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FORKNI-L Digest - 25 Sep 2000 to 26 Sep 2000 (#2000-299)

Tue, 26 Sep 2000

There are 26 messages totalling 856 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Whammying Natalie
  2. The Coffin (was:  Vachon's change of residence - question??/ (2)
  3. Nick questions (2)
  4. Has Nick ever made a vampire that's survived?
  5. Thanks everyone!
  6. Nick and Crosses (4)
  7. Looking for a Story
  8. curiouser and curiouser (3)
  9. Admin: FORKNI-L List Rules
 10. Crossover Fanfic (3)
 11. A New Convenience (2)
 12. JADFE list
 13. fanfic sites
 14. FK on Global 100 and more...
 15. looking for a story and TBWDNH
 16. Mad Knights


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 17:46:13 -0400
From:    Valerie Kessler <valerie@w.......>
Subject: Re: Whammying Natalie

> NightAngel wrote:
> >In what ep did Nick actually try to whammy Nat?

And Llarian responded:
> In Natalie's flashbacks in "Only The Lonely",  we're led to believe
> he tried and failed to whammy her. It's the scene when Nick passes

Just to defuse potential confusion:  this dialogue *didn't* make it into
the U.S. cut as aired on CBS.  When we found out about it from the
Canadian contingent, we *flipped*.  I believe it was one of the things
that initially alerted us to the fact that they were getting six minutes
more than we were, actually, though I'm not positive...hey, it's been
eight years, and I don't have a vampire memory!  ;-)

I'm fairly sure it has made it into the Sci-Fi Channel airings, but
again not positive.

I've always wished we *could* see the actual attempt, and tried to write
it a time or two without much success.  Always wondered why Nick
evidently thought the problem was taken care of, only to decide later
that he needed to "test" her.  Did he partially succeed, but she
rememembered afterward?  Did she pretend to go along with it?  If so,
why?  And in that case, what tipped him off enough to develop doubts
about it later?

Inquiring minds wanna know...and are deeply perturbed that they'll never
find out for sure!  *pout*
Valerie Meachum Kessler
valerie@w....... ~ www.wiliqueen.com
"Tony Head has a great American accent. I said 'What
would one of your friends sound like if he had a bad
American accent?'. He said, 'I don't know. I suppose
you would go crazy with the letter r.'"--James Marsters


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 15:19:23 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: The Coffin (was:  Vachon's change of residence - question??/

> Boomer wrote:
> <snip>Perhaps he did, at some point in his life, sleep in a coffin and
> decided to keep it around in the event that one day it might come in handy ...
> or maybe he keeps it for unexpected guests <g>.<snip>
To wich Bonnie replied:  It's a vampire sofa bed! <g>

It is not!   ...Its a futon.  ;)

Bonnie continued:
> And another strange detail - I saw a few months ago that one episode had a
> piano in the Church.

The piano is for Nicholas when he comes for their weekly piano/guitar jam

Kyer, kyer@p.......


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 15:51:14 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Nick questions

Rehatha wrote:
> I think Nick didn't take the sick time because quite honestly he didn't
> want Richie to survive his transormation.<snip>
> Nick is too selfrighteous to allow himself to create a vampire now.

But not too self-righteous to murder Nat's beloved kin?

Nick didn't want to make a vampire.  However, once that vampire was made, I
can't see him trying to 'do away' with it in some kind of vampiric abortion
because it was incovenient.  His religious background (if nothing else)
would not let his conscience rest for committing such a horrible act.
Nor could it have thrilled him to have had Natalie go through so much extra
pain. I think Nick neglected Richard because he was just not psychologically
prepared for being a master.  Fatherhood had been thrust on him against his
will, and he needed to step back, get away, take a breather and absorb the
new situation.
Also, he had a mortal job to do.  Maybe he did ask for vacation time and was
denied since they were in the middle of an important case.  What was he to
do?  "Gee, Cap, I *know* we are swamped, but it's a paternal thing.  See,
I've got this new baby to take care of..."  Yeah.  I don't think so.  ;)

I'm not saying that Nick wouldn't have heaved a huge sigh of relief if he
lost the responsibility of caring for Richard.  I'm just saying that he
wouldn't further risk his redemption by adding first-degree murder to his
angst notebook.

