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FORKNI-L Digest - 5 Jun 2002 to 6 Jun 2002 (#2002-168)

Thu, 6 Jun 2002

There are 8 messages totalling 202 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Forever Knight's Current Stats at TVshowsondvd.com
  2. Attention Caddywacks
  3. Queen of Harps - Ger's brother
  4. Looking for List of Toronto Tour Sites! (2)
  5. Oh Curses!  Cousin Will's Bad Spelling!!
  6. Another pair of props
  7. Schanke as vampire


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 18:54:12 EDT
From:    Merrie Thomas <Dragoness987@a.......>
Subject: Re: Forever Knight's Current Stats at TVshowsondvd.com

Well goodness gracious that's good to hear!! Keep those votes coming!! :-)
Cousin Merrie


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:21:07 -0700
From:    Knight Ranger <knightranger1228@y.......>
Subject: Re: Attention Caddywacks

The color's right, but the year is wrong.  That is a
1959.  Nick's was a 1961/1962.

--- Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......> wrote:
> I can't believe he even got the color right. What is
it with that green-blue? It's like that particular
model was born in that particular color. Not that it
isn't pretty.
> Sunny

e-mail:  KnightRanger1228@y.......
Geraint Wyn Davies Fan for Life!  (GWDFC/GWDN)
Dark Knightie/Nick & Nat Packer/Caddy Whack/FOREVER KNIGHT Die Hard
BLACK HARBOUR Lobster Yacht Lot/Harbour Light  ** -- GAIRWOLFpack -- **
"We Are The Lemmings And We're Proud!"


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:28:56 -0700
From:    Knight Ranger <knightranger1228@y.......>
Subject: Queen of Harps - Ger's brother

Someone said they thought Ger's brother was the second
from the right.  I think he was the first one shown
before the camera starts panning right.  He is
standing a little back behind an older man with a grey
hair and beard.

Knight Ranger

e-mail:  KnightRanger1228@y.......
Geraint Wyn Davies Fan for Life!  (GWDFC/GWDN)
Dark Knightie/Nick & Nat Packer/Caddy Whack/FOREVER KNIGHT Die Hard
BLACK HARBOUR Lobster Yacht Lot/Harbour Light  ** -- GAIRWOLFpack -- **
"We Are The Lemmings And We're Proud!"


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 22:05:18 -0400
From:    Will Steeves <goid@i.......>
Subject: Looking for List of Toronto Tour Sites!

Greetings, Fellow FORKNI-L Members!

A few of you will recall my mentioning on this very list that I was planning
to come up to Toronto at some point during the "Exodus to Stratford" months
and do a Toronto filming sites tour for whatever visiting fans would like one.

To that end, I was going to do something that I've never done before in over
7 years of giving these tours, namely actually get organised beforehand!!
That's not to say that a little creative disorganisation isn't kind of fun,
but I wanted to run a "structured" tour for a change.

With that in mind, I pulled up my list of sites and then it occurred to me
that, "Oh wait, there have been some new site discoveries lately", and I
wanted to add these to my list.  So, I attempted to find Jan Jomes'
excellent site (www.alpinemeadow.com/fk/sitemaps.htm), only to find that it
has been closed down "for revamping" :-)

Were it not for this excellent site, I was eventually (I know, like when is
that, Oh Mister Speed-Of-Will?) going to create a similar "master list" of
filming sites, but since Jan's site did such a good job of it, I didn't want
to intrude (or, okay...or was it just that I was lazy, Oh Mister
Procrastination Incarnate?).

At any rate, if anyone has "the master list", I'd love to add it to my own
list, and yes, I WILL immortalise it somehow, I promise. :-)  If you can
help, please contact me offlist. (Well, this DOES pertain to FK, so I
suppose that you certainly won't be running afoul of any list rules that I
know of, so if you want to post it, that's probably okay too).

Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!  :-)


P.S. : To those who are scheduled to come along (the plans are tentative -
what else is new? :-) ), yes I can still do a tour.  I know the "major
sites", but I'd also love to see the newest "minor" sites because there are
always fans who want to see EVERYTHING!  :-)  (Which is good, and I always
love to oblige!)


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 22:09:43 -0400
From:    Will Steeves <goid@i.......>
Subject: Oh Curses!  Cousin Will's Bad Spelling!!

In my last post, I referred to the web mistress of the apparently
now-defunct FK filming sites list page as "Jan Jomes".  She is in fact Jan
JONES, and let's all join me in cursing Cousin Will's lousy spelling once



Date:    Thu, 6 Jun 2002 00:55:54 -0400
From:    Marg <mytoronto@r.......>
Subject: Re: Looking for List of Toronto Tour Sites!

Will Steeves wrote:
> At any rate, if anyone has "the master list", I'd love to add it to my own
> list, and yes, I WILL immortalise it somehow, I promise. :-)  If you can
> help, please contact me offlist. (Well, this DOES pertain to FK, so I

I did this. most

Marg   <mytoronto@r.......>
In Toronto, the City of the Knight


Date:    Thu, 6 Jun 2002 11:51:57 -0400
From:    "Susan M. Garrett" <susanmgarrett@e.......>
Subject: Another pair of props

Just FYI, I've placed a second set of the FK prop wine labels up on
ebay.  I had gotten them from a props buyer - they were meant for Raven
bottles but were left over when production ended.

I've settled on matting them, the first of two types in an easily frameable
8x10 mat, the second (Baron De Lucard - I kid you not!) in an easily
frameable 5x7 mat.

They're on Ebay now.  Plus I'll be donating sets to the charity auctions as
well.  I only had a handful of these, so when they're gone, they're
gone.  They are original prop labels for Raven bottles, not duplications.

susanmgarrett@e.......  -- EVER Faithful Ravenette.
  FK Fiction - http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/2167/fiction.htm
"Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies."


Date:    Thu, 6 Jun 2002 12:08:07 -0400
From:    "Susan M. Garrett" <susanmgarrett@e.......>
Subject: Schanke as vampire

Going back a few years, here's a story Jaime wrote in which Schanke became
a vampire.  Actually two stories.

When Life Hands You A Lemon, Rewrite History/Welcome to the Family


And I believe at least one of the DTD challenges addressed this topic.

susanmgarrett@e.......  -- EVER Faithful Ravenette.
  FK Fiction - http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/2167/fiction.htm
"Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies."


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 5 Jun 2002 to 6 Jun 2002 (#2002-168)

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