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FORKNI-L Digest - 16 Sep 2001 to 17 Sep 2001 (#2001-281)

Mon, 17 Sep 2001

There are 14 messages totalling 319 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. America (2)
  2. TV Times & FK (2)
  3. Thank you, Emily Hanson about the new topic
  4. Friday Night Vigil and Tragedy (third try)
  5. Jeannie Ecklund
  6. A little silliness (3)
  7. (Fwd) Re: Tragedy
  8. Admin:  FORKNI-L Rules]
  9. possible new project
 10. Sims and Sparky (was: A little silliness)


Date:    Sun, 16 Sep 2001 14:21:46 -0700
From:    StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: America

Marel told us:
>The Queen sang the American anthem.

Aw, man...you know, I love the Brits.  If for nothing else, for this and for
the evacuation of Dunkirk.

all choked up...again


Date:    Sun, 16 Sep 2001 15:10:10 -0600
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: TV Times & FK

Just cruising through TV Times, the TV schedule guide that many Canadians
get in their newspapers, and found FK mentioned in a small column called
"Information Please". A reader wrote to says she's a fan of GWD, &
requested more info. Q & A both mentioned FK, and the columnist also gave
the mailing address for the GWDFC. The column will be online next Saturday
at www.tvtimesonline.com.

Also, I checked out the lineup for Showcase Action & Showcase Diva; neither
are airing FK, but, for Ger fans, Showcase Diva has Black Harbour weekday
mornings & afternoons.

Your humble & obedient servant,


Date:    Sun, 16 Sep 2001 16:19:29 -0700
From:    Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: Thank you, Emily Hanson about the new topic

Glad to help.  I have seen strong feelings in many other fan fiction
forums as well over the past few days, especially those that allow
off-topic posts.



Date:    Sun, 16 Sep 2001 20:10:40 -0400
From:    Sandra <nitelvr@v.......>
Subject: Re: Friday Night Vigil and Tragedy (third try)

This didn't go through the first two times I sent it apparently.  The
Friday night vigil mentioned has already taken place.

Beth wrote:
>Friday Night at 7:00 p.m. step out your door, stop your car, or step out
>of your establishment and light a candle.   We will show the world

I got a message similar to this on another list I belong to.  The one I
got said that the time should be 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time so that the
candlelight could be seen across the country.

The terrorist attacks are just horrible.  I feel sorrow for those who
have died and those who have lost loved ones.  I hope we punish all those
responsible.  I'm glad to read that some people on this list are safe

--Sandra, forever Knightie


Date:    Sun, 16 Sep 2001 22:21:30 -0400
From:    teri delong <darius4evr@h.......>
Subject: Jeannie Ecklund

Hello to all,

In this time of worldwide sorrow, I'm afraid I have to pass on a bit of even
more sad news.

I think most of you will know Jeannie Ecklund's name, she posts here at
Forkni-L quite regularly and is the author of a number of FK fics posted to
Fkfic-L, including "Black Taxi", "Another Reality", and "Last Knight and

Jeannie's mom has been fighting cancer for quite some time, and I just
received the sad word that this afternoon she has passed away. I know
Jeannie will be facing a very rough time and I'm sure she'll appreciate
hearing from her FK friends. She can be reached offlist at


Check him out!... http://www.benbassfanclub.com/
Proud Vaquera/Vachon's vassal/Defender of Brown-eyed Vamps
V-loop/Vaqdreams/T+V/ BenBassfanclub /Fanatic Castle Listmom #2
DP/FoRP/GKfc/and OFFICIAL Lisa Ryder Fan Club Member #5!!! :o)


Date:    Sun, 16 Sep 2001 21:26:35 EDT
From:    Kay Copeland <CaseyMacD@a.......>
Subject: Re: A little silliness

Is there a site on-line where you can go to learn to play with The Sims?  I
could use a little diversion right now...



Date:    Sun, 16 Sep 2001 23:17:34 -0400
From:    Don Fasig <phase3@g.......>
Subject: (Fwd) Re: Tragedy

Forwarded on behalf of t.gooding@u........

