File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605E" Part 3 TOPICS: YKYBTLBTLW.... Hopkins as LaCroix? Heck no! Beyond Reality - Fred's music Nick loved Nat! Name Questions FK CD ID Card IRC clients? Raven Lyrics Redux Vampires and reading Thoughts Whoops, sorry. Transcripts, anyone? The horse report YKYBWTFK Tape Available (2) Weekend with Ger/Blu on X-FIles Nick Knight: The Video Expressing Love LK Blooper Script Update Various topics Response from TV_ShowStuff MERCHANDISE (update - good news?) LC, reading into character, my brain is bigger than yours... Apologies Need ep name, please Titantic sinking Nick's Brabant name Blooper Script for LK does Knight spice up his food/blood with tobasco, garlic, parsley etc.? ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 03:11:01 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: YKYBTLBTLW.... You know you've been the list babysitter too long... when you have a nightmare about people overquoting on the list. It was awful. I woke up dreading the fact that I'd have to send out a note reminding the person of the 4-line quote rule. <shiver> Hi everyone. New people, old people, folks coming back to the list after a long vacation... please remind yourself of the rules about being nice, and about posting spoilers for recent episodes to FKSPOILR instead of FORKNI-L. Besides, if you post your spoilers over there, you'll start a much livelier discussion. :^) For the newbies, a "spoiler" is a post that says *anything* about an episode that hasn't yet been re-run in syndication. Well, anything except the title. Now I'm going to hit the sack and have a nightmare about private replies that are accidentally posted to the list. (Hey, *I've* made this mistake, too... I think *everyone* has made this mistake!) When I'm done with this job, can I go back to dreaming about my favorite FK actors, please? ;^) -- Allison Percy (percy91@w....... -or- AlliePercy@a.......) -- -- Knightie & List Babysitter -- Re-Considering the Whole Perky Thing -- - *Free* copy of list rules! -- ------------------------- Rule #1: BE NICE! --------------------------- ------------------ Please re-read Rule #1. Thank you. ----------------- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 02:19:30 -0400 From: Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......> Subject: Re: Hopkins as LaCroix? Heck no! Might I point out that Hopkins totally went over the top in his portrayal of Van Helsing in "Bram Stoker's Dracula?" And I mean he went *way* over the top -- too far. Let's have NB in the role or no one. Long live the Knight and all its cast!!! NAT!!! (Original Raven) NatRobin@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 02:19:30 -0400 From: Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......> Subject: Re: Beyond Reality - Fred's music Speaking of Beyond Reality . . . I've looked and looked for this show but can't find it. Does anyone know if and when it is on in the Atlanta area??? NAT!!! (Grateful Raven) NatRobin@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 02:19:27 -0400 From: Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......> Subject: Re: Nick loved Nat! Regarding the whole discussion over whether or not Nick loved Nat: Take it from a guy who has been in love many times but also has a certain coyness about him (and is also a die-hard romantic): Nick loved Nat. Oh yeah. No doubt. NAT!!! (Raven Talking From Experience) NatRobin@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:52:53 -0700 From: Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......> Subject: Name Questions Hi all, I'm thinking of writing a piece of post-LK fanfic. Please don't look for anytime soon as I'm simply in the brainstorming stage now, but I have two questions. First, I know the first name of the psychic in Dying To Know You is Denise, but what is her last name? Second, what is the name of Nick's murdered mortal accountant in Blood Money? The one whose son wanted the Du Brabant fortune. Until next time, Raissa Devereux raissa@i....... I've got places to go, people to dissect.- Natalie Lambert ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 01:12:48 -0400 From: Deborah Sandine <DebSandine@a.......> Subject: FK CD ID Card I got my Forever Knight CD last week, and have been listening to it fairly solid for a week now -- I love it, especially Lori Yates. But here's my question: on the back cover of the little booklet they throw in, they have Nick's Identification Card, and on it his Department is written as "314 Homocide." Is this blatant misspelling of homicide just a case of someone not spell-checking the graphics? Has anyone ever seen an actual version of the same ID card (like, a prop?) and is _it_ misspelled? Does it even exist? I don't remember Nick ever flashing this card on the show -- it's not the same as his police badge. Just curious. Deborah "When going to hide, know how to get there. And how to get back. And eat first." ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 00:34:50 -0400 From: Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......> Subject: IRC clients? From: Amy Potter <APotter@g.......> >>Thanks to all who answered my questions about IRC clients, I successfully downloaded and install mIRC last night and found #foreverknight and everything.