File: "FORKNI-L LOG9606A" Part 13 TOPICS: Slumping -- part 1 Slumping -- part 2 CERK Shirts (2) SOS-FK (History) LONG Writing to USA (2) Auction prices IT WILL HAPPEN, if we Make it Happen! Parriott's New Series DARK SKIES Headlines <no subject> War Question? NB's views on The Relationship Miklos Seattle Area FK ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 10:11:35 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Slumping -- part 1 This is about the recent past and future of our effort to save FK. Delete now if it doesn't interest you. Thanks ******* John Folden says: >I don't really have a point except to agree that the SOS-FK campaign seems to have really stalled...> There are a number of reasons for this-- 1) Most of the people who have been involved in SOS-FK since December--and this means everyone on the list who's written letters, folded cranes, flown to NATPE, donated money to charity, donated blood to the Red Cross, and eaten SPAM--are exhausted, physically and financially. We need a little time to regroup right now, so we're doing the best thing possible, buying CDs and writing letters. It's quiet, but it's THE most effective response we can make at this time. And it's given many people a chance to get their lives back in order. A lot of people spent far too much personal time on the campaign to save the series--to the cost of their business and health--and it was time to take care of mundane details. Although we may be fans, we're not fanatics, something that makes me proud of the FK group. 2) Many people, myself included, have been waiting for the bombshell of "Last Knight" to hit. From early mentions and drafts of the scripts, this episode could have been a LOT worse--bad enough to have caused a rift in the fandom similar to what happened to the third season of "Beauty & the Beast." There were many people who weren't certain that they'd be interested in watching FK ever again after that episode. I don't doubt that we've lost some people because of LK. I also don't doubt that we're gaining a new audience through tape sharing. We're also experiencing a phenomenon similar to what happened with "Blake's 7"--people who watched the series on regular run from beginning felt betrayed by the ending, but people who came in and had to pick up the entire series in bits and pieces or in one, fell swoop simply incorporated the last episode into the thematic view of the series. Not to mention the fact that for many months, SOS-FK was THE main topic on ForKni-L. Some people couldn't handle that. With the spoiler list folding in the not too distant future, more episode discussion will be back on the list, so maybe that won't be so much of a problem. But, frankly, I think people got tired of it. The brutal and honest truth is that there are a number of people who are happy with the FK we have and don't want tapes or merchandise or possible new FK. Just as there are a number of people who DO want these things, but who aren't willing to write a letter or make a donation because they think someone else will do it for them. Hopefully, there are also a number of people out there who watch FK and don't know about the effort and who'll be able to take up the slack. 3) We've been waiting to see what would happen. The sets are gone, the staff, crew, cast and writers have moved on to other projects--continuing to tell people that we even had a chance at a fourth season would have been cruel and as far from the truth as it could be. And there are several options no longer available to us. TriStar has refused to sell FK, which means finding another venue for the series is a waste of time, as is reinteresting the buyers that TriStar turned down (they can't sell right now). FK being syndicated on SciFi has added a whole new dimension to the situation and we've added another front on which to fight--cable companies that don't have SciFi in their slate. Not to mention actually having a CD to promote and purchase as a tangible example of the disposable income at our command. >It appears that 'hits' on the page have slowed quite a bit, as well...(probably because the page hasn't been updated since April 1st) > Actually, there's been nothing to update--see #2. It was simply a matter of seeing where the fallout went. In addition to which, our hit counter hit an all time high when the ad was published in Electronic Media at NATPE. The way to get the counter going again is to get the info out there. >I've been posting a couple ideas and questions concerning future efforts recently in an attempt to get some more juices flowing. > That's been extremely helpful . People are waking up again. Now it's time to decide exactly WHAT we want out of SOS-FK and how to go about it, as well as applying the lessons of SOS-FK to the next stage in the process. Some of those lessons are-- 1) Slow down. Speed is NOT of the essence the way it was in December when we were racing the tearing down of the sets and the possible loss