File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604B" Part 4 TOPICS: Real Life? Lists? Screed (was Re: Continuity, etc) (2) New affiliation VOW!! successful, ha! St. Louis folks? (2) Turning Point Blood/Blood Light Recipes Liking Third Season (3) AZ Crusaders meet again!!! Nick sexy as a mortal? "Geraint" on the web! Is Nick a snob? (3) Screed (jealousy? self-hate?) New affiliation YKY and 2 questions (2) Finding Nick Sexy GEmini Awards Tape fkfic-l request Tracy is Nick Jr.(was Re: Difference in FK...) New Episodes?? In defense of LC/Janette Memories ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 7 Apr 1996 22:36:44 -0700 From: Vickie Adams <emerald_@i.......> Subject: Re: Real Life? Lists? >In response to Rebecca Howle: >> Has anyone had similarincidents happen to them? >>If she thinks the lists have taken over my life now, wait until the FK War >>starts! The lists have taken over my life to a point where my boss gives me an hour off per day between classes and when I'm suppose to be at work because he was tired of me thinking up creative reasons why I was late to work. He has even promised to allow me time to go home and post when the next war starts. Now that I think about it, the lists haven't taken over my life. I've redesigned my life to fit the lists. (and I only lurk 75% of the time.) ::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:: :: Cousin Vickie emerald_@i....... / / emeraldct@a....... :: :: I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, :: :: I want to achieve it through not dying. - Woody Alan :: ::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:: ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 7 Apr 1996 22:46:53 -0700 From: AKR <r@w.......> Subject: Re: Screed (was Re: Continuity, etc) > >>"I'm not like you." > Whoa! Wasn' t this line from Trophy Girl...? Yes, but it was used here as a potential *thought*, not a line quote. :) I have decided that I think Nick's attitude toward carouches stems from resentment over what happened to Ralegh. Irrational, yes, but Nick-like. ******* Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... ******* "Why are you looking among the dead for one who is alive?" --Luke 24:5 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 01:01:27 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: New affiliation Susan Garrett writes: >What about the 'Th-thumps' who would like to be hypnotized by Nick? >Of which, of course I will NEVER be a member.* >*See War3 Oh, gee, Susan, it wasn't that bad. Your captivity was a *heck* of a lot more dignified than my being trapped in the wine cellar with LC in the last war (*you* didn't wind up in a game of strip poker and *videotaped* to boot!). And Nick didn't hypnotize you for some selfish reason either--he was only trying to protect you. And don't forget that Ron the Enforcer played with your head a bit too. ;) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie (who can think of *other* things she'd rather have Nick do with her than hypnotize her ;) so doesn't want to be part of "Th-thumps' either) --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 01:33:24 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Screed (was Re: Continuity, etc) Cousin Vickie writes: >Could it be that Nick is the vampire equivilent of a snob? I got the impression from his remarks that most vampires (not just Nick) viewed carouches as the "scum" of vampires. It seemed more to me like a parroting of something he'd been told. We never saw Screed in the Raven with other vampires. And I got the impression that Screed also was aware that he was viewed as of "lower status" by his pleasure at Nick coming to him for information about who attacked Perri (like it was not a common occurrence for him to be talking to a regular vampire). And by Screed's disappointment when Nick left him so quickly. LC seemed to be *ordering* the carouche in the flashback to attack Raleight rather than treating him as a respected equal too. Certainly LC's comment about "Dogs are for breakfast, and only in the worst of times" showed a contempt for feeding on animal blood. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 02:37:13 EDT From: MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR <VQRW76A@p.......> Subject: VOW!! successful, ha! I did it!!!! I actually managed to go four months without a bonafide chocolate fix!!! My vow for a complete third season is fulfilled!!! And a special, big-time thank you to Dianne Therese DeSha la Mercenaire, she who is my Merc Mentor & Role Model, for sending chocolate coins (very appropriate) and a chocolate orange (way, way, way too yummy) for me to break my fast with. A generous spirit, our Mercenaire. I must think of a way to thank her.... Lana Soward, where's my blood-giving pin? I lost your e-mail address. When, oh when, do we get new eps in syndication? Has this been confirmed yet? And why haven't they re-run anything past Strings yet? I'm sick of seeing NiQ - okay, I'm not. But I want a decent copy of tGVP, I screwed up my VCR when it first aired (that was the weekend of the deluge). Off to rant at the furniture, we're flyin' now Christina, no longer deprived, somewhat... hyper vqrw76a@p....... I love Easter. I love the significance, and the rituals, and the candy.... