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FORKNI-L Digest - 15 Aug 2000 to 16 Aug 2000 - Special issue (#2000-252)

Wed, 16 Aug 2000

There are 45 messages totalling 1024 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. While we're penning down fans... (15)
  2. Patrick's age
  3. Nick and Sunscreen
  4. huge fk fan directory (4)
  5. Fan Nodes (was: While we're penning down fans)
  6. War 7 Archive (3)
  7. [Re: [running into fans]
  9. [While we're penning down fans...]
 10. "Come to me"
 11. YKYGFKOTBW... (6)
 12. Nick and sunscreen (5)
 13. a fanfic story called ... ?
 14. [running into fans
 15. While we're penning down fans
 16. Some Canadian VCR alerts (2)


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 14:10:08 -0700
From:    Cloud <clouddancer@h.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

I'm in Southern California, San Diego County. There are a couple FK fans
here that I know about. Have even had a fellow Vaq and her family stay
at my house a few times!



Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 17:22:26 -0400
From:    Dorothy Spirito <spiritod@t.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

I'm in "the berries" of CT.  (That's the corridor along I-84 between
Danbury and Waterbury, including Southbury, Woodbury, Middlebury...)



Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:50:21 +1200
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Re: Patrick's age

I don't think they said exactly but I would guess about 10 or 11.

> Just a short question: How old was Patrik (the son of Robert in
> "Human Factor)?
> Simone
> the Real Hamburg Girl


Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:59:52 +1200
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Nick and Sunscreen

Brings back that Terminator 2 line where Sarah says..."Anyone not wearing a
million plus sunscreen's gonna have a real bad day..."

What about putting Nick in a protective body suit? Skin tight of

knightraven@c.......  ICQ# 79163147,  AOL & Yahoo - Knightravenz
FK Merchandise available here! T-shirts, Hats etc!


Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 09:19:09 +1200
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Re: huge fk fan directory

I think in effect we already have one right here...I mean, if you were to
say that you were in say, Auckland<G>, I am sure anyone who WANTS to contact
you can and will. Voila...instant database without fear of the spam, or any
other undesirable contact.<g>
Just my 2cents...hey we don't have 2cents's anymore, only 5s...can I get

knightraven@c.......  ICQ# 79163147,  AOL & Yahoo - Knightravenz
FK Merchandise available here! T-shirts, Hats etc!


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 16:22:26 -0700
From:    Chettina Cook <n9qqq@j.......>
Subject: Re: huge fk fan directory

I agree with Listmommy on this one.  I don't mind off list sharing my
location with some of you, but since I live in a Very small town, it'd be
too easy to be hunted..  Er stalked, by some non well-wishers.  A few of
you already know where I'm at, in a general direction so that we I can
try to meet fellow fans.  To make it official, archive me as NightAngel
(although my name is listed in the return address)  and location be noted
as "near Kankakee, Illinois."  As for factions:  Currently factionless,
or wannbe Lurker.  <G>


<snip from Listmommy>
> I would only be willing to be in it with name and e-address. Most of you
> know where I live or am about to live as far as the city goes, but  I'd just
> as soon not have my home address any more specific than that.
> > Cousin McLisa  (Lisa McDavid)  "That will be Trouble."


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 17:38:29 -0400
From:    "Brooks, Julia A." <BROOKJU@m.......>
Subject: Re: Fan Nodes (was: While we're penning down fans)

Sue H. just had a New York City area pool party and there were about twelve
(?) of us there.  It was fun to put faces to the addys.

I am on [xxxxxxx], but I have friends and relatives in Middlebury, VT and
Stowe, VT <waving at Tim>.  And I have a sister in Pittsburgh.

