FORKNI-L Digest - 31 Mar 2001 to 1 Apr 2001 - Special issue (#2001-106)
Sun, 1 Apr 2001
There are 33 messages totalling 1004 lines in this issue.
Topics in this special issue:
1. LaCroix's view of fatherhood (long) (6)
2. Super Vamps? <g> ( was Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood)
3. Attention Spike fans..
4. LaCroix evil? (was LC's view of fatherhood)
5. Nick's personality
6. LaCroix's view of fatherhood (4)
7. Elders (2)
8. Oops!
9. KtK question (4)
10. eBay auction item (7)
11. the recent V4S story (3)
12. VCR Alert!!!
13. Oops and April Fools
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 00:03:01 +0200
From: Cloudrider <cloudrider@a.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood (long)
Oh no - I tried so hard to stay out of it this time, but again can't resist
Must admit that abuse for whatever reason tends to make me nervous, so fans who
love LC might better skip this post...
"Sons of Belial": Margie and Laurie wrote:
>> LaCroix at first refused to take Nick to the exorcist, but then did take
>> him when he saw how desperate Nick really was.
> To me, it wasn't exactly Nick's desperation, it was Nick's abrupt switch from
> theatening demon to suplicating child.
Okay... It's not quite fresh in my memory any more, but to me, it's that Nick
just isn't himself when he threatens Lacroix. Without any major provocation
that is, like killing friends of him. This unexpected and pointless
aggressivity is so unlike the Nick he knows, it brings out Lacroix' partly
dismayed look, and he starts to wonder if the boy might be right - he's just
not himself. Then Lacroix' look makes Nick realize what he's doing and he seems
scared about himself. I mean, IMO Lacroix takes him there not only because Nick
is so desperate, but mainly because he's afraid he's right.
Emily wrote:
> And he may genuinely care about Nick, in his own way, though
> because the way his character was written, it's never shown.
It's never (?) shown in first season, there he enjoys a little too obviously to
see Nick suffer. Boogeyman, as Sue called it.
Enjoying it means for me too "just plain evil", sorry.
BUT it's shown in the later seasons, especially the third. I can't possibly
imagine that season1-LC and season3-LC are the same persons, that much the
writers changed his character. The one from the first episodes would never have
compassion for Nick, and the one from the last ones wouldn't treat him like in
DK. Personally I just see them as different characters, good and evil twin <g>
Yeah, quirky, I know, but just trying to find a way to accept and occasionally
like one of them, without the other getting in the way! Can't help it, I'm an
ultralight Knightie...
Perhaps someone can actually come up with a genuinly caring (not just obsessing)
example for season one, but usually the examples given only come from the last
eps. ARE there early ones??
Silver wrote:
> ... also being torn between loving them and *trying to re-create them in their
> own image*. ...
> And then there's also the thought that Lucien just might have a part of him
> that loves to see Nick suffer.
That's exactly what I'm seeing, when early LC gets so badly abusive and *enjoys*
it, he either *loves* to see him suffer or, when it's supposed to be pedagogical
too, he just tries very hard to transform Nick into a "little Lacroix".
Whose best interests??
> But on the other hand and although he might have been right about his
> outcomes, his means to achieve them weren't very successful.
Because IMO he could just as well try to transform a bird into a fish, it can
never work, can only be destructive. Nick's body might be undead, but his soul
is human, and it's what makes Nick Nick <g> So LC always only reaches the
opposite of what he wants and drives Nick further away. (One would mean,
intelligent as he is, that he would realize this earlier than after 2000
years... <eg>)
Portia wrote:
> I know that there are potentially valid arguments that LaCroix was not
> necessarily physically abusive/punitive towards Nick, but I do wonder what
> else might explain Nick's obvious fear of LaCroix.
Fear of him going to kill his friends? And to destroy everything that's
important to him? To force him to leave the place and his current identity?