of the second half of the season. We needed to burn hot and bright and we did . . . but we also burned out. If we're going to be here for the duration, people have to be willing to commit themselves for the long haul. For example--Lana's snail-mail contact has been essential, but underpromoted. But if we promote it too quickly and don't give Lana adequate back up and support, she's gonna get swamped with inquiries. Take it slow. Propose ideas then carry them through to their logical conclusions, including costs in $$$, manpower, and time. 2) A flurry of letters right now will hurt us more than help us. We've heard from several quarters that masses of letters arriving from a group of fans at a given time are often discounted as being part of a 'fan club activity' or something of that nature. Yes, some people take notice, but others don't. Letters count when they're done over a course of time. For example, if everyone sent a letter once a week to SciFi thanking them for showing the episode airing that week, it would make a nice pile over time. There was a lot of discussion in the early days of SOS-FK about whether seeming 'organized' would hurt us. Sometimes it did and sometimes it didn't. The most important lesson we've learned about SOS-FK is that if you love a show, support it with letters from the first day it airs and get your friends and family to do the same. Support needs to be widespread (for example, FK was considered an 'urban' show because it did well in cities but the ratings were poor in the 'heartlands'--as opposed to something like "Touched By An Angel," which does adequately in urban areas but goes great guns in the heartlands) and it needs to be consistent. When you watch the new fall schedule, remember this. 3) Target your effort. By hitting the syndicators we were able to put enough pressure on TriStar to produce the rest of the third season after USA's sudden pull-out. By making noise at NATPE we were able to interest several people in possibly purchasing FK. The reason we have an FK CD is because we helped put the project over the top by letting Crescendo know through e-mail and phone calls and letters over a period of time that there were people (LOTS of people) out here who wanted to purchase it. 4) There are people out there who watch FK and know nothing about SOS-FK, but who love it enough to do something about it. Santa and his elves, airline reservation people, florists and store clerks . . . we've been astonished at the number of people who watch this show . . . and are just not being counted. So we're not as alone as TPTB think we are. Continued in next post-- Regards susang@v....... -- Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to. "This is the Hour of Lead; Remembered, if outlived-- like Freezing persons recollects the snow-- first the chill--then stupor--and then the letting go." ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 10:11:51 -0400 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Slumping -- part 2 This is about the recent past and future of our effort to save FK. Delete now if it doesn't interest you. Thanks ************** Continued from previous post-- ****** Think about what we're trying to accomplish. What are our goals? To get merchandising--then we target TriStar, send letters to companies who distribute the merchandising telling them that we'd buy FK merchandise if they sold it (what about those ads in the back of Entertainment Weekly?), and buy as many copies of the CD as possible. To get a TV Movie--let them know that we're out here by targeting media. Letters to magazines (everything from Starlog to EW to TV Guide) letting them know we want more FK and we're not going to let it end with LK. Letters to entertainment media show highlighting events (like the auction in October and T.Trek in August) that prove that we're not just 'fanatics' but people interested in bucking the system that killed our series. Letters to the parents companies--TriStar and Sony, reminding them that we're out here. And--God help me for saying it--letters to USA thanking them for purchasing FK syndication for SciFi and suggesting that SciFi's cry for original programming could be filled by an FK TV movie. Keep current fan interest and bring in new fans--Let SciFi know that we're watching and work with them on establishing an FK presence in their publications (we're on their web site). Petition Sony to keep and update the FK web pages. Keep traffic consistent on the professional services like Genie, Compuserve, and AOL. Get flyers out to comic book stores and book stores with the snail and e-mail connections to FK. Get small ads printed in magazines. Spread the word by sharing tapes, holding FK parties or viewings at conventions or through local fan clubs. Pressure cable companies to carry Sci Fi on behalf of the deprived. And, for heaven's sake, let's get a complete Fiction website running again (at least one of the prospective FK purchasers viewed stories