There are 15 messages totalling 379 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. motorcycle (6) 2. FK is Slipping on the Important Global 100 Charts! :( 3. Problems with fiction posting 4. YKYBWTMFK........ (2) 5. FanFic subscribe info 6. FK 3rd season bible 7. GWD music CD information 8. Motorcycle 9. Oops - Re: GWD music CD information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 17:49:17 -0500 From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......> Subject: Re: motorcycle Cindy Clark wrote: > > Do you think it's a possibility that Nick might actually take the bike out > of the loft and put it to a more practical use? :-> There's at least one mention of the possibility of being temporarily busted to traffic -- Imagine Nick doing in uniform, on his bike. Or better yet, Nick and Schanke in Highway Patrol mode. Mary mcombs@e....... N&Npacker ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 18:59:38 EST From: SField8067@a....... Subject: Re: FK is Slipping on the Important Global 100 Charts! :( Hi Everyone! Please DO vote for Fk on the Global 100 charts. This is a very very important one and one which i will be including each month along with the sigs on our newest online petiton to Bonnie Hammer at Sci-fi each month. It is more important now than ever before to let TPTB know that we have not gone away, that because Forever Knight isn't currently showing on Sci-fi now, that its okay,that we accept whatever substitutions they put in its place,or put substandard programming in primetime slots which we know Fk would do better in! During March i will be placing another AD in The Hollywood Reporter ,(and to those of you that have asked, yes, when its all ready, it will be available for viewing on the KtK site)that along with the months petiton and the Gobal Chart will make a good case for us, but we need to do more than that!! We need to, every single Day, as many of you on every single Fk list as possible, e-mail Feedback on the Sci-fi dominion site, feedback@w....... let them know you want FK back ASAP! Any apathy on our parts only Feeds the Beast :) or in this case TPTB. It makes them think that they have won,that taking Fk away from didn't matter.....We know that it has!! lets make sure They know it! so please, take that few moments to e-mail, to vote, to write snail mail letters, we can bring back the Knight!!! Stephen Chao ***** (VERY IMPORTANT #)***** USA Networks 2049 Century Park E, Ste. 2550 Los Angeles, CA 90067 ....................................................................... Bonnie Hammer**** (VERY IMPORTANT #)***** Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Sci-Fi Channel Sci Fi Channel 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 .............................................................................. ... The Valentine Petition is over, but will be continued as a monthly petition. Each month Susan Ellen Field (KTK) will be sending this in to important powers, such as Bonnie Hammer and Stephen Chao. If you have already signed, then just spread the word to others who have not. Also, if you have a FK page please feel free to help by posting the new banner I made on your pages. For more info click on the new banner off Kristin's main page. ............................................................................. All the best, susan ellen field SField8067@a....... KtK ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 19:09:31 -0500 From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......> Subject: Problems with fiction posting For reasons as yet to be explained, my ISP's mail server is choking on delivering mail from me to the fkfic list. (It has no problem with other lists, including forkni. Go figure.) They "will get back" to me.... So anyone who's interested in reading my latest story, "Food for the Soul" or the piece I posted last month (which apparently suffered a similar fate), "There's a First Time for Everything," is invited to visit my website at: ----- Mary mcombs@e....... N&Npacker ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 20:22:08 -0400 From: Debbie <vampyre@f.......> Subject: YKYBWTMFK........ This is kinda cute, and I had to share..... I was webbing the other evening looking at cross stitch books, and searching on a website when I came across a leaflet entitled: Cardiff Castle (which is in Wales, for those who don't know) and the order # for the leaflet......1228! Weird or what? Cheers, Bubbles UFer I Just Do What The Voices Inside My Head Tell Me To Do ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 20:20:17 EST From: Laudon1965@a....... Subject: Re: motorcycle In a message dated 02/23/2000 3:50:40 PM US Mountain Standard Time, mcombs@e....... writes: << There's at least one mention of the possibility of being temporarily busted to traffic -- Imagine Nick doing in uniform, on his bike. Or better yet, Nick and Schanke in Highway Patrol mode. >> Yikes Mary, what an image you've planted in my head. I can kinda see Nick as John but Schanke is not Poncharello material, maybe Vachon could fill in. Laurie of the Isles ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 20:57:12 -0500 From: Mary Combs <mcombs@e.......> Subject: Re: motorcycle Laudon1965@a....... wrote: > > better yet, Nick and Schanke in Highway Patrol mode. >> > Yikes Mary, what an image you've planted in my head. I can kinda see Nick as > John but Schanke is not Poncharello material, maybe Vachon could fill in. Chuckle. So true. On the other hand, Schanke would probably think himself to be quite as cool! ----- Mary mcombs@e....... N&Npacker ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 21:51:53 EST From: Amanda Berendt <debrabant@h.......