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FORKNI-L Digest - 30 May 2002 to 31 May 2002 (#2002-162)

Fri, 31 May 2002

There are 23 messages totalling 864 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. LaCroix' teaching (3)
  2. Latin? (2)
  3. Whammy: (was: Did he or didn't he? LC & Nat's drink)
  4. who would you choose.... (3)
  5. Queen of Harps (7)
  6. The Duck Lamp
  7. Nick at the Crusades
  8. Blu
  9. Queen of Harps' historical problems (2)
 10. FK ALUMNI- VCR Alert for June (2)


Date:    Thu, 30 May 2002 20:01:51 -0400
From:    Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix' teaching

> LC was a Roman general, domination was all he knew.  Nick was a
> crusader, and I think he was probably a foot soldier,

Nick was most definitely not a foot soldier.
He was a knight, and a knight was, by definition at the time Nick lived, a
rider, a man who fought on horseback. The French for Knight, "Chevalier"
(one of Nick's aliases) is based on the word for horse, "cheval."

It wasn't until many centuries later that "knight" became a nice little
title for royalty to dispense as it pleased, with no real military
obligations nor any real benefits (except the honorific "Sir" and a better
place in line at formal functions) attached.

In Nick's time, a knight was not necessarily wealthy, by any means--but do
we know from various episodes in the series that Nick was very highly born.

However, when it comes to "taking orders," Nick need not have been of lowly
station to have acquired the ability to follow commands. He grew up in a
time when obedience was a far more important concept than it is in our
society. This included not only obedience to one's superiors in rank or age
or station, but also obedience to those who were of similar rank but to whom
one had *promised* obedience in certain matters. That business of the
promise is what LaCroix holds up to him more than once, knowing quite well
how important an obligation would be to Nick.

mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
"RL=Real Life. It's that stuff that keeps happening that gets in the way of
that other stuff."--Sue Clark


Date:    Thu, 30 May 2002 21:11:09 -0400
From:    Emily Lacey <laceye@a.......>
Subject: Latin?

I took Latin close to 30 years ago, and I remember that Gaul is
divided into three parts.
I hate to admit, but I don't know (or remember if I ever knew) what
"quid pro quo" means. LaCroix seems to use it alot...and I've just
taken it to mean "tit for tat". I've tried to find a translation on
the Internet but can't.
Would someone please educate me...offlist?
Emily Lacey


Date:    Thu, 30 May 2002 21:32:42 -0400
From:    Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......>
Subject: Re: Latin?

 The most literal translation of the Latin words is "what for what." In our
present understanding, a more accurate translation would be "this for that."
The basic idea is that of an exchange. I do something for you, and you, in
turn, do something for me.



Date:    Thu, 30 May 2002 22:05:55 -0400
From:    Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix' teaching

>From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>

>In Nick's time, a knight was not necessarily wealthy, by any means--but do
>we know from various episodes in the series that Nick was very highly born.

I think I read somewhere that by the thirteenth century they were tightening
up on just  who could become a Knight, starting to make it the domain of the
aristocracy.   At the very least you had to be a  son of  knight  to
qualify.     Nick was definitely  no foot soldier.  Although  obviously
very young and inexperienced  Nick was supposed to be  acting as   Lord
Delabarre's aide or something like that.  giving him a definite status in
the Delabarre household. (  In fact Nick's whole attitude while he was
serving under Lord Delabarre was  that of an aristocratic  I can pretty much
do what I like. including  fool around with  the  Gwyneth .  I say fool
around because romance aside  there was no way the Christian  Nick,   would
  ever  have been permitted to marry  the  pagan Gwyneth . His family would
not have given their consent. and in those days Nick  couldn't have married
without their consent.  If they thought  something like that was in the wind
they probably would have sent him off to the crusades to get him away from
her. )  .

That aside  LaCroix would never have been at all  interested in Nick  if he
had been just  A foot soldier.  Remember  LC asked Janette if it was true
she was related to royalty before he brought her across.  LaCroix was not
about to make a commoner, his son.

I agree life was very regulated under the feudal system and Nick would
definitely recognize he had an obligation to LaCroix.

