There are 28 messages totalling 1020 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. Looking for (another) wav file (2) 2. Supersonic vamp flight (5) 3. Lacroix's age 4. AWARDS: Help Needed Contacting Authors (2) 5. "For I Have Sinned" Ep-Related Questions (2) 6. fanfic fast can vampires fly??? 7. Questions about FK vampires (whoops!) 8. Questions about FK vampirism 9. Clergy privilege 10. Converts and Canonical Gaps 11. (Fwd) Re: YKYBWTMFKW 12. i'm back!!!! is that a good thing? (2) 13. Third season of Lexx starting in Canada 14. Your Daily Vote & FK's Position (New Voters needed!) 15. FK and e-books (3) 16. Oops. (re AWARDS: ) 17. Dogfight (was Supersonic vamp flight) 18. I will miss you all!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 17:45:46 EST From: Laudon1965@a....... Subject: Looking for (another) wav file Does anybody have a wav of the exhcange in Last Knight where LaCroix says something like, "I suppose you think I'm the devil" and Nick tells him no, that he's his closest friend? I've found two wav files that *start* with "No, not the devil, LaCroix" but I can't find one that includes the line from LaCroix that prompted that response. I want the whole exchange. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance, Laurie of the Isles ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 15:53:29 -0700 From: Kyer <kyer@p.......> Subject: Re: Supersonic vamp flight I'm reading all this technical jargon about aerial dynamics and such, and all my poor braincell can come up with is playing the tune: Rocketman, while wondering if vampires specifically look for shampoo/aftershave/perfume that is alcohol free to help lesson the possibilites of 'burning up' in flight. <eg> Or one of our vampires becoming a flaming comet (leaving a trail not unlike the old Flash Gordon serial spaceships!) because they miscalculated their speed. Oh, the Humanity! (or whatever) Grins, :)= Kyer, Loyal Squirette to the Knight de Brabant; Knight de Soir, CotK, One of The Hungry, Le Miz, Immortal Beloved (yet flexible), Weird Knight, Queen O' deTypos, Paranoid-Schitzoid Knightie with Multi-Personalities who's having a blast and an angstfest at one and the same time! kyer@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:28:33 -0500 From: Diane Harris <dharris@h.......> Subject: Re: Looking for (another) wav file Well, I made a pretty high quality mp3 of it (starting with "There she lies at the brink, Nicholas" and ending with "Damn you, Nicholas!", it's about 5 minutes long), but I don't have a wav (at least in any reasonable size). It's a rather large file (5 mb from the start of the whole speech), but if you would like it I'd be happy to send it. If you give me an exact quote of what you want, I can probably cut it down a lot. I can also lower the quality if you want. That could shave off quite a bit of its size. I can also convert it to wav format and compress it if you wish (it's still pretty sizable as is, but I can probably get it down to 1 Mb or less if I cut off some of the speech). Just let me know what you want specifically. I can send this file to anyone who wants it for almost any specification (from cd quality stereo to 8 bit mono). It just depends on how much time you're willing to spend downloading. If anyone is in dire need of a quote that's on the sci-fi version of the show, I can probably record that for you as well if you request it. Diane (dharris@h.......) Hopeless NNPacker with strong Knightie / Dark Knightie tendencies and a hint of FoDs for good measure... > Does anybody have a wav of the exhcange in Last Knight where LaCroix says > something like, "I suppose you think I'm the devil" and Nick tells him no, > that he's his closest friend? Can anyone help me? > Laurie of the Isles ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 20:36:02 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <sandragray@r.......> Subject: Re: Lacroix's age I suggest we go by NB's actual age for the age LC was when he was brought over (LC looked older than 35 to me). I think Nigel was born in 1949 (correct me if I'm wrong), which made him 46 in 1995. 79 minus 46 would make LC born in 33 A.D. Which would make his current age 2000 minus 33 or 1967 years old. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --sandragray@r....... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 21:25:48 -0500 From: FK Awards <fkawards@f.......> Subject: AWARDS: Help Needed Contacting Authors Need your help, please forward.. I'm still awaiting email from the following authors regarding the 1999 FK Fanfic Awards: Nancy W. Bonilla <tpd81kilo@j.......> Calliope Monsoon <calliope31@m.......> Cesar Perez <nlclark@i.......> Laudon <laudon1228@y.......> Kate Keene <KKeene@n.......> Kim Colley <kcolley@f.......> Molly Schneider <the_stormborn@y.......> Nyx Fixx <nyxfixx@h.......> Tyra <Branwwolf@a.......> If you know of a way of contacting any of these authors other than the above email addresses, please let me know, or notify them to check with me at fkawards@f....... This may affect stories being nominated in the 1999 FK Fanfiction Awards, and if I do not hear from these authors in the next couple of days, I may need to withdraw their nominated stories from the Awards process. Thanks, Mel mailto:fkawards@f....... 1999 Forever Knight Fan Fiction Awards ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 22:43:11 EST From: Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......