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FORKNI-L Digest - 26 Apr 2001 to 27 Apr 2001 (#2001-137)

Fri, 27 Apr 2001
There are 23 messages totalling 718 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. needing advice on an upcoming work (2)
  2. Birthday: aging rapidly but not maturing and still   confused
  3. Vampries With Souls <g> (3)
  4. Birthday: aging rapidly but not maturing and still confused (3)
  5. Thoughts on the day (2)
  6. needing advice (2)
  7. Natsuko Ohama Update
  8. Dear Syndey Lambert: You Have a Namesake!! <g>
  9. Kristen Lehman
 10. Dear Billie Lee (from Sydney)
 11. Dear Billie Lee (from Sydney) Sydney Replies
 12. Ontario forensic science & fanfic
 14. An upcoming KtK auction
 15. missing messages
 16. Defending My Unlife fanfic query


Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:02:18 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: needing advice on an upcoming work

Sunny wrote: I'm worried that this warmight start right when I'm about to
>post the story. If that's the case
>please let me know so that I either speed things up <snip> close it and
>leave it for after the war (and go to my bedroom and cry :).

Ready your story as you normally would.  I've discovered that the timing of
Wars tend to be iffy.  At any rate, they only last--what?--two weeks?  Just
reading all the posts will keep you so busy time will just fly by anyway.
:)  Hope that helps.  Anyone got mileage that differs?

Kyer, kyer@p.......


Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:07:39 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Birthday: aging rapidly but not maturing and still

CTFS wrote:
> Nick (fumbling thru wallet): No!  I gave you the wrong one!
> (assorted cards fall on table and floor)
> Lacroix (oh yes, he's at TGIF, too, and rolling his baby blues skyward):>     This will be trouble.


Hey, I think I saw this scene at the drugstore.  If only the guy *had* been
Nick. <eg> (But at least his wife wasn't Lacroix!)

Would someone send me that Cat Soliquoy thing?  My mail server developed
major problems and I was whacking out mail to the recycle bin left and right
in order to get my box down to manageable size.

Kyer, kyer@p.......


Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 17:32:37 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Vampries With Souls <g>

Hi all.............

Well, the discussion has long come and gone about the similarites (and there
are quite a few as time passes) between Forever Knight and Angel.........

....................they showed something during Buffy and Angel this week
about "the last four episodes."  Does anyone know if they are just talking
about the end of the season, or are they **cancelling** the two of them??

I'd still rather be watching new eps of FK, but I will take what I can get in
the Vampires with Souls department <g>

Any help appreciated, and maybe off list is best, but I don't know!!

Thanks and Forever Yours,



Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 17:36:43 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Birthday: aging rapidly but not maturing and still confused

In a message dated 4/26/01 7:46:07 PM !!!First Boot!!!, WRDRR@a....... writes:

> (Warning: cheesy Caddy scene upcoming)  I think they'll all just lie about
>  their ages - that has worked for the vamps.  And it is an easy habit to
>  catch, too.  I just read my email that I sent.  I wrote that I'm 32 1/2 --
>  actually *42 1/2*  !  What was I thinking?   Was I in channeling Nick or
>  something

LOL, Mr. Stone!!

I was just told about my supposed behavior and a conversation I apparently
had during my sleep, so don't feel bad.........

I am 42 also, and will be 43 in June, so we can commisurate (<-sp? Oh well
<g>) together <g>

Forever Yours,



Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 17:41:38 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Birthday: aging rapidly but not maturing and still confused

In a message dated 4/26/01 9:11:28 PM !!!First Boot!!!, kyer@p.......

> Would someone send me that Cat Soliquoy thing?  My mail server developed
>  major problems and I was whacking out mail to the recycle bin left and right
>  in order to get my box down to manageable size.
I did this.

Forever Yours,



Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:01:57 -0700
From:    Wolfy <wolfyknight@y.......>
Subject: Re: Thoughts on the day

part of a nightcrawler monalong.... him qouting the

"She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word.
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day

To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

as he had said before "blink and they'll all be ghost,
blink and they'll all be gone" or something like that!

~Wolfy knight, who is going to go to disney world from
saterday to saterday and will come back looking like a
lobster or fried chicken!


Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 16:07:09 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Thoughts on the day

Wolfy:> as he had said before "blink and they'll all be ghost,
> blink and they'll all be gone" or something like that!

It just dawned on me what a Vachonistic line that is...

<Blink, blink>

Kyer, kyer@p.......


Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 20:45:32 EDT
From:    Kathy Whelton <KWhelton1@c.......>
Subject: Re: needing advice

Sunny writes:
> If that's the case
>  please let me know so that I either speed things up (forget about the
>  second review, beta reading, etc. which I personally don't prefer but
>  will do if there is no choice) or close it and leave it for after the war
>  (and go to my bedroom and cry :).

