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FORKNI-L Digest - 27 Jul 2000 (#2000-226)

Thu, 27 Jul 2000

There are 26 messages totalling 836 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Nat and Nick (5)
  2. [Re: [FORKNI-L] Attracted to vampires?] (2)
  3. Knight School - Ep106 - Dying to Know You (2)
  4. FK as detective or cop show fare (2)
  5. Why Do We Need a Replacement Vampire Series?
  6. Attracted to vampires?
  7. Crazy Love and Baby Baby (3)
  8. Why Do We Need a Replacement Vampire Series? strategy (2)
  9. Crazy Love
 10. FORKNI-L Attracted to vampires? (2)
 11. Fangs Project update (2)
 12. Attracted to Vampires?
 13. Clarification on "giving FK back to us"
 14. GWDFC webpage?


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 07:09:07 -0400
From:    "Brenda F. Bell" <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: Nat and Nick

At 06:08 PM 7/26/00 EDT, Ceily Trog wrote:

>While I am not really a NatPacker (I would tend toward a Neck of the Week
>faction if there was such a thing <g>)

Well, there is the Pit of Condemned Bimbos Survivalists <PoCBS> faction...

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
        UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 07:32:20 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Attracted to vampires?]

it.  I wonder sometimes how much LC is worth.  He wasn't happy about
> Nick stealing all that money in Blood Money", I think.
    I doubt that the General has anywhere near what Nick has.
        In Blood Money, LaCroix repeatedly tells Nick that money is a
burden that he should ignore.
         Vast sums of cash get noticed by banks and governments and
other people.  Not the ideal situation for a privacy-hungry vampire.
LaCroix and Janette have money, money enough to easily buy a
nightclub or afford designer clothes.  But, how much do they really
need?  Especially when they really don't want to be that noticed by
society?   I'd bet they've each got some millions in jewelry or
bearer bonds or other easily transferable currencies salted away for
trouble, but I'd doubt thtey have the simply extraordinary amount
that Nick is worth.    They simply don't have the need of it and
trying to move large sums and then spending it without people
starting to ask awkward questions is simply too hard.


 Tim Phillips


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 12:43:44 GMT
From:    Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: Nat and Nick

Fear of Death is not a good enough reason to become a vampire.  Perhaps it
is part of the reason Nick became one, but Nick was a disillusioned
Crusader, seduced by Janette, and who could ever say "no" to LaCroix? <g>...
  Natalie KNEW about vampires already.  She knew they were killers, they
were selfish, they drank blood... She should never have wanted that for
herself or her brother.  I agree that it made great episodes for the series,
but I think it proves she was attracted to the vampire.  An intelligent
woman otherwise would have chosen death over such an evil option.


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 12:48:34 GMT
From:    Lorelei Sieja <lorisieja@h.......>
Subject: Re: Nat and Nick

Liz the lucky wrote:<< Given all that, I find it easier to believe he wasn't
lying to LC, than to try to find a reason for LC to suddenly lay off Nick
when he never has in the past.>>

What an intriguing idea!  I've never really looked at it like that before!
You may be on to something... <g>.


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 08:49:45 -0400
From:    Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Re: [Re: [FORKNI-L] Attracted to vampires?]

Tim Phillips wrote:
> Vast sums of cash get noticed by banks and governments and
> other people.

Well, not in Swiss banks, they don't. But I agree that they aren't
likely to have the Brabant Foundation's huge fortune, among other
reasons because Nick has sequestered it away for a long time in order to
spend it on helping others.

I have a hunch that the General is heavily invested in real estate --
not as speculation, but in alternative places to live.
mcombs@e....... N&Npacker


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 09:08:48 -0500
From:    Emma Lighton <elighton@b.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep106 - Dying to Know You

>1.  What *was* Myra really doing if she wasn't bowling?
Visiting the Raven to see what Schanke really did while he was there?

>2.  Do you think Schanke believes in psychics now?
Probably not. He's too grounded in reality.