> Subject: Re: "For I Have Sinned" Ep-Related Questions Marg Yamanaka wrote, in reply to my asking about the churches in FIHS & GVP, Marge said that the church in FIHS is St James Anglican Cathedral, and the church in GVP is St Annes Anglican Church. And, in response to my asking about churches being locked-- in some countries they used to be unlocked, but in the US it is no longer generally the case and I asked what the situation is in Canada-- >I don't know about churches in general, but when I take people on >the FK Tour of Toronto, St James Cathedral is usually open until >4pm, unless services are in progress. It's quite a lovely church. >There are no confessionals, of course, since its an Anglican church. In FIHS, there were confessionals because the murderer goes into one to confess to Father. Rochefort, and then Nick hides in a confessional-- remember a woman tries to make her confession to him and he snores so she figures he's sleeping?...and who could forget when Schankee goes in and starts to make his confession to a supposed Irish "Father" Nick?!<g> So, at least for the filming of that particular ep, there were confessionals there.<g> And was wondering, am I the only one who thought this, or am I greatly mistaken -- was it intended for it to be assumed that this was a Catholic Church and Fr. Rochefort--as some of you have on & off-list {{{Thanks, ya'll! *g*}}} identified the kind, young priest in FIHS--to be a Catholic priest?--especially since the Catholic "secret of the sacrament of reconciliation", i.e., the "sacramental seal", I think more commonly known as the "Seal of Confession", played an integral part in this ep--i.e., a Catholic priest CANNOT tell anyone--not even law enforcement--what is told to him in confession.[So you can understand Father Rochefort's situation, and next time you see this in a tv program or movie--for a Catholic priest to betray--for any reason or by word or in any other way--someone who has confessed to him in a sacramental confession, is considered a crime and according to the {"new"-1994 edition) of the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" in the section for "The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation" #1467 it states: "Given the delicacy and greatness of this ministry and the respect due to persons, the church declares that every priest who hears confessions is bound under very severe penalties to keep absolute secrecy regarding the sins that his penitents have confessed to him. He can make no use of knowledge that confession gives him about penitents' lives. This secret, which admits of no exceptions, is called the "sacramental seal," because what the penitent has made known to the priest remains "sealed' by the sacrament."] BTW, I recently read part of a FK FanFic story by Nancy Taylor, in which Nick goes to confession--and remember that everything this almost 800 year old vampire confessed to the priest in a sacramental confession could never be revealed to anyone else! And Schankee DOES go into that church and identifies himself as "Polish and Italian, and you can't get more Catholic than that"--as a Catholic, he would not have gone to confession in a Protestant church to an Anglican/non-catholic priest. [I am aware, from a former co-worker who was Episcopalian {Anglican in US}, that their clergy/ministers are called also priests, like in the Catholic Church, so, simply saying that someone is a priest, does not always mean a Catholic priest.] Also, FYI, I understand that there are some protestant denominations that do have confession--I believe I heard a Lutheran minister say that. ~~Angel a.k.a. Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......> Vaquera/Willing Slave of THE Glorious Spaniard/Future Proud Vaq Brat/VaqDreamer/INCArnate/Immortal Beloveds/Ravenette/ Faithfuls/Urchin/DH/The Crew/CW/BBFC ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 22:52:43 -0500 From: urtikit@m....... Subject: Re: fanfic fast can vampires fly??? Tracy wrote: > The speed of an object required to break the speed of > sound varies with the profile of the projectile, which is why you see a > spike and cone assembly on the front of many (all?) supersonic aircraft. > But that shouldn't prevent the FK vamps from breaking the speed of sound, Oh, my. I'm just about done in now by an image of Nick in a cone-shaped hat.... :) Kit urtikit@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 22:55:24 EST From: Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......