I don't know if McLisa can give you any time guidelines on the war,
but as far as your fiction goes, I would strongly encourage you
not to forego the editing process.  I know what it's like to have a
piece that you're dying to post--you feel like you might explode
before you get the chance, or the list might up and disappear,
leaving you with nowhere to go. <g>

Since neither of those two things are very likely to happen, I would
recommend you take the time that you need.  It's always a good
idea to have more than one beta reader if at all possible, since you
want them to comment on plot and characterization as well as
spelling and grammar.  Particularly in the case of a longer piece,
you want something that will be well-received, and more importantly,
one you will be proud to read again a couple of years from now.  Believe
me, time and some mileage have a terrible habit of making you cringe
at past works. :-)

Perhaps you can start looking for some beta readers now and
they can be going over your story while you're in transit.  Best
of luck!



Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 19:39:30 -0700
From:    StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: Birthday: aging rapidly but not maturing and still confused

CTFS wrote:
> (Warning: cheesy Caddy scene upcoming)  <snip>

ROTFL!  The sad thing is--what a believable scene!  As far as the FK actors
aging, I still think they look fine enough to play their original roles in
an FK movie (not to mention that you can do amazing things with lighting

who's 40 and who has a 24-year-old boyfriend who thinks she's hot.  Can't
beat that for an ego-boost, can you? <eg>
smolly4@q....... or stormborn@l.......


Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 23:05:14 EDT
From:    MRKKaye@a.......
Subject: Natsuko Ohama Update

Just caught the previews for next week's ER (4 May) and caught a quick scene
with Natsuko Ohama as a judge.

M. Kaye


Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 20:32:01 -0700
From:    Lady Ariake <lady_ariake@y.......>
Subject: Re: Vampries With Souls <g>

--- Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......> wrote:

> ....................they showed something during
> Buffy and Angel this week
> about "the last four episodes."  Does anyone know if
> they are just talking
> about the end of the season, or are they
> **cancelling** the two of them??
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" went on the market after
the WB refused to pay more for the series.  UPN paid
$120 million for the next season, with an option to
pick up Angel if the WB cancels it.  Buffy will be
moving to UPN next fall, while Angel stays on the WB.

And now that I've seen actual eps of FK, I have to
say...I can't compare them.  I like FK better than
Angel but I probably like Buffy better than FK, but
it's really hard to tell.  The shows are too radically
different to compare stylistically.

One thing I can say for sure, though--all three blow
the pathetically short-lived Kindred: The Embraced out
of the water.  (And I do have the K:tE boxed set and
like it, for the most part.)


"Worlds are lost or worlds are saved/from the dangers dragon-braved."

I'm not delusional.  Just ask my weyrmate or my queen dragon.  (Appologies to
Kelly F. for the cribbed line.)


Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 23:35:16 EDT
From:    KaAG@a.......
Subject: Re: needing advice

<<It's always a good idea to have more than one beta reader if at all
possible, since you want them to comment on plot and characterization as well
as spelling and grammar.  ... and more importantly,
one you will be proud to read again a couple of years from now.  Believe
me, time and some mileage have a terrible habit of making you cringe
at past works. :-) >>

I echo Kathy's sentiments. I, too, cringed at asking for beta readers
because, like you, my stories tend to be long. It was with a deep breath that
I posted my first story and when I look at it now, I wish I'd had someone
catching the typos and grammar. I think my writing has improved by having
someone review it. If you are on any of the other 'faction' lists, you might
be able to get a beta-reader who prefers whatever pairing is central to your
story and therefore *wants* to beta stories. Yes, there are folks who may not
write, but like to read and would be helpful.



Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 23:42:14 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Dear Syndey Lambert: You Have a Namesake!! <g>

Hello again Sydney!!

This time I am writing to you with good news!  You now have a namesake in our
family.  Today, we adopted an 8 year old all white, part Persian kitty from
the Humane Society.  Her name **was** "Cindy," but we thought of you and
decided that Sydney was a much better name for her.  She is very sweet and
loving, just as you are with Natalie.  Right now, though, she is hiding
behind our bed because I just brought her home from visiting her new Daddy
Mark (who is also a fan of yours just like I am) at his work site.  She is
investigating her new home and checking it all out.

I just thought you might like to know <ggg> that we named her after you!!