Julia B. (aka Brooksie) and Allie's Brook
forever Knightie crusader, Les Chevaliers de la Nuit
"And a screaming fine ride [he] is, too."
with Ginger (Woofpack) and Dusty (FoSiL)


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 16:58:53 +0000
From:    Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

I'm in southern Texas...(along with my sister Lauren of course)



Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 17:17:22 -0500
From:    deb <totoq@r.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

NE Kansas, of course

deb in KS


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 16:15:51 -0700
From:    Cloud <clouddancer@h.......>
Subject: War 7 Archive

Does anyone know where I can find a complete archive of War 7?  I've
found the archives for all the other Wars. (minus 6 of course) I know
about the partial archive of # 7 at Vachon's Church, but I'd like to see
what the other factions were doing in as well.

Cloud   <clouddancer@h.......>


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 23:23:33 GMT
From:    Gwenn Musicante <gwennm@h.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...


     I'm from [xxxxxxxxxx], Pennsylvania, and I'm always interested in meeting
another FK fan.  So Julia, is your sister a fan as well?

                                         Gwenn Musicante


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 19:29:33 CDT
From:    Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [running into fans]

Exactly my point.  Maybe not entire physical addresses, but home states/cities
and countries, and e-mail addresses.


and, then you don't suddenly have a FK fan on your doorstep, without any
notice... =>


Emily M. Hanson
email: emily.m.hanson@u.......
Visit my homepage at http://www.starbase-eprime.com


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 19:33:15 CDT
From:    Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>

You know you've been reading too much FK fanfic when you're in the
supermarket, and in the dairy aisle they have plastic Holstein cows hanging up
(which weren't there the last time you were), and you wonder if Nick would
have gotten a kick out of it.  <g>

Emily M. Hanson
email: emily.m.hanson@u.......
Visit my homepage at http://www.starbase-eprime.com


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 19:49:23 CDT
From:    Emily <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: [While we're penning down fans...]

I'm from the Twin Cities area, MN, within a reasonable driving distance from
the Mall of America.


Libratsie@a....... wrote:

Keeping this on FK fan topic, where is everyone located? This list shouldn't
be posted elsewhere without the person's direct permission ;-D

Emily M. Hanson
email: emily.m.hanson@u.......
Visit my homepage at http://www.starbase-eprime.com


Date:    Mon, 16 Aug 1999 20:54:25 -0400
From:    g4akl@c.......
Subject: Re: War 7 Archive

At 04:15 PM 8/15/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone know where I can find a complete archive of War 7?  I've
>found the archives for all the other Wars. (minus 6 of course) I know
>about the partial archive of # 7 at Vachon's Church, but I'd like to see
>what the other factions were doing in as well.

Has there ever been a complete archive of war 7?  I played in that
was and know there were major timeline problems in it -- which would
make compiling an archive very difficult.



Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 20:44:40 -0500
From:    "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

Okay, I'll chime in --- I'm in [xxxxxxxxxx].

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 21:43:43 EDT
From:    Sss44@a.......
Subject: Re: "Come to me"

In a message dated 8/15/00 8:00:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
lorisieja@h....... writes:

<< What a neat idea!  I have a black "Forever Knight" baseball cap, many many
 thanks to Kylie.  I wear it everywhere.  So far, no one has asked about it,
 nor has anyone introduced themselves as a fellow fan... >>

I have the Forkni-l t-shirt from years & years ago. Plan to wear it to the
Sting concert in Austin the 26th & see if anybody notices. Probably
not--they'll all be too busy watching Sting. I know I will be. :-)

"Oh, I want him." -- Janette, Near Death


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 21:49:05 EDT
From:    Sss44@a.......
Subject: Re: YKYGFKOTBW...

In a message dated 8/15/00 10:22:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
manulanger@t....... writes:

<< Llarian (who has visions of Vachon with a toothache, and LaCroix with
 a permanently attached coconut) >>

And Nick would get Nat to help him with his coconut. She'd open it the
scientific way. :-)  Of course, Janette would be far too sophisticated to
even attempt it--she'd pay somebody to open it for her.