Darkangel's comprehensive FK fiction website to figure out what WE wanted from the show). The best way to draw people in is the show, but the fiction serves as a close second. To make something Good come out of all this no matter what happens--let's support the charities chosen for us on behalf of FK and the cast, crew and staff. Giving blood saves lives. Let's live up to one of the major themes of FK and use our abilities to bring some good into the world. I'm absolutely thrilled to see so many new people with new ideas on how to promote FK. Part of the reason we were able to do as much as we've done is because of the selfless efforts of a number of people. Without the NATPE 7, Laurie CF, Lisa P, Lana, AnneMarie, June--and never to forget the sleepless night Jamie spent revising the web page--as well as every list member who wrote a letter or made a phone call or sent flowers to affiliates, or got their friends and/or family members or co-workers or complete strangers to do the same, we would never have come this far. Regards susang@v....... -- Faithful Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to. "This is the Hour of Lead; Remembered, if outlived-- like Freezing persons recollects the snow-- first the chill--then stupor--and then the letting go." ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 09:30:00 -0500 From: Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......> Subject: Re: CERK Shirts At 09:38 PM 6/5/96 -0400, you wrote: >The bumper sticker is black with the CERK logo. Next to it, it says >"Nightwatch with the NightCrawler". and perhaps some patient soul could also explain in minimum terms what CERK is! ;P -madhat <cli7@s.......> "i shall continue to be an impossible person so long as those who are now possible remain possible." -michael bakunin [1814-76] ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 11:18:20 -0400 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: CERK Shirts At 09:30 AM 6/6/96 -0500, Mad Hatter wrote: >and perhaps some patient soul could also explain in minimum >terms what CERK is! > The adio Station Call Letters for the NIGHTCRAWLERS station. 1 minimum explaination ordered - 1 delivered! ~~~~~~~~~~~Lasher~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Bunny~Unnamed Faction~ MOO~ ~~~~~~Cousins of the Knight~~~~~~ ^^^^ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 08:33:11 -0700 From: LC Fenster <lucienlc@i.......> Subject: Re: SOS-FK (History) LONG John Folden wrote: >I had been following the Save-FK page ever since it was put up back in >late December when the first rumors spread about the cancellation but >I didn't join FORKNI-L til a couple months after that and missed all >the personal feelings and ideas that I'm sure everyone was displaying For the benefit of those who came in lately (and if you weren't on forkni-l at the time, or on AnnMarie's mailing list, or on AOL, Compuserve and/or Prodigy, that includes you)... I apologize for the bandwith, and for the redundancy for those of you who were around, but given the posts we've seen lately, I think it's important that folks who weren't here get some of the history so they don't waste their valuable time unnecessarily reinventing the wheel, so they know what resources already exist and can be utilized, and so they know what worked, what didn't, and where things stand now. I apologize in advance if I'm left anybody out, and I'm sure I did. So very many people were involved in this, and many of them made enormous contributions. Despite the detail here, this barely touches the surface of what went on - and how amazing and wonderful it was, for those of us who were here and had the fortune to be a part of it. SOS-FK got underway in a BIG way back in December when Fred Mollin warned us that the show was in a lot of trouble. We'd received inklings from him in November, but just before Christmas, we received confirmation that USA had pulled out in the middle of the season (after episode 13), leaving FK without 20% of its funding for the final 9 episodes. Everyone in the industry went off to celebrate the holidays, while we here on the lists spent the two holiday weeks getting mobilized, strategizing, and preparing to hit TPTB upon their return on January 2 with a barrage of mail, telegrams, faxes, etc. -- and keep up the pressure thereafter. At the beginning, we had two objectives: to force TS to complete the entire third season, and to persuade them to offer a fourth season at NATPE. (NATPE is the television industry convention that takes place the third week of January every year, during which production companies offer television shows to syndicated stations.) Starting around December 19, and for the next six weeks, the forkni list was devoted almost exclusively to efforts to save FK - and it was generating double or triple the mail it currently generates, ON A DAILY BASIS. (And this apart from private SOS FK mail loops that a number of us were involved with.) Felicia