> Subject: Re: "For I Have Sinned" Ep-Related Questions When I had asked if, in Canada, like in the US, you have a "Vigil Mass" which are Catholic Masses celebrated on Saturday nights & on the evening before a Holy Day that will 'count' for your Sunday & Holy Day Masses-- Rayne rayne_koest@y......., from Vancouver, wrote: >We have an Easter Vigil but I don't think it counts for Sunday mass, at >least my family always went the next day - or maybe it was just me because >I was an altar server.. hmm maybe you are right my mom won't often go both. >RC customs around the world should be pretty even across the board tho. > Thanks, Rayne! There are some Roman Catholic "things" --{doctrines, religious practices, traditions, customs}-- that #1 have not and will never change, and some that do and did, AND #2 some things that ARE universal, [as you said,"RC customs around the world should be pretty even across the board tho"] {BTW catholic means universal}, whereas some are local, or vary from country to country, and some are determined by the local bishop or cardinal. In regards to Vigil Masses as I believe they are called, going to Mass the evening prior to a Holy Day and on Saturday evening, I had been told that the Mass would have to be after a certain time--around here they're around 5 and 5:30n p.m., e.g., if one went to a Wedding Mass Saturday morning or, maybe, I guess early afternoon, one would still have to attend either the later Vigil Mass or Mass on Sunday. Whether or not an area has Saturday (night) Vigil Masses which would "fulfill your obligation" as they say, to attend Mass on Sundays (and specific Holy Days), MAY depend on the decision of the local bishop (or cardinal). When I was growing up, I remember being told that while Philadelphia, PA, did not have Saturday evening Masses, New Jersey (right next to PA) did. This, I vaguely recall being told was the decision of the Cardinal of Phila. at that time. At present, (and we have a different cardinal now, too) we are permitted to have Sat. evening Masses. The Easter Vigil Masses that you mention and also Christmas Eve Mass (which used to be at midnight, but generally--but there are exceptions--is not at midnight nowadays) even before we had Sat. Vigil Masses here, theses Masses were accepted as taking care of the Easter and Christmas Masses --{{{so your mom, like many of us moms of altar servers, probably did go to both Masses because you were serving at them--one more thing to appreciate her for!*g*}}} And, so no one get this "on topic"...In FIHS, it IS evening when Magda comes into the church and the killer is there, as well, so I do not know if it was for evening Mass or that the church was simply open in the evenings for folks to visit and pray, but it was evening and the church was open. Thanks! Angel a.k.a. Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......> Vaquera/Willing Slave of THE Glorious Spaniard/Future Proud Vaq Brat/VaqDreamer/INCArnate/Immortal Beloveds/Ravenette/ Faithfuls/Urchin/DH/The Crew/CW/BBFC ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:59:10 -0400 From: Erika Wilson <wilsone1@e.......> Subject: Questions about FK vampires (whoops!) >I do not believe we knew how old LaCroix was or anything about his origins >>until 'A Fate Worse Than Death' in the second season. I must have been down in that pit longer than I had thought. The title of the episode I had in mind was 'A More Permanent Hell', where we see LaCroix's conversion by Divia as Pompeii is destroyed in 79AD. 'A Fate Worse Than Death' is *Janette's* conversion episode. I'm sure that all of you understood my confusion and were too kind to point it out. Much appreciated, surely. Erika <wilsone1@e.......> "Appearance before accuracy and humor above all." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 23:34:27 EST From: Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......> Subject: Re: Questions about FK vampirism >>3. When Janette was brought back across, do you think she was put back at >>square one or do you think she still had the age benefits of being 1000? >>(FK vampires seem to have power that develops with age).To answer this, it might help to ask another question: Is it "power" or is it "skill" or is it some combination of both? From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......> >If it's skill, then Janette would have had no problems--she still >has a >millennium of experience to draw on. If it's "power", i.e. >higher, faster, >stronger, tougher, etc., I'd still think she'd be >the same as before she >became mortal,<snip> And from: Erika Wilson <wilsone1@e.......> >The only canonical evidence for Janette's post-reconversion status >would >be the efficiency with which she dispatched the two thugs in >the railway >station. No coaxing needed for this baby birdie to try >her wings! >Personally I think she would start again pretty close to >square one, but >that her forward progress would be accelerated. She >certainly would need >no 'training' and her knowledge of the >territory would be absolute.