I still think  LaCroix's personality  is such that he would have no qualms
about  imposing  his will on a resister  even if it meant  he destroyed
their sanity.    Nick might hesitate to do that.  especially with someone
like Natalie   whom he liked.  It is possible  Nick might find   a way to
whammy   a resister if someone whom he cared about life was at stake.   I
should also like to  point out  that  most    of Nick's failed whammyings
took place in public.


p.s. Nick staked LaCroix  the second episode of Dark Knight in spite of
being  weak with hunger.   Even if  you argue   LaCroix   didn't  ever
intend    to kill Nick I doubt  somehow  LC meant for  himself to get
staked. Nick  also defeated LC in   Killer Instinct.


Date:    Thu, 30 May 2002 22:59:23 -0000
From:    Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: Whammy: (was: Did he or didn't he? LC & Nat's drink)

Shana wrote:


> herself. I think that would explain the differences in Nat's behavior
> towards and around Nick in the latter part of the second season, and in
> the third season, compared with the easy comaraderie they shared

I find this a very interesting idea.  There have been many suggestions about
why Nat's interaction with Nick changed (including bad writing <g>) but this
makes quite a bit of sense to me.  Nat would have felt horribly betrayed by
Nick's "I'm only playing along to keep her helping me" story and would have
been even more annoyed that he wouldn't even do what she suggested when he
didn't even care about her.

It even explains Nat's non-recognition of LaCroix in Night in Question.  If
she was still pretending that Azure didn't happen she would have no reason
to recognize LC.  Of course, his hypnotizing her after BMV would account for
that, too:-)



Date:    Thu, 30 May 2002 22:42:58 -0500
From:    Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: who would you choose....

Hmm.... I'm reading through the answers to these questions and realizing I
don't watch the same shows everyone else watches.  But thinking about the
shows I do watch....
I think maybe Ruth from Six Feet Under.  It would be very liberating for
her.  She'd be h_ll on wheels.  The only problem LC might have is
restraining her from having too good a time. <g>

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 00:11:28 -0700
From:    "B. Stone" <STONEB@g.......>
Subject: Queen of Harps

Disjointed observations:
1.  This time through, I watched *very* carefully as the pitchfork-wielding
     serfs came into view and decided, for once, to accept that the old-looking
     ones were really old (no make-up) and the bearded ones really had beards
     (no fake hair) and that left only one who resembled GWD's brother:  second
          from the right.  And it really does look like him.

2.  What Schanke says as he and Nick pass the perp being handcuffed in the
     precinct (Emyr Wyn Davies again) is:  "....a significant coincidence".
     And it certainly is!  Not only do we have Nick facing De la Barre again
     after 800 years, and a lady who resembles the harpist and who cares deeply
     about the harp and her people, but we even have a reincarnation of one of
     the serfs who cornered Nick.  Only this time, he's the one being cornered.
     I think this ep deserved a Gemini for Best Creative Use of Nepotism.

3.  Nick seems to be uncharacteristically guilt-free concerning his role in
     the death of the antiques dealer.  Or did I miss something?  If the harp
     had not been missing, De la Barre would not have killed the dealer, right?

4.  I've watched this episode many, many times and yet this is the first time
     it occurred to me that the harp could have been Nick's ticket to mortality.
     (Yes, I know I can be a bit slow on the uptake sometimes.....)
     The curse on the harp guarantees its (wrongful) owner a short life.  If
     Nick had kept the harp, would he have died shortly after obtaining it?
     Previous owners all perished by age 55--Nick is a tad past that.  Would the
     curse still work?  Would it work faster on the grounds that Nick is already
     older than the curse allows?  Would it simply guarantee that
     he would die sometime in the next 55 years? Or would the lengthof remaining
     life be pro-rated according to "vampire years"?  Which brings us back to
     "Would the curse still work?":  3/4 of infinity is still infinity.   But
     Nick never seems to be considering the harp as a means to his mortality. He
     could be, when he silently broods over the harp in his loft, but we don't
     know what he's thinking.   He just seems bent on returning the harp to its
     proper owner.  I wonder if anything concerning Nick's possibletemptation to
     "commit suicide by harp" was cut from the original script?  The way it
     stands, the closest we get to a suggestion that Nick should keep the harp
     for his own special purpose is when he faces De la Barre for the last time
     and De la Barre says, "You don't know what it is to live under a curse.
     Every member of my family has died by age 55."  We see Nick's face and we
     know that he is thinking that he most certainly does know what it is to
     live under a curse and that he would happily trade curses with De la Barre.

