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Digest - 29 Feb 2000 to 1 Mar 2000 (#2000-61)

Wed, 1 Mar 2000

There are 29 messages totalling 766 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Forever Knight: On  Holy Ground (2)
  2. Just Testing
  3. 1999 Stories
  4. Just testing--again! <mutter> (2)
  5. 1999 Fiction
  6. web mistress (4)
  7. Grace and Nat (4)
  8. Vehicle Laws in Canada (2)
  9. Vehicle laws in Canada (2)
 10. My 1999 Fanfic
 11. Liam O'Neal stories
 12. Con Guests (WAS: Re: Grace and Nat)
 13. Vehicle question (3)
 14. Other folk's fic -- more
 15. Hunters ep question/ and Re: Just testing--again! <mutter> (2)
 16. McLisa's Hunters Story


Date:    Tue, 29 Feb 2000 17:08:52 EST
From:    JeanG477@a.......
Subject: Forever Knight: On  Holy Ground

Reposted with permission of the listowner.

Thanks to all of you who have already pre-ordered!

FOREVER KNIGHT: ON HOLY GROUND, a novel by Jean Graham,
is on schedule for publication in May.  For those who may have
missed the initial announcement, here's the info:

The death of a young devotee during a revival meeting implicates
an evangelist, and leads Nick to investigate the phenomenon of
faith healing as a possible cure for vampirism. Ironically, Natalie's
objection to this pursuit echoes LaCroix -- and evokes memories
of a long-ago crisis of faith, in 1453 Constantinople. While a
Turkish sultan besieges the city, LaCroix scoffs at Nicholas'
insistence that faith in God will keep the thousand-year-old walls
standing.  Faith, says the master vampire, is a delusion. In both
1453 and 1992, Nick Knight wants desperately to prove him wrong...

Formerly on file with Berkley-Boulevard books, FOREVER KNIGHT:
ON HOLY GROUND will be privately published this May in a limited
paperback edition, with proceeds benefiting The Humane Society
of the United States, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and Help the

Preview more of the novel at:

Advance reservations for On Holy Ground can be made now
by sending check or money order to: Jean Graham,
PO Box _____, San Diego, CA _____-____.

          From inside the USA: $8 + $2 shipping & handling
            CANADA: $8 + $3 S&H (US funds only, please)
   OVERSEAS:  $8 + $6 Airmail shipping (US funds only, please)

Please help pass the word by forwarding this message to other FK
fans, mailing lists and news groups.  Or trade links with us!
Contact Jean at JeanB7@a........

  --Jean Graham


Date:    Tue, 29 Feb 2000 15:33:30 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Just Testing

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goofed up computer...just testing for mimes and if can still send--kyer

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goofed up computer...just testing for = mimes and if=20 can still



Date:    Tue, 29 Feb 2000 18:25:40 -0500
From:    br1035@i.......
Subject: 1999 Stories

I posted one story in 1999. This was also the KtK zine that is no
longer available:

Unnatural Selection

This story and everything that falls into the historical or special
categories can be found at http://www.geocities.com/~br1035/fk/forever.html

One of my cats has a couple of stories archived there, too, but it'll go to
her whiskers if she's nominated. Vivian's already feisty over the
whole 'Carmen' thing, threatening that if I don't give her enough
treats, she'll run off and live with the Vaqueras.

And in my continuing efforts to get all Stories In Progress done
for 2000, several more chapters of 'Survivors' have been
added to the webpage. We're through Ch. 15 now.


Bonnie Rutledge.....<br1035@i.......>.....Evil - The Puppy Says So!
Nunkies Anonymous Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/~br1035/nunkies.html
Spare Bambi!                                LaCroix for President - 2000!


Date:    Tue, 29 Feb 2000 16:41:41 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: Forever Knight: On  Holy Ground

I have the money!  I want the book!!!!
Just waiting to see if Amber shows up.
If I dont have the month of March in order to wait, let me know.  Maybe I'll
just send the $20 check anyways and see what happens.  If Amber is no longer
with us (looking that way) you can always look on it as a gift for someone
who can't afford the book.



Date:    Tue, 29 Feb 2000 17:15:53 -0700
From:    KYER <KYER@p.......>
Subject: Just testing--again! <mutter>

If LaCroix drained a Mime, would it make a sound?  kyer@p.......


