostly when talking about - appropriately enough - antiques.
It refers to a border, usually very ornate, around information, ie. a name
and/or date on a map or embedded on a piece of porcelain. It would not
surprise me if this was a misspelling of the word 'cartouche' that has taken
on a meaning of its own - the border on a cartouche is usually plain, but
even at its most intricate, not as ornate as a carouche.

M. Kaye


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 20 Jun 2002 to 21 Jun 2002 - Special issue (#2002-183)

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