File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604A" Part 23 TOPICS: Nick's children (5) Nick's a wimp (3) Difference in FK from Beginning to Now (2) Tracy is Nick Jr.(was Re: Difference in FK...) (2) AOL Message Threading/Cassar Chat The Unnamed Top Ten Sexy Nick Scenes Nick's first night requests That's it!! Fandom Directory Intro... Wanted: Missing Scenes ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 17:39:54 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Nick's children >>I remember reading somewhere, although I have not seen the episode referred >>to, that Nick brought across Natalie's brother. Is this not so? >Well, it wasn't esxactly a success. Like everyone else he's brought accross, >Richard became a homicidal maniac. I thought if you looked in the dictionary for a definition of vampire it says ---homicidal maniac. Vampires kill people. Was this somehow a surprise to Nick? Katherine, ever closer to Knightie-dom ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 21:46:54 -0500 From: Susan Bratt <Vampzek@a.......> Subject: Re: Nick's a wimp In a message dated 96-04-06 21:02:14 EST, you write: >He's fought LaCroix Sounds like a song to me... "He fought LaCroix, and LaCroix won!" Well, I mean, I guess LaCroix won in some regards anyways. He's still alive! And I think Nick tried to kill him some time ago, right? Susan B. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 17:55:43 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Nick's a Wimp Amy, Lady of the Knight responds >Come now: have you never been given advice on how to deal with bullies? >Is not the stronger man he who turns the other cheek? >>Actually my father's advice on how to deal with a bully was to punch >>him/her in the nose. >When Nat is bitchy to him, he knows perfectly well that that is just her >way of dealing with the frustration he causes. >>He does seem to forgive Nat just about anything. He doesn't appear to >>listen to her advice but he does forgive her her humanness. <g> Actually the more I think about it, the relationship between LaCroix and Nick is really parent/child. We often despise some of the things that our parents do, but we are still somehow connected. That makes a lot of sense. That's why I love FK. The relationships aren't black and white like a lot of other shows which shall remain nameless so as not to invoke a gentle nagging. One thing that had surprised me about LaCroix is that he has allowed Natalie to live. I imagine that the temptation to kill her, or even bring her across to spite Nick is rather great. He seems to be both amused by her and jealous of her at the same time. Katherine, ever closer to Knightie-dom lqueen@p....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 20:47:52 -0600 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: Difference in FK from Beginning to Now Dotti Rhodes wrote: >I have been watching FK from Dark Knight on this weekend and it suddenly >dawned on myself, my husband and my daughter what we missed so very much >from first season to this one. See if you agree.. >Those of you have been there since the first, what do you think? Discuss? Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are trying to do, so if I am, feel free to tell me. Anyway, I know I am going to get into trouble with this, but here goes ... I have talked about this sort of thing before. If the post, and similar ones, are saying that Forever Knight started off great, and then went downhill, I don't think that sort of thing does us any good. We are trying to get a fourth season or some two hour movies. To that end, we are supposed to be, we have to be, FK's biggest boosters. If we discourage ourselves with negative talk about a show that I thought we all loved, how effective are we going to be in bringing new people across, and in campaigning for our show? If there really is a Sony executive on this list, what conclusions will that person come to, if he/she gets the impression that FK fans believe the show has been going downhill? My own feelings come from seeing Dark Knight, from the first season, about 10 shows from the second season, and all of the third season. I can not honestly say that I like one season more than another. Sons of Belial, Fever, and Night in Question, all from the third season, are three of the most powerful shows I have ever seen. At the same time, I very much liked the feel of the humor in the first and second seasons. If people want to compare the seasons to each other for similarities and differences, that can be done without saying that one is necessarily better than another. In pushing for a fourth season or two hour movies, people can probably even put in their desires for what they would like to see (like, "humor of the sort that existed between Nick and Schanke" or "Janette in the show again liking/not liking being a vampire") in a positive-sounding way, not a negative. For my part, I would like to see Forever Knight continue, and I am willing to let the creative minds behind Forever Knight decide how Forever Knight will continue to unfold. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 18:10:21 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Tracy is Nick Jr.