<< And I'm still waiting for a response to my questions about IRC clients! Can someone help me out? AOL has no direct IRC access, so I'm a newbie at this IRC stuff, though I've been on AOL three years. So, what's an IRC client and where does one get one? Oblig FK: So, what year did the Titanic go down? I'd forgotten that Nick munches on Claire Gibson in the *first* flashback of the Titanic from 'Black Buddha" - is this another one of those 20th century kills we're supposed to pretend isn't against continuity? I'm sure he thought he was sparing her from a watery death, but I couldn't help but think of LaCroix's "free food" line from another ep and also thinking of Nick's long flight to rescue himself - he'd need that fresh blood! Marcia Tucker scfimarci@a....... Dark Knightie / Unnamed / Immortal Beloved ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 00:34:36 -0400 From: Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......> Subject: Raven Lyrics Redux From: Becky Thomson <b.thomson5@g.......> >>I would very much like to have the lyrics to all of the vocals on the Forever Knight Soundtrack CD. I love singing along with all of them, especially "The Hunger" and "Black Rose," but it is difficult to discern all the words. Is there a file, web site or other reference that could help me out?<< I am still waiting to hear from Fred Mollin on this - he said he doesn't have time to type out the lyrics so I sent him the lyrics that I've discerned so he could merely edit them. I will remind him of this! :D Marcia Tucker scfimarci@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 00:33:09 -0400 From: Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......> Subject: Vampires and reading Thoughts Lisa Marvin wyllow@n....... wrote: >>In Anne Rice's novels, her vampires can sense the thoughts of other vampires, except in the cases of parent/child, "maker/offspring" relationships, such as the LaCroix/Nick or LaCroix/Janette would be in FK. For some reason, the "parent" vampire can't read the thoughts of his or her own creation.<< I think it's been fairly clear that LaCroix frequently knows what Nick is thinking, so this does not hold for FK. (example I can most immediately think of would be a spoiler, sorry) Marcia Tucker scfimarci@a....... Dark Knightie / Unnamed / Immortal Beloved ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 17:52:15 PDT From: Enclave Sysop <raven@n.......> Subject: Whoops, sorry. I've just been told that I made a major goof by not sending my post to the fkspoilers list. Sorry. First of all, we don't receive the spoilers list here, and secondly, after not posting for a very long time and not reading regularly I had no idea that there *was* such a list. Additionally, it seemed to me that I was the last person to see the "Last Knight" episode as I saw it in delayed transmission out here, over a week past the last regular, local showing. The list certainly has become nit-picky since I was last active on it. The main rule used to be that we should be kind to one another. Now you have to beware of the signature police, too. (That wasn't my regular sig, BTW.) -- Raven ------------- raven@n....... -- "The Enclave" -- +1 408 336-0610 raven@n....... =+! Public Access Usenet BBS for Writers & Other Fiends !+= ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 23:58:34 -0500 From: MARG YAMANAKA <ZEZQ01A@p.......> Subject: Transcripts, anyone? Now that Real Life (tm) is no longer absorbing my life, I have a little time on my hands. I was thinking of writing some transcripts of shows. First of all, would anyone have the slightest interest in reading them, if I wrote them? Secondly, I know there are 7 transcripts available on the ftp site (DK1, DK2, FIHS, OtLo, FF, AN, Fix). Are there any others drifting around someplace? Victoria Meredith, Allison Sabo, are you still on-list? Do you have any interest in continuing with more than the above eps? Thirdly, if I get the green light from y'all to go ahead, I'll need some beta-readers. I especially need a reader who is familiar with the US versions of the show. I'll be working from Canadian eps and I have no idea what got chopped out south of the border. Lastly, which ones should I start with? I was thinking of Feeding the Beast myself, but I'm open to suggestions Marg ZEZQ01A@p....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 23:56:35 -0400 From: Jill Gillham <jilkey@g.......> Subject: The horse report (For those new here, an occasional report on some weirdly FK thoroughbreds) Well, Vashon was thrown up against the best in the country, and was up the track in the Acorn Stakes. Should be better next time out against softer. Then there was the recent Miss Preakness Stakes. The winner was Nic's Halo followed by Palette Knife. I am sorry to report that no horse named "It's only Paint thinner" was around to complete the trifecta. Jill Marie jilkey@g....... jilkey@u....... "I don't require that my patrons be human, just that they be polite"-Mike Callahan ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 23:44:55 -0400 From: esalmas <esalmas@g.......> Subject: Re: YKYBWTFK YKYBWTMFK when you have a client meeting that's been set up by Shannon Darknight and you are just biting your tongue and hoping you don't say anything foolish. Eileen Salmas esalmas@g....... "The truth is out there. It's just not in my jurisdiction." ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:44:00 -0400 From: Siona <siona@n.......> Subject: Re: Re; Tape Available On Tue, 28 May 1996, Apache wrote: > On Tue, 28 May 1996, \Siona@n....... wrote: > Eeek -- were these the tapes you were making for me? Have we had > a failure to communicate? -- I've tried sending you private mail; didn't > you get it? and more to the point, I sent you a check, didn't you get > *that?* And what happened to 'Ashes to Ashes?' No, they weren't your tapes. I had made an extra copy for the heck of it. As for snail mail, it didn't fail, but you forgot we had a holiday weekend. You sent the mail Thur, I guess it didn't get to me until Sat, but I was away for the holiday weekend, not getting home until Monday night and not being able to check my PO Box until yesterday. The tape with Francesca and Jane Doe went out today. As for private mail, I'm still wading through a couple of days of it. There are a couple of hundred messages in my in box at the moment. And yes, there's sort of a YKYBW.... reason for me posting this to the list. When I opened your mail I sort of ripped a chunk, bite shaped as in the mug, and my husband saw it and right away asked if it was Forever Knight mail! And there was a problem with Ashes to Ashes, but I'll take that to private mail. > who has no tape of Last Knight > and tapes of the others with > seriously tacky commercials. Ummm..... I didn't cut the commercials from the tapes. Siona@n....... Dark Knightie! and proud member of the Unnamed Faction Help save Forever Knight! see Watch Forever Knight - SciFi Channel Mon. at 8PM and Tue. 12AM EST. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:32:24 -0400 From: Judith Freudenthal <JudithF955@a.......> Subject: Weekend with Ger/Blu on X-FIles I am trying to find out who's going and hopefully who may be going from FL or who is passing through the Atlanta airport. Please email me at JudithF955@a....... I was watching a first season X-Files episode titled Ghost in the Machine (about a sentient computer) and Blu Mankuma was an undercover Govt agent. Maybe that's why he did the "The Truth is Out There" line in FK recently. Judy ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:16:02 -0800 From: Dann Lunsford <dann@g.......> Subject: Nick Knight: The Video Well, as I said a few weeks ago, I'd post when I got my copy of "Nick Knight", the original Rick Springfield pilot. Well, I got it! No problems, they shipped it right to my door. For those who want a copy, call 1-800-ASK-TOW[ER] (Yes, I know that's too long. The last digit is either E or R, can't remember which.). Have plastic ready. I'd never seen it before, so I was more than a little surprised. Not anywhere *near* as good as FK, but not altogether horrible, Is this under spoiler protection? Anybody know? -- *********************************************************************** * Dann Lunsford * The only thing necessary for the triunph of evil * * dann@g....... * is that men of good will do nothing. -- Cicero * *********************************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:16:21 -0400 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Re; Tape Available On Tue, 28 May 1996, \Siona@n....... wrote: > > >I have 2 tapes available for the first person to respond. All I ask is > >$6.50 per tape ($3 tape, $3 postage, .50 mailer). > > > >One tape has Jane Doe and Francesca and the other had Last Knight. Both > >were taped SP direct from the SciFi channel. Eeek -- were these the tapes you were making for me? Have we had a failure to communicate? -- I've tried sending you private mail; didn't you get it? and more to the point, I sent you a check, didn't you get *that?* And what happened to 'Ashes to Ashes?' Sorry for the public posting folks, but as you can see, private mail and snail mail seem to have failed. Apache, who has no tape of Last Knight and tapes of the others with seriously tacky commercials. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:14:05 -0700 From: Amy R. <akr@n.......> Subject: Expressing Love (So many digests, so little time....) Regarding my comments about Nick telling Alyssa he loved her in DoN, someone posted something to the effect that he should have told her when she could hear him. Well, the first time, he thought she could; he didn't know she was dead. The second time, to her ghost, she definitely heard him, because she responded, "Nicholas, I know that what you say is true. I love you still." Thank you all for pointing me to PotM for Nick's past and present feelings (which I think are, naturally, different) towards Janette. Regarding what happened between the kiss and the dream sequence in NiQ, while we were all waiting through the commercial, opinion is still divided. However, the last two times this topic has come up, it has seemed that the majority of us do not think they slept together. I hold to that opinion for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is Nick's overpowering vampiric instincts, memory or no memory. *** Amy, Lady of the Knight (akr@n.......) *** "A man's spirit may be superior not only to his fate but even to his own acts." -- Robert Ornstein ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 08:42:49 -0400 From: Lisa Prince <Moonlight@g.......