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 01:46:42 -0500 From: Mary Hogan <c524997@m.......> Subject: Re: St. Louis folks? Hi Sara! (FA55%nemomus@a.......) > Anyway, does anyone on list know when the show airs in St. Louis? >there is an egyptological conference there next weekend, and I will >be there along with folks who might be interested in seeing the episode I'm not in St. Louis, but I am in Columbia, MO, and I occasionally visit my folks there. Channel 2 (I forget whether it is fox or ABC or who they are now) on regular old no-external-antenna-no-cable tv shows it around midnight on friday night. Hope this helps. -Mary Mary Hogan c524997@m....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 01:50:42 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Turning Point The flashback of the last episode of first season, Love You to Death, details the events that led Nick to decide to no longer kill humans. Basically, Nick falls for a ballerina, Sylvaine, who he considers the height of purity. Because of his feeling that she is "pure", he won't go anywhere near her because she'd be "repulsed by his evil". LC tells him she's just a dancer and a whore, that she entertains men after her performances and sometimes even takes them "two at a time". He takes Nick backstage where Nick sees two men leaving her dressing room. He goes to see Sylvaine, who tells him she loves him and tries to kiss him. Nick takes this as proof that she's "impure" and kills her. Then LC comes in followed by the two men (vampires who had aided him in his deception) and says, "We have our Nicholas back again." Nick grabs LC and says, "What have you done?" "We wanted you back." (He had been spending every night at the ballet for the last three weeks mooning over this girl.). "She was innocent?" "She was in love." Nick kneels by her body and says, "I hate you." LC says, "Good. Hate is a step in the right direction." Then we return to the present where Nick has been telling Janette about this flashback. He tells her, "He stopped me from killing altogether. There is no difference between guilty and innocent blood. *We* are the guilty. They are the innocent." (For three centuries prior to the flashback in LYTD Nick had been picking as victims in the words of LC, "the criminals and derelicts, the useless and the impure".) And he's been mostly avoiding feeding on humans for the last hundred years as a result of this incident. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... And he's been seriously looking for a cure for that long too. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:39:44 -0400 From: Beth Hawkes <Seilidhe@a.......> Subject: Blood/Blood Light Recipes Hi all, I seem to remember that someone was compiling all the recipes for Blood/Blood Lite. Did that ever get finished? And if it did, would whoever has it be willing to send a copy of it my way???? Also, does anyone have a recipe for the Faerie Blood I saw mentioned awhile back? The one that had a cinnamon flavor I think????? I'd really appreciate it! Thanks, Beth Hawkes (Seilidhe@a.......) Cousin-in-training/Dark Knightie/AZ Crusaders of the Knight Flagwaver for Joe Dawson *as well as* Jim Byrnes and his Hummingbird POTM -- Phans of the Michael ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:49:00 -0400 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Re: Liking Third Season > On Sun, 7 Apr 1996, Amy wrote: > > I hereby issue a challenge to > find something nice in every third-season episode. Here're mine: I was a second-season bring-across, but didn't make it to the lists until this year, and was hopelessly in thrall to Vachon by then. (Now there's a major news flash <g>). So here's deepdyed Vaquera response to Amy's challenge: > 1 "Black Buddha" -- > Vachon's shower scene (for Bonnie <g>) Bonnie gets that? Mercs, how much chocolate to kidnap it for me? OK then, Nick pausing to introduce himself-- "Nicholas de Brabant" -- before imbibing from the lady's wrist Vachon moment: "I lost one in the crash." > 2 "Black Buddha" -- the moment where Tracy yells 'Vachon' to try to stop him from biting Vudu, and Vachon meets her eyes and holds them the whole way down on the bite. the look on Nick's face when Vachon says, "Detective, this must all be very confusing to you. Let me tell you what you will remember, and what you will forget." multilingual continuity glitch: the Inca, translated as saying "he thinks he has invaded me." Dude, that's Fever, down the road. other multilingual continuity glitch: failure to subtitle Screed. > 3 "Outside the Lines" -- the lavender dress twins dancing in the teaser -- another one of FK's unscripted but filmed acknowledgements of alternative lifestyles > 4 "Blackwing" -- Vachon in the woods, and signing the treaty. Vachon moment: "Because I can." > 5 "Blind Faith" -- (worst ep of all, imo) uh.... working on it... "Did you also have a cat named Fluffy?" phew, got one! > 6 "MBIAV" -- "No more punks and monks!!" Vachon moment: "and no, he's not a [little munchie bite]" > 7 "HoD" -- Urs' backstory. Vachon moment: "if she's an amateur, I'm a vegetarian." continuity glitch: Urs unfastens her garter right in front of Vachon, clearly about to hand