(was Re: Difference in FK...) Amy, Lady of the Knight writes: >Have you noticed how much Tracy is just like Nick? >and she has turned into Nick Jr, completely obliterating the >tension and contrast that make a pairing interesting. She is sort of a non-entity. While I have never seen any of the season 1 or 2 episodes I've gotten the impression that Schanke was more of a conflicting personality. I don't think that Tracy is well, *interesting* enough to really grab your attention. Just thank the gods that they didn't decide to pair her up with Nick romantically. -- Icky Poo!! Katherine, ever closer to Knightie_dom ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 22:35:27 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Nick's children At 05:39 PM 4/6/96 -2055, Katherine wrote: > >> >I thought if you looked in the dictionary for a definition of vampire it >says ---homicidal maniac. Vampires kill people. Was this somehow a >surprise to Nick? > None of the vampires in the Toronto community are homicidal maniacs, they do not kill any longer. Richard decided he was going to be some kind of crusader killing all the bad guys instead of bringing them to justice and leaving piles of bodies around. If Nick hadn't killed him the Enforcers would have. Then he went after his wife and sister - he just didn't care any more who he killed. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 22:39:41 -0500 From: Jane Snyder <janes@i.......> Subject: Re: Nick's children At 10:35 PM 4/6/96 -0500, Dotti Rhodes wrote: >None of the vampires in the Toronto community are homicidal maniacs, they do >not kill any longer. Where has it ever been said that the vampires in Toronto don't kill any longer? I remember comments about it being dangerous and foolish, but not an explicit statement that it never happens. There have been occasions where Natalie has covered up vampire kills. Off hand, I can recall the guard in Dark Knight and the multitudes in A More Permanent Hell. There may have been more. IMHO, there are still some vampires in Toronto who kill. They are just super aware of the Code, the Enforcers and the consequences of not carefully hiding their victims' remains. Jane (janes@i.......) Raven ** Immortal Beloved Writing is easy -- just stare at the page until your forehead bleeds (G. Horvath) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 22:43:09 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Difference in FK from Beginning to Now Nah, I'd never tell you to go away! I understand what you're saying and I agree that we don't want to alienate anyone who might be checking us out but, for the sake of discussion, I just brought up some reasons I feel FK was not quite up to the original standards of the show. Do I still love it? Hell yes!! And the last few episodes were right up there with the best. But I do miss certain things from the first couple of seasons, and I also feel that if there were a fourth season and/or a movie, perhaps they can rectify the situation and bring back some of the elements that were missing from this last season. No, you can't bring Schanke back, but perhaps lighten up the scripts a little here and there, lighten up Nick and Nat a little, and bring the focus back a little. But, even if they don't change it at all, I'd love to have it back. It was more of a discussion spot and since this was the first opportunity I had to view all of the 1st and 2nd seasons I could talk about them with full knowledge (TA-DA!!) instead of just guessing!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 22:51:49 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Tracy is Nick Jr.(was Re: Difference in FK...) Amy wrote: >She started out as a kind of "Nat Jr," whose relationship with Vachon was >supposed to parallel Nat's with Nick, and she has turned into Nick Jr, >completely obliterating the >tension and contrast that make a pairing interesting. I think I read somewhere that TPTB were suddenly alarmed that they were repeating the Nick Nat relationship with younger versions and stopped it. I don't know what the hell they thought they were planning when they had them meet in the first place if they didn't want the same kind of relationship happening. But then, we already know where their heads were at anyway..... Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 22:57:36 -0500 From: Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......> Subject: AOL Message Threading/Cassar Chat Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> wrote: >>Am I really the first person to notice that message threading has returned to the TV Gossip/Remote Control Bulletin Boards on AOL?<< Just to post on it! I, too, noticed this when posting about the Jon Cassar chat! Snakey ol Roger didn t say a word about this - I wonder who ELSE had been screaming to get this back? "Remote Control", however, refers to the chat room (and you knew this! ;D). The FK-related folders (no word yet about our own forum and it s April!!!) can be found in this manner on AOL: Keyword: TV GOSSIP or TV VIEWERS > Click on Prime Time/Late Night Message Boards > Click on (some of these are double clicks) Syndicated D-F > Scroll down to find a whole bunch of FK Folders. The folder called "Forever Knight - Ten" is the current general discussion folder that most post to. The Spoilers folder is also very popular. Hooray for message threading! Oh, and the Jon Cassar chat log is now available in the TV Chats Archive, accessed at keyword: TV GOSSIP. If you have AOL access, please go there to get the log and don't ask me for it - I have tons of requests to fulfill for the non-AOL people who want the log and can't also send to people who already have access to it. I know you understand! Thanks! Dame Marcia Tucker ScFiMarci@a....... Dark Knightie / Immortal Beloved Currently writing "Transitions" for the DKs, IBs, and Valentines! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 22:57:33 -0500 From: Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......> Subject: The Unnamed Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> wrote: >>That's kind of why I suggested keeping it "The Unnamed Faction". There's an awful lot to that relationship (Nick's and LC's) and it seems like we see it in a number of different ways.