FORKNI-L Digest - 20 Aug 2001 to 21 Aug 2001 (#2001-254)
Tue, 21 Aug 2001
There are 10 messages totalling 377 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Let's get back into those Blitzes!
2. Update on KC (2)
3. Bamboo E-mail
4. New Websites for Vachon and The Inca.
5. Forever Facts (5)
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 17:07:11 -0500
From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Let's get back into those Blitzes!
Hi everyone!
To help back up the new cool Bamboo Plant Project, let's have some extra
blitzing going on! We're still e-mailing the same powers that be and the
addys for e-mailing are below...
This entire month we are focusing on three powers that be, Tristar, Sci-fi,
and TNT!
A lot of FK fans have wondered why we don't approach other networks about
possibly reviving the series. Well, we will continue to include TNT, and of
course Sci-fi and Tristar.
E-mail: tnt@t.......
(and place in the subject line: "To The Attention Of The Vice-President of
You also may call TNT's Viewer Comment and Question Line at (404) 885-4538,
however we ask that any phone calls be in addition to letters and e-mails.
For snail mail, send to:
Vice-President of Programming
TNT 1010 Techwood Drive, NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
Its going to be a big dose of e-mails from each of you the fans that would
love to not only have FK back on Sci-fi's schedule, but want to make sure
everyone knows that we are want more FK with the original cast in new
episodes and or movies!! So, what do you say? Are you ready to sit down,
take that few minutes and send off three e-mails? It could make all the
difference in the world!
Remember, say a little or say a lot, but say it!! We can make more FK
For the "whole" month of August (or at least weekly), we are asking everyone
to blitz the feedbacks!!! For the month, you can re-use the e-mails you did
before, or write new ones. They can be long, or as short as just saying,
"Bring Back Forever Knight."
Important info to add in your letters: During this current blitz, we could
ask that an upcoming "SCIography" ep feature FK! So far, they plan to do eps
on "Battlestar Galactica", "Quantum Leap" and "Sliders", so asking them if
they plan to do a "SCIography" ep about FK can't hurt.
Also, Sci-Fi is airing "Sci-Fi World", which is a 6 hour block of sci-fi
programs with a different theme each day. It's also possible to ask them if
FK will be a part of the "Sci-Fi World" programming block!
ALSO REMEMBER!! Sci-fi will be changing its schedule around again soon....
lets make sure that we get Forever Knight on!!!
Sci-Fi's E-mail: feedback@w.......
Sony/Tristar Mail Form:
When e-mailing TriStar,(especially) give as much personal info as you
can...rather than just an e-mail name. A bit more personal carries more
weight with TPTB.
If you have a FK website and would like to link to my "Save FK" page about
the blitzes feel free to use the banner I made (found on my "Save FK" page).
Long Live the Knight!
"When you only have eyes for the Knight..."
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 18:25:34 -0700
From: Kryshana Dempsey <wldthngwthfngs@h.......>
Subject: Update on KC
It's me again. I have some really shocking, bad news about KC.
She was just diagnosed with a rare form of colon cancer. If the
treatment they want to try doesn't work, she has less than two years.
As her twin, this is really shaking me up. I am too shocked right
now to even think straight.
She hasn't been online in quite a while... she is too shaken, as
well. Her in-laws are paying for them to get their phone turned
back on, so she should be online again in a week or so.
She really wants to continue posting 'When Darkness Falls', but
hasn't been able to. She promises that as soon as her internet
service is restored, she will post again. I've read it and even
though I am not a Nick and Natpacker, it is really good.
It seems as though that poor family has been through too much the
last few years. Since they don't have any medical insurance, this is
yet another financial burden. The American Cancer Society and the
local Medicaid program can help some. How much remains to be seen.
Please lift them all up in prayer.
KC sends her love~ she misses all of you, terribly.
Valentine... and I'm not changing it, KC!
"Keep smiling. It makes people wonder what you've been up to." ;)
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 21:13:54 -0700
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Update on KC
I’m so sorry to hear that, and pray for her to recover soon and with no
complications. Please give her my warmest get-well wishes and my hopes
that all would be fine at the end and she’ll be able to return to our fold
of FK fans soon.
Love and kisses
--- Kryshana Dempsey <wldthngwthfngs@h.......> wrote:
> It's me again. I have some really shocking, bad news
> about KC. She was just diagnosed with a rare form of colon
> cancer. If the treatment they want to try doesn't work, she has
> less than two years.
> As her twin, this is really shaking me up. I am too
> shocked right now to even think straight.
> She hasn't been online in quite a while... she is too shaken,
> as well. Her in-laws are paying for them to get their phone turned
> back on, so she should be online again in a week or so.
> She really wants to continue posting 'When Darkness Falls',
> but hasn't been able to. She promises that as soon as her internet
> service is restored, she will post again. I've read it and even though I
> am not a Nick and Natpacker, it is really good.
> It seems as though that poor family has been through too much
> the last few years. Since they don't have any medical insurance, this is
> yet another financial burden. The American Cancer Society and the local
> Medicaid program can help some. How much remains to be seen.
> Please lift them all up in prayer.
> KC sends her love~ she misses all of you, terribly.
> ~Shana~ wldthngwthfngs@h.......
> Valentine... and I'm not changing it, KC!