it to him. We then see the handkerchief from the bosom of her dress in Vachon's hand for the rest of the scene. > 8 "Trophy Girl" -- Lacroix choking a taste of the babe back out of Nick. Vachon moment: Tracy: "you really ought to keep that hypno thing in your holster" Vachon: "sorry, sometimes it gets away from me." > 9 "LNMTA" -- Hans asking Nick if he even is able to remember how many people he's killed. Nick's voice when he races into the O.R. and saves Nat. Also, I liked the tattoo that woman was getting (do I have the right ep?). Vachon moment.... *I wish* Was he even still in the opening credits? > 10 "Night in Question" -- Lacroix consulting with the doc at the hospital; Nat asking Nick how old he thinks he is. Everything. > 11 "Sons of Belial" -- the Latin, especially as compared with the (truly execrable) Spanish. Lacroix's monologue at the end. the whole thing. Oh, and the vamp Christina Kamniakar calls "Miss Snarl-Hiss-Thud" <g>. And the wonderful Lacroix moment: "this--never--happened!" > 12 "Strings" -- Tracy telling her father, who presumably is not on the night shift, to call her back at 3 a.m. -- Nick catching Lacroix: "and you are under?" > 13 "Fever" -- *sigh*. Vachon slithering all over Tracy's face and hair as the First Hunger begins to set in. Nick's "I'm hungry... and I'm hot." Everything. Thanks, Amy! Laura/Apache Vaquera ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 04:16:49 -0400 From: Beth Hawkes <Seilidhe@a.......> Subject: AZ Crusaders meet again!!! Hi y'all, If there is anyone out there in Tucson, Phoenix, or anywhere else is AZ that wants to join in the next meeting of the AZ Crusaders for the Knight, we're going to meet on Friday, April 26. We are going to start with Dinner at "The Good Earth" at 6:00 and then go over to Bridget's apartment complex (where we've reserved the clubhouse) for an evening of FK videos, Ribena, and good times! For more information about this, feel free to contact me! Or any of the Few, the Proud, the AZ Crusaders for the Knight! ;) {bridget@n......., gillian@n......., jkw@u......., kathryn@a......., marg.r@a......., raissa@i......., Seilidhe@a.......} Beth Hawkes (Seilidhe@a.......) Cousin-in-training/Dark Knightie/AZ Crusaders of the Knight Flagwaver for Joe Dawson *as well as* Jim Byrnes and his Hummingbird POTM -- Phans of the Michael ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:25:47 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Nick sexy as a mortal? Katherine writes: >If Nick somehow does manage to become mortal again would Natalie ><or fans> still find him quite so inticing? I'm not sure Natalie would find him as interesting. Not that I think she particularly is attracted to the vampire (although I do think she is a bit), but more because if he was mortal she would then have to deal with having a *real* relationship with him (assuming they both continued to have a romantic attraction to each other). As long as Nick remains a vampire, he doesn't feel he can get too close to Nat and Nat has gotten used to that. In some respects it makes Nick "safe" because he can blame his vampirism for problems between them rather than having any problems be related to any real personality conflicts or anything like that. Currently I don't think she worries that anything she does will make him reject her. If his vampirism was gone, such a thing could happen. And Nick's personality is not going to change that drastically should he become mortal. Some of the things she may cut him a break for now because he's a vampire she might not cut him a break for if he was mortal. As for fans, speaking only for myself, I'd still find him enticing. He'd still be handsome (assuming no strange side effects of a cure). I think it's safe to say he'd still be a good kisser. ;) (And who knows what "skills" he's learned living with Janette? ;) ) And he'd still have a lot of the traits I find attractive in him: spontaneaty (sp?), kind heartedness, his musical and artistic talents and leanings, knowledge (in several fields, no doubt), his tendency to be over-emotional, etc. 'Course, no one's perfect and Nick's no exception. But if I wasn't married and he expressed an interest, I'd go out with him. :) Mmmmm, maybe I should qualify one statement I made above--he *looks* like he'd be a good kisser (since there's no way I can *know* that). ;) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:33:03 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: "Geraint" on the web! I haven't checked my tape, but it seems to me that what Screed said was "Spanish arse" (rather than "Spanish 'elbow'"). USA cut that? --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:34:28 PDT From: Kim Ivey <kivey@c.......> Subject: Re: Liking Third Season On Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:49:00 -0400 Apache wrote: > multilingual continuity glitch: the Inca, translated as saying >"he thinks he has invaded me." Um, this was corrected in the USA two hour version of "Black Buddha" that aired sometime after Christmas. I didn't notice it until I re-watched it a few days ago. Kim Ivey <kivey@c.......> Non-factional/fractional FK fan ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 01:42:17 -0700 From: "Toni C. Holm" <tch@w.......