<< The Unnamed - I like this! Of course, in my story "A Taste of Black Velvet" a particular chapter featuring Nick and LC was titled "The Unnamed Thing", so I ve already been thinking along those lines. I do NOT like any faction name that points so directly to another television show, BTW. I didn't say anything before, but I do like "The Seducers" for LC and Janette, but I'm a little confused on it. I don't see that as a "couple" faction like the others, but as a Deadly Team faction - LC and Janette as a combined force to be reckoned with! Nick can attest to that! Hmmm... the fan fic wheels are turning... Dame Marcia Tucker ScFiMarci@a....... Dark Knightie / Immortal Beloved Currently writing "Transitions" for the DKs, IBs, and Valentines! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 22:57:30 -0500 From: Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......> Subject: Top Ten Sexy Nick Scenes Deb Rowland <drowland@a.......> wrote: >>If we're talking sexiest Nick scenes I vote for: 1) nuzzling Nat infront of LaCroix in BMV 2) nuzzling Nat infront of the fireplace and in his dream in NIQ 3) the just short of sex on his feet with the female vampire in SOB<< I d put the scene from SoB first - whoooo, is that hot! And, okay, I will admit the first one, but not first I d put in lots of the Nick/Janette scenes, particularly the tags from "Cherry Blossoms" and "Partners of the Month" not to mention the N&J stuff in "Crazy Love" and I d HAVE to put in a plug for Nick and Janette in the Raven in "If Looks Could Kill" (the Canadian) and of course Nick and Erica romping in "Last Act" and In terms of heat, then: (no. 1 being the hottest!) 1. Sons of Belial - Nick and the female vampire 2. Nick and Serena (Nick remembering when on top the CN Tower)- Baby, Baby 3. Nick savoring Nat before LC in Be My Valentine 4. Tag in Cherry Blossoms (what I wouldn t give to have seen that scene run longer before Nat butts in!!!!) 5. Nick and Janette being quite physically though casually intimate in the Raven scene in If Looks Could Kill 6. Nick and Erica, Last Act 7. Nick and Nat in Nat s apartment, Be My Valentine 8. Tag in Partners of the Month, Nick and Janette - why WON T they run the camera a little longer???? 9. Tag in Crazy Love - another kiss where they cut too soon! 10. Nick and Nat, Night in Question Dame Marcia Tucker ScFiMarci@a....... Dark Knightie / Immortal Beloved Currently writing "Transitions" for the DKs, IBs, and Valentines! ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 23:03:26 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Nick's first night Amy writes: >Nick had never *successfully* brought anyone across... Well, that depends on what you mean by *successfully*. Nick has been shown bringing across a few people--Nat's brother Richard and Elizabeth in I Will Repay from first season and Serena in second season's Baby, Baby. I feel like I'm forgetting someone else too. Anyway, these people *were* brought across. However, in the cases of the first two, they became vengeful killers and he wound up destroying them. Oh, I remember the other guy--the doctor in this season's Fever flashback. That guy started to think that he didn't have to worry about who he killed and a mortal priest (minister, whatever) wound up setting him on fire. Serena, however, *did* survive. She was brought over in the 1920s (looked like) and was still alive in the present day. Nick brought her over through a misunderstanding of what she really wanted (which was a baby) and so their relationship wasn't good. In the present day, she was trying to test a "cure" legend that said that if a female vampire could get pregnant by a "special" mortal man (she thought this meant a man with an extra y chromosome), she would become mortal again. Anyway, she's still alive at the end of the ep. And considering she had a job in the construction field while in Toronto, she must have been able to blend in and not be suspected of vampirism. I'd call her continued existence a case of Nick bringing someone over successfully myself. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 19:18:46 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Re: Nick's children Dotti R writes, >None of the vampires in the Toronto community are homicidal maniacs, they do >not kill any longer. Richard decided he was going to be some kind of >crusader killing all the bad guys instead of bringing them to justice and >leaving piles of bodies around. If Nick hadn't killed him the Enforcers >would have. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa. I haven't seen any of the earlier episodes so I didn't realize that most of the Toronto vamp contigent aren't eating people. If that is the case where are LaCroix and Janette getting their very fine vintages (human if I don't miss my guess, since LaCroix keeps tempting poor -beknighted (sorry, I couldn't resist) Nick with them. Blood Banks? <vbg> Is this a moral decision of just one of expediency. I mean, its a lot easier to get a bottle out of the fridge than to go ahunting! BTW - what exactly is the goal of the enforcers and who decides who they are? Please realize all these questions are just for the sake of argument and not necessarily the tried and true viewpoint of the management. Katherine, ever closer to Knightie-dom ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 23:26:34 -0500 From: "[M A Martin]" <mmartin@b.......> Subject: requests Hi gang! I'm looking for some specific information. And no, I won't tell you what it is all about just yet. You'll just have to be good little listmembers and wait a while. (insert crafty grin here) Did anyone compile a ribena drinks list? If so, could they get in touch with me? Who is the originator of the blood/blood lite recipies? If you are (or if you know who is) please let me know. I seem to have a very exhaustive trivia questions list on a floppy disk, but I have no record of who compiled it. If you are the author please contact me. Or, if you've made your own list, let me know. Does anyone remember what polls we (as a list) did? Did we ever do a favorite lines poll? If you were the compiler of any such polls, please contact me. Remember, don't reply to the list. Send your reply to me PRIVATELY (and it would really be nice if you had a descriptive subject). If you don't hear from me in a few days, email me again. (I'm not ignoring you, I probably lost your post.) thanks, Meg (mmartin@b.......) "Psychic Litter" is a term I coined to mean acts of immorality so small as to be below the level of consciousness. One example is wasting small amounts of the time of many people. --David Joiner, Wired Oct 95 p.122 ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 23:27:32 -0500 From: Siona <siona@n.......