                B. Stone


Date:    Thu, 30 May 2002 22:08:19 -0700
From:    Red <red@s.......>
Subject: Re: The Duck Lamp

Coincidently, there's several on eBay right now. =)  If I ever saw one in
person, I do think I'd be tempted...


> Omigods, I found Schanke's duck lamp!  It's at TEC Innovations
> (http://misc.home.mindspring.com/index.htm) and it's about about an inch
> high, but there it is! (Look under 'Den Lamps' and scroll down.)


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 09:29:56 -0400
From:    Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: Nick at the Crusades

I should also have added that by sending Nick to the crusades they
effectively put him under the jurisdiction of church law.  He could not be
charged  or held responsible for  any crime he had  allegedly committed
before he went to the crusades while he was serving in the Holy Land.
(remember Henry II and Becket fought about  that aspect of church law.)

No one not even Lord Delabarre  would expect  Nick   to give up any  of  his
social standing during his penance. He probably was sent  to much the same
position he  had  held in the Delabarre household.



Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 23:08:45 +0930
From:    jennii35 <jennii35@i.......>
Subject: Blu

        Joe Reese    lol a cop again
       Just saw Blu Mankuma in a show
       made in 1991, called " A Mother's
       Justice" he was in it quite a lot

Dark Knightie and UFer


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 09:43:51 -0400
From:    Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix' teaching

>From: Nathalie <kleinemaus@c.......>
. you know, as for LC being an indulgent father, I think
>with Nick that shows through even more. . .I think someone else mentioned
>this but I don't think LC had any biological --as in someone having his
>child kind of biological -- sons. And, up until recently, it's always been
>important for a guy to produce a male. Society can be like that. I like to
>view it as Nick is the son that LaCroix never had, and that's why he
>sometimes lets nick get away with a little more, and why he indulges nick in
>this whole trying to be human thing . . . as for him telling nick to embrace
>what he is . . . LC isn't ashamed of what he is and he just feels that he is
>doing the right thing for nick by trying to get him to feel the same way
>about what he is . . .

I agree LC treats Nick like a son.  from  LaCroix POV he is being  extremely
patient and understanding with Nick while he goes through this  rather
annoying phase of eternity.  It also struck me that without Nick LaCroix is
very bored.   After nearly 2000 years he has seen everything, done
everything. Nick's enthusiasms,  whether he agrees with them  or not, give
LC  a refreshing  new prespective on life and  as such are a source of
constant stimulation



Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 10:29:34 EDT
From:    BKBVA@a.......
Subject: Re: Queen of Harps

B. Stone noted:

> Nick seems to be uncharacteristically guilt-free concerning his role in
> the death of the antiques dealer.  Or did I miss something?  If the
> harp had not been missing, De la Barre would not have killed the dealer,
> right?

I've thought of that too, although there is the issue of whether de la Barre
had the money to pay the winning bid.  So we can't be sure if he went there
intending to steal it, or simply reacted to it being missing.  Given that
he'd already killed once, we have to assume he wasn't planning to write a

>  The curse on the harp guarantees its (wrongful) owner a short life.  If
>  Nick had kept the harp, would he have died shortly after obtaining it?
>  Previous owners all perished by age 55--Nick is a tad past that.  Would
>  the curse still work?

Ah, but would Nick be a "wrongful owner"?  Yes, he stole it, but considering
his history with it's last rightful owner, his possession of it probably
would not be affected.

>       He just seems bent on returning the harp to its
>       proper owner.

But does he?  His initial response on losing the auction is that he's not
letting it go.  I think it's not until he realizes why Joanna wanted the harp
that it occurred to him to return it to Wales.



Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 07:57:41 -0700
From:    Viv <viv11374@y.......>
Subject: Re: who would you choose....

