FORKNI-L Digest - 4 Oct 2000 to 5 Oct 2000 (#2000-309)
Thu, 5 Oct 2000
There are 10 messages totalling 282 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Night in Question
2. John Kapelos on Angel tonight
3. Natalie Question (5)
4. Wednesday KtK auction update
5. Lisa Ryder
6. Thursday morning KtK auction update
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 17:46:41 -0400
From: Diane Harris <diharris@v.......>
Subject: Night in Question
I can't remember if I've asked this already. Does _anyone_ have a
transcript of Night in Question sitting somewhere on their hard drive? It
would help me out a great deal...
Diane Harris (diharris@v.......)
Proud NNPacker, Knightie, FoDs, CoTK, and glutton for any and all feedback.
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 01:44:23 GMT
From: Gwenn Musicante <gwennm@h.......>
Subject: Re: John Kapelos on Angel tonight
I knew that Schanke was nearby as soon as I heard the polka music playing
too loudly in the room next to "Angel." <g> John was great as always!
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 23:08:08 -0700
From: Bonnie <callalily@l.......>
Subject: Natalie Question
Hi, I have a question. Can anyone tell me if Natalie's M.E. scrubs had any
distinguishing marks on them -- something to identify the scrubs as belonging to
the Toronto Coroner's office. Or were they just plain?
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 02:10:32 EDT
From: Tammie Foley <X7xAngelx7x@a.......>
Subject: Re: Natalie Question
scrubs are plain...their ordered in bulk for every department and then split
up between them....and their disposable...they wouldnt go to the trouble of
putting on any kind of insignia on a disposable outfit, it wouldnt be worht
the money and hospitals are always trying to save money
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 08:22:30 -0500
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: Natalie Question
> Tammie Foley
> scrubs are plain...their ordered in bulk for every department and then split
> up between them....and their disposable...they wouldnt go to the trouble of
> putting on any kind of insignia on a disposable outfit, it wouldnt be worht
> the money and hospitals are always trying to save money
Here at Fairview Hospital the scrubs aren't disposable (in the sense that
they're thrown away after use) but they are cheap. They're provided by a
laundry service that ensures that there are always stacks of 'em in the various
sizes in the employee locker rooms (different depts get different colors). You
don't have your own; you just take a set out of the bin when you come to work.
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 09:40:47 EDT
From: BJDFKFan@a.......
Subject: Re: Wednesday KtK auction update
KtK auction webmaster here <G>, just letting everybody know that there are a
few changes made to the KtK auction site. For anyone who wants to contribute
to the ad but doesn't want to bid on an item, I've added information on how
to do that including a credit card (Paypal) option. (The Paypal option will
also be offered to winning bidders after the completion of the auction.)
I've also added information including pics for our new *high bid incentives*
for bidders with winning bids over $50.00.
Check out the KtK auction at:
(direct to the auction page)
at work and sigless :-)
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 10:41:13 -0300
From: "T. Floyd" <jflyer@b.......>
Subject: Re: Natalie Question
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
: Here at Fairview Hospital the scrubs aren't disposable (in the sense that
: they're thrown away after use) but they are cheap. They're provided by a
: laundry service that ensures that there are always stacks of 'em in the
: various sizes in the employee locker rooms (different depts get different
: colors).
At the hospital my family and I go to a lot, there are a variety of colours
of scrubs, all stamped with the hospital's logo/crest (just like the bed
linens and johnny shirts/robes). They're washed in-house.
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 09:50:29 -0500
From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Lisa Ryder
Well, I did it again...
Got FK mentioned on WGN radio here in Chicago (several hundred thousand
listeners). :-)
The afternoon host had Kevin Sorbo (wooft!) on to talk about Andromeda, and I
was one of only two or three callers they took.