<snip> Okay, with that and other thoughtful comments shared with the list, here's a little something I'd like to add to the discussion--remember when in THF at the end when Nick and LaCroix are looking at Janette's portrait and Nick comments that "She must have brought it back during the day" {well, if not verbatim, words to that effect *g*}. Now, remember how sunlight effected Nick in NIQ, when he was not wearing any protective clothing, etc {like in DfF when he had to drive THE Caddy to Police HQ and pick up Schankee on the way to the place where the concert was going to be, Schankee remarks about Nick taking "this ozone thing too far"}--mind ya, Nick's almost 8oo years old, but the sunlight would have harmed him. In "Fever", Vachon, who is almost 500 years old, visits Nick's loft--during the day--somewhere I read a reference to "Vachon, according to the script, risking the sunlight". And, least we forget, in "Cherry Blossoms" and AFWTD, Janette comes to Nick either in the early morning hours or a near daybreak--in AFWTD, smoke is seen coming from her body as she runs from the car to Nick's place. This is all to point out that, IMO, Janette, after Nick re-vampirizes her, is physically at her 800-1000 "vampire years", otherwise, she would not have been able to return the painting to Nick's loft DURING THE DAY, as I would assume that a "newborn" vampire, would #1 not have been able to venture out into the daylight without being seriously harmed and even die, #2 I personally believe that "newborn" and very young vampires would have a LOT of trouble staying awake during the day, that the ability to be conscious during the day, would vary based on the vampire's age--"older" vampires, LC at about 2,000 years, Nick at almost 800, Vachon at almost 500, would have an easier time being awake during the day than "younger" vamps. So, I think that Janette would have been "put back" to her 800-1000 age and physical vampire state. And I certainly agree that she would have retained her 'pre-mortal' vampire "power", as Angela said {"higher, faster, stronger, tougher, etc."} and her "vampire skills" that she had acquired over the course of her vampire unlifetime. Something else you may wish to consider--I'm a newbie here, so please forgive me if this has been mentioned previously, but soon after I joined the "Immortal Beloveds" list, {I think} I recall reading something in there about questioning Janette actually having regained her mortality in the first place. As someone there mentioned, LC seemed pretty calm about her {supposedly} being human, don't ya think? Do ya'll REALLY think that after 800-1000 years and the affectionate relationship demonstrated in THF flashback, that LC would have just sat back and let Janette remain human, if that was indeed the case??? .....I have personally thought that maybe it was like Ellen's "condition" in HoD: neither Nick nor Vachon could detect that Ellen was a vampire; Ellen ate food, even had more than 1 polygraph/lie detector test--don't they register physical things like the subject's pulse and other things that a mortal human would have?--this would account for Nat being able to feel Janette's pulse. I humbly submit that Janette, who had recently begun questioning her vampirism and then fell in love with a mortal {who reminded her of Nick} had begun to feel guilty about her vampiric past and when Robert was killed, the shock of it put her in such a psychological state that she subconsciously denied that she was a vampire. {Maybe 'mind-over-matter' type of thing?!} When Nick APPARENTLY brought her back across, that merely "triggered" something deep inside and rekindled her vampirism. {{{Keep in mind that Janette was not in TO when Ellen was in HoD, so she may have had no idea that this was, well, possible"}}} BTW, if any of ya'll think this is cheesy, I do like a variety of cheeses: Swiss, cheddar, provalone..... but as a Vaquera with Immortal Beloveds and Ravenette tendencies, I think this this is POSSIBLE! *bg* ~~Angel a.k.a. Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......> Vaquera/Willing Slave of THE Glorious Spaniard/Future Proud Vaq Brat/VaqDreamer/INCArnate/Immortal Beloveds/Ravenette/ Faithfuls/Urchin/DH/The Crew/CW/BBFC ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 00:46:32 -0500 From: mclisa@m....... Subject: Clergy privilege Any form of clergy, if he or she says he was counseling someone or otherwise acting in a religious or spritual guidance capacity comes under the same legal rule in the U.S. about privilege as doctors and lawyers. Episcopal priests, like Catholic, can not be forced to tell what someone said to them under these circumstances and indeed is not legally allowed to without a waiver from the person. Btw, I think I recall that our (I'm an Episcopalian) priests have a slightly different collar from Roman Catholics. It's late and my memory may be in error, but I think ours usually wear a completely round, standup collar, where as the Catholic priests I've seen wear one with a break in the front. I know wearing a "Roman" collar is generally taken as a sign that an Episcopal/Anglican priest is very high church. Also, even in churchs which do refer to their clergy person as a priest, by no means all address them as Father or Mother instead of Mr., Dr. or Ms. ("Reverend" is a complete no-no in the Episcopal Church as a term of address.) Also, I think Schanke's line about not being able to get much more Catholic than he is by ancestry is conclusive. I've never heard even the Anglo-Catholic type of Episcopalian/Anglican use Catholic colloquially to describe themselves. Cousin McLisa (Lisa McDavid) "That will be Trouble." mclisa@m....... Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 01:15:51 EST From: Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......> Subject: Re: Converts and Canonical Gaps From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......> >Doņa Angel D.S. wrote: >>and I DO like what Amy Rambo said recently about referring >>to new vampires as "converts" and that term and her explanation >>that it >>implies that one DOES have a choice as to whether or not he >>or she >>becomes a vampire or 'goes onward' and dies-- >I have a problem with convert since it implies informed consent to >me. ><snip> and I don't think the FK vampires have enough information. In many situations, that very well may be the case. Some may not have any idea that a vampire has bitten them in the first place, and if they are dying--either from being bitten and almost drained, or, the vampire may be trying to "save his or her life" because they are dying for another reason--the vampire sire may not be able to tell him or her before hand. Then again, some sires just may not tell the prospective vamp/convert/fledgling everything that's happening or what to expect, on purpose--because they may turn down the vamp's offer. I could imagine a vampire saying, as LC may have told Nick, "You will live forever" and all that he could see and experience, or about the powers, or having 'eternal beauty', and not...mentioning the 'downside' of having a strong desire to kill humans and, probably until the advent of blood banks and blood brokers, the need to obtain their 'minimum daily requirement of hemoglobin' from human and/or animal...'sources', for starters. >Think of the catechism classes and new member classes that all religions, >as far as I know, required of new converts. There is a discussion of all >the requirements of the religion and what is expected from the members. I respectfully disagree somewhat. Becoming a vampire would not be the same as becoming a member of a religion, which, I think nowadays is a free and informed choice, and at least in the Christian denomination I belong to, the prospective converts are educated in their new religion. Also, there are various situations resulting in humans becoming vampires--some are truly, like Janette and Nick, offered this new 'life'in some fashion; some are outright victims of a vampire's hunger; some are mortals who are dying and a vampire is giving him or her a second chance at life--Richard Lambert and Elizabeth in IWR, and Javier Vachon and The Inca, they were dying of moral wounds and Angel brought them across "to be her warriors", and IMHVaqOpinion, she intended that they use their vampire powers for good.--And probably Vachon and The Inca, from what we have seen, I personally believe that they may have been given not only a choice by Angel as to IF they wanted her to make them into vampires, but they may have, out of all the FK vampires, been told by her at least what she expected of them as vampires.-- Nick, Janette, Elizabeth, and MAYBE Tran were told some things by their prospective sires, but maybe not enough for it to be totally an educated and informed consent, but they had some idea. Alyce Hunter and Baroness Sofia had somewhat educated ideas before becoming a vampire what they would become. Doctor Gerald, while he says to Nick and LC about what he wants, LC says to Nick something like 'consent freely given' by the doctor, but I didn't get the impression that the doc knew that he had even 'given consent' to anything, and what they were and that he was going to become a vampire. Serena, Alexandra, and Urs did not expect that they would wake up as vampires; and Serena and Urs may have not been aware, as they were dying, that vampires were dripping their blood into their mouths to help complete the sire's part of the vampirism process {according to some FK traditions *g*}. But, in "Baby, Baby", after Nick brings Serena across, him thinking she wanted to become a vampire, Serena definitely said she had "the most awful" dream or nightmare--so SOMETHING happened--whether she realized she was REALLY being given a choice, she obviously did not...and remember in the same ep, Janette tells Nicks that "All vampires are victims in the beginning"--[and I think she even lists herself and Nick among those "victims"]-- maybe partly since they don't REALLY know what's happened to them and what they will become until AFTER they become vampires. Maybe we could say they have given "un-informed consent"? And, as I said before, Janette, when Nick was being brought across, expressed her fear to LaCroix about Nick maybe not coming "back"--maybe she had reason to believe it was possible that Nick would choose to die instead of coming back as a vampire--either from what she herself had experienced or --who knows...maybe other vampires had told them over the years about 'prospective vamps' who didn't "come back"? >I don't see that having a choice of dying or going back to a >life you have no real understanding of makes you a convert. Well, Janette herself said she did not think of death as a choice. And Tran (the Vietnamese vampire in "Cant Run, Can't Hide" ep )and Alexandra only had the choice to die or become vampires, when you come right down to it.....Even Lacroix, if Divia had not offered him the choice to live or die, sorta saved his life--and he, as far as we saw, had no idea what her offer "to live" entailed--even LC did not have "informed consent"! And, after all, with Mount V erupting at the time, they didn't have much time to discuss it!