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Logfile LOG9604A Part 11

April 3, 1996

File: "FORKNI-L LOG9604A" Part 11

	LIST RULES: The Poem! (2)
	Janette and Leonardo
	Lonely (2)
	As Time Goes By
	just a question
	ET on the net!!
	The Other Show
	Nick's Quest (2)
	Dying to Know You flashback
	Kindred MY Opinons! (spoilers)
	Humble Apologies
	Reruns and I tried... (2)
	FK Continuity Errors (2)
	FK Party Queary
	Gary Kramer (Screed)
	San Francisco (2)
	Is it quiet? and  other stuff
	umm (3)
	The Other Show -- dialogue :p
	Beautiful People Poll
	Trilogy of Terror2?
	The Future is on Sci-Fi
	Is it Quiet?
	Nanette Recruitment Options
	Recruiting . . .
	***that*** show

Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 12:57:55 -0800
From:         AKR <r@w.......>
Subject:      Re: LIST RULES: The Poem!

  :) Don't you just love Jamie, sometimes? :)
(Or all the time, I suppose; I'm not picky...)

***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... *****
 Bright Knightie, Light Cousin, Fuzzy N&Ner, (Im)Mortal Beloved
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 13:14:14 -0800
From:         AKR <r@w.......>
Subject:      Janette and Leonardo

"The lady smiled in regal calm: her instincts of conquest, of ferocity,
all the heredity of the species, the will to seduce and to ensnare, the
charm of deceit, the kindness that conceals a cruel purpose -- all this
appeared and disappeared by turns behind the laughing veil and buried
itself in the poem of her smile.  Good and wicked, cruel and
compassionate, graceful and feline she laughed."

(Now, doesn't that sound like a description of Janette?  I got it out of
a book of literary criticism, which was quoting a book on art history,
which was quoting Freud's view of a painting by da Vinci.  Goodness knows,
he was probably referring to the Mona Lisa -- though I don't see any
of this in that -- but I like the quote so much that I have decided that,
in the FK universe, Freud was indeed describing da Vinci's portrait of
Janette -- not the early one she left with Nick, but the work of the mature
master, which she commissioned, as she said she would do in PotM.

Since this thought pleased me so much, I thought you might like it, too.
***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... *****
 Bright Knightie, Light Cousin, Fuzzy N&Ner, (Im)Mortal Beloved
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 13:07:00 PT
From:         Tami Lafrank <tamilyn.lafrank@a.......>
Subject:      Lonely

I checked my options and am set to mail, so where is everyone?
I'm feeling lonely today. No new mail since 6am this morning.
Is this list held or are we all just tired today?

OBFK: I voted for Ger for most beautiful People poll 3 times. :)
Once under each of my email addrs and once under my office mates.
And guess what, still 0% of people polled agree. Guess their percentage
calculation isn't very accurate.

Tami LaFrank                   : TCL58@a....... or TCL20@a.......
Forever Faithful Ravenette     :
Owner: Sacred Raven Health Spa : Eat a live f**g first thing in the
"Come in, relax. We're dying   : morning and nothing worse can happen
   to prolong your life"       : to you for the rest of the day.
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 16:12:54 -0500
From:         Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>
Subject:      Hello?

Okay, what's happening?  Where is everybody?  Is something unnatural going
on? Help!!

Dotti R
Knightie 4-Ever
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 15:22:17 -0600
From:         sowder john mark <sowder@c.......>
Subject:      FK CD

        Has anyone received (specifically in the Midwest) the FK CD yet?
Am I correct at saying they were shipped last Thursday.  Must have sent
them bulk rate.  Just curious.

        John M Sowder                           ** Forever Knightie **
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 13:26:35 -0800
From:         AKR <r@w.......>
Subject:      As Time Goes By

In OtL, Nat turns thirty (golly, I love this ep!).
After the first season, the series went on hiatus for a year, yes?
So, on her birthday in second season, did she turn 31 or 32?  Is she 33
now?  Did a year pass between seasons for the characters, or just for
us?  Is it 1996 in FK, or 1995?

***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... *****
 Bright Knightie, Light Cousin, Fuzzy N&Ner, (Im)Mortal Beloved
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 15:51:12 -0600
From:         Jolene Butler <jolene@e.......>
Subject:      just a question

Hi.  Would someone please e-mail me directly and tell me exactly how to
logoff of here.  I've tried numerous different ways, and they have not
worked.  I would like to stay on this listserv, unfortunately I do not
have the time to come in and check it on a regular basis.  By the time I
do come in I have an unrealistic number of messages.
It's been fun.  Thanks!

