There are 10 messages totalling 350 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Going to be gone a few days (2) 2. oops 3. A Few Addendum Notes about the 1999 FK Fan Fiction Awards 4. Nigel in "Hamlet" (2) 5. motorcycle 6. Before you all start... 7. <deleted foul language!> :) 8. missing $, extra stuff? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 15:17:06 -0700 From: Kyer <kyer@p.......> Subject: Going to be gone a few days I'm going to be away from my computer til probably sometime Tuesday. One of my cousins died of cancer yesterday, and the funeral is taking place in San Diego. Til then, Sighed, Kyer ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 18:07:57 -0600 From: AlexaKnight <AlexaKnight@e.......> Subject: Re: Going to be gone a few days Kyer I'm so sorry to hear that huggles my friend Michele AlexaKnight@e....... ----- Original Message ----- From: Kyer <kyer@p.......> To: <FORKNI-L@l.......> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 4:17 PM Subject: Going to be gone a few days > I'm going to be away from my computer til probably sometime Tuesday. One of > my cousins died of cancer yesterday, and the funeral is taking place in San > Diego. > > Til then, > > Sighed, > Kyer > ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 18:09:31 -0600 From: AlexaKnight <AlexaKnight@e.......> Subject: oops The message to kyer was supposed to go private...oops Michele ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 20:04:46 -0500 From: FK Awards <fkawards@f.......> Subject: A Few Addendum Notes about the 1999 FK Fan Fiction Awards Feel free to forward. Topics: ************************************************ About VOTER IDS NOMINATIONS SPREADING the NEWS Adjustment to ADULT 2 Categories ************************************************ About VOTER IDS: For the FK Fan Fiction Awards.... Reminder: Only one Voter Id per Real Person, applied for on the Voter Id Application form on the FK Fan Fiction Awards webpage by the Real Person. That Real Person (You), will be applying for a Voter Id using your REAL NAME, Email Address and Mailing Address. I've seen a number of voter applications submitted by the same person, perhaps on the behalf of friends/family, etc. I would strongly recommend that that Real Person fill out the Voter Application for him or herself. Please remember this rule as well: ************************************************ Who can nominate and/or vote? ANYONE WHO HAS READ FOREVER KNIGHT FAN FICTION and applies and receives a Voter Id through the online Voter Id application process (or through email from fkawards@f....... for those without web access) ************************************************ If I see any questionable Voter Id applications, I may reneg their Voter Id temporary and contact the person for more information, especially if their Voter Id Application is questionable (i.e. it doesn't abide by the Rules as detailed above and on the FK Fan Fiction Awards FAQ. I'm sorry to have to be strict on this, however, I also want to ensure that the Nominations and Voting Process are valid, to avoid the chances of ballot stuffing, people using numerous alternate email addresses/personas/friends&relative'snames to get additional Voter Ids I guess I should warn ya'll that in Real Life, I work in the computer industry, including networking and know more than a few things about the Internet and the Web. I'm definitely going to be using these skills during the awards process for capturing and validating all submitted votes, applications, nominations, etc. What will I be doing with this information? Mainly just checking to make sure we don't get any ballot stuffing, false persons or aliases, etc. participating in the Awards process. This is to ensure that the Awards process remains fair. After the Awards, all information will be thrown into my Recycle Bin and Emptied.. If you would like to use an alias during the Awards process, or have any questions about the above, please contact me privately at fkawards@f....... Yes, if you have a family member or friend who reads FK Fan Fiction and uses the same computer, don't be surprised if I ask you for more information about these people. This holds true for any questionable Voter Id Application and/or Story Nomination. ************************************************ About NOMINATIONS... And yes, nominating your own fan fiction or that of your close friends, family, etc. is perfectly fine. The only exception to this possibility is with me, Mel Moser, as I am not going to participate in the Nominations or Voting, mainly because I haven't had the time and probably won't have the time to read enough fan fiction to give it all it's proper due and attention in order for nominations and awards. (I barely have time to even write, and archive the fan fiction, let alone read it, though I have read much of it in the past). However, I do often go back and read stories, such as those who won previous awards, or capture my attention etc. ************************************************ SPREAD THE NEWS about 1999 FK Fan Fiction Awards: And remember, spread the word, because of poor turnout in the past, I will be looking closely at this years awards, the amount of participation, etc. If the turnout is poor, I may reconsider continuing the FK Fan Fiction Awards in future years. So, tell your friends. Tell your friends to tell their friends, get the word out, post information on lists you are on and remind them of the may wonderful stories (over 2500 on alone) we