There are 14 messages totalling 417 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. If FK went to Lifetime (2) 2. YKYBWTMFK 3. Nick & Nat (was Re: If FK went to Lifetime) (2) 4. "Nick Knight" info (FK invades Disney/Lifetime) 5. FK at Lifetime 6. FK on lifetime 7. Feedback Blitz Day is Here!! 8. FK invades Disney 9. topic chage - Create & Cast a New Fem.Vamp for LC 10. Nigel Bennett... or not? 11. Different View - an idea for FK writers 12. Happy Easter! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 17:46:17 -0400 From: Sandra Gray <sandragray@r.......> Subject: Re: If FK went to Lifetime KC wrote: >Nick is the ONLY man for Nat! :-) Only in some people's opinion. :) I don't think they should be together. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --sandragray@r....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 20:06:00 -0000 From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......> Subject: YKYBWTMFK when you're watching the beginning of "Early Edition" and the lead character is in an explosion. When the smoke cleared and he opened his eyes, I did an double take and thought "The explosion turned him into a vampire??!!!" since they were using the FK season 2 & 3 contacts. It seems, however, that he was only blinded. Barb ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 17:59:25 -0700 From: Kyer <kyer@p.......> Subject: Nick & Nat (was Re: If FK went to Lifetime) > KC wrote: Nick is the ONLY man for Nat! :-) To which Sandra Gray responded:> Only in some people's opinion. :)> I don't think they should be together. At the risk of becoming another target for furious N&Npackers throwing daisy and protein shake bombs (<g>), neither do I: Nick falls in love waaay too easily. Just lookit all the bimbos he's had. And I'm not even counting the ones from the Pit. Both are prone to the Green-Eyed Monster----and I'm not referring to vampire eyes here. (Need I cite episodes for this? ) Nick's protective nature would eventually drive independent-minded Natalie to drink (her own concotions.) It takes a certain kind of personality to appreciate Old World gentlemanly ways. Most modern women I know, get annoyed (FemiNazi-ish) when a guy holds a door open for them. ("What'za matter, buster? Think I'm too weak to handle a door?" <thwak> "Ow!") Should Nick become mortalized, he'd be too black & blue from Nat's thwaking to appreciate life. He needs coddling---not thwaking. I don't think Natalie properly appreciates the value of trunk space. Natalie would make him get rid of the Caddy for something more sporty. Like a Prowler. (No---wait---that would be LaCroix. LaCroix doesn't need trunk space---to old and powerful.) Nat needs an independent and feisty type to match her personality. Nat belongs with Sydney. Nick, obviously, belongs with me. Now, before you all jump in to permanently deform my face, please note the deformity it already has. That lump in my right cheek?---is from my tongue. Grinned, ;)= Kyer Do I *have* to post my e-mail addy, Listmommy? Darn! kyer@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 18:56:24 -0700 From: "Kelly C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......> Subject: Re: If FK went to Lifetime > KC wrote: > >Nick is the ONLY man for Nat! :-) >Sandra wrote: > Only in some people's opinion. :) > > I don't think they should be together. > > I know that not everyone agrees who should (or shouldn't) be together. That's what we have factions for, right? >G< I AM glad that we can all share on this list, knowing that every person on it is an individual, with individual tastes and opinions. That, at least, is something I think we can agree on! KC Smith tigrlady2u@j....... Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies. "I've never met a chocolate I didn't like." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 22:05:32 -0400 From: Diane Harris <dharris@h.......> Subject: Re: Nick & Nat (was Re: If FK went to Lifetime) > > KC wrote: Nick is the ONLY man for Nat! :-) > To which Sandra Gray responded:> Only in some people's opinion. :)> I don't > think they should be together. Heh, I kind of agree. While I admit to being a NNPacker (a pathetically romantic one at that), I appreciate it when Nick and Nat are thrown together in a believable situation, and they have believable reasons for starting their relationship. For instance, if an author has them married, then there better be a good reason, or a good explanation, because under normal circumstances that just wouldn't happen (I mean, heck, three years and I don't think either one of them actually said 'I love you'). There needs to be some driving force, and a pretty strong one at that. Diane (dharris@h.......) Hopeless NNPacker with strong Knightie / Dark Knightie tendencies and a hint of FoDs for good measure... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 22:06:15 -0400 From: Cindy Clark <clarkcindy@e.......> Subject: Re: "Nick Knight" info (FK invades Disney/Lifetime) Tim Phillips asked: Is "Nick Knight" the movie with Rick Springfield? Yes, definitely! Dona Angel wrote: > ***And PLEASE--whenever the "Nick Knight" movie does show up on Lifetime and > anyplace else PLEASE let us know here on list, as some of us have never seen it and would like to I'll keep an eye out for it on Lifetime since I faithfully read and highlight my TV Guide every week. In the mean time, most of the video dealer at the sci-fi conventions I've attended both here in the states and Canada have had copies on their tables. For starters...I can't imagine anyone beside Nigel Bennett as LaCroix, could you?! Michael Nader from "All My Children" played LaCroix in the movie. He did a very different portrayal of LaCroix than Nigel Bennett, and as the Cleveland CBS affiliate decided the run repeats of "All in the Family" instead of FK, Michael Nader's portrayal was all I knew until one of our independent stations picked up second season. Sometimes, when I read fanfic where LaCroix is acting particularly evil, I remember Michael Nader's take on the character because he played LaCroix with absolutely no redeeming or human qualities whatsoever. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 23:09:28 EDT From: DanaKnight@a....... Subject: Re: FK at Lifetime In a message dated 4/22/2000 5:01:40 PM, LISTSERV@l....... writes: << And, might I also remind you of the season 3 ep HF in which it was obvious that there were still strong feelings between Nick and Janette, and that he simply could not bear to let her die, so he made her a vampire again! It would a sad oversight, IMHO, that if there were to be any movies, Janette would not be included. >> The main problem with this is that Deb has retired from acting. She said that acting wasn't healthy for her, so she retired. I guess they could find someone else, but I know the Raven/ette's most likely wouldn't like that. Judy ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 23:18:07 EDT From: DanaKnight@a....... Subject: Re: FK on lifetime In a message dated 4/22/2000 5:01:40 PM, LISTSERV@l....... writes: << ES, it IS about Nick, but it would not have been as 'lively' without LaCroix, Janette, Vachon, Screed, Schankee--PROMINENT supporting players, but supporting Nick, and he supporting them as well >> You forgot Nat! Judy ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 23:34:25 +0000 From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......> Subject: Feedback Blitz Day is Here!! THIS IS IT FOLKS!!! Feedback Blitz Day is officially here!! now is the time for each and every one of you to show how much you really do want Forever Knight Back!!! Lets take this weekend to show TPTB that we have not gone away, that we will not settle for just any show they decide to put on! If you have supported Forever Knight from its very beginnings, or if your new to the wonderful world of forever Knight and are upset that you never had the chance to see it all, let TPTB know!!! If you want movies with the Original cast, let TPTB know!!! Fans of other shows have made the networks listen and have had the shows they love return, we can do the same thing!! but we have e-mails go to them in huge #'s!!! so many e-mails that they couldn't possibly read them all in one lifetime!! Lets show Em all that Forever Knight Fans want it back!!!! Okay guys, on your MARK,Get SET and GO email to: feedback@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 10:47:39 -0400 From: "Brenda F. Bell" <webwarren@e.......> Subject: Re: FK invades Disney At 11:00 AM 4/22/00 -0500, Emma wrote: >I don't think [Tracy really thought Vachon was -- and vamps were -- >evil]. I think Vachon made her uncomfortable for reasons >that she wasn't really ready to explore, so she wanted to push him away, >physically and emotionally. Like, perhaps, he was the first guy she *really* had the hots for (as opposed the friend-of-the-family's son who the parents hope she'll marry and she's led a sheltered enough life to not have known the difference)???? Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer... UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project Gerthering 3 Photos: Visit the Fiendish Glow at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 12:01:51 -0500 From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......> Subject: topic chage - Create & Cast a New Fem.Vamp for LC OK, as we're all discussing the thought on FK and what could possibly happen if we got lucky enough for hell to freeze over and Lifetime actually considered picking up FK. Then the discussion on how Deb is retired, and it'd be hard to replace Janette... it led me into wondering how a new strong female vamp could be introduced, and who would play her. I can picture LC hooking up with a very old, very powerful female vamp.. perhaps a Council of Elders type, or normal-looking Enforcer type. Or, maybe just an old friend. Maybe another Roman? Think of the potential grief for Nick in the case! And who would I cast for her? The first person that popped to mind was Meg Foster, she of the incredibly light green eyes. (so light green, they're spooky!) She's got an incredibly regal bearing, and has played women in unusually powerfully positions many times before. (She played Hera on Hercules/Xena, and Evil-Lyn in Masters of the Universe.) Discuss among yourselves... :-) -Carla copper6500@y....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 12:09:53 -0500 From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......> Subject: Nigel Bennett... or not? Nigel... Have you been moonlighting <g> on us again, and not telling? While searching around the IMDb, I found the following on John Cleese (he of Monty Python, Fish Called Wanda, etc. fame) ******************** John Cleese Birth name John Marwood Cleese Date of birth (location) 27 October 1939, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, England, UK Trivia Member of the comedy group "Monty Python" ... (show more) Sometimes Credited As: Kim Bread John Otto Cleese Nigel Farquhar-Bennett ******************** So just maybe there *is* some basis for those couple of Monty Python/FK crossover stories. :-) -Carla copper6500@y....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 12:13:45 -0700 From: Susan Clark <sclark@b.......> Subject: Different View - an idea for FK writers Hi - I had this idea for a writing challenge. The short version, you write a story using randomly selected FK characters. And, if it works out, it'd be really cool to compile the stories in a charity zine. So, if you'd like to try something a little different with some FK writing, please drop me a line and I'll send you an invite for an egroup. There you can read the complete proposal, and see if this is a project you would like to participate in. My email: sclark@b........ Permission granted to pass this info around to other lists, as appropriate. regards, --Sue ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 12:35:20 -0700 From: "Kelly C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......> Subject: Happy Easter! Wishing all of you on the lists a Happy Easter (or whatever Holiday you may celebrate this spring)! Hope that you all have a beautiful and peaceful day! KC Smith tigrlady2u@j....... Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies. "I've never met a chocolate I didn't like." ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Apr 2000 to 23 Apr 2000 (#2000-119) ***************************************************************
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