*g* {{{But, of course, there's many Cousins and Nunkies Addicts who are EXTREMELY glad LC accepted her offer--the horror of the thought of a LaCroix-less world?! And IF LC hadn't become a vampire, then Janette and Nick probably would not have either...HEY, maybe then Screed would have been leader of the TO Vampire Community.....benevolently ruling it from his subterranean domicile.....tis something to ponder!}}} Angel a.k.a. Doņa Angel <donaangel@h.......> Vaquera/Willing Slave of THE Glorious Spaniard/Future Proud Vaq Brat/VaqDreamer/INCArnate/Immortal Beloveds/Ravenette/ Faithfuls/Urchin/DH/The Crew/CW/BBFC ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 01:46:53 +0600 From: Don Fasig <phase3@g.......> Subject: (Fwd) Re: YKYBWTMFKW ------- Forwarded message follows ------- From: "Lee Belsky" <leebb65@h.......> To: FORKNI-L@l....... Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFKW Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 14:26:25 EST > Native man says, "500 years of BS does tend to tick you off"*, and you > start to wonder who would agree more strongly with that: Nick or Lacroix? >>500 years sounds more like Vachon, but I can't figure out who would >>be BSing him. The show that promo is from is "The Rez" and it takes place on a Canadian Indian Reserve. Considering how Vachon helped Marion's tribe it could be true... Lee Belsky leebb65@h....... ------- End of forwarded message ------- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 20:35:07 -0800 From: Shau-Luen Kuo <x568quilts@g.......> Subject: i'm back!!!! is that a good thing? hi all!. i've been away from this list for... gosh... three years now. i never did too much talking but maybe some of you remember me? still cousin rust. <waves> anyways. it's good to see some familiar names as well as a bunch of new ones. i feel all nostalgic. man i'm getting old! i don't know if fk fanfic topic is discussed on this list anymore but i've got a question about fk fiction that was written way back. it was one of the best stories i've ever read and i'm trying to track down again. as i recall the story was mostly about nat coping with the death of her friend (i think her name was barbara) and she goes to lacroix about coming across and nick is all angst out. the story was written in a very descriptive style, and all i remember is nat sticking lacroix's mike stand through his chest before he kills some guy who had something to do with barbara. there, is that vague enough? please help, it was such a good story that i would love to read it again. who wrote it and what was it's title? and is it in the fkfanfic archives? thanks bunches in advance cousin rust x568quilts@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 03:50:39 -0500 From: Lynne Ackerman <be028@f.......> Subject: Third season of Lexx starting in Canada For those who live in Canada and/or can get Space, the Imagination Station, it seems like Nigel's long-awaited appearance in the third season of Lexx will start being shown on April 10. Nigel is in 10 of the 13 episodes, and the entire season is supposed to be one long story arc, so you may miss important plot points if you don't watch every episode. People who've already started watching the shows (it's been on-air in England for almost six weeks) are rhapsodizing about Nigel's performance! Nigel also appears in the promos for the show, that are now running on Space, so it may be a good idea to watch it sometimes in order to see them. A message from Lynne Ackerman in Toronto (or, as we like to call it, "Hollywood North"). Via e-mail: lynnea212@a....... - or - be028@t....... ** Help support Forever Knight. Ask me how. ** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 07:50:59 -0600 From: Kristin Harris <kris1228@s.......> Subject: Your Daily Vote & FK's Position (New Voters needed!) Hi! This is just a reminder for you to add your daily vote on the Global 100 Charts. To vote go here: **We could really use the help of those wo have never voted before. That really helps to bring it up!** Currently it remains in the #4 position unofficially.(this is what needs to increase so it will officially). Officially it is in the #7 position. Thanks for participating! Kristin P.S. Don't forget I will be announcing this "weekly" soon starting Friday. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 13:31:25 -0000 From: Tracy Gooding <Tracy.Gooding@n.......> Subject: Re: Supersonic vamp flight You wrote 22/03/00 19:02 GMT: <<LOL Is that a title or a warning? I can see it now, kind of like Monty Python's Blanc Mange that ate London "Look out! Physicist at large!" and "The Physicist that Ate Tokyo". Or the little Taco Bell dog with the box trap saying "Here physicist, physicist physicist." <g>>> Sort of "Physicist on the loose?" LOL "If you see this Physicist DO NOT attempt to approach her!" Well, the alternative was putting 'Large Physicist' <g>. Tracy ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 13:45:26 -0000 From: Tracy Gooding <Tracy.Gooding@n.......