> Subject: Is Nick a snob? Vickie Adams <emerald_@i.......> said >Was Nick's disapproval in that scene of Carouches or of Screed? I got the >feeling that Nick was more disapproving of Screed's lifestyle than his role >as a carouche. Could it be that Nick is the vampire equivilent of a snob? Yes, I think he is -- it certainly had a distinctly superior feel. (And rather ironic considering Nick's sustenance proclivities). Despite Nick's rather unusual desire to be human, he still seems to hold some position of not only respect but status in the vampire community. If Lacroix is the master then he's "the prince of the city" so to speak. This sense of entitlement shows when he speaks to Vachon as well. Unconscious, perhaps but Nick definitely has a bit of Lacroix's regal manner. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 11:52:55 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......> Subject: Re: Liking Third Season Okay, might as well jump in. What do I like about the third season episodes...? - "Black Buddha" - "Detective, this must all seem very strange. Let me tell you what you will remember... and what you will forget." And the look on Nick's face!!! - "Outside the Lines" - "I've heard about this place." (Tracy) "And you say I never take you anywhere." (Nick) - "Blackwing" - I like the scene of the morning after when Nick is buttoning his shirt and kisses Marion. Hey, I'm a Dark Knightie, I'm allowed to like that part!!! - "Blind Faith" - Nick being nice and walking Jody to and from work. And it looked like he was enjoying her company, not just keeping an eye on Perry. - "MBIAV" - Tracy asking Nick if he believes in vampires, and the look he gives her. Tracy saying to Vachon, "If it is a vampire, how will I explain that? People would think I was nuts. Nick especially - he is such a skeptic." Nick unable to stop himself from laughing after questioning Maggie's boyfriend. "(Laughing)Do you think anybody would make up an embarrassing story like that?" - "Hearts of Darkness" - Screed wearing decent clothes?? Too cute. Nick actually showing compassion for Urs at the end. - "Trophy Girl" - I think we're agreed on the flashback. Whew! I nearly had to be hosed down afterwards. "Nick! That's Uncle's dinner! He ate Uncle's dinner!" (I really did yell this while watching.) And LaCroix: "Intoxicating, wasn't she?" - "LNMTA" - Nick rushing in to save Natalie, holding the gun and trying to disconnect the tubes, with such a look of panic/relief on his face. - "Night in Question" - the whole episode. Especially the scene after Nat finds Nick eating (he looked good enough to eat), Nick's dream (told ya I was a Dark Knightie), Nick's face when he ate the apple, Nick and LaCroix being civil to each other at the end. - "Sons of Belial" - Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! :) The scene in the Raven, obviously. The exorcism scene. LaCroix quoting Milton at the end. "Paradise.... lost." Wow. - "Strings" - the flashbacks were cute. I loved Nick talking to the tsar and saying, "Nicholas", and I loved how everyone else was calling him "Nicolai". - "Fever" (is this out of spoiler protection yet? Well, I won't post spoilers then) - What LaCroix said to Calvin - wow. Nick with long hair. LaCroix on the radio - he looked divine. This is fun. Think we should go back and do the first and second seasons too? - Marina. (tmar@f.......; Dark Knightie) \\ Advice to Nick: "She hates the shirt, get rid of // // the shirt, burn the bloody shirt!" - Lenny Henry.\\ ... A naked American man stole my balloons. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 02:54:46 -0700 From: Swordsister <catheboo@c.......> Subject: Re: Is Nick a snob? On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, Toni C. Holm wrote: > Nick's rather unusual desire to be human, he still seems to hold some > position of not only respect but status in the vampire community. If I can see how you can come to that conclusion, Toni, but I think I interpreted it another way. The whole superior, almost bullying attitude confused me too, until it struck me that, y'know, this guy is about twice as old as anyone else in the room. And I got the big feeling that everyone in the room knew it intimately. Now, that just isn't a circumstance we see Nick in very much. We've seen Janette bully youngsters around, as well (Spark in AMPH), so it's not totally unheard of. Kind of a strange attitude for him to take, having been the bull-ee for so long, but well, there it is. Catherine --------------------------------------------------------------- Catherine Boone catheboo@c....... "Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 06:52:21 +0000 From: Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......> Subject: Re: St. Louis folks? On 7 Apr 96 at 19:54, OREL, SARA wrote: > Anyway, does anyone on list know when the show airs in St. Louis? > there is an egyptological conference there next weekend, and I will > be there along with folks who might be interested in seeing the episode > if the timing is right.... I sent Sara this information. Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker (ktobin@t......., Reference Librarian, Save Forever Knight Campaign/Almighty Address Goddess Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 07:56:25 -0400 From: Susan Bratt <Vampzek@a.......