                                my address is:
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:48:16 -0330
From:         Paula Hurley <phurley@b.......>
Subject:      ET on the net!!

I don't know if anybody knows this yet or not, but Entertainment Tonight
now has a website where people can also write to them at, so a while back
when we were trying to get some publicity from them on the SOS FK effort,
we couldn't find an address for the show, but now, if somebody who is
good at media relations, would like to try, we can inform them of
everything we have done, and see if we can get their attention now.

Anyways, the URL is as follows, if you would like to try contacting them:



Dark Knightie/
Light Cousin/
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 17:18:12 -0500
From:         Vampire Junction <vampires@a.......>
Subject:      Re: The Other Show

Please do not think that this is a flame, because it isn't.  But I really
would like to know what in the heck does "Embraced:The Kindred" have to do
with FK (or FK being canceled)?  Why all the sour grapes?   K: TE has
been in production since last spring, which is when I first heard of it,
way before FK was cancelled.
Now, I too am terribly dissapointed that FK was cancelled.  I,  like
many others, have been a fan since it was on CBS's Crimtime after Primetime.
I stinks that FOX didn't buy FK (but do you blame them with a vamp series
of their own to show) and it stinks that USA etc. screwed up so royally,
but again, why bash K:TE  when it is a completely different show,
based on a different supposition.  Now, if it was about a cop who happens
to be a vampire etc... I could see the bashing.
I am just so damned happy that *any* major network it taking a risk by
showing and producing a series that is about vampires, since in the past,
no nighttime series about vamps have done well with the ratings on a
major network.  I like K:TE.  I will offer any show that strides to be
different my support, as I continue to offer FK my support.

That's all folks...

"The walls of my castle are cracked, the shadows many.  But come in.
Feel yourself at home.   ---Carlos Villarias: Spanish version of DRACULA
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 17:36:40 -0500
From:         Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......>
Subject:      Re: Nick's Quest

On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, Melissa Puzio wrote:

> If I'm not mistaken, this was "Dying to Know You" from season 1.  This is
> the one with the flashback to the American Colonies, where Nick befrends a
> man named Matthew who then kills himself when he finds out what Nick really
> is.  But I could be wrong


                  Katja Stokley    -*-    cstokley@g.......
            -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*-
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 17:57:46 EST
From:         Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject:      Dying to Know You flashback

Actually, that flashback doesn't have to be in the American colonies. It
could just as easily be England in the 17th century, probably during the
Puritan ascendancy of the Commonwealth. In fact, since the clothes and
attitudes in Fatal Mistake (where Nick thinks he killed Alexandra) appear
to be just before or at the beginning of the English Civil War, it's more
likely to be England. Nick says Matthew took him in when he was lost. My
guess is that Nick and LaCroix followed the Royalist forces, got mixed up
in one of the many serious routs that followed a Royal defeat, and got

Matthew, with his Puritan beliefs, clothes and voice fits nicely into
East Anglia, which is where the Pilgrims came from.

Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble."
Lisa McDavid
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:01:51 -0500
From:         colin paddock <Claudius@n.......>
Subject:      Kindred MY Opinons! (spoilers)

        Everyone's talking about how Kindred's diffrent from FK. How they
can eat, have sex, only some can fly, you get the idea. But in my opinon, it
is too diffrent. Not from FK, but from all the vampire ledgends. Whoever
wrote Kindred, IMHO, took only parts of the myth that they liked, and for
what they didn't like, they just made-up new stuff. One of the good points
about FK, is it sticks close to the Ledgends. That really is all i think
about Kindred, and that is all i'm going to say. Is kindred even worth the
time to talk about?? Let's just forget that it is even around, and let's
talk about FK.
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 17:06:23 -0600
From:         D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......>
Subject:      Re: jiijioj

>  I got the same response, that I was alone in my opinion of GWD.  Odd?
>I wonder how many others listed GWD and got the "You are alone in your
>opinion of GWD" response.

Funny, it told me that 1% of the Web agreed that Catherine Disher deserved top
honors. :)

Just a thought... you guys *did* spell Geraint Wyn Davies right, didn't you? I
mean, if you mis-spelled it, it wouldn't match any other votes, and computers
aren't that bright.... (I'm not saying you *did* mis-spell it, just suggesting

Also, the program is obviously only checking the #1 vote, so since I (for
example) put Ger #2, I "don't agree with you" according to them.