have in FK online fandom. Not only quantity, but quality, with numerous stories better than what you read off of most bookshelves. ************************************************ Adjustment to ADULT 2 Categories One minor inaccuracy in the first post made about the Awards.... This is correct on the website FAQ but is being corrected here. The Adult 2 (All Adult category) will only have 5/10 (Historic, 1999) number of categories as follows: Unless we get a huge number of stories ranking in the Novella or larger Word Count range, these categories will stay. This is based on personal observance of Adult Fan Fiction as posted to various mailing lists, as well as those sent to be archived on It's not very often you find a All-Adult story that contains more than 17,500 words. If I'm wrong on this, feel free to correct me and point me in the direction of one or more of these stories. As always, feel free to email me with questions, comments, etc. Mel Moser mailto:fkawards@f....... 1999 Forever Knight Fan Fiction Awards ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 02:23:29 -0400 From: Robert Gillis <ap840@c.......> Subject: Nigel in "Hamlet" Hi! I just saw Nigel again in "Hamlet" with another fan here in Halifax. A super production, and he does an awesome job. Nigel "dies" very well, BTW. <G> Anyone coming up soon that I haven't heard about? I am really looking forward to meeting more Nigel fans. I have met two groups so far, and it has been such a great experience. If anyone is coming up soon and would like to meet, I would love to hear from you. H-A :) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 18:22:59 EST From: LizTheLuck@a....... Subject: Re: motorcycle In a message dated 2/23/00 2:50:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, mcombs@e....... writes: > There's at least one mention of the possibility of being temporarily > busted to traffic -- Imagine Nick doing in uniform, on his bike. Or > better yet, Nick and Schanke in Highway Patrol mode. This sound like a FK/CHiPs xover to anyone else? "Gee, Ponch, you're looking a little pale these days. Janette keeping you up all night?" <weg> Hugs and Kisses, Liz the Lucky luckyliz@m....... Butt-kickin' for goodness! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 04:02:11 EST From: MadiHolmes@a....... Subject: Re: Nigel in "Hamlet" In a message dated 02/25/00 12:28:36 AM US Mountain Standard Time, ap840@c....... writes: << Hi! I just saw Nigel again in "Hamlet" with another fan here in Halifax. A super production, and he does an awesome job. Nigel "dies" very well, BTW. <G> >> Hey! No spoilers here. I'd hate to ruin it for anyone <eg> MadiHolmes ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 08:13:48 -0700 From: Kyer <kyer@p.......> Subject: Before you all start... Dark Squirette: I say we don't say anything and catch 'em to speak. Light Squirette: <aghast> That would be reprehensible! Dark Squirette: So? Blackmail material!<eg> Kyer <breaking this up>: Dark---for the thousandth time!---the List Family members are our *friends*. They weren't *going* to make snide talk about us behind our backs! Now---scoot over and let me type. <push, push...*glare*> What? <...SHOVE! thunk!> Ow! <scoot, scoot> Ahem. The funeral has been called postponed until Monday. I don't know yet whether we will be going or not as this has seriously screwed up every plan we made. So...everything's on hold til more info is forthcoming. Thanks for all the messages of sympathy. Kyer, kyer@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 11:28:31 -0700 From: Kyer <kyer@p.......> Subject: <deleted foul language!> :) (If you heard a strangled scream coming from down Arizona way...that was me.) <gotta keep on'imIgonna *do* this?? need ideas!...ooooo...good one DS!> Uh... I started wondering ((all of two seconds ago..<shush!>)): What would...<whisper> (Aristotle?)...(yeah!)---*Aristotle!*---advise to Nick if he had trouble getting his..oh, say...WS_FTP95 program to upload to Vamp <close enough!> webpages? <blink> <bwaahaahaa!> Blushed, :) Kyer, kyer@p....... (if your reading this, Listmommy, then it was armed Buffy fans who broke in here, held a stake to my computer and made me do this!!) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 15:08:32 EST From: Wolfy Knight2 <TracyVetter@a.......> Subject: missing $, extra stuff? OK, I got the feeling I owe someone something to get something, and it deals with FK, and so, if your missing $, and have some extra FK item(s), that you think where going to be mine, please e-mail me *OFF-LIST* at Wolfy380@a....... and tell me. I'm unsubbing from the list ::whimper, pout, whine:: because of the lack of time I now have to check mail. McLisa, I hope I'm not breaking any rule(s) by posting this, but hay, tis my last letter.. ::sigh:: You all are very nice people, and I thank you all for being my friend. Some of you may have known that a certain "anonymous" letter quite a while ago was from me, and I thank you for those replies some of you may have known about a different time dealing with the same thing, and I thank you all for the replies for that. ALL of you have in one way or another kept me sane, and ALIVE. I just wanted to say thanks. TTYL, hopefully. ~~~ Wolfy Knight, The Non-Stop Roleplayer FLING THY WOK! Die-Hard, GWDFC member ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 24 Feb 2000 to 25 Feb 2000 (#2000-56) **************************************************************
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