"Oh, I want him." -- Janette, Near Death


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:49:45 -0700
From:    Carlson <ustisaquui@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and sunscreen

treeleaf@i....... wrote:

> At 12:03 PM 8/10/00 -0400, Cecilia Long wrote:
> >Here's a question for discussion.  Exactly what IS it about the sun that
> >makes him burn?
> Could it be because of the (normally) life-giving power of the sun?

    I always figured it was the UV in the rays that did the damage...vampires
can stand all other forms of light, so it has to be the one thing missing in
human made light...UV.  With the exception of plant lights (which I imagine
would be dangerous to a vampire), on no show I have seen (or can remember
anyway) has a vampire had a problem with created light.  After all, if you
think about it, it's the UV rays that cause sunburns in mortals....and since
vampires are pale, it would stand to reason that a lot of the melanin in
their system was destroyed by the thing that makes them a vampire, and
therefore makes them so much more susceptible to the damaging properties of

Any other ideas?



Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:54:14 -0700
From:    Carlson <ustisaquui@e.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

One lone Vaq located here in the Tri-Cities area in WA state....



Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 21:55:29 EDT
From:    Sss44@a.......
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

In a message dated 8/15/00 12:26:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
Libratsie@a....... writes:

<< Keeping this on FK fan topic, where is everyone located? This list
shouldn't be posted elsewhere without the person's direct permission ;-D

[xxxxxxxxxx], Texas, which is near Waco. I've discovered a few fans amongst
the Baylor students, but that's about it.

"Oh, I want him." -- Janette, Near Death


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 22:02:20 EDT
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Nick and sunscreen

In a message dated 8/15/00 8:51:27 PM Central Daylight Time,
ustisaquui@e....... writes:

> With the exception of plant lights (which I imagine
>  would be dangerous to a vampire),
If I'm not mistaken, didn't ... was it Felicks/Felix who had all the plants
and thus plant lives, or did he make mention that they were special plant

It has been a while since I saw the episode.



Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 21:04:38 -0500
From:    Lisa Luksus <tokaara@m.......>
Subject: Re: War 7 Archive

At 07:54 PM 8/16/99, g4akl@c....... wrote:
>Has there ever been a complete archive of war 7?  I played in that
>was and know there were major timeline problems in it -- which would
>make compiling an archive very difficult.

I've got all the posts from War 7, between the various computers in the
house.  I'd planned to build a timeline and site for it, but I kinda got
distracted by real life, you know?  Been meaning to get back to that ...
maybe now I will.  I don't remember any exceptional timeline difficulties,
but it's been awhile.  Damn, I co-lead the Cousins in that one, and I can't
remember any timeline problems.  The rest of the list probably isn't
interested, Arletta -- could you e-mail me offlist and let me know what you
meant?  Sure it wasn't War *8* you were thinking of?

Confusedly yours,

Cousin Tok
and the Cousinly kitties
tokaara@c....... / AIM Tokaara / ICQ 46441308


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 22:18:58 -0700
From:    Anna Wooten <awooten@e.......>
Subject: Re: huge fk fan directory

mclisa@m....... wrote:

> I would only be willing to be in it with name and e-address. Most of you
> know where I live or am about to live as far as the city goes, but I'd just
> as soon not have my home address any more specific than that.

DARN!!!  There goes all my Halloween plans...  <ewg>   LOL

awooten@e.......  Tennessee, USA


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 23:23:48 -0300
From:    Rhonda MacKenzie <scarlett@a.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

Usually I just lurk, but I thought I'd post too...

I'm one of the Canadians on the list who is a Nova Scotian (technically, I
live on Cape Breton Island.)



Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 22:41:42 -0000
From:    Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: YKYGFKOTBW...

Gwenn Musicante wrote:
> If they find this substitute acceptable, would they all start moving to
> tropical climates for the palm trees?

I don't know if they'ed enjoy all that tropical sunshine <G>



Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 22:46:41 -0000
From:    Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: YKYGFKOTBW...