--- Merrie Thomas <Dragoness987@a.......> wrote:
> Ooo...that's a real tough one. Let me think a moment...if
> Lacroix would make  a new vampire of anyone on televison right
> now, I'd have to choose...Gil  Grissom of CSI. I love that guy!!
> He's cool!! :-)
> Cousin Merrie
Well, on the one hand he already works the night shift and deals
with blood on a regular basis, but he also has the same
dedication to law enforcement that so annoys LaCroix in Nick.
Interestingly, he also reminds me of Nat in that they are almost
obsessed with solving their forensic "puzzles".


Don't annoy the crazy person

Life's a witch and then you fly


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 14:58:10 +0000
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......>
Subject: Re: Queen of Harps

This is just about my favorite FK episode. Despite the
historical inaccuracies, it's got everything I love
about FK---a great flashback, a neat present-day story,
good relative-spotting opportunities, some sly humor, a
nice dose of romanticism...well, let's just say I really
like it.

Oh---it has Nick on a Horse. That always counts. <g>

B. Stone wrote:

>      could be, when he silently broods over the harp in his loft, but we don't
>      know what he's thinking.   He just seems bent on returning the harp to its
>      proper owner.

Not at first, though. I thought he wanted the harp as a
token of what had to be the last time he was mortal and
innocent---at that time, he still believed and trusted
the Church and his superiors, he was in love with a
beautiful woman, and the world, no doubt, seemed a
wonderful place. The harp, in a sense, was a witness to
all that, and by possessing it, Nick could regain a
small bit of his former self.

I love the moment when Natalie asks Nick why he wants
the harp so much, and he says, "It's from...Before." The
expression on Nick's face when he says that contains so
much emotion, you can see how deep his feelings are
towards the harp.

> I wonder if anything concerning Nick's possible temptation to
>      "commit suicide by harp" was cut from the original script?

I really don't think that entered Nick's mind. See above.

I think that Nick's sense of justice (but not
necessarily his sense of law) overcame his desire to
keep the harp. He saw a way to break the Delabarre curse-
--return the harp to its rightful place (back to the
land of its creators, in the possession of Gwynneth's
descendants, not in the possession of the descendant of
a Norman invader). The mystical balance is restored.
Perhaps this will help Nick on his quest to become
human, in that he has done what was right.

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 11:18:25 -0400
From:    Portia Eins <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Queen of Harps

Oh, sigh, yes.  Oh, I have to watch this again.  Hope it taped!

Portia, slipping into dreamweaving over young Nicholas with the sun in his hair
and a proud stallion under him....sigh! :o)

On Fri, 31 May 2002 14:58:10 +0000 Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......> wrote:

Oh---it has Nick on a Horse. That always counts. <g>


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 11:20:27 EDT
From:    BKBVA@a.......
Subject: Re: Queen of Harps

Nancy said:

> This is just about my favorite FK episode. Despite the
>  historical inaccuracies,

As it is mine, and I also care not about the bad history.

>  it's got everything I love
>  about FK---a great flashback, a neat present-day story,
>  <snip> a nice dose of romanticism...well, let's just say I really
>  like it.

The romanticism, and particularly the mysticism, is what I adore about it.

>  Oh--it has Nick on a Horse. That always counts. <g>

Not to mention Nick in daylight.  :-)



Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 11:55:31 -0400
From:    Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Queen of Harps' historical problems

Since I was one of the first, of course, to jump all over the incredibly bad
history of this episode, I would like to say that it's not Gillian Horvath's
fault. She submitted the script based on a real situation in 13th century Wales.
The king had died with two heirs, one of whom was illegitimate but favored by
most of the Welsh. In Welsh law, illegitimacy wasn't a bar to his inheriting as it
would have been in most of the rest of Europe. The pope sent a diplomatic
mission in favor of the legitimate son, who was eventually the successor.