>3.  I know we've discussed the theory that Stonetree knows about Nick, or at
>least knows *something's up, but do you think Stonetree knew why Denise was
>flaking and that's why he told Nick?
I don't think he knew why she was flaking. I think he told Nick because she
either dropped some hints when she bailed out of the case, or he she made
the assumption based on the fact that Schanke thought it was a bunch of
baloney and wouldn't be hanging around her much.

>4.  Do you think Denise would have figured out the images in her head or
>thought herself insane if Nick hadn't told her?
I think eventually, she would have figured it out, if the images didn't
drive her insane first.

>5.  If Denise hadn't gotten shot, do you think Nick would have continued to
>visit her?

No. Even if she wasn't bothered by the images she got from him once she
knew what they were, I think Nick would feel too guilty to hang around much
if that's what he was doing to her.

Emma (elighton@b.......)
Vaquera * DPheretic * T+Vpack * FKMac-er Head Mouse Clicker
Survivor of Wars 9 and 10
"Pulvis et umbra sumus." -Horace


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 09:09:37 -0500
From:    Emma Lighton <elighton@b.......>
Subject: Re: FK as detective or cop show fare

Laurie of the Isles wrote:

>That brings up an interesting question: if you forget the fantasy/horror
>element of the vampires on the show, how does FK rate as a cop show?  Are the

In my opinion, as just a cop show FK went from so-so to dreadful. If you
took away the vampy elements, most of the cases didn't add up to much at
all. Also you'd have the problem that Nick couldn't have solved several of
the cases if he hadn't had vampire abilities.
(Though, personally, I did find the cop plot of 1966 a lot more intresting
than the flashback.)

Emma (elighton@b.......)
Vaquera * DPheretic * T+Vpack * FKMac-er Head Mouse Clicker
Survivor of Wars 9 and 10
"Pulvis et umbra sumus." -Horace


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 09:10:12 -0500
From:    Emma Lighton <elighton@b.......>
Subject: Re: Why Do We Need a Replacement Vampire Series?

Kristen wrote:

>We're not trying to put down the new series, but simply state that we're not

Honestly, that's not really the impression I got from your first post, and
apparently I'm not alone. It did give the impression of "FK or nothing!"
And when encouraging people to contact the Scifi channel, coming across
that way could have disatorous results.

>another! Bonnie Hammer seemed to think that putting on a new vampire series
>will make us happy rather than Forever Knight. We need to show her and
>Sci-fi we won't just take any vampire series to replace FK, but want the one
>we truely love...Forever Knight!

Considering the amount of time since they stopped showing FK reruns, no
matter what the motives for putting it on the air, I'm not sure it's really
fair to dismiss it as a replacement. It could have a lot to offer to FK
fans, even if it's just tiding us over 'til the Scifi channel comes to it's
senses and brings back FK.

Emma (elighton@b.......)
Vaquera * DPheretic * T+Vpack * FKMac-er Head Mouse Clicker
Survivor of Wars 9 and 10
"Pulvis et umbra sumus." -Horace


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 06:08:48 -0700
From:    fkforever <fkforever@y.......>
Subject: Re: Attracted to vampires?

<<There are other drawbacks besides the sun.  Would you want to give up
the taste of chocolate or a Starbuck's cappucino, for one?  >>

Give it a decade or so and vamps will have the sun back via virtual
reality.  As for giving up chocolate and cappucino, did you forget that
little seen were Schanke made Nick breakfast.  Nick just added a little
mmmoooowww...  to his coffee.


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 09:17:39 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: Crazy Love and Baby Baby

> I wonder if she ever considered
> artificial blood, if there is such a thing?

   There are chemical compounds that can behave has "artifical
blood".  There are fluorocarbons (I think that its proper stuff) that
will transport oxygen like blood.  Anyone whose seen THE ABYSS
with the wet-breathing deep-diving suit has seen this stuff.  it is real.
I know that it was evaluated for usage as a blood substitute -
indefinitely shelf-life, no need to refridgerate, supply only limited by
manufacturing capacity.    I think that evaluation showed that it
wasn't good enough/ had enough bad side effects, that it never
went anywhere as a real blood substitute.