Llarian wrote:
> Probably not.  And breaking off a fang must be really painful.

Ah, an opportunity for an entirely new career.l  Dentist to the undead.
Although I can't imagine LaCroix sitting through all the work necessary to
cap a fang - at least not without having the dentist for dessert :-)



Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 22:08:21 -0500
From:    "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: YKYGFKOTBW...

Barb Vainio wrote:
> Ah, an opportunity for an entirely new career.l  Dentist to
> the undead. Although I can't imagine LaCroix sitting through all the work
> necessary to cap a fang - at least not without having the dentist for dessert

Speaking of undead dentistry, I've often wondered if Nat ever persuaded Nick to
let her x-ray his jaws. She's got to wonder how those retractable fangs work--I
know I do!

But then, my brother's a dentist, so perhaps a fascination with teeth is
understandable. <g>

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 23:16:56 EDT
From:    Javiette@a.......
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

In a message dated 8/15/2000 8:45:35 PM Central Daylight Time,
nancykam@m....... writes:

<< Okay, I'll chime in --- I'm in [xxxxxxx]. >>

I heard that chime!!!

I'm about two-three miles from Nancy!

Rae <who's actually had an UFer sleep on her couch!!>


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 23:28:58 -0400
From:    Emily Lacey <laceye@a.......>
Subject: Re: huge fk fan directory

>I agree with Listmommy on this one. archive me as NightAngel
>(although my name is listed in the return address)  and location be noted
>as "near Kankakee, Illinois."

Actually, all we'd really need is screen-name and state.

I'm in SC, and where it is very interesting to know there are people in
California, it probably won't be somewhere I will be able to visit.
However, if I see people in NC or GA, I may send e-mail and find out if
they are near Charlotte or Atlanta--places I may visit in the future.

Emily Lacey


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 21:03:03 -0700
From:    "Amy R." <akr@l.......>
Subject: a fanfic story called ... ?

      I remember an interesting fkfic-l story from a few years ago in which
a cure for Nick comes at the cost of his memory -- amnesia all the way back
to a certain night in 1228.  It includes some brief, vivid, aptly-chosen
descriptions of the contemporary world from the perspective of "1228
Nick."  Unfortunately, and embarrassingly, I haven't been able to recall
either author or title, so I've been unable to locate it.  (My apologies to
the author for forgetting!)

      For some reason, I seem to relate this story to another I just cannot
quite place, a mystery in which some possessions of Fleur's turn up in a
museum exhibit in Toronto . . . .  Perhaps the stories share the same
author?  Or perhaps they both posted to fkfic-l around the same time?

      If you can identify the pieces I mean, could you please let me
know?  (Either by CC or directly off-list; I'm no-mail on forkni-l, though
mail on fkfic-l.)

      Thank you very much!

      Amy R.


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 21:18:45 -0700
From:    Carlson <ustisaquui@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and sunscreen

Libratsie@a....... wrote:

> > With the exception of plant lights (which I imagine
> >  would be dangerous to a vampire),
> If I'm not mistaken, didn't ... was it Felicks/Felix who had all the plants
> and thus plant lives, or did he make mention that they were special plant
> lights?

Honestly, I have no idea.....I probably have one of the worst memories for the
names of eps in FK'dom.I just figured with the way FK was written, bursting
into flames (or at least smoking) in sunlight (standard vampire scenario), that
UV had to be the one thing missing from regular lighting and therefore the one
thing that would damage a vampire.
Since melanin is the coloring that protects our skin from burning, and vamps
are pale, it'd stand to reason that the 'virus' (or whatever) that makes a
person into a vamp would destroy the melanin in the body's system.  That'd make
the person extremely susceptible to combustion in UV rays.  (at least in the FK
world it does, as well as explaining the pale complexion vamps have)

*shrug*  Just a thought....



Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:16:54 -0400
From:    Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: YKYGFKOTBW...