Forever Yours,

Billie-Lee (and for those getting this who are not Forever Knight fans,
Sydney Lambert is the cat who owns <ggg> Dr. Natalie Lambert of FK)


Date:    Thu, 26 Apr 2001 23:59:39 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Vampries With Souls <g>

Jennifer answered my question about Buffy and Angel <waving also at all those
who answered me off list, thanks and thank you Jennifer!!>

> "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" went on the market after the WB refused to pay
> more for the series.  UPN paid $120 million for the next season, with an
> option to pick up Angel if the WB cancels it.  Buffy will be moving to UPN
> next fall, while Angel stays on the WB.

Thanks for the info, Jennifer--someone sent me this site <waves again> to
check out if you or anyone else are/is interested or don't already know:

<A HREF="http://www.scifiweekly.com/issue209/news.html">

>  And now that I've seen actual eps of FK, I have to say...I can't compare
> them.  I like FK better than Angel but I probably like Buffy better than FK,
> but it's really hard to tell.  The shows are too radically different to
> compare stylistically.

Well, FK remains my favorite, but I am real keen on Buffy and Angel both.  I
was talking about Angel's having lived in a place with one of those old
fashioned lifts, the car, part of the music, the flashbacks, things like
that--that we have seen in Forever Knight.  Angel's car is not exactly like
Nick's, but we have seen more than once that a fair sized person can fit in
the trunk <g>.

>  One thing I can say for sure, though--all three blow the pathetically
> short-lived Kindred: The Embraced out of the water.  (And I do have the K:tE
> boxed set and like it, for the most part.)

I didn't watch enough of that to have anything intelligent to say about it
<g>, shame on me!!

Again, thanks Jennifer, and thanks again to those who answered me off list!!

Rather think I have used up my posts for the day!!!

Forever Yours,

Billie-Lee (who is listening to her new cat Sydney make her way around the
room checking things out <gggg>)


Date:    Fri, 27 Apr 2001 00:24:36 -0400
From:    Mickey <wench@a.......>
Subject: Kristen Lehman


I was reading the TV Guide tonight and noticed that Kristen Lehman is on
Felicity now.

Annmarie aka Mickey


Date:    Fri, 27 Apr 2001 02:32:49 -0700
From:    StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Dear Billie Lee (from Sydney)

I'm so glad to hear that you are hosting another feline, and that you have
named her after me.  There are too many of my divine species who need homes
and loving hosts.  Of course, you have a very good reputation among our
kind, and I know that you will make sure this other Sydney has her
'operation'--trust me, it's worth it not to put up with those awful 'heats'!

Now I'm sure you know that all cats are automatically Cousins, so be sure to
give your new Household Goddess her daily dose of LaCroix!

Best wishes,

Sydney Lambert
President, Purr-fect Faction

Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
Abnormally fond of dead guys
smolly4@q....... or stormborn@l.......


Date:    Fri, 27 Apr 2001 08:01:09 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Dear Billie Lee (from Sydney) Sydney Replies

Hello again Sydney!!

> I'm so glad to hear that you are hosting another feline, and that you have
>  named her after me.  There are too many of my divine species who need homes
>  and loving hosts.

Thank you, and yes I know your species is Divine, having been worshipped as
gods by ancient peoples.  There were a lot of other cats at that horrible
place where I had to stay for three days, and my new human wanted to bring
them all home, but she could only have one.  I like my new name, I understand
that the cat I am named after is most revered, particularly among this group!!

>  Of course, you have a very good reputation among our
>  kind, and I know that you will make sure this other Sydney has her
>  'operation'--trust me, it's worth it not to put up with those awful 'heats'!

My human says thank you <g>.  I have already had that operation, so no
worries there.  Those heats are worse than the operation, I think.

>  Now I'm sure you know that all cats are automatically Cousins, so be sure to
>  give your new Household Goddess her daily dose of LaCroix!

No, I didn't know that, but I will make sure and tell my new human so that
she can introduce me to this man she calls Uncle.

>  Best wishes,
>  Sydney Lambert
>  President, Purr-fect Faction
Thank you Syndney Lambert, and the best of all wishes to you as well!!

Forever Yours,

Sydney Williams (who can be found at Billie-Lee Williams e-addy of
<A HREF="mccelt2000@a.......">mccelt2000@a.......</A>


Date:    Fri, 27 Apr 2001 05:56:35 -0700
From:    "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Re: needing advice on an upcoming work

Hi Everyone:

I also have at least one story ("Climax") which
looking back now, I wish that I had betaed.  I
didn't do it because of it's length.  (I think it
prints out to about 130 pages or something to
that effect....)  But, anyhow, like any other
piece of writing, there comes a point where you
get so involved with a story that it sounds ready
for prime time...and maybe it is...but that
reader always helps with the little things.  My
latest story (87 pages in length) is a case in
point.  While I felt ready to post it, I sent it
to a few people to look at and the feedback
helped me to improve dialogue, story flow,
characterization, etc.  (This is even more
important when doing crossovers as there are more
factors to consider.)