Bollin created an SOS-FK FAQ (which she is currently updating and which will be reposted shortly). Jamie created the wonderful SOS-FK Webpage, and kept it constantly updated. AnnMarie created the e-mail loop for non-listmembers. Lana Soward opened the Post Office Box for snail mail fans to keep informed. Karen Tobin created the sponsor's list, so people would know what sponsors support FK - and where to contact them to express appreciation. Inspired by the SONY Christmas postcard charity effort, during which FK fans lots for charity in Ger's name by mailing each other electronic holiday postcards through SONY, Lisa Ann Prince undertook to organize a charity drive in honor of Forever Knight (which raised over $5,000 for the Pediatric Aids Foundation in less than a month, and which has now raised close to $10,000). Blood drives were organized in major cities, in the name of FK (hi, June, Lana et al.). Maryann Jorgenson and Lana created SOS-FK flyers that anyone could download and use; Lana also sent out flyers by snail mail for those who couldn't download. All listmembers were asked to take these flyers and distribute them within their local community: bulletin boards, comic stores, university notice boards, gaming stores, etc. Some listmembers with industry sources scrounged for bits of info wherever we could find to help the campaign. Cynthia Hoffman created a press kit which was sent to media all over the place. Diane Echelbarger organized the "NATPE 7," whose legend will live on for years in the industry: the seven volunteers who went to NATPE to promote a fourth season of FK, handing out flyers, brochures, and Forever Knight bags containing this information. A leadership loop was created to coordinate strategy off-list, and the leadership group *met* in virtual space about once a week on AOL to see where things stood and to coordinate and update strategy <waving: hi, Susan, Sharon, Laura, and everyone already mentioned or inadvertently omitted>. (To be a *leader* btw, all you had to do was volunteer your time, effort and brainpower to the campaign.) Having industry experience, campaign experience and a masochistic streak <g>, I coordinated the pre-NATPE campaign, including Forever Knight Appreciation Week (FKAW), which was timed to occur one week before NATPE. I also fronted money for the effort (and was largely repaid through the generosity of the wonderful fans of FK on the list and elsewhere). This money was used to purchase an advertisement in the pre-NATPE issue of Electronic Media - ask around, someone probably can show you a copy of it, or can direct you to a website that has it - which Celeste Hotaling-Lyons created with input from myself and about a half dozen other members of the central strategy loop. Because of the EM ad, we made contact with the NY Bureau Chief of Electronic Media - which led to a large, very favorable article on our efforts which appeared in the NATPE edition of EM. (Ask around; people still have that as well.) FKAW was a week of coordinated FK activities, designed to show our support for FK - and for those who helped support FK. There was a day supporting AOL, because AOL had given us a large playground to play in. There was a day to thank sponsors, when everyone went out, bought an FK sponsor's product, then mailed the receipt along with a thank you letter to the sponsor. There was a day to support TriStar for offering us FK in the first place by going to a TS movie, then sending the ticket stubs with a thank you letter to TS. There was a day to thank your local syndicated station for showing FK by sending them chocolates, flowers, etc., and ask them to ASK TriStar at NATPE to offer a fourth season of FK. There was the initial handover of charitable donations in FK's name to Pediatric AIDS, photographed by Cynthia and Dianne T. deSha, who made the actual handover, so the photo could be used later for publicity purposes (we couldn't get any actual press to attend, despite our efforts to do so). And so on. The FKAW's activity led into the NATPE 7's efforts at NATPE itself, which was amazing. Dressed very professionally, they handed out very professionally prepared materials to thousands of people, who were astonished and impressed to see them. They totally floored Kay Koplovitz of USA, who was astonished by the efforts (this from industry sources). The SOS-FK website hits for the day more than DOUBLED; we subsequently found out that lots of folks on the convention floor were using their laptops to dial in. The whole effort culminated in a meeting between the NATPE 7 and TriStar. (If anyone wants more specifics about the NATPE side of this, there were several long posts done at the time, and I or someone else (Diane E. or Dianne T. deSha or Toni Holm) can probably dig them up.) Meanwhile, the foreign buyers of FK, together with all those syndicated stations we kept writing to <g>, had put enough pressure on TriStar to get the third season completed. But, sadly, the