File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605B" Part 11 TOPICS: Gary Farmer Movie Topic: Nick as non-vamp cop Help! Nigel writing????? (6) Daylight CN Tower-need info for Fanfic Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????) (2) Nick's hair (9) FK Ad in Entertainment Weekly missing bits Nigel Bennett at Syndi-Con: East Factions (2) FORKNI-L Photo album The LONG digest Spoiler List held? The hair thang Last Knight Party/Wake in Chicago The Hair Thing ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 11:43:19 -0400 From: Lisa PayneSubject: Re: Gary Farmer Movie Well, I went to see "Dead Man" last night, and Gary Farmer was great in it. The movie as a whole is definitely very peculiar, but I enjoyed it. I went with a woman who didn't start watching FK until second season, so she'd never seen GF before. Now I definitely have to get her to watch my first season tapes. LMPayne@a....... Last of the Scorpions ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 08:58:32 -0700 From: Antonia Spadafina Subject: Topic: Nick as non-vamp cop Hi there everyone-- I've been mulling something over ever since I started watching FK lo those many years ago... If Nick and Nat succeed in "curing" the DNA twist that makes Nick a vamp, would he remain a cop? Imho, he would be quite vulnerable. He first became a policeman as a vampire; he's been a vampire cop off and on for the last 50 years (re: Amateur Night???). All his cop responses and refexes and insights and intuitions are the result of his vampirism, even tho' he _did_ go to the Academy. If he were not a vampire, I don't believe he would be safe as a cop. He relies on his abilities and indestructibility to enforce the law. If Nick weren't a vamp, Tracy would have been dead at least 4 times this season (and she still doesn't know!! Maybe in AtA??). Maybe Nick would go back to teaching... Let me know what you all think. Sorry if this is an old topic rehashed. Just curious what other people think. A fellow Knightie and sometime Cousin and I have been tossing this one back and forth. Thanks all-- Toni And remember: A miss of an inch is as good as a mile. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 10:46:27 -0700 From: Cousin Cherri Subject: Help! Hi guys, I need help. I'm supposed to pick Catherine Booth (Swordsister) up and bring her back to the party I'm having. The problem is is that I don't have her phone number and I don't know where she lives (even though I have been there once). Could some kind soul please EMail me privately (I'm on digest) and help me out. Sorry for the off-topic but I'm desparate! Cousin Cherri Janette on the SKL list Valentine, Sime/Gen, FKLFE, NATPE Strikeforce Survivor, PWP I don't WANT a new one. I LIKE that one. Member: Cold Shower Sisterhood, Likely to Cause Brain Implosion Society ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 13:55:21 -0400 From: digest Brenda Clarke Subject: Nigel writing????? Did I miss something? My pipeline account has been strangling all my mail, and I don't know what's going on. Did Nigel write something? I know that there was some nonsense awhile ago that the "other" writer said he co-wrote, and then he came online and said he didin't. Is this the same thing or did he really write something? I would love to read anything he wrote. He devastates me so thoroughly with his acting that I can only imagine what his writing would be like. Do tell! Brenda ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 13:43:48 -0600 From: Sharon Joy Subject: Re: Daylight >"These vampires can EVEN go out during the day"? (re Kindred) I kind of prefer the FK/Anne Rice no sunlight vampire, myself. It adds the vulnerablility factor and limits the hours of activity. According to what we've seen in FK, Nick, et. al. can function during daylight hours; they just can't be in the sunlight. AR and Dark Shadows vampires (correct me if I'm wrong, folks) are *dead to the world* from sunup to sundown. Nick was able to go testify in court and roam around inside at the Raven or cult (Faithful Followers) without being found out, as long as he didn't spontaneously combust inthe sun. I like it that way. It keeps them noctural and deliciously spookier. It seemed weird seeing them out during the day in Kindred. But that's just MHO. Loving my CD. ---Thanks Fred. And waiting, cautiously, for AtA tonight. --Sharon --------Sharon Joy - A Forever Knightie - SJoy@u....... There's a past and-----there's a past... Go here: ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 