I'm always willing to comment on works and,
believe me, there are plenty of great
beta-readers on this list.

Thanks everyone




Date:    Fri, 27 Apr 2001 07:13:05 -0600
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Ontario forensic science & fanfic

I was surfing and stumbled across the following website for the Centre of
Forensic Science:

The CFS is run by the Ontario government, and would often be associated
with Ontario coroners on a murder investigation. I thought this might be
interesting, and then I remembered a news story from 1995. In that year,
DNA tests showed that Ontario man Guy Paul Morin had been wrongfully
convicted of the murder of young Christine Jessop. In the subsequent
inquiry, a lot of unflattering light was cast on both the CFS and certain
coroners. I thought that might be interesting to some fanfic writers, so
here are some websites on Guy Paul Morin's wrongful conviction and the role
of Ontario coroners, & Centre of Forensic Science

For what it's worth!

Your humble & obedient servant,


Date:    Fri, 27 Apr 2001 08:29:23 -0700
From:    Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: YKYBRTMFW...

You know you've been reading too much Forever Knight fanfic when you're on a
non-vampire web site and see the name "LaCroix's Blood Doll" and a reference
to vampires, and wonder if there are any other FK fans who regularly go to
that website, and if you know that person from forkni-l.

Emily Hanson
Main website - http://www.starbase-eprime.com
Web Graphics - http://www.galaxyofimages.com
ICQ# 73113057


Date:    Fri, 27 Apr 2001 15:01:23 EDT
From:    Knightwave@a.......
Subject: An upcoming KtK auction

Hi everyone.  The KtK group are planning another auction.  It is scheduled to
start at noon on Sunday, April 29, 2001 and end at midnight on May 6, 2001.
All times are Eastern Standard Time.  We have several scripts (not original),
photos, speciality items, and several unique pieces that graces the backgroup
shots from Forever Knight.

Becky will be posting the web site addy soon, which will have each item
listed.  A picture will also be there to help you decide whether you'd like
to bed or not.  We sincerely hope you will come over and play with us.  <g>

Please send any bids to knightwave@a....... with the item # and name included
with your bid.  That way I'm sure which item you are truely going for.
Updates will be posted to the ML.

We appreciate all the support everyone has given us in the past.  Hopefully
we can jab TPTB just as hard this time and push them that final foot or so
and obtain our objective.  <g>

Please pass this message and upcoming updates on to anybody that might be
interested.  I lost all my addresses to the different lists when my computer
crashed the end of last month and have only recovered a few of them since.



Date:    Fri, 27 Apr 2001 15:12:06 EDT
From:    Knightwave@a.......
Subject: missing messages

Hi all.  I'm finally back up and running, but my address book is bare.  I
know several of you had contacted me to add you to The Crusader's
subscription list.  If you haven't received a note thanking you for joining,
then your request was lost when my machine went down.  I have a couple of
requests that came through this week.  I'll process them later today (I hope)

Oh, and Susan keeps telling me it won't be too much longer before the next
issue comes out.   Hang in there...  <g>

As for the messages that were more personal, all I can say is I'm sorry, but
they're gone.  I hope this open ended thank you will suffice for those that
praised one of my pieces of fiction recently read.  If you want to try and
send again, I promise to answer as soon as I see it.  <g>  Anyone I was
supposed to contact, please do resend at your convenience.  Thanks
everyone...  <waving as I go back to an awful lot of backed up mail.  <G>>



Date:    Fri, 27 Apr 2001 13:35:34 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Defending My Unlife fanfic query

Did anybody get part 5 onward of the above by Patty Costantino?
I'm wondering if Outlook 5 is jipping me again, because I received the first
four in one day and then nada. The story was looking promsing too (ie it had
Nick in it! <g>)

As to cats being automatically Cousins, I must disagree.  My own late,
lamented Duchess the Purring Persian HairBall was a bundle of angst, wailing
away her sorrows at all hours of the night.  (And a finicky eater.  Had to
be salmon or she'd literally starve herself.)

On the other hand, Scotty the Vacuum Cleaner On Legs was forever sticking
her cold nose into everybody's business whether they minded or naught.  And
woe to them that tried to take what was hers.  (This is not to say that she
would'nt have taken exception to LC's 'breakfast' remark and tried to bite
his expensive leather boots.  Would that still have qualified her as a
Cousin? <eg>

Kyer, kyer@p.......


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 26 Apr 2001 to 27 Apr 2001 (#2001-137)

Previous digest Back to April's list Next digest

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