> Subject: FanFic subscribe info Ok, two things in this message. I have been trying to subscribe to FKFanfic, but my attemps keep being bounced back as being undeliverable. Maybe I have the address worng....could someone please give me the address to write to and what *exactly* to put in the message. I was on that list a while back, but I forget what to put. Also this is kinda a test. My messages have been bounced from this list too. If this works, I will be following up with some questions about a fan fic I am writing. Thanks! -Amanda "Peace over anger. Honor over hate. Strength over fear." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 23:21:53 -0000 From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......> Subject: Re: motorcycle Mary Combs wrote: Or better yet, Nick and Schanke in Highway Patrol mode. > Does anyone else see the possibilities of an FK/Chips crossover? :-) Barb ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 01:28:47 EST From: MadiHolmes@a....... Subject: Re: motorcycle In a message dated 02/23/00 3:50:40 PM US Mountain Standard Time, mcombs@e....... writes: << There's at least one mention of the possibility of being temporarily busted to traffic -- Imagine Nick doing in uniform, on his bike. Or better yet, Nick and Schanke in Highway Patrol mode. >> CHiPS- Toronto style <eg>. Just think of the possibilities. Schanke going 90 down the highway with polka music streaming in the wind :) MadiHolmes Cousine Formidable/GSS ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 01:34:31 EST From: KnghtWtch@a....... Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFK........ Your son and his wife are going to a toga party and they ask you to make their costumes. You say to your son "Only if you go as Lucius LaCroix". KnightWitch ;-]]]]]]= ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 03:01:55 EST From: NitaV@a....... Subject: FK 3rd season bible I read the website's content and must say while I could do with out the lost boy crew except Screed, Urs, and Bourbon however brief I still would have liked to see the mata hari eps and the LaCroix episode. Although I think we saw the latter in the form of ATA. But I loved to see Nick and LC in Spy intrigue. Maybe Nick for the good guys and LC for the bad just to spite Nick. Nick could have gotten captured by LC and maybe tortured or worse forced to move on. Interesting to read the ideas they had and compare them to what was actually done. I personally think the third season could have been more but it seems USA was trying to turn FK into Vamp Stalkings not the mortality vs. immortality, morals vs. immorals show we started out with 1 and 2nd seasons. Well think goodness for FK fiction which stays true to the principles and themes of the show we loved about it and still continue to love. Nita V ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 10:20:38 -0700 From: KYER <KYER@p.......> Subject: Re: motorcycle Barb V. wrote:> Does anyone else see the possibilities of an FK/Chips crossover? :-) Not unless its Carob Chips Mint flavored. :)= I *can* see Nick as a rookie cop in Adam 12. (Sir...I can't seem to fit my musket in this gun holster.) Or as a paramedic trainee in Emergency! (So, Cap...where do we store our leeches?) Or as Dark Nick in Charlie's Angels. Or maybe that should be LaCroix's Vamps. Nick can coordinate the activities of Vampesses Janette, Urs, and... Natalie (well she needed *something* to do after Nick brought her across in Last Knight. What? you didn't they really*died* did you?) Grins, :)= Kyer, Loyal Squirette to the Knight de Brabant; Knight de Soir, CotK, One of The Hungry, Le Miz, Immortal Beloved (yet flexible), Weird Knight, Queen O' deTypos, Paranoid-Schitzoid Knightie with Multi-Personalities who's having a blast and an angstfest at one and the same time! kyer@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 11:02:50 -0800 From: Lady hawke <darkknightie@y.......> Subject: Re: GWD music CD information I received my CD today. When I tried playing it won't play past the first song. The second song begins to play but it skips. After that no more songs can be found on the cd. Can I return it? It seems to be defective. Maria Corral ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 16:06:06 -0500 From: Sherri Anderson <sanders7@h.......> Subject: Re: Motorcycle Shudder........Horrible visions of Eric Estrada-ness!!!!(Where's TracySue and that WBOD when you need them??)<esg>(evil slacker grin) Shadow Barbara Vainio wrote: > > Does anyone else see the possibilities of an FK/Chips crossover? :-) > > Barb ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 13:38:14 -0800 From: Lady hawke <darkknightie@y.......> Subject: Oops - Re: GWD music CD information Oops meant to go to quinn --- Lady hawke <darkknightie@y.......> wrote: > I received my CD today. When I tried playing it won't > play past the first song. The second song begins to > play but it skips. After that no more songs can be > found on the cd. > > Can I return it? It seems to be defective. > > Maria Corral ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 23 Feb 2000 to 24 Feb 2000 (#2000-55) **************************************************************
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