FORKNI-L Digest - 28 Sep 2000 to 29 Sep 2000 (#2000-303)
Fri, 29 Sep 2000
There are 16 messages totalling 445 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Dead Issue
2. Fire up the VCR's - Spanish Ger (2)
3. Nick and Crosses (7)
4. Nick bible quotes (2)
5. Forever Knight moment
6. Condolences (2)
7. a plausible LaCroix...
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 17:39:08 EDT
From: Ceily Trog <Fk4ever1228@a.......>
Subject: Re: Dead Issue
In a message dated 9/27/00 6:45:10 PM Central Daylight Time,
lorisieja@h....... writes:
< < when Nick was finding holes in the story, and Stonetree went balistic, and
even threatened Nick, it made him seem "dirty". Did he suspect all along?
If he was such good friends with them, surely he had to know all was not well
between them? I generally liked Stonetree all along, but in this one ep, he
doesn't seem worthy of his badge. > >
In no way do I defend Stonetree's actions, but I think at first he just could
not conceive that there was anything more to the story than his friend told
him. The way he acted around the woman, I think he was hopelessly in love
with -- what's her name -- Lynn? My impression was that Stonetree's anger
with Nick was more about Nick disobeying his orders than wanting to cover up.
Once the facts finally came to light, he went after his friends. This is to
his credit, I think.
I like Kristin's assessment as far as the comparison of the women as victims.
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 18:01:01 -0400
From: Emily Lacey <laceye@a.......>
Subject: Re: Fire up the VCR's - Spanish Ger
> Ain't nothin' funnier than dubbed Ger.
Is it dubbed, or does he speak Spanish as well?
Emily Lacey
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 18:59:39 EDT
From: Tammie Foley <X7xAngelx7x@a.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses
In a message dated 9/28/00 4:49:34 PM Mountain Daylight Time, sherryh@i.......
< < for that matter). As for Nick reading the Bible, perhaps he didn't. It
could be that the passages that he knows are verses that he's simply
picked up by rote over the centuries.
:) Boomer > >
Also you have to remember the times in which our beloved blood sucker was
raised. France was strictly catholic at that time. the chances he read the
bible or at least heard it in the masses they were required to attend on a
daily basis are very good and we all know how good his memory is
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 18:40:31 -0500
From: Brenda <bcammarata@h.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses
Boomer wrote:
> > ). As for Nick reading the Bible, perhaps he didn't. It could be that the
passages that he knows are verses that he's simply picked up by rote over
the centuries. < <
We must remember that becoming a Knight of the Cross was similar to or the
same as joining a religious order. Those who joined, usually the second,
unlanded son, would only be accepted if he was total dedicated to God and
the Church. It would seem to me that anyone joining a religious order would
know The Bible inside and out.
Carpe Noctem,
UCCelebration 2000, Wolfville 2000
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 17:34:20 -0700
From: rehatha <rehatha@p.......>
Subject: Nick bible quotes
Hi all
Jennie & Boomer were discussing Nick quoting from the bible in the Sons of
Belial. A reference to knowing what the opposition is thinking or some such.
Perhaps is never was Nick quoting, but the demon (or uncensored beast
within) that was within Nick. That was afterall the episode that Nick had
a demon exercised from his body and I think he spent most of the episode
with the creature with its strength escalating until it was very obvious
that it was there at the end.
Ofcourse, that is but my humble opinion. <g>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 21:06:28 EDT
From: LDukie913@a.......
Subject: Re: Forever Knight moment
Hi All,
I had a brief Forever Knight moment today....
I work for a large insurance company and today I adjusted
a claim for a patient named Jenny Schranke. Not a perfect
match but it was enough to make me do a double take.
Many of the Truths we cling to depend
greatly upon your point of view. -Obi Wan Kenobi
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 21:52:44 -0400
From: urtikit@m.......
