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Digest - 17 Jan 2000 to 18 Jan 2000 (#2000-18)

Tue, 18 Jan 2000

There are 11 messages totalling 296 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. mwhahaha... (was: why Nick might turn away)
  2. immortal characters and mortal actors (or was that the other way
     around? ;-)
  3. Ebay and other auctions
  4. The Crusader subscriptions
  5. Geo-Challenged Raffle #23 - Tshirt (2)
  6. Nigel/Gates's uniform
  7. Pretty Park (WAS: Re: Admin: Alert -- )
  8. Going No Mail For Probably a Long While.....and **THANK YOU** All
  9. Going No Mail For Probably a Long While.....**OOPS**
 10. Admin: Raven Awards Update


Date:    Mon, 17 Jan 2000 15:44:16 -0700
From:    Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: mwhahaha... (was: why Nick might turn away)

Monica Is Back, and Immediately Wrote:> Did I read Kyer's post saying "I
like" followed by LC?? Caught you> again, my girl.  You really will come
around.  I'm sure of it.  It's> happening and you don't even know it!!> Did
you all see that?  In case you missed it, KYER SAYS SHE LIKES> LACROIX!!!

I said (and here I quote *you* accurately quoting *me*) "I agree that I like
LC in the villianish loving father role"
Very true.  He makes an excellent villian for Nicholas.
However, I also like Darth Vader as a villian for Luke Skywalker.  This does
*not* mean that I carry Darth's pic around in my purse, or that I would go
out with him on a date. <g>  Same goes for ol' Buzzcut.

Welcome back, Monica (I think.)



Date:    Mon, 17 Jan 2000 17:24:44 -0600
From:    treeleaf@i.......
Subject: Re: immortal characters and mortal actors (or was that the other way
         around? ;-)

At 10:18 PM 1/16/00 -0600, Monica Thadine Rodriguez wrote:

> Everyone is talking about what they would have to do to bring back the
>series or to make a movie and accomodate the aging of the actors of
>immortal characters.
>Is there something I should know?

Alas, no. It's just our usual hopes and dreams.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)


Date:    Mon, 17 Jan 2000 19:17:38 -0500
From:    "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......>
Subject: Ebay and other auctions

As a community service, I posted the following page a few months ago to
help people find Forever Knight items, bid at on-line auctions knowing
exactly what they were getting, and stop some of the illegal traffic in
bootlegged items.


There's also someone out there who has a VERY good list of what photos are
availble from whom - if you're on the list, please contact me because I'd
like to link to your page.

susang@v.......  -- http://www.vitinc.com/~susang
EVER Faithful Ravenette. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/2167/fiction.htm
"Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies."


Date:    Mon, 17 Jan 2000 23:47:52 EST
From:    Knightwave@a.......
Subject: The Crusader subscriptions

The next issue of The Crusader is due to be released within a couple of
weeks.  If there are any adjustments to your email addy, or you would like to
receive this free on-line newsletter stuffed full of FK news, please contact
me at knightwave@a.......  I'll make any corrections to the subscription list
as needed.



Date:    Tue, 18 Jan 2000 06:27:47 +1300
From:    Kylie Coleman-Tucker <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Re: Geo-Challenged Raffle #23 - Tshirt

Hi Susan!
Could you please enter me in the current geo-raffle.
Many Thanks.<g>

Kylie Coleman-Tucker
00000 Xxxxxxx Xx
New Zealand

"What a wonderful thing humanity is...Passionate, intelligent, inquisitive,
generous, full of hope and joy, noble of spirit, and above all...delicious!"


Date:    Tue, 18 Jan 2000 01:43:02 EST
From:    KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: Nigel/Gates's uniform

In a message dated 1/16/00 3:26:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:

<< . If you do, the
 clothes don't look right and don't fit the way they're supposed to >>
Being a dressmaker and designer, myself, I've done period clothes.  And my
research showed me that in the 1700s in the colonies, there was not a lot of
availability of clothing and were very expensive to make.  Dressmakers and
tailors made some clothes larger than required.  Especially for the middle
and lower class who couldn't afford a large wardrobe.  Also they took
sometimes months to make.  So the garments were made a little 'off' size to
accommodate the 'growing' body.
The rich or well to do didn't have a problem as they could afford to import
fabrics and have their own dressmakers/tailors.