> Subject: That's it!! On Sat, 6 Apr 1996, Zelda_(K)ordelia Lee wrote: > Me? I stopped watching FK after I dreamed that Nick bit Duncan. Of course! That's where Uncle gets his blood supply. He must have a bunch of immortals donating since they can't die and would quickly replenish their own blood supply. Actually, he would probably only need one of each blood type. Now that my husband has resigned himself that he's stuck watching FK and HL (if thy're on when I go into the bedroom I just change the channel and don't even ask him), he's started asking questions. One of his got me wondering. He asked if they ever combined the shows. So now I ask - Has there ever been any xover fanfic written where Nick and Duncan meet in the past and then meet again in the present? Of course Duncan wouldn't know why Nick was still alive and visa versa. If it's been done, please point me to it (I'm way behind in my fanfic reading). If it hasn't been done how about considering this a challenge? I apologize in advance for posting this to both lists. Feel free to flame if you wind up reading this twice and that really bothers you. Siona@n....... Dark Knightie! Help save Forever Knight! see ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 23:29:22 -0500 From: "Tammy Pond [Digest]" <nightmist@g.......> Subject: Fandom Directory Intro... Was browsing through the copy I got in the mail when I noticed this blurb in the Introduction on page 17... "Fans who communicate electronically, via Email, on web sites, in Usenet groups, and over list servers, are a vast assemblage with varied interests. As a matter of fact, they are the ones who mounted a campaign and got two of the six new interest codes added to this edition. Check out page 18 and you'll find new codes for Highlander and Forever Knight that were added through the e-mail campaign." Thought you'd get a kick out of that. <grin> Now, these are the counts as published in the directory for Forever Knight (and a couple others I know people have expressed interest in): Forever Knight 61 .3% (code FN) NEW Highlander 50 .3% (code HI) NEW Babylon 5 152 .8% (code B5) Vampires 362 1.9% (code VA) If you want to check out his home page (Yes, he's on the web too ;>) it's located at: Spamming for FOREVER KNIGHT!! The Mad Fax Spammer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save the Forever Knight TV show! Write nytmist@l....... or visit this web site (Site name *IS* case sensitive!!!): ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 23:32:05 -0500 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Nick's children At 07:18 PM 4/6/96 -2055, Katherine wrote: > > If that is the case where are LaCroix and Janette getting their >very fine vintages (human if I don't miss my guess, since LaCroix keeps >tempting poor -beknighted (sorry, I couldn't resist) Nick with them. Blood >Banks? <vbg> Is this a moral decision of just one of expediency. > That's been one of those nagging questions several people are trying to answer - where do they get that blood? I suppose there's no shortage of people who will sell their blood for a few bucks, not to mention the occasion blood bank purchase - or maybe they have these "missing" people chained up in the basement attached to tubes...... Actually, I think it is a decisionof expediency because it is so difficult to hide the evidence these days. Also, as you say, the opinion of management!!(g) I loved that!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 23:36:25 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Nick's a wimp Nick is not a wimp. He's been both physically and mentally abused by control-freak LC for centuries. Is it any wonder he's been damaged psychologically? But, DESPITE his treatment, Nick has managed to cling to that better side of himself, when he could so easily have turned into another LC (or worse). He's willing to let LC and other vampires live their lives as they choose (unless of course it interferes with his current job, as vampire Jack the Ripper killing people in Bad Blood for example). It's amazing that Nick has come to view being a killer and feeder on human blood (natural for most vampires) as wrong. He's had the strength to mostly live on animal blood for a century. That has to be hard and the strain has been telling recently. But I don't think he'll give in to the vampire or give up on his dream of being mortal. To persevere in the face of such overwhelming, and for him *unnatural*, odds takes an enormous strength, imo. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie (as if you couldn't tell :) ) --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 22:48:02 PST From: Kim Ivey <kivey@c.......> Subject: Wanted: Missing Scenes Hello All, Is there anyone out there who can fill me in on the missing scenes of the first season. I have copies of the American version of the first season, and would like to know what scenes were in the Canadian version that were not in the American version. I don't need exact dialog or anything, just brief descriptions. If anyone is willing to help me out, please e-mail me off the list. Thanks, Kim Ivey <kivey@c.......> =========================================================================
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