There are 24 messages totalling 698 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. FK invades Disney (10) 2. A bit of a late 'Thank You' 3. website help 4. Feedback Blitz Begins NOW!!! 5. Name that song! And group. (5) 6. If FK went to Lifetime (was: FK invades Disney) (2) 7. Your Weekly Vote & FK's Position 8. If FK went to Lifetime (2) 9. Easter Blitz ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 14:37:15 -0700 From: Shele McCaa <kartaan@w.......> Subject: Re: FK invades Disney On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, Christella M. Stillman wrote: > > True, but they also have more "grown-up" properties such as Touchstone > Films. Now that they have ABC in their back pocket, they might consider a > TV movie. You never know. And don't they still own the E! channel? I remember a lot of speculation about taming the shows aired on E!, but they're still showing skin<g> -shele ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 07:37:53 -0700 From: "Kelly C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......> Subject: A bit of a late 'Thank You' I know this is late, but with all that I've been dealing with in RL, and trying to get some work on my stories done, I just plain forgot. I wanted to publicly thank Carla Martinek for posting 'Quest for Mortality' on her website. She has been a major lifesaver in doing so for me! I also wanted to thank all of you for your loving support through this whole crazy mess. I keep hoping that things will turn around for me, and I'll have one year where nothing catastrophic happens (I can dream, can't I?). Much love to you all. KC Smith tigrlady2u@j....... Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies. "I've never met a chocolate I didn't like." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 18:55:10 EDT From: Lori Dehn <valideh1@h.......> Subject: Re: FK invades Disney > >Considering USA's "Spicy! SeXXXy!" spin on FK, and Disney's attempts to > >maintian a wholsome image, I really doubt that they would touch it with a 10 > >foot stake. >True, but they also have more "grown-up" properties such as Touchstone >Films. Now that they have ABC in their back pocket, they might consider a >TV movie. You never know. Good point. Not only that, but Cap Cities ABC/Disney also own Lifetime. I can see FK on Lifetime. Lori Dehn Nick & Nat Packer with definite Ravenette and Vaquera tendencies, and just a smackerel of Cousin for Flavor ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 18:32:23 -0500 From: treeleaf@i....... Subject: Re: FK invades Disney At 06:55 PM 4/20/00 EDT, Lori Dehn wrote: >... Cap Cities ABC/Disney also own Lifetime. I can see FK on Lifetime. I can see FK on Lifetime, too, but I'd be a little scared of what they'd do to it. I remember when they made their first Spencer for Hire movie. Being a network supposedly devoted to women's programming, they made Susan, who really was a pretty peripheral character in the show, into a main character in the movie, and did a bad job (IMHO) of dealing with the relationship between Spencer and Hawk, which, to me, was the thing that made that show fun. I've been wondering about Showtime as an outlet for FK. I know it's a premium station, but most cable companies offer it, I think, and you can always sign up a little bit before a movie is shown and then cancel until another movie is going to be shown. Showtime has some Scifi stuff, and they also have some stuff that's good in general, in that it's different from what's on the other networks and more adult-oriented. (Not as in sexy, in every case, but as in it takes more awareness to appreciate it.) I'm particularly thinking of Late-Line with Al Franken, which didn't make it on the networks, but which is now airing on Showtime. I wonder if Showtime might be interested in FK, but willing to do it without forcing it to fit into some niche of their own. Bring 'em back alive! Margie (treeleaf@i.......) Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker Kickstart the Knight!: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 22:57:37 -0400 From: Diane Harris <dharris@h.......> Subject: website help I've been doing some major work on my fanfiction site (URL below), and it looks really nice on my computer, but I found that it leaves much to be desired in Netscape (I use IE 5.0) and Netscape generates a bunch of JavaScript errors on the fiction page. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could fix this (the JavaScript errors first and foremost, looks are second) so that it will work ok with Netscape? Any input from Netscape users on the appearance of my site would be appreciated as well :) Please respond offlist. Thanks in advance! Diane (dharris@h.......) Hopeless NNPacker with strong Knightie / Dark Knightie tendencies and a hint of FoDs for good measure... ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 01:51:28 EDT From: MadiHolmes@a....... Subject: Re: FK invades Disney In a message dated 04/20/00 3:56:48 PM US Mountain Standard Time, valideh1@h....... writes: << Good point. Not only that, but Cap Cities ABC/Disney also own Lifetime. I can see FK on Lifetime. >> Actually, I saw the movie "Nick Knight" on Lifetime like 5 or 6 years ago. MadiHolmes Cousine Formidable/GSS ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 02:37:21 +0000 From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......