> Subject: Supersonic vamp flight Okay, so that was meant to go off-list. Typing whilst eating a cheese sandwich is not a good idea. <g> With all the earlier discussion about flight, how would being on an aeroplane feel to someone who could fly? Tracy Tracy.Gooding@n....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 08:58:34 -0500 From: Emma Lighton <elighton@b.......> Subject: FK and e-books Someone posted to the list about the idea of publishing FK novels electronicly.(Unfortunatly, I accidently deleted the post when I went to check out the Stephen King story they mentioned.) My visit to has convinced me that this is not a good idea. So far the only reader available is for Windoze. While they're working on one for the Mac, they don't mention plans for any other operating systems. Also, assuming that these proposed FK books aren't going to be freebies, it also makes the books unavailable to those of us who don't have credit cards. The only other problem that springs to mind for me, is that I really don't like reading books on computer. Most aren't portable, and even those that are, it's impossible to curl up with them in bed, or drag one out of your purse while waiting for a movie to start, etc. Just my 2 cents. Emma (elighton@b.......) Vaquera * DPheretic * T+Vpack * FKMac-er Head Mouse Clicker Survivor of Wars 9 and 10 "James gave the huffle of a snail in danger" - A.A. Milne ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 09:17:22 -0500 From: "Brenda F. Bell" <webwarren@e.......> Subject: Re: Supersonic vamp flight At 01:45 PM 3/23/00 -0000, Tracy Gooding wrote: >With all the earlier discussion about flight, how would being on an aeroplane feel to someone who could fly? Depends, I suspect, on whether the vamp in question is the pilot or a passenger -- and whether or not the plane is going beyond the vamp's personal flight envelope. Also, upon how much of the vamp's personal energy flying (either short or long distances) requires. OTOH, if they respond to g-stresses really well, think what fun they could have "pushing the envelope" of every high-performance aircraft (fighters, bombers, every prototype aerospaceplane known to man, etc.) Couldn't you just see Nick at the throttle of one of the latest-and-greatest, pushing his limits until the plane broke up, or until he passed out from g-stress? Perhaps a Nick-Lacroix dogfight? No? Oh, well... Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer... UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project Gerthering 3 Photos: Visit the Fiendish Glow at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 02:21:09 +0000 From: jennii <jennii@c.......> Subject: Re: Supersonic vamp flight With all the earlier discussion about flight, how would being on an aeroplane feel to someone who could Slow (g) jennii Dark Knightie and UFfer jennii@c....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 09:53:00 -0600 From: "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......> Subject: Re: FK and e-books From: Emma Lighton <elighton@b.......> > My visit to has convinced me that this is not a good idea. So > far the only reader available is for Windoze. While they're working on one > for the Mac, they don't mention plans for any other operating systems. I really don't think Sony will be licensing FK for any more books, but that certainly doesn't prevent fans from producing fanfic in electronic form. I edit and lay out books for a publisher, and now they are always sent to the printer in Acrobat PDF format. It would be relatively easy for zines, novels, and the like to be produced as PDFs, which are readable on any platform as long as the user has the free Acrobat Reader (available from In fact, the charity fanzine, "A Taste of Forever" went to the printer as a PDF -- hmm, anyone want to buy an electronic copy? <g> PDFs can be created so they have a hyperlinked table of contents for easy browsing. You can print them out, too, for armchair/bed reading. Of course there's nothing to prevent a buyer from printing out multiple copies and distributing them her/himself, but we'd have to depend on the honesty of our customers. If anyone has questions about PDFs, or how this might be done, drop me a line. Nancy Kaminski =============================================== Nancy E. Kaminski , Technical Writer/Editor Fairview Health Services, Minneapolis, MN USA (000) 000-0000 phone, (000) 000-0000 fax nkamins1@f....... | nancykam@m....... "Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so." -- Douglas Adams =============================================== ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 11:01:29 -0600 From: Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......