Kyer, kyer@p.......  Loyal Knightie and Keeper of the Nick Angst (in a
100-gallon aquarium so it can swim around properly.)


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 15:58:48 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Has Nick ever made a vampire that's survived?

> Actually, Nick created Serena, a very independent Frech lady that he
> mistakenly thought wanted "eternity with her baby" when what she wanted was
> a baby and no father to interfere.
> Oops.  She's slightly bitter now being a killer who can never have a baby.

Just as well.
Would you want to be the child of a mother who saw men as only sperm banks?
Oy.  That's like viewing woman as only baby factories.  I hope that at some
point in her extended life that Serena grows up.
Which brings up something.  Why the heck didn't she 'go to the light'?
Maybe the guardian was male.

Somewhat irritated today,
Kyer,  kyer@p.......


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 19:36:00 -0400
From:    Diane Harris <diharris@v.......>
Subject: Thanks everyone!

Wow, that request got quite a response!  I've got beta-readers coming out my
ears :)  I think I've got all the editors I need now.  Typos beware!

Thanks all!

Diane Harris (diharris@v.......)
Proud NNPacker, Knightie, FoDs,  CoTK, and glutton for any and all feedback.


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:43:50 -0700
From:    Night Angel <n9qqq@j.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses

<Gwenn snip>
> So  theoretically, Nick could unknowingly be placed blindfolded into a
> church  filled with crosses and suffer no ill effects unless he touched
> something?

IMHO I think that would be the case.  In FIHS Nick enters the church and
is overwhelmed with all the religious symbols, but he settles down once
hidden in the confessional.  <shrug>  To me, a confessional is still a
Holy place, yet Nick was able to relax to a point.  It would have been
interesting to see Nick in a church during NiQ though.  He was able to
eat food, but the sun still meant death. Wonder what would have happened
in the church then?

Here's the change for my 2 cents.  <G>


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 21:41:37 EDT
From:    Ceily Trog <Fk4ever1228@a.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses

In a message dated 9/25/00 8:28:40 AM Central Daylight Time,
gwennm@h....... writes:
<< So, he is only harmed by crosses that he has some physical contact with,
 either by sight or touch. >>

Hmmm; what about the crosses on Nick's tunic when he returned home from the
crusades with LaCroix and Janette in tow (BMV)?

Who has no answers but is enjoying this discussion.


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 21:44:24 -0400
From:    Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: The Coffin (was:  Vachon's change of residence - question??/

At 03:19 PM 9/25/00 -0700, you wrote:
>The piano is for Nicholas when he comes for their weekly piano/guitar jam
>Kyer, kyer@p.......

Which is something I would have loved to witness!!!

Portia's eyes get that sappy Nick - Vachon dreamy look....



Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 20:53:43 -0500
From:    "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Looking for a Story

Hi, All --

I'm looking for Karen Welss' story, "In a Mirror, Darkly". I've got the first
and third of her trilogy ("Say Goodbye to the Light" and 'A Brilliant Light")
but I've been wanting to read the middle story for years. Can anyone help me


Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:58:21 -0700
From:    KYER <KYER@p.......>
Subject: curiouser and curiouser

Right now there appears (from what I'm told) that there is a voting war
going on at a certain voting booth.
I took a look and was surprised to find the disclaimer proclaiming that 'you
can vote as many times as you like' because it was set in 'Crazy Mode'.  I
tried it--and guess what?--they weren't lying.  My multiple 'votes' was not
met with disdain or summarily kicked out.
I can't disagree.
What good is such a poll?
From the voting I can, I think, say with accuracy that not all of the lists
were aware of it.
Or is it commonplace for Nick and Vachon to be running neck and neck, while
the likes of LaCroix is so far behind he might as well not exist?
Cousins, I take it, were among those not informed of this little game.