And yes, physical violence too. Short, fear of LC making him suffer and break
him, control him, take his freedom, let him not be himself. In the case of
vamps, emotional violence is much worse than physical one, those wounds at
least heal quickly.
StormBorn wrote:
> I do believe that Nick was, if not the love of his life, certainly deeply
> alluring to him, perhaps because he is everything LaCroix is not.
And yet what would be left, if LC would succeed with taking all this away from
him, transform him into a little Lacroix?
Just my opinion! Okay, back under my rock - shwoosh... <g>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 17:57:13 -0500
From: Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: Super Vamps? <g> ( was Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood)
At 06:36 PM 3/29/2001 -0500, Laurie of the Isles wrote:
>ROFL!!!! These would make nifty Mafia names too. Ooh, maybe there's
>a fic in this : Luke "Eybrows" LaCroix and Nick "The Brick" Knight meet
>Al "Scarface" Capone.
Considering the events in "Father's Day", they probably did! Especially
considering they both had impeccable tastes in clothing...
Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project
Gerthering 3 Photos:
Visit the Fiendish Glow at
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 16:08:34 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood (long)
> BUT it's shown in the later seasons, especially the third. I can't possibly
> imagine that season1-LC and season3-LC are the same persons, that much the
> writers changed his character. >
They aren't.
Season1-LC (with the exception of Dark Knight) are all *Nick's* flashbacking
perceptions of him. Season3-LC was the General first hand as we the viewers
got to see him. ( I am defending LaCroix! No comments from the
peanut gallery!! I'm doing this soley in the interest of the relationship
itself.) Nick at that time was trying to distance himself from vampires in
general and LC in particular. Even Janette got some of the brush off.
Later, as he started to revel in vampirehood a little more (whether by
himself or LaCroix's machinations) he stopped concentrating on the negative
memories so much.
> Fear of him going to kill his friends?
Okay... not even the Nunkaholics or Light Cousins can claim he's sainthood
material. :)
> And yet what would be left, if LC would succeed with taking all this away
> from him, transform him into a little Lacroix?
That's a sin of most parents towards their kids. We are (they wish) little
futures of themselves.
LaCroix wanted a son. A son with his own mind who *chose* to follow his
father's ideals and orders. And by golly, he was going to get that son if
he had to hound the boy for the next millenium!!! ;)
Okay... I've provided enough amusement for the Cousins for one day.
Kyer, kyer@p....... signing off to go websurfing. As Nick the Supreme
Surfer Dude would say: Cow-abunga!
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 16:19:42 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Attention Spike fans..
I know there are at least three of you out there somewhere but was too
flabbergasted to remember names save for David.. <Kyer waves at David.
David waves his hands back in a way that indicates mortification at being
pointed out, but that can't be right even if he is now reaching for a
paperbag and putting it on..>
I thought up a short humorous scene with Nick and Spike (Nick's vampire
cactus son--not the Buffy character) and would like to take it somewhere
(besides the trashcan) but have no idea what destination tickets to purchase
for the trip. Anybody wanna take a peek and give comment?
E-mail me off list at: kyer@p.......
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 17:23:56 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: LaCroix evil? (was LC's view of fatherhood)
OK, obviously I don't think that LaCroix is evil, although he occasionally
behaves in ways that we view as evil. I don't think evil is a constant, or
even a concrete construct; I believe that what we see as evil varies
according to the situation and the mores of the time.
So, let's see: Does LaCroix commit murder? Yes, by our standards; no, by
his standards. Has he killed mortals that Nick cared about? Yes...but on
the other hand Nat's still alive, and there was no reason he had to be so
gentle with Schanke in 'Close Call'--after all, it would have been easy to
do away with Schanke and cover it up, and if he was as 'evil' towards Nick
as some believe, he could have forced *Nick* to kill Schank. Even in KI, he
knew that Nick wouldn't be imprisoned or executed, just that he would have
to move on--which in LaCroix's POV, is not that big a deal.