> Subject: LK Blooper Script Update Hey, Hey All :) I've been getting a bunch of questions off list, so I figured that there might be those out there that have the same concerns, so here goes again :) According to our Goddess of Blooper Script Copying, the exact cost to mail the script within the U.S. is $1.01. If you've already mailed your envelope with 5 stamps, I'll return the extras you sent with the script. To all International FK Fans :) Yes, you can get a copy of the script. I have currently had inquiries from Germany, Australia and Canada. I will be checking with the post office to get an exact shipping amount to send to those countries. If there are any other international fans who would like a script, please feel free to contact me and I'll get the shipping information for your country as well. Also, if you have concerns about money orders, checks, etc. for the charities, let me know and we'll figure something out. Nigel signed the script for all of us here on the lists, so I'll do my best to make sure that everyone here has the script made available to them no matter what country they happen to live in. Afterall, we're FK fans, we can do anything :) Again, the three charities that we are dealing with are: Pediatric AIDS Foundation Casey House Children's Hospital Foundation A check for $5.00 made out to any one of these charities will get you a blooper script. If you send more than $5.00, please let me know whether or not you want the corresponding number of scripts. U.S. postage, as mentioned above, is $1.01. Please send stamps to cover that cost, if you can't get the stamps, you should include a check made out to Lisa Prince to cover the cost of shipping. The address is: Lisa Prince, 000 Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 000, Xxxxxxx, XX 00000-0000. ObFK: The Nick/Nat romance/lover thing again :) Hey, what can I say, I'm a Cousin, once we get our claws into something (or someone :)) we just don't let go. In second season in The Fix, Nick is cured of his vampirism. He gives Nat a quick little hug of thanks, and then off he goes to share his cure with Janette. If he loved Natalie, why didn't he take that opportunity to get . . . well <g> . . . *intimate* :) Granted, he wasn't cured for all that long, but he certainly indulged in the other pleasure of life -- eating (a plate of spaghetti, bread, a little salad, wine, two hot dogs, who knows what other things Schanke was talking about when he mentioned "porking his way across town"). Somehow, I would think that if he were really romantically inclined towards Natalie that he would have given her more than just a little hug. Just a little more food for thought :)) Lisa Mercenary**Cousin**Valentine**Vachon-ogler**QoE**MBDtK**AoLC** The Forgotten L -- Third over to the right -- Deserter of the Ls ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 20:47:06 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Various topics Re: FK characters as animals, Nick has always reminded me of a lion, particularly when he has longer hair and bares his fangs in a "smiling" fashion. LC is a snake, Janette a black panther, Stonetree a bear, Schanke a chimpanzee, Natalie a persian cat, Cohen a blue jay, Tracy a fawn, and Vachon a black stallion. "Brick" is a nickname for Nick and refers to his tendency to be a bit "clueless" sometimes. I'd also like to know what interview it was where Ger said they played a scene to put that extra little suggestive spin in the Nick/LC relationship. Tammy writes: >Tuesday, huh? I'll have to remember that... FK is only on Tuesday on Sci Fi Channel this week due to holiday programming for Memorial Day. The *normal* time it is on is at 8 PM and midnight (EST) on Mondays (well, the second showing is actually early Tuesday morning). At least until they decide different or do some other "special" programming on a Monday night. Personally, I hope they give the show a shot at a consistent timeslot and that it will get good ratings in its timeslot. Re: the weight comment. 5'4" and 144 pounds is not "thin". Tanya also writes: >I would like to see a fit, trim, flawed woman play Natalie. What is your definition of "flawed"? Just someone who hasn't got the "plastic" look from cosmetic surgery or implants? I take it you find Lisa Ryder's appearance to fit the quoted mold? Re: Night in Question. In response to Tippi's comments, I don't think Nick and Nat were "together" for several reasons: 1) Nat wasn't in Nick's bed when he woke up. 2) Nat was sleeping on the couch. 3) Nat wanted to see if keeping Nick "in the dark" about his nature would keep him off blood or somehow otherwise effect a "cure" in him. Making love would have risked awakening Nick's vampire nature, to his and possibly her detriment. 4) I don't think Nat would have taken advantage of Nick while he was in an amnesia state. 5) Spoiler reason. Contact me off list. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 20:28:14 -0400 From: "Lisa P." <LadysAVamp@a.......