Date:    Tue, 29 Feb 2000 22:11:36 EST
From:    Phoenix348@a.......
Subject: 1999 Fiction

Greetings all,

Chipping in with everyone else, although much less of a prolific writer than
most, I too wrote a fan fic story in 1999.  The story is called The Hands of
Time, and is available at http://www.fkfanfic.com/fanfic/h/hand3179.txt.
However, the story, as currently posted, has some sections where the
punctuation is missing and the lines are scewed...possibly a problem with
pasting...and unfortunately, this makes reading somewhat difficult.  With Mel
out of town and unable to correct that version, I posted the
story...hopefully error free...at the following temporary site:


Stephen Lansing


Date:    Tue, 29 Feb 2000 22:44:30 -0500
From:    "Amanda R. Cleveland" <arclevel@m.......>
Subject: web mistress

I came across a website called "A 'Nother Forever Knight Fanpage" that had
a suggested reading list on it.  I'd like to make a suggestion or two for
that list, but I couldn't find an e-mail address anywhere on the page.
Does anyone here own this page or know who owns it?  Course, I could
simply be blind.  ;-)



Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 01:17:08 EST
From:    Laudon1965@a.......
Subject: Re: Grace and Nat

In a message dated 02/29/2000 11:17:42 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:

Re: Sandi Ross aka Grace:
<<  Also, that she is much smaller than she
 looked on screen and much prettier.  >>

Well the smaller part I can believe, as they say the camera adds weight, but
since I think she looked absolutely beautiful on screen it's amazing to hear
that she was even better in person.

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 01:28:38 EST
From:    KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: Grace and Nat

In a message dated 2/29/00 1:17:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:

 << Having been lucky enough to meet and talk a little with Sandi Ross at the
 FK party at the first con where the show was represented. (Toronto Trek in
 1993), >>
I was wondering, many times at the announcement of various cons, why the
powers in control of the cons don't invite all the FK charactors?  Each time
a con is announce, there are only three or four FK guests invited.  Why not
invite them all, then see who responses.  Anyone?
KnightWitch ;-]=
p.s. I have Ben and the girls left to meet.  Then I'll die a happy


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 01:31:05 EST
From:    KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: Grace and Nat

In a message dated 2/29/00 1:30:29 PM Eastern Standard Time,
Libratsie@a....... writes:

<< And you guys ought to hear Natsuko scream hysterically (those of you at
Bridging the Knight did). Imagine her holding the police evidence back with
the Ratsie Wot Kilt Screed in it, "YOU GUYS ARE ***CRAZY***" >>
Yes, she was a hoot!!!...She kept saying "for a rat???  This is a rat!!"
I loved every minute of the auction.  She added just the right amount of
spice to the show.
KnightWitch ;-}}}}}}}=


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 01:38:42 EST
From:    KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: web mistress

In a message dated 2/29/00 10:45:03 PM Eastern Standard Time,
arclevel@m....... writes:

<< I came across a website called "A 'Nother Forever Knight Fanpage" that had
 a suggested reading list on it >>
Would you be so kind as to post the addy for this web page.  I'd be
interested in taking a look.  Thanks.
KnightWitch ;-]=


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 02:13:28 EST
From:    PF820@a.......
Subject: Re: Vehicle Laws in Canada

    Someone mentioned the possibility of getting arrested without a licence
and insurance in the US.  It is definately an arrestable offence.  People do
not think of a ticket as being an arrest but what they don't realize is that
your drivers licence is posted and is good for $300.00 bond.  When the police
officer issues you a ticket, you have been arrested and posted your licence
or in some cases a bond card to bail yourself out of jail.  Otherwise you go
to the local jurisdictions jail and get locked up until you  can 1. see a
judge, 2. raise the bond money, or 3. most commonly get issued an I Bond
(Individual Recognizance Bond)  which means the police take your signature
and your word that you will show up in court.
While a traffic violation is arrestable, it is not printable, so it does not
show up on your permanant record.
Also about 40 of the states have an agreement called "Promise to Comply"
which means that you can drive in any of those states and if you get a ticket
they do not take your licence, you sign the ticket and if you don't either
show up in court or send your fine in the state that issued the licence
suspends your licence and issues a bench warrant to have you brought before a
judge in that state.
The only traffic violations which are printable, at least that I have ever
seen, are DUI (Driving under the Influence) and Reckless Homicide if you kill
someone with your car.  A combination of both can give you something like 7
years in the slammer.
Now that I got that out, I will go back to lurking quietly!