Anyway....Nigel looks good and comfortable in 'anything' he wears.

KnightWitch ;-]=

'That's just my opinion...I could be wrong.'  Dennis Miller.


Date:    Tue, 18 Jan 2000 10:42:08 +1300
From:    Kylie Coleman-Tucker <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Re: Geo-Challenged Raffle #23 - Tshirt

>Hi Susan!
>Could you please enter me in the current geo-raffle.
>Many Thanks.<g>

G*d damn it! I did it again!!! <smirk g> Sorry. Going off to bang my head
against a solid surface.

"What a wonderful thing humanity is...Passionate, intelligent, inquisitive,
generous, full of hope and joy, noble of spirit, and above all...delicious!"


Date:    Tue, 18 Jan 2000 08:24:26 -0500
From:    "Brenda F. Bell" <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Pretty Park (WAS: Re: Admin: Alert -- )

At 11:04 AM 1/17/00 -0500, McLisa wrote:

>If a message with the subject C:\CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe

>shows up in your mailer, do _NOT_ open the attachment. It's a virus.

According to Symantec, the Pretty Park worm behaves a lot like the Happy99 worm.
You can find out more by going to

The page has more information on how to disinfect an already-infected computer.

Brenda Faith Bell       bfbell@d.......

Consultant, <italic><color><param>ffff,0000,0000</param>The Web
Warren</color></italic> http://www.webwarren.com/




Date:    Tue, 18 Jan 2000 10:39:58 EST
From:    McCelt2000@a.......
Subject: Going No Mail For Probably a Long While.....and **THANK YOU** All

Hello Dear Listfamily,

Not all may want to know this, (espcially since I have not posted in so
long), and I hope this is not TOO far off-topic, but as soon as I send this,
I am setting myself "no mail" for a variety of reasons.  I do not know when I
will come back, if at all.

I want you all to know how very much the Forever Knight family here has and
does mean to me--that a television show (which we are *still* trying to save
**YAY**) could bring such an incredible group of people together, and garner
support for one another so many times for so many has never ceased to amaze

I am off line a lot, but my off list addy (below) is still valid.  If your
address has changed, or it does and you still want to exchange mail about FK
or any old thing, please let me know.

Thank you all again, it's been a screaming fine ride indeed.  I will miss you

Forever Yours, Billie-Lee


Date:    Tue, 18 Jan 2000 10:42:22 EST
From:    McCelt2000@a.......
Subject: Re: Going No Mail For Probably a Long While.....**OOPS**

Forgot my addy link (sorry to waste bandwidth folks)

<A HREF="mccelt2000@a.......">mccelt2000@a.......</A>

Yours again, Billie-Lee


Date:    Tue, 18 Jan 2000 21:41:19 +1300
From:    Kylie Coleman-Tucker <knightraven@c.......>
Subject: Admin: Raven Awards Update

Posted with McLisa's Permission.

Greetings gentlebeings. It's the year 2000 so it must be time for an update
in regards to the RAVEN AWARDS FK Writing Competition!

Right! As you all hopefully know the closing date is rushing upon us!
(It is NOT too late to sign up and enter!! Just go to:
http://www.onelist.com/community/ravenawards and join in!)

Midnight on the 1st of February is the last call for all your fic.

However, if you are very near completion but think you may not meet the
deadline, do not fear. If you register your late submission with me before
1st of Feb, I will allow a one week extension. But you MUST register your
name and the story title with me BEFORE the final closing date!!

It would be such a shame to not have your hard work submitted because of a
few lousy days!<g>:)

On the weekend of the 23rd of Jan, and again on the 2nd of Feb, I shall post
a list of all the stories submitted, the category they are entered, and the
amount of parts received.
PLEASE check this list to make sure your story has been categorized
correctly and
received in full!!

Thank you all for being a part of this new endeavor!
Good Luck, and again, if you have ANY questions please feel free to ask...I
only bite the ones I like!<eg>

"What a wonderful thing humanity is...Passionate, intelligent, inquisitive,
generous, full of hope and joy, noble of spirit, and above all...delicious!"


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 17 Jan 2000 to 18 Jan 2000 (#2000-18)

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