Now, please don't anyone take this as anti-Paganism. It's just that the
historical truth is that there were no open practitioners of Paganism, declaring
themselves to be non-Christian, of any kind in 13th c. Wales. Underground, possibly,
although unambiguous historical documentation hasn't so far been found. People
who honestly believed themselves to be Christians but were actually practicing
Pagan traditions, certainly, as in the rest of Europe. By the 13th c., Wales
had been a Christian country for some 500 years. Anyone who, as Gwyneth does in
the show, openly practised Paganism would have been arrested and tried for
heresy. She might or might not have been executed -- the Welsh were never big on the
death penalty -- but neither would she have been set free again unless she
abjured. Likewise, there were no openly Pagan lordships or sub-kingdoms.

Gillian knew this. In her original script, the conflict had nothing to do with
Christians and Pagans. Instead it accurately focused on the real political
situation. She was anxious to have this known when the show first aired.

She was also anxious to have it known that she did not write "you cling to your
Paganism like lichen to a stone." :) The speeding truck that takes out the
modern de la Barre wasn't her doing, either.

BTW, in her original stage directions, the harp "cries out" on its own when de
la Barre touches it in the motel. This was not done in the final sound track,
although you can see the actor reacting to it.



Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 10:19:56 -0700
From:    SLH <jerezfino@y.......>
Subject: Re: Queen of Harps' historical problems

--- Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......> wrote:
> :) The speeding truck that takes out the
> modern de la Barre wasn't her doing, either.

Has anyone seen the original script that GH wrote?
What was her original ending/fate for de la Barre?

BTW, I, too, really loved this episode despite the
historical liberties taken.

:) Boomer


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 10:46:04 -0700
From:    Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Queen of Harps

--- Portia Eins <portia1@m.......> wrote:
> Portia, slipping into dreamweaving over young Nicholas
> with the sun in his hair and a proud stallion under
> him....sigh! :o)

Not to mention a Nicholas who looks refreshingly younger
in the flashbacks compared to the present day story. I
would only call that FK magic; I totally bought that he
was in his twenties in those flashbacks and his (mortal)
thirties in the present story. There, he looks and acts
almost like an innocent kid. Ger has a gift for playing
younger than his age; one of the many things I love about

LaCountess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk
Visit my website at http://www.lacountess.com/Fkmain.html

"Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!"
--Homer Simpson


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 11:19:51 -0700
From:    Cheryl Hoffman <dayabaygal@y.......>
Subject: FK ALUMNI- VCR Alert for June

Well, here it is June already, summer's starting, and here's a
full month of things to watch - something by all the main
cast, and lots of other goodies.

Picks of the Month:
Forever Knight          SciFi -   M-F at 11am Eastern
Cube                    SciFi   24th -- lots of FK alumni &
                                         interesting movie
both Ger's movies
Nero Wolfe Mysteries -- lots of FK Alumni in this show

As always, please check your local listings for exact dates & times,
I have been known to make typos (and so have the sources I've pulled

All I Wanna Do (Strike!) - (Harvey Sawyer)      Encore     19,23,27
The Crossing (Maj.Gen. Gates)                   A&E        27
Invasion! (Michael O'Shea)                      HBO2       10,22
Murder at 1600 (Burton Cash-Secret Service)     TBS        3,4,28,29
Narrow Margin (Jack Wooton)                     TBS        5,29
Sanctuary (Senator Macguire)                    HBO-2      23

Dancing in the Dark (Dr. Lambert)               LifetimeM  20,21
Other Women's Children (Matt Stewart)           LifetimeM  11,12

CATHERINE DISHER (Natalie Lambert)
A New Life (Student)                            Max        14

The Boost (Joel)                                Showtime   6,14
                                                Starz      4,16
Class                                           WE         1
The Craft (Nancy's Father)                      MMax       5,20
Deep Red (Det. Mark Waters)                     SciFi      18
Defenseless (Jack Hammer)                       TNT        7
For the Love of Aaron (Dr. Teplitsky)           LifetimeM  5,6
Highway Heartbreaker (Det. Baker)               Lifetime   8
Internal Affairs (Steven Arrocas)               MMax       6,17,28
Nothing in Common                               Family     1
Vibes (Eugene)                                  HBO-F      6,16,27
                                                HBO2       25
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
"Lucky Leon"                                    TNT        4
The Sports Pages --various eps                  Show3      5,6,8,9,16,21,22,25

