FORKNI-L Digest - 12 Aug 2000 to 13 Aug 2000 (#2000-247)
Sun, 13 Aug 2000
There are 19 messages totalling 645 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Interesting bit of trivia...
3. a question
4. Song challenge (2)
5. Interesting bit of trivia (2)
6. I have a question... (4)
7. YKYHB......
8. YKYHB......**PS**
9. FK/GER Tapes.
10. Admin: I'm back (3)
11. "Come to me" (2)
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 21:17:43 GMT
From: Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: Interesting bit of trivia...
<<It is very difficult for an adult to change his or her pronunciation and
usage after a having grown up hearing his or her language a certain way.
Would this have been a problem for Nick...>>
Laurie of the Isles
Interesting idea! I would think that our vampires would be able to keep up
with changes in the language, most of the time. But, I'll be that under
times of stress, they revert to archaic expressions, or their native
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 17:53:27 EDT
From: Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: YKYBRTMFW
In a message dated 8/10/00 8:15:06 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
hansone@t....... writes:
<< You know you've been reading too much FK fanfic when you get an email about
poeple dressing up in clown suits for charity, and one of the names on the
list is Nick (no last name given), and you wonder what Nick would look like
in a clown suit and if he could be talked into it. <g> >>
I can easily see Nick donning a Pierot costume. He's already got the tearful
look down pat. <g>
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 00:51:25 CEST
From: Simone Nicole Dornecker <moonwing@h.......>
Subject: a question
I don't know if I do this right but I'm doing it anyway (sigh)
I've found a song that simply screamed "angsting Nick story" but since I'm
all tied up with researxh for the sequel to "Ancient Circles" and because
everything else is blocked right now (and I'm talking about a major case of
writers block) I wanted to ask if someone else
here could write the story to the song.
so am I out of my mind, cuckoo or is it possible?
the 'really really wet due to the many rain here' Hamburg Girl
Simone Nicole Dornecker a.k.a. Silvercat Simone_Dornecker@y.......
or Moonwing@h.......
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 22:16:54 -0400
From: Emily Hanson <hansone@t.......>
Subject: Song challenge
The two songs I can think of, from the top of my head, are "Behind Blue
Eyes" (Sorry but I don't know who sings it) and "Desperado" by the Eagles.
IMHO, they're suitably angsty for Nick. Especially the first, if you pay
close attention to the lyrics.<g>
I don't have lyrics for either of them though.
Also "Let's give them something to talk about" by Bonnie Rait (I think that
is the correct spelling) might make a good Nick & Nat song. Or a Nat song.
Just a thought.
Emily M. Hanson
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 23:24:37 -0400
From: Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Song challenge
At 10:16 PM 8/12/00 -0400, you wrote:
>The two songs I can think of, from the top of my head, are "Behind Blue
>Eyes" (Sorry but I don't know who sings it)
>Emily M. Hanson
Couldn't let this pass -- I believe that is "The Who," sung by Roger
Daltry? Who portrayed FitzHugh on "Highlander," Who probably met either
Nick or LaCroix at some point in his long and (no quite) Immortal life, and
Who probably wouldn't give two figs for either of them, but Who would have
insured Janette had a delightful time, and Who should have a cameo in the
movie coming out Sept. 1st, because he is a character Who was charming and
wonderfully amusing, Who would add richly to any flashbacks, and Who has
been sadly missed....
(Sept. 1st! Sept. 1st! Yippeee!)
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 16:28:43 -0700
From: patness@m.......
Subject: Re: Interesting bit of trivia
Laurie wrote: "It is very difficult for an adult to change his or her
pronunciation and usage after a having grown up hearing his or her language a
certain way."
Lorelei replied: <snip> "I'll bet that under
times of stress, they revert to archaic expressions, or their native language."
This topic recalls an old fic that I
unfortunately don't remember the name
of. Nick regained his mortality in it
if I remember correctly, but his
language and knowledge reverted to
what he knew when he became a vampire.
Very sad.
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 07:12:09 +0200
From: Llarian <manulanger@t.......>
Subject: Re: I have a question...
From: Ceily Trog <Fk4ever1228@a.......>
>Perhaps the reason Vachon chose to take up residence in a church was because
>he was hiding from other vampires; <snip> could
>his tolerance of crosses and stuff in the deconsecrated church be part of
>this talent? ---
Or maybe he was simply using the other vampires' superstition. Then again,
he may just have a dark sense of humor. :)
>Now this brings up another question: if the religious icons are not "blessed"
>does that make a difference? If a church has been deconsecrated, I'm sure
>that would extend to all the objects within.
If I understood another post on the subject correctly (sorry, forgot from who it
was), a church is deconsecrated by stripping it of all holy objects. Thus, leaving
a cross and statues in would mean that the church was not deconsecrated in
the first place.
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 11:31:26 GMT
From: Gwenn Musicante <gwennm@h.......>
Subject: Re: I have a question...