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses
Lorelei wrote:
> I can't imagine Nick would have gone to the church without feeding heavily
> first.
Or perhaps he did feed heavily, and that's why he
passed out. No, no, not from some sort of post-meal
bloat (oh, say, like me at work an hour or two after a
big lunch).
Instead, I'm thinking one would want to be less
vampire, more human when going into such a vamp-
unfriendly place. We see that doing something like
popping garlic pills allows Nick to actually handle a
cross *more* easily. Such anti-vampirish behavior
seems to supress the vampire reactions.
So feeding, becoming a "stronger" vampire, might be the
worst thing Nick could do before entering a church.
He should've eaten a few handfuls of cloves, instead!
This message brought to you by the Toronto Garlic
Promotion Council, Nocturnal Sales Chapter,
and me: urtikit@m.......
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 00:03:23 -0500
From: Brenda <bcammarata@h.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses
I'm resending this message because I think it may have gotten lost. If it
did go through, I apologize for sending it twice.
Boomer wrote:
> > ). As for Nick reading the Bible, perhaps he didn't. It could be that
the passages that he knows are verses that he's simply picked up by rote over
the centuries. < <
We must remember that becoming a Knight of the Cross was similar to or the
same as joining a religious order. Those who joined, usually the second,
unlanded son, would only be accepted if he was total dedicated to God and
the Church. It would seem to me that anyone joining a religious order would
know The Bible inside and out.
Carpe Noctem,
UCCelebration 2000, Wolfville 2000
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 19:19:44 +0000
From: Jeannie Ecklund <jecklund@l.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses
Those who joined, usually the second,
> unlanded son, would only be accepted if he was total dedicated to God and
> the Church. It would seem to me that anyone joining a religious order would
> know The Bible inside and out.
Good Point, but I also think he may have read it afterwards, He said
"It's always good idea to know what the opposition is up to." In Sons of
Belial. This would mean as a vampire he considers himself evil and
Christianity the opposition.
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 05:54:04 -0500
From: CLone Star Software <cstar@a.......>
Subject: Re: Nick bible quotes
At 05:34 PM 9/28/2000 -0700, Rehatha wrote:
> Perhaps is never was Nick quoting, but the demon (or uncensored beast
> within) that was within Nick. I think he spent most of the episode
> with the creature with its strength escalating
The scene where Nick quotes the Bible to Tracy occurs before they visit the
exorcist. Nick hasn't yet come in contact with the demon, so Nick's
knowledge of scripture wouldn't have come from it.
Marci C.
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 08:37:13 -0400
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses
> Brenda wrote:
> We must remember that becoming a Knight of the Cross was similar to or the
> same as joining a religious order.
I think there's some confusion here between being a Crusader and joining one
of the fighting monastic orders such as the Teutonic Knights, the Knights
Hospitalers or the Knights Templars (the Templars were also known as the Red
Cross Knights).
In Nick's time, the social order was seen as Divinely ordained, divided
between three distinct and (supposedly) equally important roles: military,
religious and laboring. ("Those Who Fought," "Those Who Prayed," and "Those
Who Worked" are the titles of Peter Speed's fascinating three-volume
collection of original source material, if you're interested in that sort of
thing.) The fighting monastic orders represented a dramatic fusion of these
two roles, made possible by the Crusades--a cause so holy that being a monk
and killing could be reconciled. (After the Crusades, they had to find other
things to do. The Teutonic Knights--you had to be both German and noble to
belong to this order--left the Holy Land in 1291 for the eastern Baltic,
where they turned their talents to exterminating 'heathen' Slavic peoples to
make way for Christian Germans. )
The three orders above were based in the Holy Land, and although they played
important roles there, it wasn't remotely necessary to join one of them to
serve the Cross. Any knight--in fact, any person--could become a crusader
simply by declaring the intent and going (or joining a group of others
headed that way). You tore up a bit of white or red cloth and stitched it to
your outer garment in the shape of a cross to show that you were on Crusade.