effort fell just short of obtaining a fourth season. Despite the fact that TS told the NATPE 7 that if FK achieved a "2" rating in the February sweeps, it might revisit its decision. In fact, it cancelled the show long before that information was in, and despite the fact that the "2" rating was apparently achieved. Why didn't our effort succeed, despite the fact that the industry had never seen anything like this before (i.e., fans trying to do TS's work for them by selling the show)? A number of reasons. Despite NATPE, and our frantic efforts directly after to build on what happened there by obtaining national media coverage (everyone desperately used their most tenuous contacts with ABC, The New York Times, The Wall St. Journal, USA Today, etc., etc. to find some national source to pick up on what we'd done and run with it). This is where we failed, because nobody in national media wanted to publicize another *save a show* campaign. We'd made headlines within the industry, but it never got into the mainstream. Also, we discovered that being a syndicated show was a handicap. If we'd been a network show, then the other networks would have carried news of the campaign to embarrass their competitor. Or the network itself would have seized the opportunity to build publicity for the show. Either way, folks in the industry have told us in no uncertain terms that if FK had been a network show, our efforts would have won a fourth season. Also, there was an element of panic and CYA going on at TriStar. When all this broke, up to three separate entities approached TS, trying to buy FK from them. TS refused to sell. They had told their parent SONY that the show was worthless, had no audience, etc. If they could sell it to someone, obviously that wasn't true. Worse, if the new owner made it work, the folks at TS would be in lots of trouble. Therefore, they simply refused to sell. And still do. >I don't really have a point except to agree that the SOS-FK campaign >seems to have really stalled... Those of us who were deeply involved on a daily basis in the SOS-FK campaign for the six-seven weeks up to NATPE came out of the effort totally TOTALLY drained. Exhausted beyond belief. Even now, we're only starting to recover. This kind of effort takes a lot out of you, even if you're not aware of it at the time. A decision was reached, when the cancellation was announced, that we would lower the intensity of our efforts for awhile. Given how exhausting it is to run the campaign we ran early this year, and given the fact that this decision is not going to be immediately reversed, there is no point in exhausting ourselves now, when we're going to need that energy down the road. (We have also been given to understand, from industry sources, that nothing can possibly happen for at least 12 months, but afterwards ...) This does NOT mean, however, that the campaign to save FK should come to a screeching halt. Instead, everyone should continue to write letters to sponsors, to their local affiliates, to TriStar, to SONY, to the SFC, expressing support for FK and asking for a fourth season or tv movie (we're not going to get the fourth season, but we *might* some day get the movie). Everyone should try to write a couple of letters every month, at a minimum. Sending presents to Barry Shulman, so he's well disposed toward us probably wouldn't hurt either <g>. Flyers are still out there if you need them; it can't hurt to leave Save FK flyers around your local neighborhood bulletin board, comic stores, book stores, gaming stores, etc., to alert non-Internet folks to the addresses they can contact. As we discovered during the campaign, fans of FK are everywhere, even if TPTB don't realize it. And Cynthia has just reminded me that she still has press kits, if anyone needs them. And BUY the CD! Even if you already have a copy. Buy one for a friend. We've been trying to prove to TPTB for ages that there is a market for FK stuff: buy the CD and help to prove it. Possibly if the sales are impressive enough, they might just revisit the merchandise question. (I still want one of those FK mugs they had at NATPE <g>!) In the middle of this, it has just been called to my attention that Susan has just posted on where we go from here, and since she has done a far more complete and detailed job of it than I have, I would encourage all of you who are interested to read her posts. Some time next year(?) we will get seriously geared up again. Reinvigorated with the new fans who will have discovered FK in the interim. In the meantime, we must remind TPTB that we are out here, and that we most certainly have not given up <g>. And John, Marge, and the others who have mentioned the campaign recently are certainly correct to remind us all to keep up our efforts, at some level, as we bide our time, preparing for the next great push <g>. Yes, we lost the battle, and are now in a breathing space. But we have no intention of losing the war! >I think it's important to provide normal fans with evidence that >Something, *anything* is still going on...and that we show TPTB that >it wasn't just a temporary surge of support, but rather it is >continuing refusal to accept defeat. Absolutely true. Laurie Fenster ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 12:01:08 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@v.......