> Subject: Response from TV_ShowStuff Hi Everybody, I just received this response from Anne at TV_ShowStuff and thought I would pass it along. Everyone who hasn't sent in an e-mail message, send one in! Let them know you are interested in FK merchandise. I mentioned to them about the FK lists and how many "consumers" were on it. >From: TV_ShowStuff@p....... ( ANNE W MARION) >Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:42:23, -0500 >To: oboyyme@t....... >Subject: Forever Knight > >Hi! Thanks for the note. We are still in the process of having talks >with the people at Sony. Although it is taking a little while, don't >give up. We are doing the best we can and have added EVERY ONE who >has emailed us to our FK list. >Hang in there....we are too. >Any questions and comments please feel free to write! >THANKS for all of the support >ANNE-TV SHOWSTUFF > Lisa P. *************************************************************************** Only one thing is truly permanent...Forever Knight Cousinly Knightie w/NatPacker tendencies <I do so hate to limit myself> LadysAVamp@a....... -- "Hey, who you calling a lady!?!" oboyyme@t....... -- <Lacroix's unheard thoughts at end of LK> ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:23:05 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: MERCHANDISE (update - good news?) Hey all! An update on the effort to get FK merchandise!!! Anne Marion sent me this letter and asked me to post it to the group: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Return-Path: <TV_ShowStuff@p.......> From: TV_ShowStuff@p....... ( ANNE W MARION) Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:36:10, -0500 To: Tippinb@i....... Subject: Forever Knight talks Hi Tippi! How are you? Well here is the update: please post this somewhere where others can see it too. We are still in the process of having talks with the people at Sony about Forever Knight. I didn't think it would take this long BUT everything that's worth something is worth the wait right? Since everyone has been so kind and sending their thoughts and encouraging words to my mailbox I felt that it would be the least I could do and just post the progress of what is taking place. Hang in there.....we are waiting patiently too. Anyone with comments or questions don't hesitate to email Thanks again Tippi!!! You've been great!! Talk to you soon ANNE- TV SHOWSTUFF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Well I for one am encouraged. :) I am going to find out the snail mail address for Anne and her company. I think it would be nice to send her a Thank You card for the effort and time she's put into this so far. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "We have a very special relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 15:44:04 -0700 From: [Name removed by request] Subject: LC, reading into character, my brain is bigger than yours... Peggy wrote: > find hard to believe. The real LaCroix was only in two episodes of the > first season (I mean not in flashback), but he "killed" an innocent <snip> > And what about the guard at the museum? <snip> And the one that really > made me personally hate him was in Love You To Death. (i'm sorry about all the snippature!) As well as sometimes (depending on the ep) speaking about mortals as though they had little value outside of the vampiric nutritional one :) > whole 'nother discussion there) because I think some of these delusional > Cousins (duck) are convinced that Nick somehow remembers all his flashbacks > wrong. No, I mean the girl at the end of the tag, when we discover that LC Hey, hey, hey kiddo, yeah, you'd better duck :) i happen to consider everything we see to be about right. Until i see captions scrolling "Nick's Flashback! The Writers do not take responsibility for the LaCroix depicted here, as Nick may be remembering this wrong", i'll gladly take what i see. i'm suffering from interpretative overload as it is, ever worried that i'll start leading discussions on what items in FK are phallic symbols and just whose phallus that would be, that we're talking about. Swinging scales, oh dear. Guitars, oh boy. LC aiming stakes at Nick, Nick driving stakes into LC, now, you'd better watch it... And i happen to *like* LC evil. Which is one reason why my pride in being a Cousin has waned since 1st season. The really evil guys are so much funnier in embarrassing Wartime fashions. And anyway, an evil character, all antagonistic and all immoral, amoral, smorgasboral, doesn't automatically make him/her flat, predictable, and boring. That's where good writing, good storytelling, and good acting comes in. Not that LC is can necessarily be considered an evil character (consensus seems to be that he isn't). Please nobody take offense if i slip up once in a while and identify him as such. i just happen to like evil (fictional, 1st season LaCroixian, Diviant evil), i used to consider him evil (until 2nd season rolled around) and my simple brain sometimes forgets all that you educated and well-read listmembers have taught me about cultural, er, speci-al, relativity (after a certain point mr. brain just says, it's going too far, i'm reading too much into this, let's get back to the story). [Name removed by request] How can you trust someone who bleeds for seven days and doesn't die? - BGW ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 08:45:00 EDT From: L M <LMS5@p.......