FORKNI-L Digest - 4 Jun 2002 to 5 Jun 2002 (#2002-167)
Wed, 5 Jun 2002
There are 11 messages totalling 301 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. <No subject given>
2. Fkfanfic question
3. Fiction query: Vampire Schanke? (5)
4. Vampires and total recall (3)
5. queen of Harps historical problems
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 18:15:58 -0400
From: Amanda Berendt <debrabant@h.......>
Subject: <No subject given>
I subnitted a story to Fkfanfic-l and I forgot to put permission to archive
the story on the fanfic sites. Could someone please tell me how I can
rectify this? I know I can't repost the story - That would be rude :)
"Peace over anger. Honor over hate. Strength over fear."
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 20:19:54 -0400
From: Amanda Berendt <debrabant@h.......>
Subject: Fkfanfic question
I subnitted a story to Fkfanfic-l and I forgot to put permission to archive
the story on the fanfic sites. Could someone please tell me how I can
rectify this? I know I can't repost the story - That would be rude :)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 21:43:02 -0500
From: Stephen Fellows <stevef@l.......>
Subject: Fiction query: Vampire Schanke?
Are there any stories out there where Schanke is brought across?
I had an idea long ago for one, but I'll never write it. I would, however, like
to read some, if anyone could post links to such stories.
Steve F.
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 15:20:07 +1200
From: Knightraven <kiwisun@i.......>
Subject: Re: Fiction query: Vampire Schanke?
The only ones i know of are some wonderful UFer stories written by Elfin.
Splash of Gold
Raven Awards :
> Are there any stories out there where Schanke is brought across?
> I had an idea long ago for one, but I'll never write it. I would,
> however, like to read some, if anyone could post links to such stories.
> Thanks,
> Steve F.
> stevef@l.......
> --
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 09:13:08 -0400
From: Bonnie Rutledge <llamababe@c.......>
Subject: Re: Fiction query: Vampire Schanke?
<snip> Are there any stories out there where Schanke is brought across?<snip>
The 'Forever Schanke' stories:
The second story not only has a vampire Schanke, it's a xover w/ Dark
Knight-style Batman.
Bonnie Rutledge<-------------------------------Omnifemale Llama!
Lily Angelina's Cool Aunt!......... llamababe@c.......
"How's my little monkey foot punk princess?"
"Is she talking to the dog or the baby?"
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 06:23:28 -0700
From: Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Re: Vampires and total recall
From: "Mary Combs" <mcombs@e.......>
> For starters, I think Nick knows all of John Donne's poems by heart....
Well, we know there's a pretty good chance LaCroix
does. <g>
" One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And Death shall be no more: Death, thou shalt die! "
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 06:22:38 -0700
From: Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Re: Vampires and total recall
D'oh! thanks. <sheepish grin>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary Combs" <mcombs@e.......>
To: "Laudon1965" <Laudon1965@c.......>
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 7:59 PM
Subject: RE: Re: [FORKNI-L] Vampires and total recall
> Laurie --
> Choice quote <gr> but this came just to me, not to the whole list...
> Mary
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Laudon1965 [mailto:Laudon1965@c.......]
> > Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2002 10:19 AM
> > To: mcombs@e.......
> > Subject: Re: Re: [FORKNI-L] Vampires and total recall
> >
> >
> >
> > From: "Mary Combs" <mcombs@e.......>
> >
> > > For starters, I think Nick knows all of John Donne's poems by heart....
> >
> > Well, we know there's a pretty good chance LaCroix
> > does. <g>
> >
> > " One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
> > And Death shall be no more: Death, thou shalt die! "
> >
> > Laurie of the Isles
> >
> >
> >
> >
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 06:30:41 -0700
From: Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Re: Vampires and total recall
Yikes! *This* was supposed to go to Mary, not the list.
<sigh> Divia, damnit, get out of my computer! <g>
Laurie of the Isles
From: "Laudon1965"
> D'oh! thanks. <sheepish grin>
> Laurie
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 06:33:26 -0700
From: Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Fiction query: Vampire Schanke?
This would make an interesting challenge. :)
--- Stephen Fellows <stevef@l.......> wrote:
> Are there any stories out there where Schanke is brought across?
Emily M. Hanson
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Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 09:48:35 -0400
From: Gladys Bears <rockiebears@n.......>
Subject: Re: Fiction query: Vampire Schanke?
>--- Stephen Fellows <stevef@l.......> wrote:
>> Are there any stories out there where Schanke is
>> brought across?
We have vampire Schanke in James Walkswithwind's story: Just In Memory. URL is:
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 09:55:18 -0400
From: Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: Re: queen of Harps historical problems
>--- BKBVA@a....... wrote:
> He was long gone from Wales before Delabarre would have taken over the
>land and there's nothing in series canon to indicate that Nick was
>ever in the area again.
I realize that of course but the situation just calls for LaCroix to use
it to teach Nick the fine art of revenge and prove to him that as a
superior being he was no longer subject to the whims of such men as
Delabarre. And who knows? LaCroix who liked to tamper with politics might
have had his own reasons to go to Wales. Or Lord Delabarre might have
been summoned to where they were. It was the Feudal system after all.
Everyone was subject to the one above them, even Lord Delabarre. Besides I
have always been surprised by the amount of travelling people actually
did in those days. You would think with it being so hard to get from one
place to another that people in those days would just stay put. But so
often they didn't
Of course as a story it would probably work better if LaCroix were
the one who explained to Nick what had happened, but I suspect that by
1228 Nick would have already worked that out for himself After
fighting x number of years in the crusades I doubt he had many illusions
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 4 Jun 2002 to 5 Jun 2002 (#2002-167)
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