16:51:48 -0400 From: Arletta Asbury Subject: Re: Nigel writing????? > Did Nigel write something? I know that >there was some nonsense awhile ago that the "other" writer said he co-wrote, >and then he came online and said he didin't. Is this the same thing or did >he really write something? Nigel is at Syndicon this weekend with P.N.Elrod plugging something (a book I think) that they're working on now (it's expected to be out next January). It is a story about a vampire but NOT Lacroix! It has no Lacroix in it (they said). Nigel said he was surprised to discover that he could now earn his living writing soft core porn. Aparently he got to write all the love scenes in it and Elrod wrote all the gory fight scenes. They thought it was funny that he couldn't(wouldn't) do the violent stuff. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 21:18:57 GMT From: Jamie Melody Randell Subject: Re: Nigel writing????? On May 11, 1996 13:55:21, 'digest Brenda Clarke ' wrote: >Did I miss something? My pipeline account has been strangling all my mail, >and I don't know what's going on. Oh, join the club. I can't get online, and the SKL remailer is broken. I am Not Happy with Pipeline at the moment... This is actually an on-topic section of the post: anyone who wrote me about important liststuff over the last few days, that mail has gone bye-bye; try me again at whatever version of my e-mail address pops up in the header of this post. >Did Nigel write something? I know that >there was some nonsense awhile ago... Nigel is co-authoring a vampire book with P.N. Elrod. Others will no doubt elaborate on that more thoroughly than I can. But in addition, there was a fanfic story nominated for a Fan Q award on which Nigel was credited as co-author; it was about this that he posted to tell us he had nothing to do with it. (And his name has since been taken off the Fan Q voting ballot, I've noticed.) These are two wholly separate matters, and I hope that this clears up any lingering confusion. Jamie M.R., Fan Q Nominee, "Real Ghostbusters" category (I used to write stories for fanzines. And then I got online...) Asst. Listowner, FORKNI-L - Happy Victim of ViceVersa 2 Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies List Rules - ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 17:38:13 -0500 From: CINDY L BREWER Subject: CN Tower-need info for Fanfic Hey Guys, Could some kind soul email me off list with any and all information on the CN tower? ie. how tall it is,is there anything inside besides the resturant, etc....... Thanks in advance.:-) Cindy Brewer DHRC98C@p....... Knightie,Nick&Natpacker,Optimist's Club Vaquera "Oh pul-eeze don't go strange on me."Schanke to Nick ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 18:00:15 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes Subject: Re: Nigel writing????? At 09:18 PM 5/11/96 GMT, you wrote: Jamie wrote: > >Oh, join the club. I can't get online, and the SKL remailer is broken. I am Not Happy with Pipeline at the Jamie: Since I can't reach you via pipeline...everyone will have to excuse this - the SKL loop via pipeline seems to be working--are you not aware of this? Send a message thru if you can... Obfk: ANyone else out there ever see Deadly Harvest? I just looked at it for the first time a few minutes one told me that Ger looks like he's all of 18 in it! And talk about hair....lots and lots of that lovely golden stuff. Movie sucks tho--and Ger is trying his hardest against some really putrid acting, but does suck!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 19:39:45 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker Subject: Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????) In a message dated 96-05-11 18:03:23 EDT, you write: > >Obfk: ANyone else out there ever see Deadly Harvest? I just looked at it for >the first time a few minutes one told me that Ger looks like he's >all of 18 in it! And talk about hair....lots and lots of that lovely golden >stuff. Movie sucks tho--and Ger is trying his hardest against some really >putrid acting, but does suck!! Where in heaven's name did you find it in the first place...I can't find it anywhere. For that matter, does anybody know *what* 'DOA' is listed in GWD's movie credits (sometimes)? I've checked out the one with Dennis Quaid, but GWD isn't listed in the credits, nor do I see him in the film. Tigon the Bouncing Tigger and Lone Woof at Large Woofpack w/ Knightie, N&N, and FoSiL tendencies "Real life