At 10:04 AM 8/15/00 -0400, Portia wrote:

>All I know is that this gives a hilarious mental picture: LaCroix in a
>Hawiian shirt, bemuda shorts and flip-flops (dark shades circa the 50s)

One image: The recent Ray-Bans commercial.

(You know, the one in which all these cool-cat young adults are wearing
Ray-Bans<TM> and there's the one who forgot his. It turns out that they're
all vamps, and the guy without the Ray-Bans goes *poof* in the sunlight.)

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
        UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:20:24 -0400
From:    Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: [running into fans

At 02:05 PM 8/15/00 -0400, Wolfy wrote:

>just the town and an e-mail addy, so that [telemarketers] would have to
>e-mail you directly to get your address...
>and, then you don't suddenly have a FK fan on your doorstep, without any
>notice... >

No, but you have a mailbox full of marketing SPAM, which is just as bad.

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
        UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:28:44 -0400
From:    Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

At 05:22 PM 8/15/00 -0400, Dorothy Spirito wrote:

>I'm in "the berries" of CT.  (That's the corridor along I-84 between
>Danbury and Waterbury, including Southbury, Woodbury, Middlebury...)

That sounds like it wouldn't be *too* bad of a commute for one of our
NYC-area get-togethers...

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
        UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 00:25:57 -0400
From:    Cecilia Long <celong@m.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

I live in Southern New Hampshire.

Lady Ariadne--webmistress
ICQ# 10820105


Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 00:42:19 -0500
From:    Tracysue <tracysue@i.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

A roaming Vaquera who just moved from [xxxxxxxxxx] Arkansas to [xxxxxxxxxx]
Ky.  (for those of you  who've never heard of it, it's on the boarder of
West Virginia and Ohio.  So I'm withinn 2 hours of Lexington,
Cincinatti, Columbus and Charleston West Virginia.)


Tracy Sue
Vaquera  http://members.xoom.com/tracysue1/Library.html
fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to cooler costumes,
better weapons and your own Estrogen Brigade.


Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 06:36:54 +0200
From:    Llarian <manulanger@t.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and sunscreen

From: Carlson <ustisaquui@e.......>
>     I always figured it was the UV in the rays that did the damage...vampires
> can stand all other forms of light, so it has to be the one thing missing in
> human made light...UV.  With the exception of plant lights

I thought so, too, until I learned that halogen lights also give off UV. Just
hold your hand under a halogen light for a while (not too close, though), and
you'll get sunburn.

This discovery (g) left me without an explanation, until I  read the manual
for my new solar powered watch. Daylight is simply much more intense than any
artificial light, with the exception of plant lights. Here are the figures from
the manual:

Iluminance       Environment
   500 lux            Inside ordinary Office
  1000 lux            60 - 70 cm under a fluorescent light
  3000 lux            20 cm under a fluorescent light
 10000 lux            Exterior, cloudy
100000 lux            Exterior, summer, sunny

To load the battery of my watch from empty to full, it takes 250 hours under
office lighting - or 3 hours 30 minutes outside on a sunny summer day.

Small wonder Nick doesn't burn under the office lights in the precinct. :)

That raises the question: How much light can a vampire take, and is it
linked to his or her age?



Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 06:40:07 +0200
From:    Llarian <manulanger@t.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans

I'm in [xxxxxxxxxx], Germany, a small town between Bonn and Cologne.
Haven't met any FK Fans in the area so far,  but successfully brought
across (g) one or two real life friends. Unfortunately, they don't have
internet access.

Llarian (who accidentally sent this offlist to Nancy the first time...
sorry, Nancy! :) )


Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 00:40:20 -0400
From:    Cecilia Long <celong@m.......>
Subject: Re: Nick and sunscreen

Nick always did seem to prefer darker rooms to the more lit ones, if I
remember correctly.  MAybe thats why he didnt like paperwork so much!