From: Ceily Trog <Fk4ever1228@a.......>
>Perhaps the reason Vachon chose to take up residence in a church was
>because he was hiding from other vampires;
This sounds like like a good theory, and perhaps it would work in most
cases. Unfortunately, the church seemed to do little to deter the Inca from
going in after Tracy who was there looking for Vachon, and for Nick who
spent time there with the Inca as he explained to Nick how both he and
Vachon were brought across.
Gwenn Musicante
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 10:16:55 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: YKYHB......
You know you have been thinking about, reading about and watching too much
Forever Knight when.........
You **actually retrieve** the outer box to your teenagers "Cowhunter"
computer game....
"Cow Targets!"
"Cow Skeet!"
"Cow Tipping!" 0700 on a Sunday morning, because you are just **sure** Nick is
out there somewhere and might want to check out the cows.......(<LOL> the box
is a riot, wonder what the game is like, might have to check it out <g>).
Then you imagine Nick going out "Cow Tipping" in the middle of the Knight
because his refrigerator is really empty.
Then you write this silly post and decide to hide the box because you are
just certain you hear the funny farm wagon coming BWAHAHAHAHAHAH.
Happy Sunday all!
Forever Yours,
Doomed to be silly at times........
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 08:45:12 -0700
From: patness@m.......
Subject: Re: Interesting bit of trivia
>> patness@m....... wrote:
>> This topic recalls an old fic that I
>> unfortunately don't remember the name
>> of. Nick regained his mortality in it
>> if I remember correctly, but his
>> language and knowledge reverted to
>> what he knew when he became a vampire.
>> Very sad.
Thank you all for suggesting Nancy
Kaminsky's story Deja Vu, but that's
not the one I'm thinking about.
Nancy's story, while a good story,
does have a happy ending, but the one
I'm thinking about definitely does not.
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 12:20:01 -0400
From: Amand-r <deparsons@e.......>
Subject: Re: I have a question...
About Vachon's use of the crosses.
> Or maybe he was simply using the other vampires' superstition. Then again,
> he may just have a dark sense of humor. :)
Yuppers. I just read Jean Graham's On Holy Ground, and there was quite
a bit about holy objects. While Vachon may not like crosses, he can
tolerate them. Maybe he just does it because it *is* an unloikely
place for a vampire to be. Really. Or maybe it has great acoustics.
> If I understood another post on the subject correctly (sorry, forgot from
> who it was), a church is deconsecrated by stripping it of all holy objects. Thus,
> leaving a cross and statues in would mean that the church was not deconsecrated in
> the first place.
Ooooh! You hit on one of my areas of study/teaching!
A church is deconsecrated by removing the holy relic. All that is, is
the piece of whatever saint they have lodged in the actual structure of
the building somewhere. The Vatican regularly grants literal pieces of
saint's body parts to be given to new churches, who place it in a
cornerstone of the building somewhere (Like in your local catholic
church, there s a finger or toenail in a box in the mortar somewhere.)
When the church is abandoned, the relic is removed. I know it *sounds*
gross and archaic, but really, it is one of their beliefs, and it's
completely valid in the creation of sacred space as the Aztecs or the
vaudaun. There's more to it than that, but essentially, you could
leave behind crosses or whatever, even unblessed eucharist, and they
may or may not have any potency as a holy "blessed" object. Really.
I have always been under the belief that it was the faith imbued in the
object that makes it holy. All my tools in my religion have to be
consecrated, and they can start their lives as ordinary kitchen
objects. For this reason, I understand why some things can burn vamps
and others cannot. Look at the knife in Blackwing-- Nick didn't even
know that it was holy until he touched it, but it has been charged with
holy power simply through it's ritual purpose. Or Jean Graham's On
Holy Ground takes regular saffower oil, and gives it repelling power,
simply because the preacher who ueses it to anoint his congregation has
blessed it. (Graham also makes a person holy to the touch;
occasionally after performing glossalalia --"speaking in tongues"-- the
pastor is impossible for Nick to touch. It's a fascinating idea, and I
agree wholeheartedly with her assessment See below.) Ordinarily, it
would be something used in cooking.
So the actual shape of the object is useless if it has no meaning. I
would say that the crosses in Vachon's place are not particularly
potent, since the person in the closest vicinity to them isn't
particularly religious ::snerk::. Any power they might have had
probably dissipated, and since they usually only serve as decoration,
they probably weren't charaged with any holy energy.
As for crossed arms defending oneself against FK vamps, well, remember
your body is a temple in a great deal of religions. Look at the
anointing of oils and the anointing of holy water. In voodoo and other
religions you can be possessed by Gods, and that will make one "pure"
for a short period of time, but it wears off. Any time you are exposed
to a great massive wave of religious energy, the body is changed (like
when people are cured through prianic healing). Energy is everything
and if you were to have faith in something, like the symbol of the
cross, you are a live wire of energy being charged by your faith. I
bet that might very well be a rather potent form of repelling vampires.
So, to sum up--crosses in church, no big deal. Rather in poor taste,
but not a big loss. If one of them falls on Vachon, he'll get a big
lump on his head, but I don't think spontaneous combustion is in order.
Maybe a little aloe vera gel will clear it up.