Date:    Tue, 29 Feb 2000 23:40:47 EST
From:    June Jackson <Mrmskatz92@CS.COM>
Subject: Re: Vehicle Laws in Canada

In a message dated 2/29/00 1:01:49 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
webwarren@e....... writes:

 Dunno about *cars*, but it's my understanding that *farm equipment* does
 not have the same restrictions as nonagricultural vehicles. In many rural
 areas, they can travel the same roads that cars do, and you don't need a
 license to operate them. I've been told that this (driving agricultural
 vehicles on and off roads) is how many farm kids learn to drive...

Being of sound mind and working for the dept i would like to know how Nick
would handle being a patrol cop and handling little john on his tractor.
Specially if he's had had one two many.
And on the laws of state, most have there own registration and licensing
laws.  Other states usually defer to the state your registered in. For the
majority it's to carry your license, registration, insurance in your wallet
or car.



Date:    Sat, 26 Feb 2000 20:32:55 EST
From:    Hamlet Sysop <hamletsys@h.......>
Subject: Re: Vehicle laws in Canada

>From: Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
>Subject: Vehicle laws in Canada
>Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 12:30:43 +1300
>Hi guys,
>I need some help with an up coming fic. Could someone in canada or who
>about this tell me...Do cops come up and ask for License and registration
>papers like they do in the states?

    Yes they can (they don't usually ask for the registration
but always ask for the licence).  Also, in most provinces you
must have proof of insurance coverage, and Ontario is one of
those provinces (they always ask for this).  In addition you
must have front and back plates (unless you are from out of
the province).  Hope this helps. :)


Date:    Sun, 27 Feb 2000 00:13:31 -0500
From:    Rebecca Burns <raburns@v.......>
Subject: My 1999 Fanfic

<lurk mode off>

Just thought I'd come out of my little cave and remind you that despite my
absence from the
commentaries on the list, I did  write one story.  It's located on
www.fkfanfic.com.  The
name of the story is:

When History Repeats Itself
by Rebecca Burns

Thank you for your time..I'm going back to my cave now.

<lurk mode on>

"I don't get involved in slugfests with vampires...It shortens your life
-Anita Blake


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 21:04:06 +1300
From:    Knightraven <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Re: Vehicle laws in Canada

Also, in most provinces you must have proof of insurance coverage, and
Ontario is one of those provinces (they always ask for this

Thanks Sinc!:) Hmmm. All sorts of good stuff coming from you lot...I dear
say our dear Uncle will be having a wee spot o' bother...<eg>



Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 10:10:53 CET
From:    Simone Nicole Dornecker <moonwing@h.......>
Subject: Liam O'Neal stories

If you look for Stories with Liam O'Neal, don't miss Barb and Pat Romans
great Transition Saga. In the story "Heart of a child" he has a very good
time with Nick and his family.
I'm sorry I don't know the URL (yet). If somebody knows it please sent it to
me, cause I lost my bookmarks due to a crash ("$§%&% !!!)


Simone Nicole Dornecker     Zwei Seelen wohnen ach! in meiner Brust,
Simone_Dornecker@y.......   Die eine will sich von der andern trennen;
Moonwing@h.......           Die eine haelt, in derber Liebeslust,
                            Sich an die Welt mit klammernden Organen;
                            Die andre hebt gewaltsam sich vom Dust
                            Zu den Gefilden hoher Ahnen.   (Faust)


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 07:07:33 EST
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Grace and Nat

In a message dated 3/1/00 12:29:43 AM Central Standard Time,
KnghtWtch@a....... writes:

>  Each time
>  a con is announce, there are only three or four FK guests invited.  Why not
>  invite them all, then see who responses.  Anyone?
Because, actors charge fees to the cons for appearances. And even when they
are not getting paid (such as at a convention for charity), there's hotel
rooms to pay for, the actor's rooms, etc. In other words, to have ALL the
actors would be very cost prohibitive. Besides, some of the actors don't
normally do cons (Catherine won't, Ger just usually does his Gertherings, Deb
- it is early so my mind fails me - I mean the woman who played Janette - is
retired from acting so doesn't do con appearances).  Also, con appearances
are usually "pending professional obligations" so if the actor ends up with
an acting job, he or she will cancel out, sometimes at the last minute.

Hope this helps explain! ;-)



Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 07:53:53 -0500
From:    Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: Just testing--again! <mutter>

> If LaCroix drained a Mime, would it make a sound?  kyer@p.......