SUCKS!" TeigrLlew@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 21:24:49 -0500 From: Stephanie Babbitt Subject: Re: Nick's hair Nat wrote: >Well all right!!! I'm glad to hear someone standing up for guys who like to >wear their hair long and mussed. There's something of an FK double standard here. Most Vaqueros, myself included, love Vachon's long curls. In fact, I think he'd look strange without them (though the Shrewtherers report Ben Bass looks just fine with short hair, thank you very much). But I far prefer Nick's hair shorter, when it shows its tendency to curl (see the front of the FK CD for an example)--it makes him look even more irresistably, eternally young and roguish. Plus, a man with shorter hair looks neatly groomed even if his hair isn't "done", and FK vampires (with the exception of Vachon, of course) seem to take pride in looking sharp. The way it is now, he looks much older (long hair shows off any thinning that's happening), and I'll bet it has to be sprayed within an inch of its life to keep it neat. Of course, Nick could be *trying* to look like he's aging so folks don't get suspicious. Or, more likely, GWD could have been growing it out for Trilogy of Terror or the Shrew. The worst Nick's hair has ever looked, IMO: the ep with the psychic (Love You to Death?) when he flashes back to the Puritan era. Hair long, straight, parted down the middle and flattened. Eeeeyaugh! Of course, that look is popular among young men now. Am I showing my age? Stephanie ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 21:31:36 -0400 From: "Jennifer L. Gosley" Subject: FK Ad in Entertainment Weekly I just got this week's Entertainment Weekly and you could have knocked me over with a feather when I turned to the television section and there on the bottom third of the page was an excellent ad for FK on the SciFi Channel. Why didn't TPTB do this kind of advertising when it was in first run????? Is there hope yet for a renewal . . . . are TriStar and Sony waiting to see if it flies on the SciFi Channel before deciding what to do with the show? Does anyone know if the actors are still under contract until mid-summer? If anyone wants to see the ad, I scanned it as a color JPEG and it's about 80k. Drop me a message and I'll send it to you (or would someone like to put it on their page or on the ftp site?????). Jen kpi@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 18:50:54 -0700 From: Antonia Spadafina Subject: Re: Nigel writing????? Hey Dottie -- What does Obfk mean? I'm slowly learning all the short-hand... Thank in advance (TIA?) Toni :> ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 21:49:16 -0400 From: Lisa Reeves Subject: missing bits Soooo....It looks like the listserv keeps the current month online. I tried to retrieve these, honest I did. Jasmine's excellent notes -do- work! I'm looking for part 5 of A Friend in the Nightcrawler. If anyone has this, I'd greatly appreciate it. -- Lisa Reeves @-->--->--- | ad483@d....... GDFN Help Staff Co-Administrator | reevesl@p....... Mercenary for Chocolate - Save Forever Knight! Site for details: ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 19:05:54 -0700 From: Antonia Spadafina Subject: Nick's hair Hi there-- Stephanie writes re: Nick's hair... >> Nick could be *trying* to look like he's aging so folks don't get suspicious. Maybe. But it could be that Nick _is_ really aging. In many vampire legends, the vampire becomes "run-down" without large doses of the red stuff. Nick's intake has been restricted (Nat reminds Nick in Fever) - even if he has been chugging a bit more since SoB and TGVP, all these years with the lower blood intake could be manifesting itself in the way Nick looks. I agree that Nick looks much younger with short hair. Just re-watched DfF - oolala. And the flashbacks were lacking those dreaded extensions. Also since Nick has been on cow's blood for a long time (100 years??), perhaps he's missing some vital nutrient or essence that only human blood can provide. That's my two-cents on how to explain Nick's appearance (other than the obvious that Ger has been working hard) [In an off-topic aside - sorry - and speaking of extensions...does anyone know if Adrian Paul's hair in HL is really long or short? I think it's shoulder-length, but in some flashbacks it's short. Is he wearing a wig?] Toni asginger@i....... "Only through time time is conquered" ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 22:20:37 -0400 From: Andy & Roni Power Subject: Re: Nick's hair