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Long-time lurking for many reasons, but I should
like to add my condolences to those already
posted on the dreadful events in the USA,

A good friend was en route to NYC yesterday, to
visit the city she loves for the second time in a
year.  I have yet to hear if she was turned back
or diverted.  My thoughts are for those who were
not so fortunate.

What a terrible waste of life.

Tracy G

------- End of forwarded message -------


Date:    Mon, 17 Sep 2001 14:20:08 +0200
From:    Lorin <vachesang@1.......>
Subject: Re: Admin:  FORKNI-L Rules]

Every Sunday, I open the new 'Admin: Rules' e-mail and delete the
previous week's version.  I just did this, and realised that the last
'Rules' post came out two days before all these events... is it just me,
or does it seem like *ages* ago?  I feel like these past 7 days have
lasted about a month.  Shows how emotional stress can screw up your
head, I guess....



Date:    Mon, 17 Sep 2001 14:23:58 +0200
From:    Lorin <vachesang@1.......>
Subject: Re: possible new project

<jensharding@h.......> wrote:

> I think it's a fantastic idea!!  If it already exists, I would appreciate it
> if someone would post the addy to the list.  I remember a where-are-you
> effort on *an* FK list a year or so ago, but I don't remember which list.

It was on forkni-l, in August 2000, and was called 'penning down fans'.
I still have all the e-mails saved, but of course they're just a bit
out-of-date now.  Time for some Outlook Express spring cleaning,
methinks... <g>



Date:    Mon, 17 Sep 2001 14:09:41 +0000
From:    Susan Mutton <susan_mutton@h.......>
Subject: Re: A little silliness

My two sons just got a copy of The Sims. After that I favour a nice Sparky
stunt and some Thwapping.  Sue.


Date:    Mon, 17 Sep 2001 14:10:36 +0000
From:    Susan Mutton <susan_mutton@h.......>
Subject: Re: A little silliness

Big boo boo wrong list.  Going to lie down.  Sue.


Date:    Mon, 17 Sep 2001 14:18:29 +0000
From:    Susan Mutton <susan_mutton@h.......>
Subject: Re: TV Times & FK

Beastly TV we have not had Black Harbour once yet in UK. Sue.


Date:    Mon, 17 Sep 2001 14:20:26 +0000
From:    Susan Mutton <susan_mutton@h.......>
Subject: Re: America

Yes but have you got Dyson Vaccum cleaners yet Molly. Sue.


Date:    Mon, 17 Sep 2001 13:03:38 -0400
From:    teri delong <darius4evr@h.......>
Subject: Sims and Sparky (was: A little silliness)

>From: Susan Mutton

>My two sons just got a copy of The Sims. After that I favour a nice Sparky
>stunt and some Thwapping.

Then she wrote:
>Big boo boo wrong list.  Going to lie down.  Sue

That's okay, Sue! <G> That's just the side effects of being on a fun FK list
that indulges in lots of silliness! You tend to start thinking that everyone
who's having that much fun MUST be a Fanatic! ;) We can always use the
advertisement. Hehehehehe.... :o)

I loved the Sims story, what a riot! What a welcome bit of fun when we all
need it so! Thanks for sharing it!

For anyone puzzling over the Sparky and Thwapping comments, the
4everknightfanatic mailing list is a small, multi-factioned group of nuts
who've created their own Virtual HQ, much like the DP Mansion or the
Nunkies' Shrine. This HQ is the "Fanatics' Castle", and Sparky is the Castle
dragon. The Mad Thwapper is a silly round robin story that's been floating
around the "Castle" where the FK Vampires(and mortals) are frequent guests
and interact with the Castle "residents" everyday as they do in FK Wartimes.
'Waaay off topic here, but it really is sort of FK related... in a
reeeeeeeeeeally convoluted sort of way! ;) ;) ;)


Check him out!... http://www.benbassfanclub.com/
Proud Vaquera/Vachon's vassal/Defender of Brown-eyed Vamps
V-loop/Vaqdreams/T+V/ BenBassfanclub /Fanatic Castle Listmom #2
DP/FoRP/GKfc/and OFFICIAL Lisa Ryder Fan Club Member #5!!!


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 16 Sep 2001 to 17 Sep 2001 (#2001-281)

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