FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Apr 2001 (#2001-107)
Sun, 1 Apr 2001
There are 3 messages totalling 109 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. eBay auction item
2. KtK question - blood drive (2)
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 16:03:27 -0400
From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susanmgarrett@e.......>
Subject: Re: eBay auction item
Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......> says:
>Thought this might interest everyone... a draft script of Last Knight,
different from the ending that made it onto the screen. More than that, the
seller ain't tellin'. ;)>
There are SO many versions of this script -
Writers draft
Pink Changes 2/14/96
Blue Changes 2/18/96
Green Changes 2/18/96
Yellow Changes 2/19/96
(I'm betting there were versions for 2/20/96 and possibly 2/21/96 - does
anyone remember which nights we attended Deb's play?, because they were
doing the final shooting on Last Night when we went to visit the set
building and took pictures in front of the sign)
Post Production (As Produced) Version
Not to mention the 'Goldenplaid' version by Bedard and LaLonde, which they
allow the GWDFC to reproduce and sell for charity . . . .
susanmgarrett@e....... --
EVER Faithful Ravenette.
"Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies."
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 16:12:21 -0400
From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susanmgarrett@e.......>
Subject: Re: KtK question - blood drive
> Could we coordinate a blood drive, with press releases? Perhaps something
> like, such and such a date is the first annual international FK blood drive.
> Fans of FK across the US and Canada will be donating blood in memory of the
> cult TV show which featured a vampire detective, etc. I think the vampire
> angle would make the newspapers run it!
We tried this in 1996. It didn't work well because every region has it's
own blood donation tracking system and it's own autonomy. In addition . .
. with the 10,000 plus people we had on the list at the time, only a handle
gave blood or were eligible to give blood.
Please keep in mind that there is nothing as detrimental as making a noise,
having it show up in print, and then being unable to carry through because
the numbers aren't there.
That having been said, I encourage EVERYONE who can physically do it to
give blood. I used to do it frequently and keep trying, although certain
medical reasons preclude them from taking it at the moment. But I hope one
day to give blood again. Give blood, note the time, day and place, the
division of the RC to blood donation element to which you're giving, and
then send in the info to someone.
Once you have a sufficient number of donations over a period of time, THEN
you can do something with it.
And whether or not that happens, give blood anyway. One of the problems so
many of us had with Last Knight was that it appeared to preclude the ideas
that hope counts for something, particularly if good comes from it. That
was always one of the tenants to SOS-FK - every dime raised for promotional
funds was matched by a dime raised for charity. Even if we didn't
immediately succeed in our goal, we made a difference.
susanmgarrett@e....... --
EVER Faithful Ravenette.
"Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies."
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 13:21:13 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: KtK question - blood drive
Susan G. wrote:
>> We tried this in 1996. It didn't work well because every region has it's
own blood donation tracking system and it's own autonomy. In
addition...with the 10,000 plus people we had on the list at the time, only
a handle gave blood or were eligible to give blood.<<
Oh. I can see that--I know *nothing* about the mechanics of coordinating
such an effort. It was just a thought...
Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Apr 2001 (#2001-107)
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