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 12:54:58 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: YKYHB......**PS**
> You **actually retrieve** the outer box to your teenagers "Cowhunter"
> computer game....
> "Cow Targets!"
> "Cow Skeet!"
> "Cow Tipping!"
And I went on to talk about imagining Nick tipping cows.......
**The Plot Thickens**
<G>............then you get a neat <waving madly like a fool> private email
about this game........ print out said email and give it to your son..........
...................then your son **GIVES** you the game <LOL> and now you are
wondering how you can get it to Detective Nicholas Knight so he can make the
best use of it, but UH-OH, the cows can fight back either in this or another
game, according to the box.......<LOL> look out for the flying cow dung,
Forever Yours,
Silly Billie-Lee (who is going to play Cowhunter now, BWAHAHAHAHA!!)
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 14:02:15 -0500
From: Lauren <lauren1228@m.......>
Subject: FK/GER Tapes.
Hi Everyone! :)
I hope some of yall can anser some of these questions and does anyone
have copies that they can DUB?
1st Question:
In "Human Factor" is there a version that actually shows Nick biting
Janette? If so, where can I get a copy?
2nd Question:
The FK Dailies sound very interesting, does anyone know where to get
copies dubbed from people?
I know Marg Yamanka has one set but, is there anyone else who has
another set? Thanks. :)
3rd Question:
Is there ONLY a FK Season 2 Blooper reel?
Last Question:
Is there anyone who has copies of Ger's Theater Perfromances? Or maybe
movies and TV Series.
Thanks! :)
Lauren :)
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 16:03:53 -0400
From: mclisa@m.......
Subject: Admin: I'm back
I'm back early from Indianapolis, having bought my house. So, why is there a
purple thong behind the couch, and what is this Official Metropolitan
Toronto Warning on the door? :)
Cousin McLisa (Lisa McDavid) "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 16:10:01 EDT
From: Sss44@a.......
Subject: "Come to me"
Does anybody know if there's a .wav of Nick saying "Come to me" ) from The
Hunted out there anywhere? I've been looking and haven't found one on the web
"Oh, I want him." -- Janette, Near Death
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 16:18:06 EDT
From: Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: Admin: I'm back
In a message dated 8/13/00 1:06:49 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:
<< 'm back early from Indianapolis, having bought my house. So, why is there a
purple thong behind the couch, >>
You say that like it's a *bad* thing. <g>
Welcome back, fearless leader. <g>
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 16:20:56 EDT
From: Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Admin: I'm back
In a message dated 8/13/00 3:06:49 PM Central Daylight Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:
> I'm back early from Indianapolis, having bought my house. So, why is there a
> purple thong behind the couch, and what is this Official Metropolitan
> Toronto Warning on the door? :)
We, the Ratpack, we dinna mean ta do h'it. Oi'm mean the pretty-witty big ol'
car wuz jest sittin' h'out there wit' the top down so's we though no one
wanted h'it. H'after paintin' h'it a more decent type o' color (glow h'in the
dark lime green), we took h'it down ta the swap meet. An' the list 'ampsters,
well, Screed got 'UNGRY! 'E did!
Oh, ya weren't referin' ta inny tha'....
Then the Ratsie sorts n' Screed, we're TOTALLY in-no-sin loik.
Ne'er dun inny-thingee.
Na h'uz.
<h'all the lil' ratsies wave in-no-sin loik h'at the McLisa>
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 15:27:43 -0500
From: Lauren <lauren1228@m.......>
Subject: Re: "Come to me"
Hi! I've found a wav. where Nick says "Come to me" It is at this URL: Your
welcome! :)
Lauren :)
----- Original Message -----
From: <Sss44@a.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 3:10 PM
Subject: "Come to me"
> Does anybody know if there's a .wav of Nick saying "Come to me" ) from The
> Hunted out there anywhere? I've been looking and haven't found one on the web
> yet.
> Thanks,
> Scottie
> sss44@a.......
> "Oh, I want him." -- Janette, Near Death
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 16:55:40 EDT
From: KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: I have a question...
In a message dated 8/12/00 10:20:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
Fk4ever1228@a....... writes:
Now this brings up another question: if the religious icons are not "blessed"
does that make a difference? If a church has been deconsecrated, I'm sure
that would extend to all the objects within. >>
My take on this subject is.... In some vampire movies there is a scene where
the mortal tells the vampire he has Holy Water in his hand when we actually
saw him pour regular water into the vile. Of course the vampire is afraid
because he "thinks" it really is Holy Water.
So I think since Vachon thinks the church is deconsecrated, then all the
statues and artifacts in the church are also deconsecrated.
End result..."It's all in your mind what you believe."
KnightWitch ;-]=
CaddyWhacker, Die Hard, Ravenette, Enforcement's.
GWDFC,FKFC. I-con 17, Bridging, Nexus 98, LCA2, G5 attendee.
"Come... and sleep the day with me." Janette, Crazy Love
Proud owner of the www. Forever domain.
Coming soon and complete and unique line of Forever Knight related tee shirts
and golf/sports shirts.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 12 Aug 2000 to 13 Aug 2000 (#2000-247)
Parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at