But, you would get some damn interesting charades.


 Tim Phillips


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 07:58:41 -0500
From:    "Brenda F. Bell" <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Con Guests (WAS: Re: Grace and Nat)

At 01:28 AM 3/1/00 EST, KnightWitch asked:

>I was wondering, many times at the announcement of various cons, why the
>powers in control of the cons don't invite all the FK charactors?  Each time
>a con is announce, there are only three or four FK guests invited.  Why not
>invite them all, then see who responses.  Anyone?

Economic factors. A con -- particularly a pro-con, which is the only sort
of con that would have the front money to carry this off -- must at minimum
break even, if not turn a profit. (Fan cons are usually designed to break
even, unless they are charity cons, and fan-con losses are usually
shouldered by the concom.) If all the invitees accepted the "invite", the
cost of putting on the con would (in most cases) create massive financial
losses for the promoter.

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
        UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  http://nj5.injersey.com/~ic97/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 08:49:57 EST
From:    Marel D'arby <Avalon1449@a.......>
Subject: Vehicle question

In Canada, are automobiles routinely referred to as 'cars',
or something else? Also, are traffic lights ...er... traffic

Marel Darby  (blushing at the idiocy of her questions)


Date:    Tue, 29 Feb 2000 22:31:02 -0400
From:    "T. Floyd" <jflyer@b.......>
Subject: Re: Vehicle question

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marel D'arby" <Avalon1449@a.......>

: In Canada, are automobiles routinely referred to as 'cars',
: or something else? Also, are traffic lights ...er... traffic
: lights?

Here in Eastern Canada, they are cars/trucks/SUVs rather than autos most of
the time.  We tend to say 'cars' or 'vehicles' or 'traffic' to refer to
those things on the street during rush hour.

Depending on the context, we either stop at 'the lights' or we 'make the
green', 'slip through the yellow,' or maybe we 'run the red'.  Sometimes we
call them 'stoplights' or 'traffic lights', so those wouldn't sound TOO off.
(Just don't try to tell us Canadians that there's no chocolate in Smarties).

One more traffic light detail.  I think in Ontario as well as New Brunswick
and Nova Scotia, it is normally legal to make a right turn on a red light
(after stopping and if it is safe), but it is NOT in Quebec.  I noticed that
some places in Ontario may even allow a LEFT turn on a red light when the
cross street is one-way and it would be safe to do so.  Not knowing the
local rules like those can mark you as someone 'from away'  :)

When you're stopped here, whether by city police or RCMP, you are routinely
asked to show your licence, registration, and proof of insurance.  If you
don't have or can't find your proof of insurance, you get a warning (not a
ticket, just a piece of paper).  It seems to me that if you don't have your
licence with you (and have a good story like it's in your other purse or you
forgot it on the way to take your pregnant wife to the hospital) you might
actually be escorted to your home to get it, or be given a certain amount of
time to show it.  I would expect to be asked my name and address and to have
that information used to check the system (the city police in a lot of
cities now have laptops in their cars) to see that my licence does actually
exist and has not been revoked.

If you're stopped during a 'seat belt check' they just look into the car and
then wave you on unless you've done something really stupid like having an
illegal weapon out or open liquor or something equally suspicious.   I guess
Nick would have to stay good and quiet in the trunk during a check like

: Marel Darby  (blushing at the idiocy of her questions)

Boy, if that's the dumbest thing you've done/asked today, you are SOOOO far
ahead of me!



Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 13:20:35 -0500
From:    "Brenda F. Bell" <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: Vehicle question

At 10:31 PM 2/29/00 -0400, LapLor wrote:

>If you're stopped during a 'seat belt check' they just look into the car and
>then wave you on unless you've done something really stupid like having an
>illegal weapon out or open liquor or something equally suspicious.

Hmm... this poses an interesting question, based on the personal experience
of one of Frank's cousins.

If you are a civilian (non-police, non-military, non-armed-guard) licensed
to carry and transport a personal firearm (sidearm), and are carrying such
a (licensed) firearm in your vehicle in the commonwealth of Virginia, I
have been told that the proper place for said firearm is in plain view on
the dash. I have also been told that in New Jersey and New York, a licensed
firearm, carried in-vehicle by a civilian licensed to carry and transport
said firearm, must be in the (locked) trunk in a (locked) gun carrier.