> Subject: Feedback Blitz Begins NOW!!! OKAY EVERYONE!! THIS IS IT!!!! If you love *Forever Knight* if you want it back on the schedule, if you want movies,merchandise, etc, now is your chance to let TPTB know it!!! Today through the entire Easter Weekend, day and night we are asking each and every person on every Fk list/loop etc, to take a few moments and please e-mail : feedback@w....... If you know anyone anyplace online that is willing to participate, let them know!!! If you know people on other lists, such as "Dark Shadows", Sentinel,Highlander', let them know we could use thier e-mails !!! We need those E-mails to number in the hundreds, we want to make sure when they check the e-mails bright and early monday, that they will be flooded with requests for Forever Knights return!!! We were all brought together on these lists because of our united love for Forever Knight and its cast. its what keeps us together,talking about it, writing about it, etc.... we have all made life-long friends because of it. Lets show TPTB that we are all still here, still devoted, and will not go away till we have it back!!! Lets make sure that all our efforts to this point have not been in vein!!! So please! It takes just a few moments, and the result could be lots more Fk for us all!!!! Thankyou to all that will participate. :) LET THE BLITZING BEGIN!!!!! Susan Ellen Field SField8067@a....... Kickstart The Knight ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 09:16:05 -0400 From: Cindy Clark <clarkcindy@e.......> Subject: Re: FK invades Disney From: <MadiHolmes@a.......> > Actually, I saw the movie "Nick Knight" on Lifetime like 5 or 6 years ago. I find that Lifetime tends to run "Nick Knight a couple of times a year. Not always in easy time slots to find. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 09:31:11 -0500 From: Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......> Subject: Re: FK invades Disney Are you folks talking about the one with Rick Springfield? Tim > > Actually, I saw the movie "Nick Knight" on Lifetime like 5 or 6 years ago. > > I find that Lifetime tends to run "Nick Knight a couple of times a year. > Not always in easy time slots to find. Tim Phillips timp@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 10:23:01 -0500 From: Emma Lighton <elighton@b.......> Subject: Re: FK invades Disney >I can see FK on Lifetime, too, but I'd be a little scared of what they'd do >to it. I remember when they made their first Spencer for Hire movie. Being >a network supposedly devoted to women's programming, they made Susan, who >really was a pretty peripheral character in the show, into a main character But FK already has a major female character, Natalie. (And, if the movie is set in the 3rd season, they have 2 female main characters.) Emma (elighton@b.......) Vaquera * DPheretic * T+Vpack * FKMac-er Head Mouse Clicker Survivor of Wars 9 and 10 "I like my music dark and bitter, not my beverages." ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 09:56:34 -0500 From: "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......> Subject: Re: FK invades Disney > >I can see FK on Lifetime, too, but I'd be a little scared of what they'd do > >to it. I remember when they made their first Spencer for Hire movie. Being > >a network supposedly devoted to women's programming, they made Susan, who > >really was a pretty peripheral character in the show, into a main character However, Susan is on the same footing as Hawke in the Robert Parker books, so the Lifetime movie was a bit closer to the (pardon me, print prejudice showing!) Real Spencer. Nancy Kaminski nancykam@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 08:38:59 -0700 From: KYER <KYER@p.......> Subject: Name that song! And group. Last year I did a filk called 'Lukey Lacroix' based on a 60's song. Unfortunately, I was just a wee kid during the sixties and the song stuck in my brain because it was used in a Sesame St. skit featuring the Cookie Monster (whom I just adored.) <g> The filk was done soley on those memories. Now that darn filk/song has com back to haunt me! If anyone knows the actual title and singer/group who did the song that went: (sorta--we're talking a kid's memory and many decades here!): Who's lookin' o'er the streets of the city, smiling at everybody she sees. Who's reaching out to capture a moment? Everyone knows its Wendy! If you got the info, please get a hold of me so I can get back to the person who asked me this! Grumbled (good-naturedly) Kyer kyer@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 11:39:06 EDT From: Laudon1965@a....... Subject: Re: FK invades Disney In a message dated 04/21/2000 7:45:52 AM US Mountain Standard Time, elighton@b....... writes: << But FK already has a major female character, Natalie. (And, if the movie is set in the 3rd season, they have 2 female main characters.) >> :: Drumming fingers :: Ahem, lest we forget Janette? Make that three. Laurie of the Isles ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 10:54:40 -0500 From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......