 Tim Phillips


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 09:58:20 EDT
From:    Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Knight School - Ep106 - Dying to Know You

In a message dated 7/26/00 7:37:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
raven@n....... writes:

Hey all!  Tell you what, Cousin Raven, your synopses are gonna make one heck
of a great episode guide when you are done, *bravo!*

1.  What *was* Myra really doing if she wasn't bowling?

I have often wondered about that <g>!  Maybe she was planning the next
holiday she wanted to go on--instead of which Schanke will take her to Vegas
or something :>D

2.  Do you think Schanke believes in psychics now?

Maybe not a true believer, but far less skeptical.  I love how he always
turns things around <g>.  I can't remember exactly what he said, but at some
point he made a comment about having faith in her (the Psychic's) ability
"the whole time" when he was talking to Stonetree and Nick.  Or am I
imagining that? <lol>

3.  I know we've discussed the theory that Stonetree knows about Nick, or at
least knows *something's up, but do you think Stonetree knew why Denise was
flaking and that's why he told Nick?

You know, until it was brough up here, I have never has the sense that
Stonetree really *knew,* about Nick. I admit, though, he seemed to understand
Nick had some special abilities that maybe he (Stonetree) could not quite put
his finger on.........I suppose it would follow then that knowing there's
__something__ about Nick that led him to tell about Denise flaking.  Sheesh,
did that make any sense at all? <g>

3.  Do you think Denise would have figured out the images in her head or
thought herself insane if Nick hadn't told her?

Likely a little of both, I think......it certainly seemed to be driving her
insane!  I really liked this episode, but I always thought she took Nick's
telling her just a little TOO
well, as in too easily.  But, with her being a Psychic and all, I guess
perhaps she was more open to a paranormal explanation than someone else might
have been.

5.  If Denise hadn't gotten shot, do you think Nick would have continued to
visit her?

Maybe now and then, but I have noticed "other women" in Nick's present day
life have a way of vanishing, either by dying or leaving.  IMHO, that is
perhaps because of his relationship with Nat.  Nat's "other men" don't seem
to last long either, or turn out to be a villain to be conquered <hehe>!

Have a great day all!

Forever Yours,


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 08:58:27 -0500
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: Nat and Nick

> Lorelei Sieja wrote:

> Fear of Death is not a good enough reason to become a vampire.  Perhaps it
> is part of the reason Nick became one, but Nick was a disillusioned
> Crusader, seduced by Janette, and who could ever say "no" to LaCroix? <g>.

Fear of death can make normally moral, good people do horrid things. Examples:
there were jews in WWII who became camp guards on a promise of being kept
alive -- all they had to do was make their fellow inmates work themselves to
death, turn in the weak for extermination, etc. Some became as cruel as their
Nazi captors. There are instances of shipwrecked people killing their
companions for food. The Soviets often held a person's family "hostage" by
implying they would never attend university, or get a good job, or be
sent to a gulag --- "just be our spy/assassin/thief and do what we tell you,
and you'll be fine." (My father was almost denied a Top Secret clearance in the
1960s because we have family in Poland, and the FBI was concerned that threats
against them would cause him to commit treason.) There have been people who
kept relatives on life-support long after any hope of brain function was gone,
because they just couldn't accept their death. They were  vegetables, but they
were *alive.* (Richard's a vampire, but he's *alive.*)

The list of humankind's drive to survive under any circumstances without
thought of moral consequences is endless.And every time Nat asked to become a
vamp, she was under enormous stress and not thinking too clearly.
>   Natalie KNEW about vampires already.  She knew they were killers, they
> were selfish, they drank blood... She should never have wanted that for
> herself or her brother.  I agree that it made great episodes for the series,
> but I think it proves she was attracted to the vampire.  An intelligent
> woman otherwise would have chosen death over such an evil option.

Well, Nat wasn't perfect, and intelligent people can do things that, in
hindsight, are remarkably stupid. I also get the impression that Nat isn't an
overly-religious person; while she professes a belief in an afterlife, it
doesn't seem to be anything more than a general, "there's got to be something
else" kind of feeling. Religious people seem to be able to embrace death much
more easily, because they *know* Heaven is waiting for them.