DEBORAH DUCHENE (Janette Ducharme)
The Broken Chord (Allison Chapman)              LifetimeM  12,13
Sugartime (Christine McGuire)                   MMax       3

GARY FARMER (Capt Stonetree)
Blown Away (Anderson)                           USA        1

Speed (Mrs. Kamino - woman on bus)              Fox        30

BLU MANKUMA (Capt Reese)
Family of Cops                                  Court      16
For the Love of Aaron (Mark Perkins)            LifetimeM  5,6
Mermaid (Caretaker)                             Showtime2  1,5,11,20

BEN BASS (Javier Vachon)
Bride of Chucky                                 SciFi      11
A Killer Among Friends                          Lifetime   8
The 6th Day (Bodyguard)                         Showtime   1,9,22,28,29

Alaska - (Florence)                             Showtime   1,2,10,21,26,30
                                                Showtime2  6,9,12,13,17,18,22,25

BERNARD BEHRENS (DuChamps - Blood Money)
Invasion! (Mayor Claire)                        HBO2       10,22

CYNTHIA BELLIVEAU (Alexandra - Faithful Followers)
Family of Cops (Melanie Fein)                   Court      16
Family of Cops II                               Court      16
Family of Cops III                              Court      16
A New Life (Tina)                               MAX        14

HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN (Andre - Fallen Idol)
All I Wanna Do (Strike!) - (Tinka's Date)       Encore     19,23,27
The Virgin Suicides (Jake Conley)               TNC        1,4,7,9,23,28
Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones  -- at your local theater

TRACEY COOK (Rebecca - Dying for Fame, also Alma)
SnakeEaterIII-His Law (Hildy)                   Show       11
                                                Show2      15,28

CHRISTINA COX (Joan of Arc - For I Have Sinned)
Brother's Promise: Dan Jansen Story (Natalie)   True       3,13,18,19,22,26
No One Could Protect Her (Det. Beth Jordan)     TNT        8,27,28

NICOLE DeBOER (Jeannie - Dark Knight)
Counterfeit Contessa (Helena Everett)           WE         1
Cube (Leaven)                                   SciFi      24
Family of Cops III (Jackie Fein)                Court      16
JFK: Reckless Youth (Olive Cawley)              True       3,8,14,18,26,27
My Date w/the President's Daughter              Disney     7

MARIA DEL MAR (Magda - For I Have Sinned)
Price of Glory                                  Encore     3,9,14,22,26

DAMON D'OLIVEIRA (Inca - Black Buddha)
Short Circuit 2 (Bones)                         HBO-Fam    3,12,20,21,23,29

COLM FEORE (Walken - Blood Money)
Critical Care (Wilson)                          Oxygen     3
Night Sins (Deacon Fletcher)                    TNT        29
Striking Poses (Linus)                          Lifetime   10
Truman (Charlie Ross)                           MMax       11

VON FLORES (Tran - Can't Run Can't Hide)
Blood on Her Hands (Mike Lee)                   Lifetime   19
Car 54, Where are You? (Mr. Kim)                Flix       4,15,20,23,24,26

COLIN FOX (Dr. Nystrom - Near Death)
Nero Wolfe Mystery (Chef)                       A&E        Sunday Nights

DAVID HEMBLEN (Dr. Vanderwal - Sons of Belial)
Family of Cops II (Yannis Ivanov)               Court      16
Valentine's Day (Jennings)                      MMax       1,10

TORI HIGGINSON (Erica - Last Act)
Family of Cops III (Caroline Chandler)          Court      16

GEORDIE JOHNSON (Jerry - My Boyfriend is a Vampire)
A Change of Place (Jacques)                     WE         23

KARI MATCHETT (Alyssa - Dead of Night)
Family of Cops II (Marina)                      Court      16
Nero Wolfe Mystery (various)                    A&E        Sunday Nites

MICHAEL McMANUS (Father Rochefort - For I Have Sinned,
                         also Kai in LEXX)
Hard to Forget (John Gilman)                    WE         11,12

ANDREW MILLER (Andrew - Stranger than Fiction)
Cube (Andrew)                                   SciFi      24