> Subject: Apologies I needed to get a copy of the FORKNI-L (for a concealed userid) and apparently LOCKED the list BY MISTAKE. I'm sorry and everything should be fine now. The list should've returned back to normal around noon yesterday, but I goofed :-( Laurie ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 07:57:00 -0500 From: Patricia Bozis <prmb@i.......> Subject: Need ep name, please What is the ep name which has Janette becoming mortal? Patricia Bozis prmb@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 09:07:45 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Titantic sinking April, 1912. Yes, Nick could have had a cow on board. There was a pack of prize hunting dogs in the hold, being shipped from England. Refrigeration existed in 1912; the ship had electricity. So it's possible, I guess, that Nick had blood in the kitchen refigerators. He didn't have to tell them what it was, just that it was a special diet. White Star was a luxury line and the Titantic was the most luxurious ship built to date. They would have catered to rich and eccentric passengers. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 09:15:02 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Nick's Brabant name I deleted too fast, so I can't send this to the person who referred to Nick's Brabant name as "du Brabant." Then I realized there might be others who aren't clear on the point. It's *de* Brabant, not "du." This is because "du" means "of *the*". It's a medieval contraction of "de le", a two-word construction which is not used in modern French. Brabant is a place name with no "le" in the name. So, someone whose surname is "of Brabant" is "de Brabant" in French, not "du Brabant." Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 09:26:35 -0400 From: Lisa Prince <Moonlight@g.......> Subject: Re: Blooper Script for LK Hey, Hey All :) I've been getting a bunch of questions off list, so I figured that there might be those out there that have the same concerns, so here goes again :) According to our Goddess of Blooper Script Copying, the exact cost to mail the script within the U.S. is $1.01. If you've already mailed your envelope with 5 stamps, I'll return the extras you sent with the script. To all International FK Fans :) Yes, you can get a copy of the script. I have currently had inquiries from Germany, Australia and Canada. I will be checking with the post office to get an exact shipping amount to send to those countries. If there are any other international fans who would like a script, please feel free to contact me and I'll get the shipping information for your country as well. Also, if you have concerns about money orders, checks, etc. for the charities, let me know and we'll figure something out. Nigel signed the script for all of us here on the lists, so I'll do my best to make sure that everyone here has the script made available to them no matter what country they happen to live in. Afterall, we're FK fans, we can do anything :) Again, the three charities that we are dealing with are: Pediatric AIDS Foundation Casey House Children's Hospital Foundation A check for $5.00 made out to any one of these charities will get you a blooper script. If you send more than $5.00, please let me know whether or not you want the corresponding number of scripts. U.S. postage, as mentioned above, is $1.01. Please send stamps to cover that cost, if you can't get the stamps, you should include a check made out to Lisa Prince to cover the cost of shipping. The address is: Lisa Prince 000 Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxxx, XX 00000-0000 ObFK: The Nick/Nat romance/lover thing again :) Hey, what can I say, I'm a Cousin, once we get our claws into something (or someone :)) we just don't let go. In second season in The Fix, Nick is cured of his vampirism. He gives Nat a quick little hug of thanks, and then off he goes to share his cure with Janette. If he loved Natalie, why didn't he take that opportunity to get . . . well <g> . . . *intimate* :) Granted, he wasn't cured for all that long, but he certainly indulged in the other pleasure of life -- eating (a plate of spaghetti, bread, a little salad, wine, two hot dogs, who knows what other things Schanke was talking about when he mentioned "porking his way across town"). Somehow, I would think that if he were really romantically inclined towards Natalie that he would have given her more than just a little hug. Just a little more food for thought :)) Lisa Mercenary**Cousin**Valentine**Vachon-ogler**QoE**MBDtK**AoLC** The Forgotten L -- Third over to the right -- Deserter of the Ls ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 08:55:00 CDT From: caroline nachman <caroline@s.......> Subject: does Knight spice up his food/blood with tobasco, garlic, parsley etc.? with the great propensity of the human race [of which i consider vampires an odd sub-group] to spice up any food with all kinds of condiments, garnishes, spices, etc., of course knight rarely has his blood "neat." but what does he flavor it with? the show gives no indication at all. perhaps [orig idea?] they should have a type of chile bake-off contest, only with cups of blood. caroline "Like index cards on a PC. | Email "sqn35net@s......." Organize your notes. | Open "" Prepare book or paper." | or "" =========================================================================
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