So there you are --- you're trapped on the train tracks, a freight train is
approaching, and you're desperate to get free. You're only 35, and you don't
really believe in an afterlife, and you don't want to die. Along comes a
vampire, who says he'll save you. All you have to do is become a vampire, too.
You look at the engine that's almost upon you, terrified at imminent pain and
death -- and say, yes. Save me! Save me! I'll worry about the downside later!

At least that's the way I think Nat felt. <g> YMMV, of course.

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 10:31:49 EDT
From:    WRDRR@a.......
Subject: Re: Why Do We Need a Replacement Vampire Series? strategy

Libby makes a good point, in that you should never try to keep your head
above water by standing on someone else's head.  We shouldn't trash one show
bcoz it is not FK and and UV may whet the audience's appetite for more vamps
and what have they got on the shelf already (besides DShadows???)  FK of
course.  Letters might be better saying we always welcome new attempts to
exploit the genre but it just makes us salivate more for our favorite classic
FK and when are the movies coming out and where is our fan merchandise????
Casting T. F. Stone


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 10:54:45 EDT
From:    SField8067@a.......
Subject: Re: Why Do We Need a Replacement Vampire Series? strategy

All the posts to the list regarding "Ultra-Violet as opposed to "FK" are
In my opinion, While we should definatly NOT trash one Show for another, we
should in all BBoard posts or letters/snail mails, etc, stress the fact that
Forever Knight is a unique show that had and continues to have a devoted fan
Although "Ultra-Violet' might indeed gather fans, might actually be a show
that people will enjoy watching,We can't let TPTB think that we are willing
to stop fighting for FK in whatever form it might take,that we will simply
trade a treasure for an empty box,so to speak :)
So lets fight even harder guys!!
Double up on the blitz, and please be sure to send me e-mails for the fangs

all the best,
susan ellen field


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 11:08:38 -0400
From:    "Cindy L. Clark" <ClarkCindy@e.......>
Subject: Re: Crazy Love

Jeannie wrote:
 She should have shared the day with him.  Been with him.  It would have
strengthened their relationship, but no she left him to the day.
I'd like your opinions.

Many of the friends I've talked to who saw the episode of "Angel" where the
demon's blood made him mortal wished that "The Fix" would've/could've turned
out the same way.


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 11:53:14 -0400
From:    "Cindy L. Clark" <ClarkCindy@e.......>
Subject: Re: Crazy Love and Baby Baby

Scottie wrote:
I wonder if she ever considered
artificial blood, if there is such a thing?

I have a very long medical article, written in a laboratory journal, on
artificial blood that is presently being used in human trials.  I will make
copies if anyone is interested.


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 11:35:30 CDT
From:    "Emily M.Hanson" <emily.m.hanson@u.......>
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Attracted to vampires?

Ah, but here's the question.  Did he taste the coffee or just the addition to

Which ep was that in?  It's been a while since I've seen FK, I'm sci-fi
channel deprived.  I have one ep on tape and that's it.


fkforever <fkforever@y.......> wrote:
> <<There are other drawbacks besides the sun.  Would you want to give up
> the taste of chocolate or a Starbuck's cappucino, for one?  >>
> Give it a decade or so and vamps will have the sun back via virtual
> reality.  As for giving up chocolate and cappucino, did you forget that
> little seen were Schanke made Nick breakfast.  Nick just added a little
> mmmoooowww...  to his coffee.

Emily M. Hanson



Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 13:17:41 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Attracted to vampires?

> Ah, but here's the question.  Did he taste the coffee or just the addition to
> it?
> Which ep was that in?  It's been a while since I've seen FK, I'm sci-fi
> channel deprived.  I have one ep on tape and that's it.
        Partners of the Month


 Tim Phillips


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 13:23:31 EDT
From:    SField8067@a.......
Subject: Fangs Project update

Greetings Forever Knight Fans!
With permission (Thanks Lisa!) I will be updating you on the progress of this
project once a week.
Initial response has been slow, I understand that alot of you might get tired
of doing things like this, but remember!!  soon it will be fall, schedules
change. We might not have it now, we might have to wait a bit longer, but
lets not slow down on trying!!!
So if you have the chance,while online, Please, participate in this, and
spread the word!! Lets make sure that FK returns as soon as possible!!!
For those who have not read the first post about this project. here it is:

This Halloween, "Kickstart The Knight" will be doing something special to
Encourage *The Powers That Be* to provide us all with not only a return of
the reruns to the Schedule, but renew it as a series with the original
cast, and or return it as a series of made for TV movies, and merchandise.