> Subject: Writing to USA I'd like to second Susan's comment about writing to USA. Aside from the fact that they own SciFi, they're also big on producing movies of the week, which later end up syndicated to local stations. If they hear a steady stream of *polite* statements that we miss having even the reruns of FK on USA and would be very interested in a tv movie, it may help convince them that they made a mistake when they pulled out. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 12:32:40 -0400 From: dotti rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Auction prices At 09:41 AM 6/6/96 EDT, Tanya wrote: >Can you really pay $5.00 for kisses? So, like, if I gave Ger and >Nigel $10.00 do I get the extra-long more-for-your-money kiss? <weg> >How much does it cost to get the works? > WAIT!!! That's not what I meant. I meant, once you spend a kazillion bucks for some item, you could make the money back by offering it to people for a price. i.e., if they wanna kiss it they pay you $5.00, if they wanna touch it only it's just $2.00. Let's NOT get carried away....that's all I need, I get into enough trouble as it is.....:) Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 09:30:21 PDT From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> Subject: Re: IT WILL HAPPEN, if we Make it Happen! Angie wrote: >3. Speaking of cards, doesn't Master Card and Visa cater to certain >customers by putting stuff on their charge cards? I think my dad has > a N.Y. Mets Visa. Hmmm... FOREVER KNIGHT CREDIT CARDS? (on the cards in which YOU pick or create the artwork for the front of card)?!! I like it! Leslie ***FOREVER MEANS... FOREVER!!!*** N&NPacker/Knightie: An FK (Anything New; Whatever it Takes!) sort of gal Have you sent in your FK survey? (Due 6/26/96) Email for a copy. Hand it out! ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 11:39:19 -0500 From: James Iaccino <iac@e.......> Subject: Parriott's New Series DARK SKIES To all you KNIGHT fans who appreciate Mr. Parriott's works: This fall on NBC, a new series that Jim is developing has to do with invaders from outer space who have been living on this planet since the 1950s. The project is called DARK SKIES It will premiere in September on Saturday nights at 8pm Central, and then will air weekly. Sounds a lot like THE INVADERS miniseries, which Parriott also had a hand in developing. Spread the word. Jim. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 09:51:05 PDT From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> Subject: Headlines >Yep, (TV guide's) a good one...I'm dreaming now. I can just see the >front cover of the August issue: A great pic of Nick, vamped out, with >the caption "The Fans (Who) Wouldn't Die". >hehehehe...I've truly lost it.... OK, John. How about... ..."Today on (insert name of slimy/talk/tabloid show of your choice), the Vampire/Cop Show That Wouldn't Die in the Knight & the Fans Who Loved it... Forever"! -or, on the cover of the New York Times... "Toronto Vampires Finally Find Eternal Supply of Willing Humans to Feed the Knight!" (See page 4 for "Janette Returns for Blue Plate Special" "Vachon Gets Up Early for Reunion Brunch" "Screed Reported Liking Appetizers Best" OK, I feel another contest coming on... Please tell our "panel audience" what tacky, humorous, relevant, tabloid or other HEADLINE you would like to see for Forever Knight! AND in what publication (if you want): (Assume "Forever Knight Movie to be Aired on Every TV in the World in 1997" is already suggested...) Leslie ***FOREVER MEANS... FOREVER!!!*** N&NPacker/Knightie: An FK (Anything New; Whatever it Takes!) sort of gal Have you sent in your FK survey? (Due 6/26/96) Email for a copy. Hand it out! ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 13:01:10 EDT From: Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......> Tonight on Hardcopy: They thought they had escaped, but little did they know what the heat of the Knight would bring. Jodi Baskerville goes undercover to reveal "Sony and the fans that wouldn't die. An exclusive with Forever Knighties, and it was all--caught on tape!" ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 13:07:18 -0400 From: Kristina Mairi Buhrman <kmb19@c.......> Subject: War Question? I leave for a month or two and a war starts brewing <laugh>. If there is a Perkulator faction for the war, could the leader e-mail me off list? Or, if not, could somebody hit me off list with the names of the faction leaders? Thanks muchly. -Kristina kmb19@c....... owner-gargoyles@l....