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FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Jan 2001 to 2 Jan 2001 (#2001-2)

Tue, 2 Jan 2001

There are 20 messages totalling 548 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Happy New Year
  2. astrological signs (2)
  3. ADMIN: Announcing the 2000 Forever Knight Fanfic Awards! (2)
  4. vampiric response to electric outage (3)
  5. Knightie homepage? FTP Archivist? (2)
  6. [astrological signs]
  7. Question about Canada (2)
  8. ADMIN: 2000 FK Fanfic Awards
  9. The REAL Nick & Don?? (2)
 10. Info needed for story (4)


Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 11:35:23 +1300
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Re: Happy New Year

Thank you and all the same to you!!!!!


----- Original Message -----
From: Judith Lieberman <JudithL21@a.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 4:44 AM
Subject: Re: Happy New Year

> A happy New Year and a safe and healthy one to all.  JudyL


Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 11:36:58 +1300
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Re: astrological signs

> As a Taurus myself, I agree.
> We can also be very patient, but we usually get our way. <wink>
> We are supposed to be sensual, but with a stubborn streak.
> -Enid
> LadyEnid512@a.......

Being one myself, I can only whole heartedly agree.<G>

FK clothing available here! Look what's NEW...Winter Apparel!!


Date:    Mon, 1 Jan 2001 16:38:47 -0700
From:    Rose Thatcher <dreamerextrodanar@h.......>
Subject: Re: astrological signs

> > As a Taurus myself, I agree.
> > We can also be very patient, but we usually get our way. <wink>
> > We are supposed to be sensual, but with a stubborn streak.
> > -Enid
> > LadyEnid512@a.......
>Being one myself, I can only whole heartedly agree.<G>

For goodness sakes!  I'm a Taurus, and I'm *nothing* like that! You're just
claiming all the good parts of something! :P


Date:    Mon, 1 Jan 2001 19:38:25 EST
From:    Sing to Angels <Sng2angels@a.......>
Subject: Re: ADMIN: Announcing the 2000 Forever Knight Fanfic Awards!

I would like to participate in the 2000 FK fanfic awards. I haven't been on
the list for very long, only a few months. But in that short amount of time I
have written several stories. I am in the middle of making my own website to
host stories by myself and others.
  Is there a limit on how many stories one can submit? If there isn't, I
would like to submit all of the ones I have written this year. They can all
be found on my website, the URL is
 By the time you are ready to post all of the details about the awards, my
site should be done. The stories, however, are already up and ready to be
read by anyone, I just haven't advertised the site yet. :) If you could write
me back with more information about these awards, please do. I hope you have
all of the information from me that you need to process this.

          Sing To Angels
 ****** A Decidedly Gray Cousin, Vaquero, Detester of Perkiness wherever it
may lay, FoSiL, N&NPacker and Forever Faithful (and just in case neither work
out, a secret valentine) *******
   "Look for more than the naked eye can see, and sing the grief you find to
the angels above."

Call me at Keen.com, Your Live Answer Community.


Date:    Mon, 1 Jan 2001 19:10:41 -0600
From:    "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: ADMIN: Announcing the 2000 Forever Knight Fanfic Awards!


Your stories must be nominated by someone to be in the awards. So all you can do
is make your website known to fans, and hope that you're nominated.

I am compiling a list of stories published in 2000. Would you please send that a
list of your stories to me, as well as their URLs? I'm sorry, I don't have the
time to dig through a website to get the specifics.

Thanks, Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Mon, 1 Jan 2001 22:15:35 EST
From:    Julia Kocich <JKocich@a.......>
Subject: vampiric response to electric outage

Tracysue wrote:

>  LaCroix would laugh at our mortal follies.  He lived in a time without
> electricity.  He probably thinks that it's silly that we're so dependant on
> it.

Yeah, but .... he's gotten used to well-hydrated ... er ... food.
I understand that the water supply went, in many places, along
with the power. So I expect that Lacroix's palate would notice
the change in the current ... vintage.

" 'Gout de terroir' is all well and good, Nicholas, but I must
admit I've become used to a civilization with bottled water
and reverse-osmotic filtration."

[No, that ain't as funny as Chris R.'s observation that although
he complains, the only thing Lacroix actually refuses to eat is
Hitler <g>.]

(And I can picture Screed checking in to see how Libby's doing,
bringing her a fresh possum or such!)

Happy new millennium,
UF list cobra


Date:    Mon, 1 Jan 2001 19:30:42 -0800
From:    "Amy R." <akr@l.......>
Subject: Knightie homepage? FTP Archivist?