Now, I love Nick.  Boy..do I love Nicholas!
But what does it mean if he wins this?
That the Nicholas fans have more free Internet time to wack away at voting
I'm sorry... but I can't see my favorite smiling approvingly at this.
Wouldn't it be better to spend our time writing/e-mailing broadcasting
companies to get our Knight back?
Or at least write fanfic (another way to get FK, if not the way that we most

Puzzled.  (And maybe a tad dismayed.)

: (=
Kyer, kyer@p.......


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 19:55:54 -0700
From:    rehatha <rehatha@p.......>
Subject: Nick questions

Kyer wrote:<But not too self-righteous to murder Nat's beloved kin?>

Ah Kyer, I never said it was a concious decision.  In my opinion I think
Nick's abysmal failures in transformations are because subconciously he
doesn't want them to work.

Conciously he did his best for Richie but he did not take the time needed
to shepherd him through the most important part of creation, birth and the
formative first nights as a fledgling.  If it had been Natalie going
through first Hunger I'm sure Nick would have been there to guard and guide
her. :)

I can see that Kyer is a Knightie, scolding me for scolding Nick for
Classic Nick Angst selfishness.

I don't doubt Nick's good intentions but self-righteous murder - most
classic example would be Francesca - is still murder.  Nick is still
between humanity and vampire (of course that's the point of the whole show)
and his attitude seems to be actually reminescent of LaCroix.  I hadn't
noticed it until just this moment.  Although Nick is much more strict.  "Do
as I do and feel as I feel or I'll destroy you."  One disagreement means a
staking. (the Plague lady he transformed and destroyed before her first
night of rebirth was through) ;)

Wow, Nick finally in a small way taking after papa.  Now that's funny. <g>



Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 22:40:09 -0400
From:    Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: curiouser and curiouser

Kyer, luv, it's just for fun!  It's kinda like a tug-a-war, sorta.  I
myself made a few (okay, 10 or 15) votes today for Det. Knight.  Believe it
or not, just a few days ago, Vachonetti was pretty low on the list -- I
guess the Vaqueros (sp?) are just being kinda sneaky....I like that in a
faction!  As for M. LaCroix, I would suppose he (having a tendency
sometimes to keep a low profile) won't care if he isn't crowned King
Hottie.  Or if he does mind, he'll probably wait 'till no one is watching
to put the bite on a few surreptitious necks... "g"  It's kind of a "no
holds barred" contest, which can be rather fun at times.  I'm sure Nick can
get into that.  He has a sense of humour and a competitive edge, surely!!

(Kyer's somewhat prodigy, waiting for the lash to fall....)

At 06:58 PM 9/25/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Right now there appears (from what I'm told) that there is a voting war
>going on at a certain voting booth.
>I took a look and was surprised to find the disclaimer proclaiming that 'you
>can vote as many times as you like' because it was set in 'Crazy Mode'.  I
>tried it--and guess what?--they weren't lying.  My multiple 'votes' was not
>met with disdain or summarily kicked out.
>I can't disagree.
>What good is such a poll?
>From the voting I can, I think, say with accuracy that not all of the lists
>were aware of it.
>Or is it commonplace for Nick and Vachon to be running neck and neck, while
>the likes of LaCroix is so far behind he might as well not exist?
>Cousins, I take it, were among those not informed of this little game.
>Now, I love Nick.  Boy..do I love Nicholas!
>But what does it mean if he wins this?
>That the Nicholas fans have more free Internet time to wack away at voting
>I'm sorry... but I can't see my favorite smiling approvingly at this.
>Wouldn't it be better to spend our time writing/e-mailing broadcasting
>companies to get our Knight back?
>Or at least write fanfic (another way to get FK, if not the way that we most
>Puzzled.  (And maybe a tad dismayed.)
>: (=
>Kyer, kyer@p.......


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 22:53:35 +0600
From:    Don Fasig <phase3@g.......>
Subject: Admin: FORKNI-L List Rules

If you need a hand or have any questions please don't hesitate to
contact me "Don Fasig" <Argent@e.......> or "Lisa McDavid"

For tips on managing your Forever Knight  subscriptions please visit my
help page at: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7139/fk-lists.htm

List digests are archived at:



2. Please don't quote more than four lines of a previous post in replying.
If you have more than one point to answer, then you may quote the
relevant four lines for that point also.