> Subject: Re: Screed (jealousy? self-hate?) In a message dated 96-04-07 23:01:19 EDT, you write: >Just because Nick doesnt like Screed's lifestyle doesn't make him a snob. If >you were nose to nose with a street person who lived in the sewers under the >same circumstances would you be sweet and darling? Well, yes, some people would... People who volunteer in shelters, devote their time to Meals on Wheels, and distribute blankets to the homeless when the weather gets cold! I know volunteerrs and have vulonteered myself. I don't recall any of the volunteers making snide comments about street people. But of course, Nick probably would never dream of speaking of homeless _humans _ in a derrogatory way. He might feel justified talking about Screed that way because he's another vampire, and since Nick hates the the vampire in himself, he lashes out at other vampires (even the "lower forms" of vampires). Or maybe he's actually _jealous_ of Screed~~Screed doesn't feel the desire to drink human blood that Nick does. He lashed out at Screed maybe because he's envious. Catching the next train out of town before the Knighties find me... Should have stuck to lurking!! Susan B ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 06:58:46 +0000 From: Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......> Subject: Re: New affiliation On 7 Apr 96 at 20:28, Susan M. Garrett wrote: > What about the 'Th-thumps' who would like to be hypnotized by Nick? > Of which, of course I will NEVER be a member.* > *See War3 What about the "Th-thumps" who HAVE been hypnotized by Nick? Of which, of course, I AM, a member? *See War5 Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker (ktobin@t......., Reference Librarian, Save Forever Knight Campaign/Almighty Address Goddess Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 14:11:13 GMT From: Anne Toole <AMELY@a.......> Subject: YKY and 2 questions Dear All, You Know you've been blah blah blah... You're writing a paper, and in your notes you felt the need to put "the cities sucked the towns dry", meaning the populations left the towns for the cities. Okay, so that was lame, but it was the most amusing thing that happened while I was writing the paper... 1. Where are the archives for this list and the Spoiler and fiction lists. How far back do they go? 2. Someone mentioned that we should not imply that FK has been going downhill this season. Okay, what aspects of the show do people think are actually superior this season? As in, the 3 season representation of say... the role of town and city populations, just to make up something completely random is far superior to 1st and 2nd seasons. In fact, you wish they'd included it from day one. Try to think of *something* that's superior, even if it's the way Nick is dressed this season or something. And if you don't think any- thing holds a candle to earlier seasons, then think os something that's really good about 3rd season in its own right, not compared to any other season or show. Anyway, back to um, wishing I were asleep... -Anne, the Green, sleepy, non-lucid, merc amely@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 08:36:08 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Finding Nick Sexy Katherine the Newly Knighted (I think) asked if we'd still find Nick sexy if he were mortal. Having seen Ger as himself twice and just seen a tape last night of him at the Gemini Awards, yes, I think we would. :) Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 08:57:50 -0400 From: Tammy Stephanie Davis <tsd@u.......> Subject: Re: Is Nick a snob? On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, Swordsister wrote: > confused me too, until it struck me that, y'know, this guy is about twice > as old as anyone else in the room. And I got the big feeling that > everyone in the room knew it intimately. Now, that just isn't a I believe vampires have the ability to "sense" the age of each other, which is very fortune as it keeps actual physical confrontations down to a minimum. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 08:31:39 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: YKY and 2 questions At 02:11 PM 4/8/96 GMT, you wrote: > > Okay, what aspects of the show do people think are actually >superior this season? Superior? Hmmm - that's gonna take some deep thought. I can think of things that are good - but superior to the first seasons? Wow..... I'll get back to you on that one.... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 08:32:45 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: GEmini Awards Tape Speaking of the Gemini awards tape - where is it on the loop? I believe I put myself on the loop originally--anyone know who's got it now and where I am on the list? Just wonderin'!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 09:36:49 -0400 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: fkfic-l request I know I'm probably the only person in the world still reading mail via a dial up with vt100 emulation, but when people send stuff with long line lengths (or when a paragraph is just one big line), it's really hard to read. Can I beg people to break their lines at about 70 characters? Thanks, and if I'm a dinosaur and shouldn't be asking this, I'll just crawl back to the Jurassic now and download and reformat all the fiction I get.... Katja Stokley -*- cstokley@g....... -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 09:31:49 -0400 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: Re: Tracy is Nick Jr.