I think the final scene of FD showed a gentle LaCroix--maybe not a happy
one, but a gentle one. NiQ, SoB, and BMV are the other examples that spring
to mind (just off the top of my head).
First season LaCroix was, as has been pointed out, Nick's memories--memories
which may have been skewed so that Nick, in remembering their relationship's
worst moments, could deal with the guilt brought about by the knowledge that
*he had killed his father*.
Finally, I don't think LaCroix wants Nick to be a 'Mini-Me.' A recurrent
theme of LaCroix's is for Nick to 'accept your true nature--only then will
you be happy.' It's natural for parents to presume to know what will be
best for their children, as they've usually lived through the School of Hard
Knocks that their children are just beginning to experience.
Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 19:44:06 -0500
From: Portia <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood (long)
I like your reasoning, Cloudrider. In reference to my remark:
>> Portia wrote: I know that there are potentially valid arguments that
>> LaCroix was not necessarily physically abusive/punitive towards Nick,
>> but I do wonder what else might explain Nick's obvious fear of LaCroix.
Cloudrider wrote:
> Fear of him going to kill his friends? And to destroy everything that's
> important to him? To force him to leave the place and his current
> identity? And yes, physical violence too. Short, fear of LC making him
> suffer and break him, control him, take his freedom, let him not be himself.
I also see these as reasons for the break in their once closer relationship,
but I was referring to the fear Nick seems to evince when he and LaCroix are
alone in a tense confrontation. The wariness and tenseness Nick displays
seems to indicate a fear of physical retribution....
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 17:51:39 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood (long)
Portia wrote:
>>The wariness and tenseness Nick displays seems to indicate a fear of
physical retribution....<<
To me, it indicates 'what is he going to do now? how is he going to react?'
After all, LaCroix is anything but predictable. <g>
Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 20:03:29 -0500
From: Portia <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Nick's personality
I know I'm too tired to make a good go of this, but it's being bouncing
mistily in the back of my mind, so I thought I'd try to pin at least some of
it down.
Believe it or not, until I joined the net fandom I never really thought of
Nicky as "Angst Boy." I actually saw him as somebody who had a
determination to take his life and make of it what he willed, despite all
opposition. Unfortunately, that opposition was pretty strong and numerous,
and came from many directions. He had a *lot* of things knock him down, a
*lot* of things to sap his faith, and a *whole lot* of reasons to give up.
And he made really big mistakes, and he failed himself and others in
terrible ways. But he didn't give up -- even after *800* years! To me,
that shows a man of faith (yes, sometimes wavering terribly) and hope (yes,
I dare to compare him to an optimist! "g").
The obvious addiction analogy can come into play here, for those who buy it
(I do, to some degree), as well (I think) as an analogy with dealing with a
disability or fighting against the preconceived limits that any type of
prejudice confers. Some say he was a fool for not accepting the
consequences of his decision, and that he would be better off just accepting
the status quo, but I don't buy it. I think he had a dream -- an
incrediably hard, almost impossible dream to attain -- and a heartfelt and
soul-deep desire to change his life. He was a flawed man (but isn't that
the kind of hero we most love?), but he ultimately or innately had an
integrity to his dream -- to do his utmost to be true to *himself* as *he*
defined (or was determined to define) himself.
Portia, whose muzzy logic has probably cashed checks her brain can't pay!
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 17:21:43 -0800
From: Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood
The funny thing about that ep, it might not just have been out of concern for
Nick. Since FK vampires (at least, master and sire) are mentally linked, LC
might have been acting in his own best interest as well. If Nick went insane,
would it affect LC's mind too? I'm still not convinced LC actually belived
Nick was possessed in that ep, but LC may have believed that Nick was not
mentally all there. That may have driven LC to take Nick to the priest. Does
this make any sense?