> "Keep smiling. It makes people wonder what you've been
> up to." ;)
Countess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk
"What time is it, what day is it, what century is it?"
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 00:30:51 EDT
From: MRKKaye@a.......
Subject: Bamboo E-mail
Dear Ms. Hammer,
I hope this living plant serves as a pleasant reminder of us Forever
Knight fans who, like bamboo, manage to survive under conditions that others
would not. Of late I have been spending a fair amount of time and money to
maintain my tapes of the show . I would certainly prefer to spend my money on
commercial professional tapes or DVD's and spend my time viewing and sharing
them with friends.
A loyal and consistent fan,
Marla R. Kaye
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 10:58:41 -0500
From: Tracy Morris <tracysue@i.......>
Subject: New Websites for Vachon and The Inca.
Hi Ya'll ;)
I'd like to announce that, thanks to NBCI's recent shutdown of their
unlimited webspace. (thanks NBCI, I really mean it), La Pagina de la
Vaqmadre has gone the way of the dinosaur.
This is good news for ya'll however, because now I'd like to announce
(drumroll please)
Two new websites. One for vachon, and another for his brother, the
Inca. Both feature:
1. Great fiction staring Vachon and the Inca.
2. Plenty of eye-popping, heart-stopping, screamin' fine photos.
3. Faction symbol jpgs (including two that I made for the Incarnates).
These Jpgs are downloadable, and suitable for printing to iron-on
Both these sites are a part of a larger website complex that includes
fiction by KC Susan, Myself, and a large links section.
The link for Vachon's page is
The link for the Incarnate site is
I'm looking for fiction to include in both these sites (particularly the
Inca's site, as my fiction section for him is scanty.) So if you have
any fiction that you'd like to see archived here, please notify me.
Also, feel free to link my site, but please let me know that you have,
because I'd like to return the favor.
Tracy Sue
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 12:25:28 -0700
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Forever Facts
Becoming a pro in the matters of FK, there are some solid facts that you
will learn about your favourite show, either from the cannon [c], the
fanfics [f], or both. Here are a few I've noticed:
Whenever Nat goes to the supermarket, it’s to buy cat food. [c][f]
Whenever Nat goes home, it’s to feed Sydney. [c][f]
Nick always uncorks the bottle with his teeth (and eventually spits the
cork in the sink.) [f]
When LaCroix shows up, the first thing Nick always says is "What do you
want?" [c][f]
Schanke’s favourite food indubitably includes garlic. [c][f]
It never snows in FK Toronto. [c]
Although LaCroix hates cow’s blood, it doesn’t stop him from drinking
some, and complaining about it, every time he visits the loft. [c]
When Nick and LaCroix fight, it always involves breaking a few bones (ribs
being the prominent candidates.) [f]
If the target of a killing is a celebrity, the killer is almost certainly
her/his manager, assistant, best friend or a family member. [c]
As soon as you see/hear about someone related or close to Natalie, the
person either is dead, or will soon be. [c]
When Janette is absent in the present day, Nick doesn’t remember her in
his flashbacks either. [c]
Characters always become suicidal in their last appearance. [c]
They usually ask their best friend to do it for them. [c]
The best friend mostly refuses at first, but in the end, the deed is done
anyway. [c]
And finally:
Vachon has a guitar he never plays, Nick has a Motorcycle he never rides,
and no one really knows where LaCroix lives. [c]
Have anything to add? Go ahead...
Countess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk
"What time is it, what day is it, what century is it?"
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 15:28:59 EDT
From: Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Forever Facts
Screed has a bicycle he never rides (c)
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 15:43:04 EDT
From: Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: Forever Facts
In a message dated 8/21/01 12:27:25 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
countessa2000@y....... writes:
<< It never snows in FK Toronto. [c] >>
It was snowy, quite deep snow, in the episode where at
the start Schanke's car gets hit by one driven by a nun.
Schanke's old partner comes for a visit from Scottsdale
and it turns out he's working for a for a pharmaceutical
company that marketed a faulty drug. Can't think of
the name, I'm sure there's any number of you out there
who can tell me. <g>
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 13:16:25 -0700
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Forever Facts
On the contrary, it wasn't, and that's exactly the problem. I was tempted
to refer to that episode. It's called "The Code" and even though Schanke
constantly whines about the weather being too cold, we still don't see one
flake of snow. Anyone living in Ontario can testify that knee-deep snow
lasts there for almost half the year. That's why I kept wondering why we
don't see it in the show.
--- Laudon1965@a....... wrote:
> In a message dated 8/21/01 12:27:25 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
> countessa2000@y....... writes:
> << It never snows in FK Toronto. [c] >>
> It was snowy, quite deep snow, in the episode where at the start
Schanke's car gets hit by one driven by a nun. Schanke's old partner comes
for a visit from Scottsdale and it turns out he's working for a for a
pharmaceutical company that marketed a faulty drug. Can't think of the
name, I'm sure there's any number of you out there who can tell me. <g>
Laurie of the Isles<
Countess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk
"What time is it, what day is it, what century is it?"
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 20:51:23 +0000
From: Susan Mutton <susan_mutton@h.......>
Subject: Re: Forever Facts
OK so you have seen his bic. but does it have a saddle. Sue.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 20 Aug 2001 to 21 Aug 2001 (#2001-254)
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