We have purchased  Vampire Fangs,in an assortement of  neon colors.
From now through October 22nd, we are asking each and every Forever Knight
fan to please send an e-mail asking for the above.
It can be a simple e-mail asking for FK's return, or filled with as much as
you would  like.I understand that there has been a little confusion as to
what i am asking, so i will try to clarify it.
The e-mails you send me should be like the ones you have been sending
feedback during the blitz's. or snail mail letters, By now, you all know we
want more FK,the original cast, merchandise, etc.and if you like, you can
make it Halloween oriented :)
Thats what to put in, then send to me :0
i will in turn will  print out and attach your mail to a set of fangs, and
send it to Tristar/Columbia and the Sci-fi Channel in  special packages.
I am actually hoping to purchase coffin shaped boxes!

Lets make sure that this Halloween is  the one where we finally get what we

 So come-on and join in on the fun! and Help  the cause! Lets make sure we
let them all know that we want Nick and company to take another bite out of

Send all E-mails to : SField8067@a.......  (NOT THE ML)
  (put"Fangs Project" into the subject line.

Thanks in advance to everyone!
Susan Ellen Field
Kickstart The Knight


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 11:00:15 -0500
From:    Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Re: Nat and Nick

> >   Natalie KNEW about vampires already.  She knew they were killers, they
> > were selfish, they drank blood... She should never have wanted that for
> > herself or her brother.  I agree that it made great episodes for the series,
> > but I think it proves she was attracted to the vampire.  An intelligent
> > woman otherwise would have chosen death over such an evil option.

Ah, but we've had *this* discussion before. :-)

Can evil really be defined?  It's so subjective.  And a matter of viewpoint.

Is a vampire, by his nature, inherently evil?  Is the hawk swooping down on the
field mouse and killing it evil?  It does what it must to survive by obeying
its natural instincts.  My cat is an excellent example - - he has all the food
he could want, and yet he will hunt and kill a bird or mouse BECAUSE IT'S HIS

A vampire kills because s/he must for survival.  Some are know to exercise
restraint, and not drain everyone they meet.... but as it's put forth to us,
it's a natural instinct -- a drive -- and incredibly hard to overcome.  A
vampire realizes that it would be considered (rightfully so) a danger to humans,
so, one can hypothesize that the instinct to drain a human is an act of
self-preservation that eliminates someone who could later be a threat.

Those that *can* overcome the killing urge, and wish to, do their best and rely
on the donated and bottled blood.  But can we call those that don't, just
because they follow their natural instinct, evil?

IM me @ copper6500 (Yahoo & Aol)


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 17:40:18 GMT
From:    Gwenn Musicante <gwennm@h.......>
Subject: Re: Crazy Love and Baby Baby

 > I wonder if she ever considered
 > artificial blood, if there is such a thing?

Actually in the first season, during the episode called "Father Figure,"
Nat is removing a bullet from Nick's shoulder when she notices that he has
not immediately healed and she says to him;

Nat says, "Have you tried that artificial blood I gave you?"

Nick says, "You mean the low fat, zero cholesterol, no sodium, absolutely no

Nat says, "Yeah, well don't knock it tiger, it's obviously working."
So it sounds as if artificial blood is tasteless to vampires as well as
useless to mortals.

Gwenn Musicante


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 18:10:01 GMT
From:    Gwenn Musicante <gwennm@h.......>
Subject: Re: Attracted to Vampires?

<emily.m.hanson@u.......> wrote:

<Ah, but here's the question.  Did he taste the coffee or just the <addition
to it?