I'm wondering (on a slightly different tangent here) if there has been any
information given us about what abilities Elders may possess over other
vampires, other than the Superwhammy. Theoretically, Elders might have other
mental abilities.
--- Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> wrote:
> The strongest example I can think of is in "Sons of Belial" when LaCroix at
> first refused to take Nick to the exorcist, but then did take him when he
> saw how desperate Nick really was.
Emily Hanson
Main website -
Web Graphics -
ICQ# 73113057
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 17:29:46 -0800
From: Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Elders
How old does one have to be in FK terms to be a vampire elder? LC seems an
obvious candidate, but what about Janette and Nick? Since Nick's sire still
has a strong hold over him, could he possibly be considered an Elder if LC is
still alive?
Emily Hanson
Main website -
Web Graphics -
ICQ# 73113057
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 17:38:33 -0800
From: Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Oops!
Sorry, thought I cut out those last parts out of my previous message! <Whammying
computer> You will behave... you will behave...
Emily Hanson
Main website -
Web Graphics -
ICQ# 73113057
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 18:35:26 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: Re: Elders
Emily H. asked:
>> How old does one have to be in FK terms to be a vampire elder? LC seems
an obvious candidate, but what about Janette and Nick?<<
In FK terms--that is, canon--there are no elders, IIRC. I think this is
another thing that arose out of fanfic.
Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 20:52:58 -0600
From: Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood
I've been observing this discussion with considerable interest, and I think
just about everyone's made some good points. Hopefully I can do the same. ;)
Today I was re-viewing my tape of "Dead Air", and the segments where LaCroix
is bent on the bizarre and unsettling torture of a man who apparently bears
a strong resemblance to his own father made me think of this thread. I got
the impression from these scenes that Lucius Senior was a difficult,
demanding, and very likely physically abusive father, someone who rarely, if
ever, demonstrated any affection or pride towards his son. One of the most
chilling moments in the torture scene (in my opinon, at least) was when
LaCroix murmured to the father-lookalike, "Tell me you love me," or words to
that effect. I'm by no means suggesting the exclusive and somewhat
solipsistic formula of abused child=abusive parent, but I have no doubt that
his own early experience and upbringing would have coloured his interactions
with a recalcitrant Nicolas.
And that's my two cents. Canadian, of course. ;)
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 20:56:32 -0600
From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood (long)
At 04:08 PM 3/31/01 -0700, Kyer wrote:
>LaCroix wanted a son. A son with his own mind who *chose* to follow his
>father's ideals and orders. And by golly, he was going to get that son if
>he had to hound the boy for the next millenium!!! ;)
Exactly! LaCroix wanted a child who was strong-willed, just like him. It
just never occurred to him that if he had a strong-willed child, that child
might have a will that was different from LaCroix' own.
Bring 'em back alive!
Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker
CotK Site --
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 20:03:25 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood (long)
Margie wrote
> Exactly! LaCroix wanted a child who was strong-willed, just like him. It
> just never occurred to him that if he had a strong-willed child, that child
> might have a will that was different from LaCroix' own.
In other words, LaCroix...
You can't have your A positive and suck your O negative too! At least not
where Nicholas is concerned. <hehehe>
Kyer, kyer@p.......
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 22:57:01 -0700
From: StormBorn <smolly4@q.......>
Subject: KtK question
FK fans have done a lot for charity, through auctions and donations. Today,
on my miniatures list, someone commented on donating blood.
Could we coordinate a blood drive, with press releases? Perhaps something
like, such and such a date is the first annual international FK blood drive.
Fans of FK across the US and Canada will be donating blood in memory of the
cult TV show which featured a vampire detective, etc. I think the vampire
angle would make the newspapers run it!
Cousin, Ravenette, Dark Trinity, Seducer, Forum Fanatic, FK Pagan
NA Forever!
Abnormally fond of dead guys
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 00:12:59 -0600
From: Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: Re: KtK question
> Could we coordinate a blood drive, with press releases? Perhaps something
> like, such and such a date is the first annual international FK blood drive.