I told him how much I was looking forward to the new series, and that I'm
actually coming into it through the backdoor, having heard about the show
through Lisa Ryder's fans online (meaning, us). He asked if I was from Canada,
as Lisa isn't that well known south of the border, but that she's a great
I mentioned that there's a large internet fan base for her, and we all loved her
in her old show, Forever Knight.
Score one for the fans of the Knight!
BTW - WGN-TV will be carrying the premier of Andromeda on Sat, Oct 14, at 7pm
Central US time.
Synopsis: (as told by Kevin yesterday)
Kevin plays a captain of a ship (way in the future) who strives to keep the
peace of the commonwealth, (think Federation) of three galaxies worth of planets
and cultures. Then during some unrest, Kevin's character manages to somehow
save good or trap bad people (can't remember specifically). Anyway, he and his
ship are drawn into the Event Horizon of a Black Hole. What seems like seconds
to him turns out to be about 300 years later....
The commonwealth has fallen apart, and Lisa plays the captain of a
(pirate/tramp) freighter.
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 11:06:09 EDT
From: Knightwave@a.......
Subject: Thursday morning KtK auction update
Here's the Thursday morning update. So far the total pledged is $774.00.
We have a bit to go yet... Don't forget -- you can use your credit card to
pay for your choices if you want, so don't hang back if you really want
something. <smile> Bids will be accepted through 11:59 p.m. EST on
Sunday, October 8, 2000. Send all bids to me at Knightwave@a........
Include Item name and #, amount of bid and name you want listed with
bid. Please place bid or auction in header.
Susan has pulled together a few extra items to go to high bid amounts.
Any winning bids over $50.00 will receive their choice of our selection
of KtK buttons in addition to the articles bid on. $100.00 can choose
their choice from our mousepad designs, and anyone over $150.00 can
choose from both. This is just a little something extra to show our
appreciation for the fans’ support of our efforts. <g>
The auction may now be accessed through the KtK website, or go directly
there here:
Auction Update -- Thursday, October 5, 2000, 10:30am
Notice any errors? Please contact me at knightwave@a....... with the
#1 $50.00 Betsy License plate, cap, pin
#2 $50.00 Marti autographed NB (Hamlet) poster
#3 $12.00 Wanda Conspiracy of Fear tape, tag
#4 $50.00 Ravenhope NB photo, autographed Daily Variety magazine
#5 $20.00 Jules FK Prop- Tracy's business card & pic
#6 $12.00 Wanda False Witness script, keychain
new #7 $40.00 Diane Fanzines
#8 $10.00 Jules Beanie baby Rat, Greg Kramer autograph
#9 $175.00 Steph Fate Worse Than Death script & prop
new #10 $50.00 Ravenhope A More Permanent Hell script, tag
new #11 $15.00 Debi The Fix script, Natalie keychain
#12 $10.00 Debi Ribena box autographed by NBennet, glass
#13 $10.00 Jules Program autographed by Greg Kramer, suncatcher, book
#14 $15.00 Di For I Have Sinned script, N&N tag
#15 $25.00 Karen Dying For Fame script, Nick tag
#16 $20.00 Di Dance By the Light of the Moon script, Nick tag
#17 $100.00 Steph 2001 Calendar
#18 $20.00 Di Killer Instinct script
#19 $30.00 Linda Loads of autographs from Light, Camera, Auction
#20 $20.00 JGerry Xtra issues with Greg's story featured (sensitive
subject matter -- consult web page for info)
#21 $15.00 Sukh FoD's Cookbook, magnet
#22 $25.00 Emily FoD's cookbook & KtK button
Thanks for everyone's participation. We really appreciate your support.
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 16:53:04 GMT
From: Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: Natalie Question
You may need to double-check with the episodes to see for yourself. I think
False Witness is one ep (of many) that she's wearing scrubs... isn't that
also the ep where she is seen eating take-out in her morgue and using ME
tools to eat with?? (YYuckkk!)
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 4 Oct 2000 to 5 Oct 2000 (#2000-309)
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