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 12:10:01 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: NB's views on The Relationship At 01:02 AM 6/6/96 -0400, Deborah Bender wrote: >Isn't it weird that not only are gay actors pressured to stay in the >closet if they want to get work, but an actor who manages to convey a >character's queerness by body language alone would have to finesse his views >about his __interpretation__.? He may not be trying to finesse anything. He may simply be trying to play LaCroix, a very sensual vampire. I live in a city with a lot of openly homosexual couples and a lot of openly heterosexual couples. The stereotypes about body language just don't fit. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) N&NPacker Cousin of the Knight ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 10:49:18 -0700 From: "Sharon A. Himmanen" <romana@i.......> Subject: Miklos Jane wrote: >Whether you believe Miklos is a vampire depends on whether you choose to >trust Gillian Horvath, who created the character, or rely on the error made >by the person who wrote Bad Blood. Traditionally, we've chosen to accept >Gillian's viewpoint because Miklos is, after all, her creation. This is sort of the sticky point, isn't it? I tend to go by what I see on the screen as a finished product rather than simply based on one part of the whole (a script, an actors word, etc). Miklos could be a vampire as Gillian intended. But that's not necessarily the case based on what I consider to be canon, which is what's up on the screen. It's kind of like the filmed vs. aired order for canon (I tend to go by aired order myself). Sharon -- Sharon A. Himmanen * romana@i....... * romana@a....... NatPack * BotCoS * Keeper of the GopherGame Nat's B&B Save FK "Dolphins have no use for psychodiagnostic categories." --Douglas L. Medin ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 13:53:51 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Re: Writing to USA > From: "Lisa McDavid" <D020214@v.......> > > If they hear a steady stream of *polite* statements that we miss having > even the reruns of FK on USA and would be very interested in a tv > movie, it may help convince them that they made a mistake when they > pulled out. Actually, "politely bugging" USA for reruns is, IMHO, a good idea.. It's my understanding that USA is carried by many cable companies that DO NOT currently offer the Sci-Fi Channel. If they saw enough support for even just the *reruns* eventually this may help them get a clue and provide us with a TV movie, etc... Any effort of contacting USA for reruns should not overshadow or diminish the current efforts of praising and petting Sc-Fi for their support in airing the show, however. Right now it seems like Sci-Fi is the best home FK could possibly have. It's exactly the kind of show they specialize in airing AND it's a fairly recent show. I think the fact they were able to obtain the 3rd season so quickly is a big plus. Many "normal" fans who were attracted when USA began airing FK totally lost contact with the show when USA decided not to air the last half of the season. I noticed that within the next month Sci-FI will jump over several episodes and start airing shows from the second half of the season. Obviously they realize what they've got in front of them and seem to be marketing it rather well. I'd like to see FK aired in the order intended but obviously they'll draw bigger ratings if they air the newer *less exposed* episodes first.(That might be something to thank them for as, well - Let them know you didn't get to see the the last 10 or so episodes becuase USA didn't offer them and express how thankful you are for the chance to see them again...) //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 11:10:48 -0700 From: Amy R. <akr@n.......> Subject: Seattle Area FK I've been remiss. It's understandable -- OtLines is this week's episode, after all, and there is no episode I like as little as OtLines -- but I didn't even notice that the local TV listings don't have FK scheduled for this weekend. A sporting event of some sort has pushed everything back so far that Voyager, which usually airs at 8 pm, is airing in FK's 1 am slot. I'm going to call the station shortly. Anyone else in western Washington, or maybe southern BC, who gets their FK from KIRO UPN channel 7, should do so as well. Just ask nicely if they plan to re-air it in another time-slot. I don't know if it is appropriate to post their phone number, so I'm going to do it without the area code. The Seattle phone book says that their main number is 728-7777, and they have a "Programming Line-Up" number at 728-5344. Not everybody gets Sci-Fi, especially around here, where it's treated as pay-cable, and even OtLines deserves to be seen. *** Amy, Lady of the Knight (akr@n.......) *** ** Knightie *** Light Cousin *** Fleur-Booster ** =========================================================================
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