> Fans of FK across the US and Canada will be donating blood in memory of the
> cult TV show which featured a vampire detective, etc. I think the vampire
> angle would make the newspapers run it!
Storm, this is a great idea. I myself am ineligible to donate blood, but I'd
be more than willing to help with publicity efforts and get the message out.
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 00:31:30 -0600
From: Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: eBay auction item
Thought this might interest everyone... a draft script of Last Knight,
different from the ending that made it onto the screen. More than that, the
seller ain't tellin'. ;)
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 03:10:44 EDT
From: Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: the recent V4S story
A friend who is temporarily not on the lists is interested in reading
the recent V4S story. I accidentally deleted my copy. I checked the
ftp site, but I don't believe I saw it among the V4S stories archived
there. If someone could send it to me so I can forward it, or let me
know if it's archived anywhere, I'd really appreciate it.
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 03:11:36 -0400
From: Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
Subject: Re: eBay auction item
Eve Dutton wrote:
> Thought this might interest everyone... a draft script of Last Knight,
> different from the ending that made it onto the screen. More than that, the
> seller ain't tellin'. ;)
That's nothing new, Eve. Considering that the ending was changed minutes
before the final scene was shot, it's no wonder that all the draft
copies of the script of LK reflect the original scenario in which the
stake was seen descending.
Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
in Toronto, the City of the Knight
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 03:21:36 EDT
From: Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood
In a message dated 3/31/01 7:54:32 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
umdutto3@c....... writes:
<< One of the most
chilling moments in the torture scene (in my opinon, at least) was when
LaCroix murmured to the father-lookalike, "Tell me you love me," or words to
that effect. >>
Words that the writers had Divia echo back to LaCroix later in
"Ashes to Ashes". Talk about families repeating abusive patterns.
Talk about *karma*. <g>
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 01:34:25 -0600
From: Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: Re: eBay auction item
> That's nothing new, Eve
Well, it is to me. ;) Thanks for enlightening me. Sorry to have been
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 10:56:12 +0200
From: Llarian <manulanger@t.......>
Subject: Re: the recent V4S story
Laurie wrote:
> the recent V4S story. I accidentally deleted my copy. <snip<
>If someone could send it to me so I can forward it>
I did this.
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 05:11:03 -0400
From: Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
Subject: Re: eBay auction item
Eve Dutton wrote:
> > That's nothing new, Eve
> Well, it is to me. ;) Thanks for enlightening me. Sorry to have been
> redundant.
I apologize, Eve. I didn't mean to sound like I was putting you down. I
should have stuck a smiley at the end of my post. <g>
Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
in Toronto, the City of the Knight
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 06:15:35 -0500
From: Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......>
Subject: Re: the recent V4S story
I was not given permission from the authors to put it there. If they give me
permission I will put it there.
Laudon1965@a....... wrote:
> . I checked the
> ftp site, but I don't believe I saw it among the V4S stories archived
> there.
> Thanks,
> Laurie of the Isles
"The sea..where each man, as in a mirror, finds himself", Richard Basehart as
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." Katherine Hepburn
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 21:59:37 +0800
From: Cheryl Hoffman <hoffman@p.......>
Subject: VCR Alert!!!
Hi all --
Well, here it is the 1st of April, and no guide yet this month. But here's
what I found out on the net, thanks to Nigel Bennett Network, and
Hopefully the guide will arrive in the next couple days & I'll be able to
add to the list.
Only one month to go, and I'll be headed back to California from China.
Neither of us can believe it's been 2 1/2 years, neither of us want to leave.
But, come May 1st, well be packing and out of here, back to San Luis
Obispo, at least for a while. No job yet, but a few things out on the
Thanks to all who have written their thanks for the list, I will be glad to
be back & able to do my own taping & watching.