At 09:24 PM 5/11/96 -0500, you wrote: >The worst Nick's hair has ever looked, IMO: the ep with the psychic (Love >You to Death?) when he flashes back to the Puritan era. Hair long, >straight, parted down the middle and flattened. Eeeeyaugh! Of course, that >look is popular among young men now. Am I showing my age? Ok. I'm going to jump into this debate. The worst hair ep was "Stranger that Fiction". Nick and Janette both looked like they stuck their fingers in light sockets. I didn't like the Puritan hair either but StF beat that one out. The best hair ep was Curiouser and Curiouser. One question that has always bothered me was why did they give Schanke the "Elvis sidburns" in the first season? Roni. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~"Oh my God!! Ms. Fraser, you're a crossdresser!!" -- Due South~*~*~ ~*~*~*~"Weapons have no dominion over the souls of men." -- Darius~*~*~*~ ~~Victim of Second Banana Syndrome~*~The O+ FoD~*~bach19@i.......~~~ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 22:30:51 -0700 From: Jeannie Moody Subject: Nigel Bennett at Syndi-Con: East I had to delurk tonight to add my voice to others I have read here who have said that if given the opportunity by all means go to a con attended by Nigel. He is very funny, very charming and very friendly. I saw him at his later appearance on Saturday. He read part of the second chapter of the book he's co-writing with P.N. and read the story of why a raven is black from "Blackwing" (which Nigel said he liked to refer to as "Darkwing" as in "Darkwing Duck"). I've never had a problem differentiating an actor from his character, but I still was fascinated to watch the subtle change Nigel undergoes from his "normal" persona into LaCroix, as he did while reading the raven story. And since I'm "out" so to speak, I have a question that's been nagging me for quite a while now. Does one have to apply for membership into a faction or does one just announce that one is a Cousin? -- *********************************************************************** * Jeannie Moody As long as there is a sea * * jmoody@e....... There will be souls who belong to it * *********************************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 19:56:28 -0700 From: Antonia Spadafina Subject: Factions Jeannie Moody asked on 10 May 1996: >>Does one have to apply for membership into a >>faction or does one just announce that one is a Cousin? My question is...what factions are currently jockeying for position. Anyone care to write up the ticket? Much thanks :> Toni from NYC ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 23:56:49 -0300 From: "Leigh T. Johnston" Subject: Re: Nick's hair On Fri, 10 May 1996, Tanya Smith wrote: > O.K. you lame Knighties who make fun of Lacroix's eyebrows... > What about that hairdo on said person? I mean, come on Ger. Get a cut. Alright, I have to put my twonie in here. LaCroix's eyebrows... just what *is* the deal with them. It looks like they were shaved off and drawn on with a very badly matching eyeliner pencil. There is no way that his hair is anywhere close to that shade so it looks even more fake. ObFK: Does anyone in the Atlantic provinces know if ATV will be showing more eps from the first season? So far I have most of third season on tape but I've only gotten four eps from first season and I want to get more. - Leigh (Ghoti) **Immortal Beloved/Merc** am496@c....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 23:16:31 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes Subject: Re: Deadly Harvest (was Re: Nigel writing?????) At 07:39 PM 5/11/96 -0400, you wrote: >Where in heaven's name did you find it in the first place...I can't find it anywhere. For that matter, does anybody know *what* 'DOA' is listed in GWD's movie credits (sometimes)? I've checked out the one with Dennis Quaid, but GWD isn't listed in the credits, nor do I see him in the film. > Actually, I found it for rent at Major Video, but if you (or anyone else) would like a copy just so you're library is complete, let me know and I'll make you a copy. As far as DOA is concerned, double check the credits and look for "Gary Davies". That's how Ger was listed in Deadly Harvest....and he had such a baby face you might have missed him..and maybe he had a really small part. I'll see if I can find it, but it's something that had to be out in the 70's since it was done right before or about the same time as Deadly Harvest. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 23:22:56 -0400 From: Nathanial Cook Subject: Re: Nick's hair Sigh. Well, I guess I'm not getting any support for guys with longer hair here. I don't think that the long hair on Nick makes him look any older (never noticed any thinning). A question here: Why do so many people think that men with long hair do not look neat? Women can look well groomed with either long or short hair, so why not men? For centuries, men took pride in having long, beautiful hair (though they wore wigs much of the time, I know -- but they wore them to make their hair look long). Why is the "men with short hair" thing so "in" these days? Sigh. Well, if I can't win anyone over, I'll have to admit defeat. Ah well. NAT!!! (Long Haired and Disheveled Raven) NatRobin@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 23:23:27 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes Subject: Re: Nigel writing????? At 06:50 PM 5/11/96 -0700, you wrote: >Hey Dottie -- > > What does Obfk mean? I'm slowly learning all the short-hand... > Obligatory Forever Knight--meaning my message really wasn't FK related so I had to add something fk related so I wouldn't get yelled at....(VBG) Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 23:36:27 EDT From: Kenneth Dare <102226.1213@c.......> Subject: Factions >>And since I'm "out" so to speak, I have a question that's been nagging me >>for quite a while now. Does one have to apply for membership into a >>faction or does one just announce that one is a Cousin? As I understand one just sort of declares ones faction. And just what we needed another cousin on the list I had best go hide now. ------------ Brandy 102226,1213@c....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 23:44:42 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum Subject: Re: Nick's hair >Sigh. Well, I guess I'm not getting any support for guys with longer hair >here. I don't think that the long hair on Nick makes him look any older >(never noticed any thinning). Well Nat, now you'll get some support. I've posted before that I like Nick's hair longer. The difference in the third season as compared to the second (he had hair approximately the same length in the second season) I believe is the way it is styled. In the second season the sides were swept back and the back of his hair was curlier (is that a word?). This season his hair seems to have received less attention from the set stylist. Whether that is due to time constraints is anyones guess. I love his hair anyway I can get it. BTW, I liked the length of his hair in TTOTS. It seemed, appropriate. Besides, as the performances wore on, his hair became more and more damp from Ger's perspiration. Poor boy was a workin' doncha know. Carrie, Slovenly Knightie CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 23:46:54 -0400 From: Frederic Ferland Subject: FORKNI-L Photo album Hi all! Okay, I don't know if some of you are like me, but I'm really curious and I always wonder who is and what looks like whenever I read messages from the FK lists. Well, I had an idea. I'd like to make a FORKNI-L Photo Album on my Forever Knight page! On that page, I would put the picture of those of you who send me a photo, as well as information about that person. That way, when you wonder who someone is, you could check it out on that page! If you want to be in the Photo Album, you can send me a scanned picture via e-mail at mrhappy@m....... or mail me one so that I can scan it for you at the following address: Frederic Ferland 000 Xx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Quebec X0X 0X0, CANADA For those of you who send a photo, please include as much information about you as possible. That means your full name, your e-mail address, your age, where you live (town, state/province and country), what you do in life, etc... I hope this project will be successful and that you'll appreciate it. Oh! Btw, don't forget about the 'Question of the Week' on my Forever Knight page. Last week's question got only 4 answers and (as of now) only one this week. Anyway, check it out at Also, if you have a FK related question and if you'd like to hear other people's opinion about it, submit your question to me and I will put it in my 'Questions to be asked' database. obFK: I saw Human Factor last week! AMAZING! Loved this ep. (is that enough for a obFK? :) _________________________________________________________________________ Frederic Ferland | No matter how great your triumphs mrhappy@m....... | or how tragic your defeats, | approximately one billion Chinese NatPacker & Perkulator (!) | couldn't care less. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 23:50:24 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes Subject: Re: Nick's hair At 11:22 PM 5/11/96 -0400, you wrote: >Sigh. Well, I guess I'm not getting any support for guys with longer hair here. I don't think that the long hair on Nick makes him look any older (never noticed any thinning). > Well you know you've got my support, I agree that it doesn't make Nick look any older. There is a great deal of weariness on his face, and I (actor that I am) tend to believe that it is an actor's choice on Ger's part to relate how weary Nick is right nw. It has nothing to do with his hair. Ofcourse, he might actually be a little weary because of the ridiculous shooting schedule TPTB put them thru, but I do sense it's more character development to lead him to whatever happens in Last Knight. Thinning? I see no stinking thinning, but then, I'm in love and love is blind..... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 21:26:54 -0700 From: Heather Thornburg Subject: Re: Nick's hair On Sat, 11 May 1996, Nathanial Cook wrote: > A question here: Why do so many people think that men with long hair do not > look neat? Women can look well groomed with either long or short hair, so > why not men? Well, I for one like guys with long disheveled hair. It's more fun to run your hands through. :-) As for Nick. I like his hair any way he wears it. > Sigh. Well, if I can't win anyone over, I'll have to admit defeat. Ah well. > Your not defeated yet. There's still some who like long hair. Heather aka Vachon's guitar ___ penni@w....... =| |= Knightie, Nick/Nat Packer, | | Vaquera, SKLer, CSS | | SKL: Faciemus ut Dewus ( ) Mountainus e Tuo Nasone ( O ) Exeat! ===== ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 00:30:36 -0400 From: Maureen McAllister Subject: The LONG digest Okay, I'll admit that when I looked at the size of the FORKNI-L digest for May 10, I thought " Gee, that big? Boy, they must've been busy on SOS-FK or something." I totally forgot about a War. Now that I understand that the person thought she was sending a private e-mail, I gotta give her a roundabout thanks for showing the folks on the list what the War is about. I ownder if that post made it the longest digest on record here. :-) BTW, I got my FK CD Saturday. It sure is worth obtaining from Crescendo. Now then, let's hope the novels are also worth the wait. Maureen FoD, Nat-Packer and Knightie ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 23:29:21 -0600 From: Sharon Joy Subject: Spoiler List held? Is the Spoiler List being held? If someone's online now, would you email me and let me know if the spoiler list is working? I just saw AtA and wanted (needed) to talk and voila! not one spoiler list item in my mailbox. Did I magically get unsubscribed? Thanks. Sharon SJoy@u....... --------Sharon Joy - A Forever Knightie - SJoy@u....... There's a past and-----there's a past... Go here: ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 09:34:11 +0200 From: Marina Bailey Subject: Re: The hair thang Nathanial Cook wrote: Na> A question here: Why do so many people think that men with long hair Na> do not look neat? Women can look well groomed with either long or Na> short hair, so why not men? Well, might as well jump in with my two strips of latinum. I don't know if it's a case of men with long hair not looking neat... I think what it comes down to is, long hair works on some men and doesn't work on others. (Same with women.) Now, this is just MNSHO, but I think that Nick looks really good with very short hair (like he had at the beginning of season three) or really long hair (like he sometimes has in flashbacks, for example the "Fever" flashbacks). What doesn't work for him is that in-between style, where it's not long enough to be called 'long' but too short to look good! He always looks like he's been plugged in or struck by lightning or caught in a hurricane when he has that in-between hair length. (Now long, short or in-between all work for Adrian Paul. Long and in-between work for Brad Pitt. I could go on... but I think I'd better shut up now. This is all just MNSHO, remember!!!) - Marina. (tmar@f.......; Dark Knightie who just wants to see Nick and doesn't really care what his hair looks like) \\ Advice to Nick: "She hates the shirt, get rid of // // the shirt, burn the bloody shirt!" - Lenny Henry.