(was Re: Difference in FK...) On Sun, 7 Apr 1996, Janice Cox wrote: > (even when she'd kinda like him to), and yet Vachon, who claims to love > Tracy, is quite willing to let her take a dangerous risk. When did Vachon claim to love Tracy? (If it's after Fever, don't tell me.) Katja Stokley -*- cstokley@g....... -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 09:55:11 EDT From: Catherine L Bond <cbond@l.......> Subject: New Episodes?? Hi Does anyone know when new episodes are supposed to start? Last thing I got was a repeat of "Strings". Please reply directly as I am not subscribed currently. Catherine Bond, missing everyone lots! ***************************************************************************** cbond@l....... Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA Standard disclaimers apply. Non-standard disclaimer:This is not an artichoke. ***************************************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 10:02:11 -0400 From: Diane Shea <KerrRaven@a.......> Subject: In defense of LC/Janette Amy wrote; >>I've never really appreciated LC's relationship with Janette. He takes Janette too much for granted, <snip> This is probably due, in part, to the weight of two-thousand years of his experience of cultures oppressing their women...but that's no excuse. True, it is no excuse. But he isn't alone in these actions, and there are probably *much* worse examples of men taking women for granted in every culture, and every part of the globe. (Just an observation; you ever notice in AMPH that Seline and Divia don't obey Lucius for a minute? As far as women go he does not seem to be very in control!) In my opinion, and from the eps I've seen so far, while LaCroix does not treat Janette with the same importance as he does Nick, (for one he must devote his attention to Nick because it's a constant struggle to keep him in line, whereas he can rely on Janette to go along with his wishes,) he does at least give her more room to breath. In fact, oppressing doesn't really come to mind when I think of his reasons for bringing her across. His purpose was to free her from the oppression of male domination. LC to Janette: "Or come with me, and without your permission, no mere mortal will ever touch you again." Admitedly he could very easily subject her to whatever *he* wanted, as he was stronger than her, but from what I've seen (and I've not seen all the eps, so if there is one that shows her flashing back to sometime when he really ticked her off, Let Me Know!) she has never been shown to despise him for anything he's done. *She* is also the one to argue in his defense when Nick is trying to blame him for all the evils in his life. Examples: Nick to Janette in I Will Repay about LC: "He wanted to control me, to be like he was." Janette to Nick: "He was your father. Your creator. He loved you." She also stood up for him in Dark Knight part 1 when Nick wanted to blame him for the murders. Of course, as it turned out, he really did kill the guard, but that's beside the point. :) Now, would you argue in defense of someone you felt repeatedly wronged you in the past? I wouldn't. So as far as I can see (barring any extrordinarily important eps that I've missed) Janette respects LaCroix, and does not blame him for any unhappiness that she may be feeling now. Just to bring up a point, in A Fate Worse Than Death, the very fact that she chose to bring Celeste across proves that she believed what LC gave her was the "the greatest gift of all". No flashes of hatred for her master appear anywhere in this ep. The only place these ideas come from are from her talking about what *Nick* feels at being in LC's control and relating that to her experience at being controlled by mortal men, and Nick at the end with; Janette about Celeste: "How, when her life is ruled by someone else?" Nick's reply: "We both know all about that Janette. It's about how we live in captivity" You'll notice she never agrees with him. These are simply Nick's feelings which he is trying to press into her. Am I ranting?? I'm sorry. I suppose as a Seducer I feel obligated to defend the ideas behind my faction to some degree. --Cousin Diane *Valentine*/FoN/*Seducer*. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 10:13:00 EDT From: "L. M. Salopek" <LMS5@p.......> Subject: Re: Memories I've put a second version on the list FTP site (mem4896.tif). If anyone is interested, please download this one and tell me which one you like better :-) To Dowload the image: ftp to It is an anonymous login in site (ie, userid=anonymous, password=<your- email-address>) Change directories (cd) to pub/people/lms5/fkgifs/Fan_Art Set your transfer to binary (bin) Then download the image (get mem4896.tif) Laurie (lms5@p.......) =========================================================================
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