      This afternoon, I discovered that my link/bookmark to the Knightie
affiliation homepage (http://members.aol.com/knighties/) no longer
functions.  Has it been moved?  Replaced?  Discontinued?  Do I have a typo
in the address?

      Also, who is the current FTP site
(ftp://ftp.win.net/winnet/fkvoyage/fkfanfic/) archiver, and what is his or
her email address?

      (Please write to me off list, or copy me on a list post.  I'm "mail"
only on fkfic-l, not forkni-l.)

      Thank you very much!

Amy R., Knightie
FK Fanfic: http://users.lanminds.com/~akr/fk/


Date:    Mon, 1 Jan 2001 23:42:07 CST
From:    Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [astrological signs]

I did a search on Chinese zodiac and the two sites I checked said it was the
year of the golden snake.

I wonder what LC would say about that?  The fact that snakes have long been
interpreted (at least in Western culture) to be sly and devious creatures
makes me think he couldn't resist mentioning it in a monologue.


Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......> wrote:

> Umm, no. 2008-2009 will be the Year of the Rat (says she who is a Metal
> Rat, born in the Month of the Horse, and should know). 2001-2002 will be
> the Year of the Metal Snake.


Date:    Mon, 1 Jan 2001 23:47:26 +0000
From:    Klytaimnestra <lbowman@c.......>
Subject: Re: Question about Canada

on 1/1/01 10:00 PM, Automatic digest processor at LISTSERV@l.......

>> Canada really is just one small town, isn't it?
> If you consider 29 million people a small town, sure. <g>

There are, however, only 12 actors in it! (g)  ... I've been watching SPACE
channel recently and I'm entertained to see how many actors show up over and
over, in all the shows filmed in Toronto or Vancouver.  The Baroness from FK
shows up in Due South.  Lisa Ryder, of course.  Nigel Bennett shows up in
Earth: The Final Conflict. And bit parts all over the place.

Klytaimnestra             lbowman@c.......
Fanfiction at http://members.home.net/lbowman


Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 06:01:39 EST
From:    Marel Darby <Frostsaint2@a.......>
Subject: Re: Question about Canada

In a message dated 02/01/01 07:47:04 GMT Standard Time, lbowman@c.......

>  >> Canada really is just one small town, isn't it?

>  > If you consider 29 million people a small town, sure. <g>

>  There are, however, only 12 actors in it! (g)  ... I've been watching SPACE
>  channel recently and I'm entertained to see how many actors show up over and
>  over, in all the shows filmed in Toronto or Vancouver.

This is the frequent and plaintive semi-humorous complaint of British actors
-- who watch in envy as their Canadian counterparts turn up in a variety of series.
Mind you, they issue similar remarks about  Australian actors.<g>



Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 04:04:02 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: vampiric response to electric outage

> >  LaCroix would laugh at our mortal follies.  He lived in a time without
> > electricity.  He probably thinks that it's silly that we're so dependant on
> > it.

I can't help but think of Nick's refrigerator and radio. <g>  Would send
care package of moo juice and batteries, but am not certain of how the
customs people would react.  And what if the battery acid leaked into the
blood?  Super Charged Moo Juice with an Electric Kick?  hehehe  Hey, I
wonder if that would be like Jalepeno sauce to us mortals?
Oh, man!  The Energizer Bunny on Nat's slab with fang punctures in its
"Nick!  Is this something I should know about?!"

But I suppose that he has an emergency backup generator or three so that his
cow doesn't spoil. (not that, I imagine, he can tell from the taste, which
opened up some wonderful story plots in the past! lol!) Not to mention to
keep being able to listen to CERK.  Gotta keep tabs on Dad and what he
thinks Nick is up to.

Kyer, kyer@p.......
Sorry about all that---lot on my mind tonight.


Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 06:49:49 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: vampiric response to electric outage

In a message dated 1/2/01 5:05:01 AM Central Standard Time, kyer@p.......

> Not to mention to
>  keep being able to listen to CERK.  Gotta keep tabs on Dad and what he
>  thinks Nick is up to.
Take my word for it, there are still battery operated radios - something
which I became well aquainted for four long, cold days last week. Unless, of
course, the entire radio station got knocked off the air. There were quite a
few radio stations off the air for at least a few hours, and some are still
off a week later.

Hmmm. Would CERK *dare* go off the air causing LaCroix's show not to be
heard? He  may be much too old and powerful for that to happen!



Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 08:48:51 -0600
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: ADMIN: 2000 FK Fanfic Awards

I apologize for posting again to the lists, but over the last several days I've
received a number of inquiries about the fate of the 1999 Fanfic Awards, and so
decided to answer in public rather than privately.

The 1999 edition of the awards was being run by Mel Moser, who has been beset by
Real Life problems and has been unable to complete the work on the awards. I have
no knowledge about whether or not any winners will ever be announced for 1999;
I suggest any inquiries be addressed to Mel.

In the meantime, though, let's concentrate on the 2000 Awards! Start reviewing
your favorite works from the past year, and authors, send me a list of the
stories you've published in 2000 and the URLs where they're located! I hope to
have the Awards website up and running in a bout a week.

Cheers, Nancy Kaminski
2000 FK Fanfic Awards Administrator


Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 09:18:43 -0700
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: The REAL Nick & Don??

In the newspaper a few days ago, there was an article on the Calgary police
department's homicide team. Its senior partners are Nick K. and a certain
D.S. Talk about obvious aliases!! ;-) Especially since Nick K.'s full name
is Nick Kiska, and he joined Homicide the same time that the 'Nakiska' ski
resort opened. And 'Dean Shaw' is so similar to 'Don Schanke' that it just
isn't funny... The article also noted that most of the work in homicide
starts at night; nobody commits murders in the daytime, Nick said.

Maybe it's time James Parriott came clean about the REAL Canadian homicide
partnership that inspired him... <VBG> Clearly, he's been getting inside
information, similar to that imparted to Anne Rice & Fred Saberhagen...

Your silly servant, with a serious case of FK on the brain,


Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 09:14:18 -0800
From:    fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: The REAL Nick & Don??

<<Angela Gottfred wrote: In the newspaper a few days ago, there was an
article on the Calgary police dept homicide team. Its senior partners are
Nick K. and a certain D.S. Talk about obvious aliases... Maybe it's time
James Parriott came clean about the REAL Canadian homicide partnership
that inspired him... >>

This is to coincidental.  I would love to know more about their real cases?!


Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 09:41:45 -0800
From:    fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: Knightie homepage? FTP Archivist?

<<1 Knightie affiliation homepage (http://members.aol.com/knighties/) >>

Amy, I am also looking for this site.  The addy you have is the last Known
addy I have as well.

There are also many other missing sites.

Order of the White Rose
Denise Grimsley's page
Barbara holmes' page
cuznkimi's page

<<2 . Who is the current FTP site
(ftp://ftp.win.net/winnet/fkvoyage/fkfanfic/) archiver, and what is his
or her email address?>>

Stephanie Kellerman

email        stephke@i.......

URL         http://www.fkvoyage.com/


Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 11:31:26 -0800
From:    "Kelly C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Info needed for story

 Does anyone know where I can find a site that could help me change U.S.
measurements to metric measurements (i.e., pounds/ounces to kilograms,
miles to kilometers, farenheit to celsius, etc.)?  Thanks!

KC Smith
Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies.
"I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."


Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 15:21:04 -0500
From:    Stephanie Kellerman <stephke@i.......>
Subject: Re: Info needed for story

Try this.




Date:    Tue, 2 Jan 2001 16:29:19 -0400
From:    "T. Floyd" <jflyer@b.......>
Subject: Re: Info needed for story

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Forever Knight TV show [mailto:FORKNI-L@l.......]On Behalf Of
> Kelly C. Smith
>  Does anyone know where I can find a site that could help me change U.S.
> measurements to metric measurements (i.e., pounds/ounces to kilograms,
> miles to kilometers, farenheit to celsius, etc.)?  Thanks!

From the Government of Canada, for tourists:


A nifty JavaScript converter.  But if you're writing dialogue, be
careful...we get kooky sometimes, and do things like buying milk in 4l at a
time but packaged in 3 bags and we buy butter by the pound and most of us
cook with cups.

And, of course:  An American's Guide to Canada:  http://www.icomm.ca/emily/



Date:    Wed, 3 Jan 2001 09:49:04 +1300
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Re: Info needed for story

Hi KC! I can help you there if you like. Tell me what you need to convert.


----- Original Message -----
From: Kelly C. Smith <tigrlady2u@j.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 8:31 AM
Subject: Info needed for story

> Does anyone know where I can find a site that could help me change U.S.
> measurements to metric measurements (i.e., pounds/ounces to kilograms,
> miles to kilometers, farenheit to celsius, etc.)?  Thanks!
> KC Smith
> tigrlady2u@j.......
> Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies.
> "I've never met a chocolate I didn't like."


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Jan 2001 to 2 Jan 2001 (#2001-2)

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