\\ ... Picard never got dumped by a woman who would rather chase whales. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 08:40:32 GMT From: Beth Hawkes Subject: Re: Nick's hair At 03:22 AM 5/12/96 +0000, you wrote: >Sigh. Well, I guess I'm not getting any support for guys with longer hair >here. I don't think that the long hair on Nick makes him look any older >(never noticed any thinning). > >A question here: Why do so many people think that men with long hair do not >look neat? Women can look well groomed with either long or short hair, so >why not men? > >For centuries, men took pride in having long, beautiful hair (though they >wore wigs much of the time, I know -- but they wore them to make their hair >look long). Why is the "men with short hair" thing so "in" these days? > >Sigh. Well, if I can't win anyone over, I'll have to admit defeat. Ah well. > >NAT!!! (Long Haired and Disheveled Raven) >NatRobin@a....... > Okay, Nat, I'll jump in here in your favor!! I do like longer hair on guys, *if* it is clean and kept combed/brushed. I especially like it when it's wavy and thick!!!! And to the someone who asked about Adrian Paul's hair... His hair is long. In flashbacks where he has to have short hair, they either put him in a wig, or pin it up somehow. (I think I'm remembering the discussion about this on Highla-L correctly) Seilidhe@w....... Flagwaver for Smokin' Joe Dawson *as well* as Jim Byrnes and his Hummingbird Backround Vocals for the SJD Kick Ass House Band Cousin/Dark Knightie/AZ Crusaders of the Knight "...probability of 1 to 1... we have normality, I repeat, we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem." -- Trillian, HGG ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 12:54:24 -0400 From: Marcia Tucker Subject: Last Knight Party/Wake in Chicago I've decided I don't want to be alone when I watch "Last Knight" next weekend, so if anyone in the Chicago area is interested, I'm hosting a Party/Wake next Sat. night. The episode airs at 11:35 pm here. The party can start whenever anyone gets here. I've also got oodles of tapes. I'm providing food. I plan to wear black. Kleenex will be provided. E-mail me off-list, please, if you're interested. I live in the SW suburbs and have crash space if you want to stay over. Marcia Tucker scfimarci@a....... Dark Knightie / Unnamed / Immortal Beloved / Light Cousin ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 12:06:19 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" Subject: The Hair Thing Nat!! asked: >Sigh. Well, I guess I'm not getting any support for guys with >longer hair here. Why do so many people think that men >with long hair do not look neat? Actually, Nat, I *love* long hair on men. The day my brother joined the ROTC was one of the saddest days of my life. And when a dear friend of mine went back into the military reserve and cut his shoulder-length hair and shaved his beard, I honestly cried. I love Vachon's look, wild or no (although, like Apache, I dearly want to get into that stuff with a good brush! ). Nick with longer hair is *adorable*, and I *do* wish they'd been able to do LaCroix with long hair in several flashbacks -- quite frankly, his buzz cut *doesn't* work in several time periods (Fever, as a prime example). >Why is the "men with short hair" thing so "in" these days? The way I understand it, Hair got consistantly shorter in the earlier part of last century, for both men and women, as a sort of revolt against the monstrous wigs and hair styles of the late 1700s. Then it got somewhat longer, and the Cult of the Beard got going. Then everyone went very clean-shaven in the early part of this century (another revolt) and certain segments of society have decided that that's the way things will be for a while. In this day and age, men aren't supposed to spend a lot of time of time on their appearance -- that's "feminine". So, styles have generally evolved so that men can at least *look* like they haven't taken that much time. And so they can tap their foot and look at their watches and sigh while women fight with mascera and pantyhose. Ah, for the good old days, when *men* took two hours to get their cravets right, and *nice* girls didn't *wear* makeup! Storm wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) FOREVER KNIGHT:SciFi Channel Mon, 7 & 11 pmCT Let 'em know we're watching! If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... =========================================================================
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