Lady Ariadne--webmistress
ICQ# 10820105

Small wonder Nick doesn't burn under the office lights in the precinct. :)

That raises the question: How much light can a vampire take, and is it
linked to his or her age?


Date:    Tue, 15 Aug 2000 23:43:40 -0500
From:    Lindy Cooksey <lindy@w.......>
Subject: Some Canadian VCR alerts

Found these while I was doing some browsing today...

Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Reunion (CFRE) 25 Aug 1:30am

Catherine Disher
Street Legal - Hollywood North (Showcase) 18 Aug 9 am
Street Legal - Eye of the Beholder (Showcase) 21 Aug 9 am
The Campbells - And In the Spring (History) 24 Aug 8 am
The Campbells - Dreams Stay With You (History) 25 Aug 8 am

Geordie Johnson
Street Legal - Breach of Trust (Showcase) 25 Aug 9 am
Street Legal - November (Showcase) 28 Aug 9 am
Street Legal - After the Fall (Showcase) 29 Aug 9 am



Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 00:52:48 EDT
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: YKYGFKOTBW...

In a message dated 8/15/00 6:32:03 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
gwennm@h....... writes:

<< f they find this substitute acceptable, would they all start moving to
 tropical climates for the palm trees?  And would their fangs be able to
 penetrate those coconut shells? <g> >>

OMG, what an image!  LaCroix with his fangs stuck in a coconut.  I sense a
Sue Clark story coming on. <g>

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 00:58:51 EDT
From:    BJDFKFan@a.......
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

I'm in SE Wisconsin, just barely south of Milwaukee, and am very fortunate to
be fairly nearby quite a few FK fans in the SE Wis./NE Ill. area.
::::waves::::  (You know who you are! <G>)

Becky -- DFKS, DK, IB, DT, UF, Ravenette, Cousin, FOD
http://members.aol.com/BJDFKFan, http://members.aol.com/DKfanfic
We're cut adrift, but still floating.  I'm only hanging on to watch you go
down...my love.  (Bono, U2)
The world was bankrupted of ten million fine actions the night she passed on.
 (paraphrased from Ray Bradbury's F. 451, in memory of Libby M.)


Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 00:40:17 -0400
From:    Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
Subject: Re: While we're penning down fans...

Rhonda MacKenzie wrote:
> I'm one of the Canadians on the list who is a Nova Scotian (technically, I
> live on Cape Breton Island.)

Hiya, fellow Canuck! Cape Breton is one of my favourite places in
Canada. are you going to see Ger in Wolfville in September by any

As far as locations are concerned, I'm fortunate to be living in, as
my sig says, the City of the Knight. If anyone is coming to Toronto
and would like an informal FK Tour and a chance to meet other fans,
contact me off-list.

Marg, in Toronto, the City of the Knight  <mytoronto@h.......>
Please visit the Upper Canada Connection -
A Canadian Tribute to Geraint Wyn Davies:


Date:    Wed, 16 Aug 2000 00:44:00 -0400
From:    Marg Yamanaka <mytoronto@h.......>
Subject: Re: Some Canadian VCR alerts

Lindy Cooksey wrote:
> Found these while I was doing some browsing today...
> Ger
> Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Reunion (CFRE) 25 Aug 1:30am

And here are some more Ger showings on Canadian TV:

Aug 19: 12 noon on Showcase - Robocop: Provision 22
Aug 19: CHCH Channel 11 Hamilton - Hush, Little Baby at 9pm
Aug 24: 6:30PM Vision TV Littlest Hobo - Scavenger Hunt Part I
Aug 25: 6:00PM Vision TV Littlest Hobo - Scavenger Hunt Part II

Marg, in Toronto, the City of the Knight  <mytoronto@h.......>
Please visit the Upper Canada Connection -
A Canadian Tribute to Geraint Wyn Davies:


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 15 Aug 2000 to 16 Aug 2000 - Special issue (#2000-252)

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