Also, because of the importance of the Crusades, elder sons of the upper
classes (who were undoubtedly knighted) -- not to mention kings, earls,
dukes and others at the very top of the social order all across Europe --
also went, leaving their wives to manage their estates. (Crusaders' property
was--again theoretically--protected by the authority of the Pope.)
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 08:40:12 -0400
From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses
> Jeannie Ecklund wrote:
> [Nick} said
> "It's always good idea to know what the opposition is up to." In Sons of
> Belial. This would mean as a vampire he considers himself evil and
> Christianity the opposition.
Doesn't it also sound exactly like something LaCroix would have said?
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 08:26:47 -0500
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Condolences
To all our Canadian friends:
My condolences on the death of Pierre Trudeau, who did so much to shape the
Canada we know today. He was an intensely interesting and charismatic man, and
brought Canada to the attention of US sourth of the border as no one had before.
Nancy Kaminski
Nancy E. Kaminski
Technical Writer/Editor
Fairview Health Services | Minneapolis, MN USA | nancykam@m.......
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 11:21:31 EDT
From: Enid Rodriguez <LadyEnid512@a.......>
Subject: Re: Fire up the VCR's - Spanish Ger
It is dubbed.
Ger himself speaks a wee bit of Spanish and wants to learn more eventually.
(This was mentioned during G5 during the Q &A)
But I don't know exactly how much he speaks or understands, but it would be
interesting wouldn't it? Does anybody on the list know?
G5/Wolfville2000/Enforcer/Harem Wife/BGoBH/Kaydick Tech Cult
"Four beers, a little James Brown and you can't keep me off the tables."
"If you're gonna fish.......FISH!"
" for Thomas."
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 12:03:27 EDT
From: Lee Anne Brown <leebb65@h.......>
Subject: Re: Condolences
Thanks Nancy
Thanks all my American friends
I've been crying ever since I've heard the news yesterday.
Lee Brown
> From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
> Reply-To: Forever Knight TV show <FORKNI-L@l.......>
> To: FORKNI-L@l.......
> Subject: Condolences
> Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 08:26:47 -0500
> To all our Canadian friends:
> My condolences on the death of Pierre Trudeau, who did so much to shape the
> Canada we know today. He was an intensely interesting and charismatic man, and
> brought Canada to the attention of US sourth of the border as no one had before.
> Sincerely,
> Nancy Kaminski
> ===================================
> Nancy E. Kaminski
> Technical Writer/Editor
> Fairview Health Services | Minneapolis, MN USA
> | nancykam@m.......
> ===================================
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 13:57:20 -0400
From: Diane Harris <diharris@v.......>
Subject: a plausible LaCroix...
I've been writing a lot lately, and several questions have come to mind.
1. Do we know for sure whether LaCroix actually forced Nick to stay in his
company at any time? I'm trying to recall a time in canon in which that
happened, and I'm drawing a blank.
2. Have we ever, onscreen, seen LaCroix injure Nick, and has their
relationship ever come to blows, before Dark Knight? Again... blank...
3. We do know that Nick has fled and LaCroix has followed, for instance, in
Capitol Offense. But in that case, do we know if Nick was fleeing from LC,
or from someone/something else? We do know that Nick fled LaCroix in the
events of Father's Day (at least, if I remember correctly, tell me if I'm
wrong). Did it ever occur elsewhere in the FK timeline?
4. Have we ever seen LaCroix do anything cruel to Nick and/or friends that
was not related to the whole "You should embrace what you are!" scenario?
Has he ever punished Nick specifically for running away from him?
Please relate answers to canon only, not speculation. I'm trying to get an
accurate picture.
Diane Harris (diharris@v.......)
Proud NNPacker, Knightie, FoDs, CoTK, and glutton for any and all feedback.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 28 Sep 2000 to 29 Sep 2000 (#2000-303)
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