3. Limit sigs to 6 lines.  This includes all information, decoration
quotations and blank lines.  Your name and address count as part of
the six. If you sign your name on a separate line above the body of text,
your name and the blank line or lines between count as part of the six
line limit. If you have one of those services that insists on putting an
advertising tag on the end of posts, don't worry. We realize you can't
control that and it doesn't count as part of your sig.

4. Please don't send to the whole list when you are only talking to the
person who  wrote  the post you are answering.

5. Advertising on list is on a case by case basis. Please consult the
listowners, Lisa McDavid,  <mclisa@m.......> or Don Fasig,
<Argent@e.......> for permission.

6. This list is for the discussion of Forever Knight. Cast, crew, staff and
producers in connection with what they're doing now or have done in the
past are ok. Vampires in general are _NOT_ ok except in relation to
Forever Knight.

7. Off-topic posts are not allowed, no matter what they are about or how
urgent the warning may appear. If you have an off-topic post which you
think should appear on the list, ask one of the owners for permission.

8. The private lives of the cast are not a discussion topic. Occasionally
one of the fan club presidents will make an announcement, but other
than that, we leave the cast their privacy.

9. Con announcements must come from con officials or a designated
liaison and must be kept brief.  Cons are only announced on list if there
is a connection to FK.

10. Only fan club presidents or other designated spokespeople may
make announcements of future projects for FK cast, crew and staff,
before said projects have been released or written about in the media.

11. No role-playing on Forkni-l. This includes no character names as
pseudonyms or posing as a character.

12. Each subscriber is limited to five posts per day on Forkni-l.

Have fun!

Don Fasig, FK List Gardener
Argent@e.......    ---,-<@
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7139/fkgarden.htm - FK Page
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7139/fk-lists.htm - Subscription Help


Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 20:19:57 -0700
From:    fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Crossover Fanfic

I happen to find the Buffy, FK, Highlander x-over happy reading:



Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 00:01:39 EDT
From:    Tammie Foley <X7xAngelx7x@a.......>
Subject: Re: Crossover Fanfic

In a message dated 9/25/00 9:35:35 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
fkforever@y....... writes:

<< I happen to find the Buffy, FK, Highlander x-over happy reading:

 http://nocturne.simplenet.com/fanfic/funwithsheep.html >>


Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 00:02:22 EDT
From:    Tammie Foley <X7xAngelx7x@a.......>
Subject: Re: Crossover Fanfic

In a message dated 9/25/00 9:35:35 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
fkforever@y....... writes:

<< I happen to find the Buffy, FK, Highlander x-over happy reading:

 http://nocturne.simplenet.com/fanfic/funwithsheep.html >>
 Sorry..i forgot to add my little message. that is the funniest fic ive ever
read!!!!!!!!!! every buffy, fk, highlander, xfiles fan should read it!!!!


Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 07:48:22 -0500
From:    Lauren <lauren1228@m.......>
Subject: Re: curiouser and curiouser

Dear Kyer,
 It was the Favorite Forever Knight Hottie Booth. Some people like me did
let people know of it on other lists. It's just a game for fun. No, it
doesn't mean that more Nick fans are allowed to use the intrenet! I'm sorry,
you got offended at a voting booth? Haven't you ever voted at ne before?
It's actually fun to see who wins, it doesn't mean it does anything like you
said. Well, sorry you got confused.

----- Original Message -----
From: KYER <KYER@p.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 8:58 PM
Subject: curiouser and curiouser

> Right now there appears (from what I'm told) that there is a voting war
> going on at a certain voting booth.
> I took a look and was surprised to find the disclaimer proclaiming that 'you
> can vote as many times as you like' because it was set in 'Crazy Mode'.  I
> tried it--and guess what?--they weren't lying.  My multiple 'votes' was not
> met with disdain or summarily kicked out.
> Crazy?
> I can't disagree.
> What good is such a poll?
> From the voting I can, I think, say with accuracy that not all of the lists
> were aware of it.
> Or is it commonplace for Nick and Vachon to be running neck and neck, while
> the likes of LaCroix is so far behind he might as well not exist?
> Cousins, I take it, were among those not informed of this little game.
> Now, I love Nick.  Boy..do I love Nicholas!
> But what does it mean if he wins this?
> That the Nicholas fans have more free Internet time to wack away at voting
> buttons?
> I'm sorry... but I can't see my favorite smiling approvingly at this.
> Wouldn't it be better to spend our time writing/e-mailing broadcasting
> companies to get our Knight back?
> Or at least write fanfic (another way to get FK, if not the way that we most
> want).
> Puzzled.  (And maybe a tad dismayed.)
> : (=
> Kyer, kyer@p.......


Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 08:34:01 -0500
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: A New Convenience

Do you ever wonder if Lacroix runs out of fresh ideas to terrorize humanity for
the sheer fun of it? He's been doing it a long time, after all, and sometimes
it seems that all the really great concepts have been taken.

Wonder no more! I've found an Evil Plan Generator, located at:


Simply choose your objective, your motive, your henchmen, and other essential
parts of a classic Evil Plan from the drop-down lists, click the Generate
button, and voila! The website does all the hard planning for you! You're left
to enjoy the fruits of terror and destruction!

Have fun!

Nancy E. Kaminski
Technical Writer/Editor
Fairview Health Services | Minneapolis, MN USA
nkamins1@fairview.org | nancykam@m.......


Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 14:33:05 GMT
From:    Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and Crosses

IMHO I think that would be the case.  In FIHS Nick enters the church and is
overwhelmed with all the religious symbols, but he settles down once hidden
in the confessional.  <shrug>  To me, a confessional is still a Holy place,
yet Nick was able to relax to a point.  It would have been interesting to
see Nick in a church during NiQ though. >>>

I was thinking, that maybe a confessional is the "safest" place in a church?
  I mean, yes, Reconciliation is a sacrament, but the confessional is a
private place where sins are revealed.  There is no holy water in there.
and being dark and small, almost tomblike - symbolic of the "death" of sin,
then he might feel a little more at home?  The sinner, after confessing,
does recieve absolution, but then returns to kneel before the altar to pray
to complete the sacrament, so perhaps there would not be any residual graces
lurking in the dark confessional to hurt Nick?  I remember in that ep, when
he leaves the confessional, he is again so overpowered by the visions and
graces of the church that he passes out.  Interesting ep!  I think, that in
NiQ, if he had wondered into a church, he would have still felt faintly ill,
and turned around and left again... <g>


Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 11:21:58 -0500
From:    Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: JADFE list


I need the updated JADFE URL  For obvious reasons, I don't have it on my
computer here at work.  :-)

Got a bunch of twinmoms on another list I'm on hooked... they went and read my
"New Beginnings" story, and want more!  (loved the steamy scenes..)



Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 11:23:59 -0500
From:    Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Re: A New Convenience

Nancy Kaminski wrote:

> Do you ever wonder if Lacroix runs out of fresh ideas to terrorize humanity
> for the sheer fun of it?
> Wonder no more! I've found an Evil Plan Generator, located at:
> https://members.tripod.com/~mrpuzuzu/plan.html\

Well, we now know that Divia survived... and what's she's been doing!



Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 13:12:26 -0500
From:    Bob Cradock <cradock@s.......>
Subject: Nick and Crosses

(Gwenn wrote)
>So, he is only harmed by crosses that he has some physical contact with,
>either by sight or touch.  In other words, except for the "Blackwing"
>example, he has to know it's there for the holy object to harm him.

Maybe the actual harm comes from physical contact, but it seems like
it's direct _sensory_ contact with religious objects that sets
Nick's (and other vamps') fangs on edge.  Once they see it directly,
the perceived potential for pain kicks in.

Could the other senses trigger similar responses this way?
Sight and touch we've seen already.  What about smell?
Could a vampire walk unflinchingly through the incense
haze of a head shop, but get a whiff of liturgical
incense and have a garlic-like reaction?

Taste seems like it's inseparable from touch, and vamps wouldn't
be likely to ingest food anyway.  But I could imagine some
practical joker with a death wish slipping consecrated
communion wine into Janette's mixed drink.