> Subject: Re: FK and e-books Emma Lighton wrote: > My visit to has convinced me that this is not a good idea. So > far the only reader available is for Windoze. While they're working on one > for the Mac, they don't mention plans for any other operating systems. Send them email, saying you're interested, but you use the "ABC" platform, and do they plan on supporting it in the near future? They obviously went with the Windoze platform first since it is the largest installed base. I know Macs are the only other one listed in development so far, but I'd be willing to bet $10 that they're working on a Linux/Unix flavor as well. > Also, assuming that these proposed FK books aren't going to be freebies, it > also makes the books unavailable to those of us who don't have credit cards. I agree that is a problem. However, my thought when I originally posted about them was that since the "publisher" wouldn't have to incur actual printing expenses, this might be a very good way for them to see just how interested FK fans are in more FK novels. Production costs on this are VERY low, thus increasing the profit returns. Authors *love* to get paid for what they write. Just ask Susan Garrett, or either of the other two authors (names escape me at the moment). If you were a good author, wouldn't *you* be willing to write a longer novel if you knew you were going to get paid for it? We've *TOLD* TPTB time and time again that we will ***BUY***BUY***BUY*** FK merchandise when it's available, and chances are that if they ever *do* get around to offering some (I'm not holding my breath...) it'll probably be online, and you'd still need a credit card. Nobody likes taking checks any more. > The only other problem that springs to mind for me, is that I really don't > like reading books on computer. Most aren't portable, and even those that > are, it's impossible to curl up with them in bed, or drag one out of your > purse while waiting for a movie to start, etc. Depending on the individual book settings (created by author and/or publisher), you may have the option to print. This feature is disabled in some books, though. (why, I don't know... doesn't make sense. I don't plan on printing 30 copies for all of my friends.) And, us FK fans are pretty good about stuff like that, anyway. :-) I'm sending an email to Glassbooks about some of these issues, since it's all fresh in my mind. ************************************************************************ Carla copper6500@y....... O- DNRC Supreme Writer of Officially Incomprehensible Documents ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 10:40:26 -0700 From: Kyer <kyer@p.......> Subject: Re: AWARDS: Help Needed Contacting Authors I don't know if these two addys are for the authors your searching for, I just went through my address book (which automatically saves addys that I reply to.) Hope it helps! Kyer > Laudon <laudon1228@y.......> try: Laudon1965@a....... > Tyra <Branwwolf@a.......> try: TyraMitch@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 10:43:43 -0700 From: Kyer <kyer@p.......> Subject: Oops. (re AWARDS: ) Sorry, that was meant to go offlist. But, *has* anyone heard from Stormborn lately? Or, for that matter, Billie-Lee? Kyer kyer@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 11:05:22 -0700 From: Kyer <kyer@p.......> Subject: Dogfight (was Supersonic vamp flight) Brenda F. Bell wrote: >Couldn't you> just see Nick at the throttle of one of the latest-and-greatest, pushing> his limits until the plane broke up, or until he passed out from g-stress?> Perhaps a Nick-Lacroix dogfight? No? YES!! :) It would be like Snoopy and the Red Baron! 1917: Nick and LaCroix shaking their fists and screaming insults at each other as they zoomed overhead in their Sopwith Camels! Or maybe... 1980's. Nick in his American fighter going vampo-a-vampo against LaCroix in the MIG. (Both *borrowed* from their pilots virtue of their whammy abilities. <g>) Ooooo...Nick in an Top Gun jacket....sunglasses...riding with Urs and Janette on their Harleys! Hey! This could be something to continue on through the centuries! Like that story with Nick, LC, and the Enforcers fighting boredom with starships. Grins, :)= Kyer, Loyal Squirette to the Knight de Brabant; Knight de Soir, CotK, One of The Hungry, Le Miz, Immortal Beloved (yet flexible), Weird Knight, Queen O' deTypos, Paranoid-Schitzoid Knightie with Multi-Personalities who's having a blast and an angstfest at one and the same time! kyer@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 10:58:45 -0800 From: tigrlady2u@j....... Subject: Re: I will miss you all!! Goodbye Kalira. :( I am sorry that the list is losing a valuable member. Try to hurry back! Much love and good luck to you. KC Smith tigrlady2u@j....... Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies. "I've never met a chocolate I didn't like." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 11:01:11 -0800 From: tigrlady2u@j....... Subject: Re: i'm back!!!! is that a good thing? Welcome back Shau-Luen! It is always good to have a fellow FK fan back in the fold! KC Smith tigrlady2u@j....... Nick/Natpacker with Dark Knightie tendencies. "I've never met a chocolate I didn't like." ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Mar 2000 to 23 Mar 2000 - Special issue (#2000-87) ******************************************************************************
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