EARL PASTKO (Miklos, the bartender at the Raven)
Battlefield Earth  (Bartender)                  HBO2       5,8

CLAIRE RANKIN (Fleur - Be My Valentine)
Brother's Promise: Dan Jansen Story (Robin
Jansen)                                         True       3,13,18,19,22,26
Two if By Sea (Reporter )                       MMax       14,22

JULIAN RICHINGS (Dr. Paul Dana - A More Permanent Hell)
Cube (Alderson)                                 SciFi      24

SANDI ROSS (Grace Balthazar, Nat's assistant)
Family of Cops (Judge Williams)                 Court      16
Ms. Scrooge (Bank Teller)                       Max        24
On Hostile Ground (Voodoo Lady)                 TBS        7
Two if By Sea (Conductor)                       MMax       14,22
Valentine's Day (Lena)                          MMax       1,10

ANDREA ROTH (Lucy Sylvaine - Faithful Followers)
A Change of Place                               WE         23

CEDRIC SMITH (Liam O'Neal - Bad Blood)
JFK: Reckless Youth (Professor Hopper )         True       3,8,14,18,26,27

RICK SPRINGFIELD (Nick Knight - original pilot)
A Change of Place                               WE         23

AMANDA TAPPING (Dr. Naomi Ross -Near Death)
Stargate SG-1           check local listings on Showtime, Fox & SciFi

MAURICE DEAN WINT (Frank - Francesca)
Cube (Quintin)                                  SciFi      24


Bram Stoker's Dracula                           TNT        30
Doctor Who - the Movie                          SciFi      30
The Last Days of Pompeii                        TCM        15,16
    (1913 Historical Drama - Silent Movie)
The Little Vampire                              Encore     1,5,6,10,28
The Messenger: Joan of Arc                      Bravo      25
Shadow of the Vampire                           Max        20
Trials of Oscar Wilde                           Showtime   25
                                                Show-2     3,7,8,11,12,26,29
Vampire in Brooklyn                             HBO-2      21,30

Cheryl Hoffman, NA (& I ain't changin' it), Cousin, NBN, G4, Bridging
"My, my... we are in a mood tonight.." -LaCroix
dayabaygal@y.......       Richland, WA
AIM/Yahoo:  DayaBayGal          ICQ:  30464256

Cheryl Hoffman, NA (& I ain't changin' it), Cousin, Val,
NBN, G4, Bridging, Indecency,
"My, my.. we are in a mood tonight.." -LaCroix
dayabaygal@y.......       Richland, WA
AIM/Yahoo:  DayaBayGal          ICQ:  30464256


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 11:38:25 -0700
From:    SLH <jerezfino@y.......>
Subject: Re: FK ALUMNI- VCR Alert for June

--- Cheryl Hoffman <dayabaygal@y.......> wrote:

>COLM FEORE (Walken - Blood Money)

If I'm not mistaken, I've also seen Colm Feore in the
trailers to "The Sum of All Fears" which opens in
theaters this weekend.

:) Boomer


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 11:41:22 -0700
From:    Megan Hull <mistryder@h.......>
Subject: Re: who would you choose....

My vote is Faith from BtVS.  #1- she's already psychotic #2- she doesn't
have any problem taking orders as long as the order is to do something she
likes doing (like killing people).  #3- after Nick, I don't think LC would
be too eager to pick up another difficult child.  At least, not right away.


Date:    Fri, 31 May 2002 15:05:11 -0400
From:    Portia Eins <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Queen of Harps

Oh yes! "sigh"  He also came across as somehow "young and innocent" (how
strange) in the flashbacks in "Curiouser and Cursiouser," IMO. I love that haircut on
him with the bangs and the ruffly curls.

Portia, very "Knightie" in this post "g"

On Fri, 31 May 2002 10:46:04 -0700 Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>

Not to mention a Nicholas who looks refreshingly younger in the flashbacks
compared to the present day story. I would only call that FK magic; I totally
bought that he was in his twenties in those flashbacks and his (mortal) thirties in
the present story.


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 May 2002 to 31 May 2002 (#2002-162)

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