Hearing? I don't remember Sons of Belial well enough to know what
effect religious words or music have on our (anti-)heroes.
Maybe traditional Christmas carols make them especially grinchy.

Bob Cradock                                cradock@s.......
Star Trek: SF for people with good intentions.
Babylon 5: SF for people with good attention spans.


Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 13:41:21 -0500
From:    Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: fanfic sites

can anyone send me [offlist] the URLs for some fanfic sites, such as HL,
X-Files, etc.

Got some new friends hooked, and I've already pointed them to the fkfanfic,
Mortal Love, and a few other FK sites.  Now they want MORE!!!



Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 15:45:49 +0000
From:    Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: FK on Global 100 and more...


This is simply a reminder to vote for FK on Global 100. This month it
dropped to #8. We CAN make it climb though!

If you haven't voted for FK please go here to do so:

Voting Tips/Instructions:

To sign up for voting click "I'm a new user." then follow the easy steps to

There are different levels on Global 100 Charts. If you are a Low Level
voter you can select up to 10 points. Normal Level voters can select up to
20 points. "High Level" voters can select up to 30 points. These will
determine how much your votes are worth, so please strive for as much as
possible and be a High Level Voter. They DO track same ISP addresses also,
so don't repeat voting with multiple e-mail addresses. It will only lower
your weight on the chart.

Note: You can increase your level on your Personal Card. This is where you
can store information about yourself. Some of this data is used in the
voting process to improve the quality of the charts. When you're new you
start at the Low level. You can increase your level when your e-mail address
has been verified. The higher your level the more weight your votes have in
the charts. If you answer the questions about your 'gender', 'birthday',
'location' and 'public address', you will get a High level.


#1. IMPORTANT: Those of you who are not on "High Levels" please simply
answer your questions on the personal card about gender, birth,etc. It's
very simple and does not take long and it REALLY helps your weight on the
charts! If every one can get up to HIGH level, it can really help FK's

#2. NEW VOTERS: We REALLY need NEW voters who have never voted for FK before
on the chart. Please, if you have not voted before click on the address
above, and then click I'm a New User. Then follow the easy rules to sign up.
We really need you! (and don't forget this chart is sent in to TPTB monthly
with the petitions!)

The DON'Ts::

#1. DON'T repeat with multiple e-mail addresses either! They recognize your
ISP addresses and it will do more damage than good, lowering weight of all
your votes.

#2. DON'T be an Anonymous! Please actually sign up and follow the easy steps
to become a much better HIGH voter.

With your help we can make it #1! When ever you guys write your letters to
powers also be sure to attach a copy of this list as proof of FK still being

Thanks for supporting the Knight!

P.S. You can also vote for Geraint Wyn Davies on the Male charts...go here:

AND if you like please vote for my website under hompages. I'd be so happy!
:) Thanks! Go here to vote: http://www.global100.com/item.asp?Item=100818


Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 14:04:27 -0500
From:    Monica Thadine Rodriguez <mrodri14@u.......>
Subject: looking for a story and TBWDNH

I was wondering if anyone knew about that story requested a few days ago,
with LaCroix going after Nick look-alikes after he's dead.  It sounds like
great potential for LaCroix-angst!  Anyone know who wrote this or the
title?  or where to find it?

One other thing:
I hear the Fanzine Fairy has six of those books we do not have.  If you'd
like to read it anyway, go to:
http://members.aol.com/brabant1228/howto.htm  and pledge any amount they
choose to charity.

Don't be left out!  Get yours now!

luscious lucius lover
"I can be your strength when you have none.   I can be your wisdom, your
truth... and all you need to share with me is your very soul."  LaCroix


Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2000 15:35:15 -0500
From:    Monica Thadine Rodriguez <mrodri14@u.......>
Subject: Mad Knights

I just played the Mad Knights game and had a blast!!  I loved how the
answers came out.  Ironically, a lot of it could be metaphorically
interpreted as true, such as "as ancient as a blond buzz cut."  That came
out perfect!  Loved it!  can't wait to do it again.

luscious lucius lover
"When you have a friend in the Nightcrawler, who needs enemies?"  LaCroix


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 25 Sep 2000 to 26 Sep 2000 (#2000-299)

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