I remember "Partners of the Month" very well, and I thought that Nick had
picked up an empty cup before heading to the refrigerator for some cow.
Schanke just assumed that Nick was getting some cream for his coffee, but
the cup contained only cold blood.  The best part of waking up is cow blood
in your cup.<g>

Gwenn Musicante


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 14:12:32 -0400
From:    mclisa@m.......
Subject: Clarification on "giving FK back to us"

When I said that, I was thinking more in terms of rerunning the series.
There are plenty of potential fans who haven't seen it. A number of people
have joined us since the series ended, after seeing the reruns on SciFi.

So, if one vampire series works for them, they might haul FK out of the
vaults. I notice Dark Shadows is back.

Cousin McLisa  (Lisa McDavid)  "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 14:27:13 +0000
From:    Kristin <kris1228@s.......>
Subject: Re: Fangs Project update

Yes, guys PLEASE do not give up! That won't get us any where. This project's
going to be BIG! We want to get ALL of you involved with just one letter.
That's all. So, please take a little time to write one letter for the
project. With all you letters, PLUS I will be sending her over Bboard
letters, this shoud really help our cause and might very well be the reason
FK returns! :)

So if you haven't sent one, you know who you are, go ahead and do so now. It
doesn't have to be long. It could be just asking "Bring Back Forever

E-mail: SField8067@a.......

Long Live the Knight!

-----Original Message-----
From: Forever Knight TV show [mailto:FORKNI-L@l.......]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 5:24 PM
To: FORKNI-L@l.......
Subject: Fangs Project update

Greetings Forever Knight Fans!
With permission (Thanks Lisa!) I will be updating you on the progress of
this project once a week.
Initial response has been slow, I understand that alot of you might get tired
of doing things like this, but remember!!  soon it will be fall, schedules
change. We might not have it now, we might have to wait a bit longer, but
lets not slow down on trying!!!
So if you have the chance,while online, Please, participate in this, and
spread the word!! Lets make sure that FK returns as soon as possible!!!
For those who have not read the first post about this project. here it is:

This Halloween, "Kickstart The Knight" will be doing something special to
Encourage *The Powers That Be* to provide us all with not only a return of
the reruns to the Schedule, but renew it as a series with the original
cast, and or return it as a series of made for TV movies, and merchandise.

We have purchased  Vampire Fangs,in an assortement of  neon colors.
From now through October 22nd, we are asking each and every Forever Knight
fan    to please send an e-mail asking for the above.
It can be a simple e-mail asking for FK's return, or filled with as much as
you would  like.I understand that there has been a little confusion as to
what i am asking, so i will try to clarify it.
The e-mails you send me should be like the ones you have been sending
feedback during the blitz's. or snail mail letters, By now, you all know we
want more FK,the original cast, merchandise, etc.and if you like, you can
make it Halloween oriented :)
Thats what to put in, then send to me :0
i will in turn will  print out and attach your mail to a set of fangs, and
send it to Tristar/Columbia and the Sci-fi Channel in  special packages.
I am actually hoping to purchase coffin shaped boxes!

Lets make sure that this Halloween is  the one where we finally get what we

 So come-on and join in on the fun! and Help  the cause! Lets make sure we
let them all know that we want Nick and company to take another bite out of

Send all E-mails to : SField8067@a.......  (NOT THE ML)
  (put"Fangs Project" into the subject line.

Thanks in advance to everyone!
Susan Ellen Field
Kickstart The Knight


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 16:18:09 -0400
From:    Cecilia Long <celong@m.......>
Subject: Re: FK as detective or cop show fare

Thats a hard one, because FK was not JUST a cop show. A lot of the appeal
had to be with the problems his being a vampire wrought in his life. A lot
of the great stuff was also the flashbacks, so I dont think I could ever
think of it as JUSt a cop show.  Maybe a cop show with a lot of flavor!

I did like the detective stories ina nd of themsleves, even if he did use
his secret powers to help thwart evil.
Lady Ariadne--webmistress
ICQ# 10820105

That brings up an interesting question: if you forget the fantasy/horror
element of the vampires on the show, how does FK rate as a cop show?


Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 2000 16:40:04 EDT
From:    Wolfy Knight <Wolfy380@a.......>
Subject: GWDFC webpage?

i can't seem to find the main page(s) of the GWDFC website...
cannot be found..
is it only me? and if not, where do i go?



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 27 Jul 2000 (#2000-226)

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