Some good stuff this month, but be sure to check your local listings plenty
of time ahead of when you plan to watch. I had some dates from different
sources that didn't match up. It may be a case of East Coast time vs West
Coast timing, which can make things on 2 dates. Anyway, be sure to check
your local guide.
Madonna: Innocence Lost 4,5,13,24,27,29,30 Fox Movie Channel
Sanctuary 6,9,12,15,18,22,24,30 ThrillerMax
Soft Deceit 5,17,29 ThrillerMax
Cagney & Lacey:View through the
Glass Ceiling 25,26 Lifetime Movies
Darkman III: Die Darkman, Die 2,6,8,18,21,30 HBOZ
4,24,27 HBOP
Ed McBains 87th Precinct:Ice 2,3 Lifetime Movies
Shattered Trust:Shari Karney Story 1 Lifetime Movies
Friday 13th: The Butcher 13 Sci Fi
LEXX: Boomtown 1 SciFi
Gondola 8 SciFi
K-Town 22 SciFi
Tunnels 29 SciFi
Psi Factor: Old Wounds 9 TNT
School of Thought 11 TNT
Y2K 12 TNT
The Tribunal 13 TNT
Dancing in the Dark 27,28 LifetimeMovies
Other Women's Children 5 LifetimeMovies
The Breakfast Club 8 TBS
Cool and the Crazy 23,24 LifetimeMovies
The Deep End of the Ocean 7,17,25 Cinemax
For the Love of Aaron 14,15 LifetimeMovies
Johnny Skidmarks 3,9,12,15,21,25,27,29 ThrillerMax
The Late Shift 17 HBO
Man Trouble 16 Fox Movie Channel
The Shadow 21 SciFi
Vibes 5,9,17,29 HBO
11,19,21,23,27 HBO3-Signature
Andromeda: The Pearls That Were His Eyes April 1-7
The Mathematics of Tears April 7-14
Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way April 14-21
The Devil Take the Hindmost April 21-28
The Honey Offering April 28-May 5
Dead Man 6 The Movie Channel
Ed and His Dead Mother 6,15,19,29 Cinemax #2
Cheryl Hoffman, NA (& I ain't changin' it), Cousin, NBN, GWDFC, G4
"My, my... we are in a mood tonight.." -LaCroix
hoffman@p....... dayabaygal@y.......
Dapeng, Shenzhen, CHINA AIM: DayaBayGal ICQ: 30464256
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 07:37:20 -0700
From: Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Oops and April Fools
Guess my whammy made the computer work after all.. Heh heh.
Thought I'd sent the message without the additional parts getting cut out, but
it seems to have happened the way I wanted it to. Strange. Obviously I need
more coffee.
Intravenous coffee would be nice, as one FK actor put it (though not in those
exact words).
Is anyone writing a fic in honor of April Fools today?
--- Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......> wrote:
> Sorry, thought I cut out those last parts out of my previous message!
> <Whammying computer> You will behave... you will behave...
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 08:26:06 -0700
From: Lady Ariake <lady_ariake@y.......>
Subject: Re: KtK question
--- StormBorn <smolly4@q.......> wrote:
> Could we coordinate a blood drive, with press
> releases? Perhaps something
> like, such and such a date is the first annual
> international FK blood drive.
Sounds like a good idea (I'm a recipient and as such
inelligible to donate, but I used to help at our high
school's annual drive.) But would we coordinate our
own sites for the drive, go to local Red Cross or
blood banks, or what? Coordinating our own drives
could be tricky, since we're so spread out
I know that BTVS was involved with a local drive--they
were offering "Come in to donate, get a Buffy
"Vampirism--it does a body good!" Tom Servo, reviewing "The Wild World of Bat
If Anita doesn't want to be Jean-Claude's human servant, can I volunteer?
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 10:30:31 -0500
From: wirickml <n.debrabant@g.......>
Subject: Re: KtK question
Stormborn wrote:
>Fans of FK across the US and Canada will be donating blood in memory of the
> cult TV show which featured a vampire detective, etc. I think the vampire
> angle would make the newspapers run it!