Not knowing this, Frank's cousin got arrested and fined some years ago; I
don't recall whether or not he was given few days' jail time as well.

Do the "licensed transport" laws vary from Canadian province to Canadian
province, or are they the same throughout Canada?

Brenda F. Bell   webwarren@e.......   /nick TMana     IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
        UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project https://members.tripod.com/~TMana/
Gerthering 3 Photos:  http://nj5.injersey.com/~ic97/gertherng/
Visit the Fiendish Glow at http://home.earthlink.net/~webwarren/glow/


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 15:23:41 -0500
From:    "Amanda R. Cleveland" <arclevel@m.......>
Subject: Re: web mistress

The addy for the page is
According to Yahoo, it belongs to "Nightdancer and Fleurette", but I don't
know which of them runs the reading list, or what their addies are.


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 12:53:25 -0800
From:    Liz the Lucky <lizthelucky@h.......>
Subject: Re: web mistress

Amada sed:
> The addy for the page is
> "http://www.crosswinds.net/~jjxpfc/knight/notherfk.html"
> According to Yahoo, it belongs to "Nightdancer and Fleurette", but I don't
> know which of them runs the reading list, or what their addies are.

Fleurette's ReaLife(TM) has taken over and she's taking the break from the
fandom for a while. Nightdancer isn't on the list either, but I can forward
emails to her for people. I think it's her page, given the addy.

Hugs and Kisses,
Liz the Lucky                          FoD                          Merc
luckyliz@m.......              Nanette          DNP         Nother
http://www.mindspring.com/~luckyliz Official Story Titler of the Nothers


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 15:58:27 -0500
From:    Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......>
Subject: Other folk's fic -- more

I hereby commend to your attention the wild, witty -- and sometimes
poignant -- fiction of Sue Clark, which can be found on the fkfanfic
page and at Sue's own site. (see url below).

(She's been overwhelmed by work lately and hasn't been able to keep up
with the news about the awards.)

You may want to check both archives, because Sue's "pen" is prolific,
and she hasn't had a chance to update her own site for a few months. She
writes both Adult and non-Adult fiction.

mcombs@e....... N&Npacker


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 14:35:41 -0700
From:    KYER <KYER@p.......>
Subject: Hunters ep question/ and Re: Just testing--again! <mutter>

In a fit of angst from MIME format mischief, I wrote:
> > If LaCroix drained a Mime, would it make a sound?

To which Tim Phillips wrote:> No.
> But, you would get some damn interesting charades.

LOL!  Thank you, Tim---I dearly needed a laugh!  Can't remember when I've
last had such a lousy week.

Another question came to me while watching 'Hunters' in an attempt to feel
better about Life.  I noticed that dear old dad, LaCroix, not only told
Nicholas to leave Janette behind (to the hunters), but left Nick behind as
Geez.  *That* certainly went against nearly all the fanfic I've ever read!
<eg>  What could have preceded that scene in order for LC to be so peeved as
to abandon his kids?  Has anyone read a story exploring this?

"Sometimes--even when your a Jedi, (or *because* you're an Angsty Nick
follower!)---you've just gotta scream."~~quote from Order of the Grey
website.  ( ) added by yours truly.


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 16:45:51 -0500
From:    mclisa@m.......
Subject: Re: Hunters ep question/ and Re: Just testing--again! <mutter>

-----Original Message-----
From: KYER <KYER@p.......>

>  What could have preceded that scene in order for LC to be so peeved as
>to abandon his kids [in Hunters]?  Has anyone read a story exploring this?

I wrote a story called Uncle George's Vampire as part of the Unsuiteds
Challenge which explains why the hunters were after them and also why LC
would have been a bit annoyed with Nick. I can repost it if there's
sufficient interest or send it along. I don't think it's on the web sites
and ftp but I may be wrong.

 Cousin McLisa  (Lisa McDavid)  "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l


Date:    Wed, 1 Mar 2000 16:52:14 -0500
From:    mclisa@m.......
Subject: McLisa's Hunters Story

It is on http://www.fkfanfic.com, under challeges. The title is Uncle
George's Vampire. It explains why the hunters were after them and why LC
might have been, shall we say, annoyed with Nick.

Cousin McLisa  (Lisa McDavid)  "That will be Trouble."
Listowner Forkni-l, Fkfic-l, Fkv4s-l


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 29 Feb 2000 to 1 Mar 2000 (#2000-61)

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