> Subject: If FK went to Lifetime (was: FK invades Disney) > But FK already has a major female character, Natalie. (And, if the movie is > set in the 3rd season, they have 2 female main characters.) Think of what Lifetime could do with Natalie's character... :-) Nat's a woman who's charging ahead in a traditionally male-dominated field. And she does it without the stereotypical "bitchiness" and/or "butchiness" that is so often used, I suspect, by writers (male & female) who aren't quite sure how to portray a successful woman. Although, she did occassionally got the "wuss" treatment from the writers. :-( (Generally, though, I gave the FK writers good marks for their female portrayals.) Tracy had places for her character to go, too. Think if they made her a vamp... her and Nick, partners in work and lifestyle, but not in romance. -Carla copper6500@y....... ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 10:51:52 -0500 From: "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......> Subject: Re: Name that song! And group. From: KYER <KYER@p.......> > If you got the info, please get a hold of me so I can get back to the person > who asked me this! That song is "Windy" by the Association. Who's walking down the streets of the city, Smiling at everybody she sees? Who's reaching out to capture a rainbow? Everyone knows it's Windy. And Windy has stormy eyes, That flash at the sound of lies, And Windy has wings to fly Above the crowd. Etc. (I really liked the Association -- and still have their greatest hits album!) Nancy Kaminski who listened to that song when it was in the Top Ten! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 08:55:20 -0700 From: "Kelly C. Smith" <tigrlady2u@j.......> Subject: Re: Name that song! And group. > (I really liked the Association -- and still have their greatest > hits > album!) > > Nancy Kaminski > who listened to that song when it was in the Top Ten! Oooh! You're brave! Dating yourself on the whole list? ;-) I gotta tell you, it's really depressing when things I listened to as a teenager in the '80s are now being referred to as 'classic rock'!!! Aaagghh! KC Smith tigrlady2u@j....... Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies. "I've never met a chocolate I didn't like." ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 09:17:56 -0700 From: KYER <KYER@p.......> Subject: Re: Name that song! And group. To anyone who was curious, I found a single midi file for the song. It is called Windy and is by Association. Thanks to those who sent me info! Even iffen you were both only *partially* right! <g> Kyer kyer@p....... And Happy Easter to all those who celebrate it either secularly or by religion! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 12:01:31 -0500 From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......> Subject: Re: Name that song! And group. KYER wrote: > To anyone who was curious, I found a single midi file for the song. > It is called Windy and is by Association. > And I have iit on MP3 as well. -Carla the napster junkie ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 11:30:54 +0000 From: Kristin <kris1228@s.......> Subject: Your Weekly Vote & FK's Position Hi! This is a reminder for you to vote at the Global 100 on HIGH LEVEL (this is very important and determines the weight of your votes, which then determines FK's Position). If you're already on a HIGH level then just go here to add your weekly vote: If not simply go to your "personal card" and answer the questions about your birthday, age, and gender. Once you do they will send you a "key" via e-mail which you then can paste on your personal card. Aftrewards you will be on HIGH level. (if you have any questions about this, feel free to e-mail me). FK's currently #8 unofficially, but they are doing some tests with the point system still, so this may not be accurate, but still it can't hurt to come vote. Officially it is #4. Thanks for voting! Kristin ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 13:05:32 -0500 From: treeleaf@i....... Subject: Re: FK invades Disney At 10:23 AM 4/21/00 -0500, Emma Lighton wrote: >>I can see FK on Lifetime, too, but ... when they made their first Spencer >> for Hire movie. ... they made Susan,... into a main character > >But FK already has a major female character, Natalie. (And, if the movie is >set in the 3rd season, they have 2 female main characters.) Yes, but what I mean is, they changed the emphasis of the show. As much as I enjoy the character of Natalie, if there were to be one or even three movies, I wouldn't want Natalie to be the main focus. Nick and Natalie, as a major focus, now, that's different! I certainly wouldn't want the Nick and LaCroix relationship to be stinted, though, which I'm afraid could happen on Lifetime. Then, there's the way Lifetime tends to deal with women these days. There seems to need to be at least one woman-crying scene in every movie, and the scene goes on for far too long. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 13:26:11 -0500 From: treeleaf@i....... Subject: Re: If FK went to Lifetime At 10:54 AM 4/21/00 -0500, Carla Martinek wrote: >Think of what Lifetime could do with Natalie's character... :-) Nat's a woman >who's charging ahead in a traditionally male-dominated field. Oh dear. This is the sort of discussion that can get very controversial very fast. But here goes, anyway. I don't really care that "Nat's a woman who's charging ahead in a traditionally male-dominated field." I do care that she has a responsible, demanding job and one that also shows that she cares about people. And I would have liked to see a little bit more about Natalie, closer to what we saw about Schanke, perhaps, but I really suspect the writers didn't know how to do that. Still, I feel that the show is about Nick, and all the other characters are supporting characters. If the series could ever come back, a few shows emphasizing Natalie would be good (if the writers could manage it), but if it were just a case of one or three movies, I'd prefer the emphasis to be on Nick, with the others in supporting roles. >Tracy had places for her character to go, too. Think if they made her a >vamp... her and Nick, partners in work and lifestyle, but not in romance. Oh dear, this is even more dangerous. I can't see Tracy as a vamp. She's too sunny. She likes the daylight, and I'm pretty sure she said that. I think she'd be even more miserable as a vampire than Nick is, and I think having her character go more places would pull the emphasis of the show very far away from Nick. Bring 'em back alive! Margie (treeleaf@i.......) Cousin of the Knight ~ N&NPacker CotK site -- Kickstart the Knight!: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 13:42:49 -0500 From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......> Subject: Re: Easter Blitz I sent out messages from 6 separate mail accounts. :-) Some of them I had to try hard to remember the passwords, since I haven't used them in months! (yahoo, netscape, aol, zdnetmail, hotmail...) So, if you've got mulitple email accounts, you might want to make use of them! -Carla (Be sure to change your messages, though.) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:34:31 EDT From: MadiHolmes@a....... Subject: Re: If FK went to Lifetime In a message dated 04/21/00 11:39:20 AM US Mountain Standard Time, treeleaf@i....... writes: << Oh dear, this is even more dangerous. I can't see Tracy as a vamp. She's too sunny. She likes the daylight, and I'm pretty sure she said that. I think she'd be even more miserable as a vampire than Nick is, and I think having her character go more places would pull the emphasis of the show very far away from Nick. >> See, I think I'd like to see her become a vampire. It'd add...chemistry. I never really liked her (hard core Schanke fan, you see) much, and only started to warm to her over the last couple years. Plus her being so... perky really grated on my nerves. I liked Schanke, he was so optimistically pestimistic. I liked that in him. But Tracy as a vampire. It'd be nice to see that "new vampire" stick around for another episode. Get to see that whole "newbie" shtick in other tahn flashbacks. Do a couple tragi-comedy eps revolving around it. Good stuff there. they should have mined it for all it was worth. madiHolmes Cousine Formidable/GSS ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:43:53 EDT From: Lori Dehn <valideh1@h.......> Subject: Re: If FK went to Lifetime (was: FK invades Disney) I'm thinking more and more about this, and I believe Lifetime would be a TERRIFIC venue for FK, at least as good as Sci Fi, and probably better. Sci Fi is just getting into its own production stuff, but Lifetime has been doing it for a long time. They have also shown a particular leaning towards both "crime drama" and the supernatural. Penny made me a great tape of the NK pilot and a Susan Dey vampire movie made for Lifetime. I don't think the characters would suffer at all, as we do have strong women, sensitive (and hot) guys, timely issues, etc. Plus, with apologies to the guys in the fandom and on the list, we are an overwhelmingly female audience, a point that has been much lamented by those who protested the third season changes. And I am sure that if people weren't watching the NK pilot, they would stop showing it altogether, which, despite the wealth of MFTV movies out there, they have not. (I have seen it once this year already.) I say we work on a new letterwriting direction. Let's tell Lifetime how much we appreciate their airing of NK, but ask them about FK, and tell them how incredibly GRATEFUL we would be. :) Lori Dehn Nick & Nat Packer with definite Ravenette and Vaquera tendencies, and just a smackerel of Cousin for Flavor ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 20 Apr 2000 to 21 Apr 2000 (#2000-117) ***************************************************************
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