I'd love to donate blood for that. I used to donate all the time.
First I'll have to check to see if I could donate again.
Just let me know when and where.
I've got good O Positive just waiting. Smooth and a nice deep red color.
No clumps either. Pure, 100% homemade.
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 11:05:22 -0700
From: "David J. Duncan" <dante0220@y.......>
Subject: Re: LaCroix's view of fatherhood
Hi Everyone:
> Talk about families repeating abusive patterns.
> Talk about *karma*. <g>
More than likely, it's repeating the lessons
instilled in them. It takes courage to break the
cycle of violence and the instincts surrounding
it (a Gabrielle quote)--something that I think
people don't give Nick enough credit for at
times. It requires a tremendous amount of inner
strength and preseverence. This is something
which LC and Divia lack, Janette kind of has it
in that she is somewhere in the middle (she can
see both sides even though she agrees with LC),
and Natalie is totally
helping/urging/coercing/pushing (choose
one--depending upon your faction <mischievous
grin>) Nick.
To quote a lyric from a song--"the strong give up
and move on; but the weak, the weak give up and
Now, I ask who is the strongest emotionally,
hmmmm? Just because he is the most stoic doesn't
mean that LC is the strongest.....
Ohhh, I think I just did it again....<ducks
behind the virtual barracks>
Thanks everyone!
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 11:10:47 -0700
From: Emily Hanson <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Re: eBay auction item
I find it interesting that the highest bid was only $12.
Should have been $12.28 <g>
--- Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......> wrote:
> Thought this might interest everyone... a draft script of Last Knight...
Emily Hanson
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Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 15:13:16 -0400
From: siona <siona@n.......>
Subject: Re: eBay auction item
At 11:10 AM 04/01/01 -0700, you wrote:
>I find it interesting that the highest bid was only $12.
It was sold using the Buy It feature. That means the seller figured that
it was worth $12 and was willing to accept that.
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 14:44:11 -0500
From: mclisa <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Re: eBay auction item
Eve writes:
> Thought this might interest everyone... a draft script of Last Knight,
> different from the ending that made it onto the screen. More than that, the
> seller ain't tellin'. ;)
I can guess from what I heard at the time and from the shooting script as
actually finalized, which I have.
1. The first draft had everybody but Reese dead at the end. All had, if I
recall correctly, committed suicide.
2. The ending as filmed differs from the script. For those who don't
already know, James Parriott wanted it definite that Nat and Nick were dead.
He has a second draining of Nat and we saw the stake descend as LaCroix
says, "damn you, Nicholas!" The stage directions did specify that we
wouldn't see the stake go in or transfix him. Then the cut to the sunrise
or sunset establishing shot was to run over Nigel/Lacroix reading the
Prince's speech from Romeo and Juliet which begins, "A glooming peace ..."
Ger, who was directing, tried to take out the second draining, the
descending stake and the Shakespeare. Somehow JP found out and put it back.
Ger took it out again and that was when JP flew to Toronto to make sure the
script was filmed as he wanted. Just before the last scene was shot, someone
at Sony found out and called the studio. Since Sony owns the show, they were
able to insist that the ending be ambiguous. The second draining so that we
could see what Nick was doing when he bent over Nat again, the descending
stake and the voice-over at the end were not done. I've heard that
Catherine Disher had moved after Nat collapsed, so we would know she wasn't
dead. I presume JP prevented Ger from putting that in, but that's just a
guess. I know one of us with really sharp eyes recently spotted that Nat is
breathing the last time we see her clearly.
The staking/Shakespeare ending might be what the seller means.
McLisa (Lisa McDavid)
"That will be trouble".
Listowner, Forkni-l and Fkfic-l
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 31 Mar 2001 to 1 Apr 2001 - Special issue (#2001-106)
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