Diane E
# D Echelbarger                        gryphon@e.......  #
#   WWW HomePage:    http://www.execpc.com/~echelbar/      #
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:08:11 -0500
From:         "Meredith E. Pickering" <Plan2@a.......>
Subject:      Factions

Greetings to all!

First, I must apologize for my delinquency in re-posting the Factions FAQ:
however, as I have been very busy over the past couple of months, I need to
ask a favor of the list members first.  If anyone has created a faction since
the first James Parriott 'cancellation is upon us' message in late December,
please send your info so that I can update the FAQ.  I don't want to send it
out and then send addendums, primarily because I don't want to confuse the
new list members (I also don't want to confuse myself!).

Second, I would like to take the opportunity to announce the birth of a new

A Dracpacker is a watcher of Dracula:The Series, as well as FK, and would
like to see more actors from the Dracula cast in roles on FK. (Laura Petix,
you are a charter member!)  Interested?  E-mail me.

Natpacker, Nick&Natpacker
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:04:37 EST
From:         MS IDALIA KAKESAKO <NPYF15B@p.......>
Subject:      Humble Apologies

I, Idalia Kakesako, do hereby apologize to all the members
of both FORKNI-L and FKSPOILR for my going off the deep
end this week.  Please note:

(1)  I am grateful for the (somewhat) reassuring responses
to my panic attack on the spoiler list.

(2)  I am terribly sorry for putting a spoiler in a sig I used
here on the main list.  I have been properly chastised by the
Wielder of Warm Fuzzies herself and am quite embarrassed
by my mistake.

Thank you for your time.  Sorry to waste the bandwidth.


Idalia Kakesako
remorseful, formerly panicky wannabe natpacker
with goofy, cousinly tendencies & delusions of mercdom
currently hiding in a deep hole   :(
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:24:21 -0500
From:         "Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Reruns and I tried...

Tara Housman shared my sentiments about how much of a travisty it is
that *that thing* is set in my favorite city:

>   My sentiments exactly! If they hadn't set it in this city I love so much,
> I would never have cause to watch it. As it is, though, I've taped it, too.
> I suspect, however, that it'll turn out to be a pseudo-San Francisco filmed
> in a Century City backlot with a few stock San Francisco establishing shots

Actually Tara, I think some of the stuff definately had to be done there.

But like I said, I could only sit through five minutes of it. But the
opening shots of the GG were really fabulous. And even the arial shot at
the beginning looked like the South end of the City...I'm sure some of it
was really done in SF, but you're right the rest was all Century City.

Which brings me to my ObFK: After *trying* to watch those vamps in SF I
had a dream that *our* vamps were relocated in SF.

It was the best dream I've had in a long time. N&N on cable cars at
night. LC broadcasting from Koit Tower. Even Tracey and Vachon at Vista

The most interesting part though was part memory. When I was younger I
remember there was a truck driver who thought he'd be real swift and take
a short cut by going down the crooked part of Lombard (the crookedest
street in the world, for those of you who don't know), and the fool got
stuck. I remeber it was a MAJOR fiasco, and it took forever to get the
truck unstuck....

I dreamed that happened to Nick in the Caddy. ;-) In my dream it had to
be airlifted out.

Natpacker: Yes, I am *both* a Nick&NatPacker & Valentine
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:28:15 -0500
From:         Amy Volpert <avolpert@a.......>
Subject:      FK Continuity Errors

Inspired by the post about FK actors catching errors in scripts.
I'm a newbie, so please be merciful :).  I just had to do something to
stop thinking about the final eps.


10) Janette (or LaCroix) volunteers the Raven for an uplifting benefit
concert by a real life music group.

9) Nick actually follows one of Natalie's suggestions for more than half
an episode.

8) Nick and partner make an arrest that goes smoothly and doesn't involve
gunplay or amazing vampire abilities.

7) It is revealed that LaCroix is so hard on Nick because of repressed
memories of his tortured relationship with his own father.

6) Nat does a tricky dissection using a salad fork instead of a dessert

5) Janette dyes her hair blond.

4) Poker night for guys from the precinct at Nick's loft.

3) Nick realizes that if he truly wants to be mortal, he should stop
putting himself in situations that require him to use his vampire
abilities, so he quits the force and takes some type of desk job.

2) Nat meets a guy who's not a serial killer.

1) "LETS GET NAKED!" Sorry - my mistake.
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 16:56:27 -0700
From:         Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......>
Subject:      Re: Lonely

I voted for Ger twice. It's still at 0%. The good news is that after
voting for CD three times, she's up to 1%.

Raissa Devereux
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:44:59 -0500
From:         "Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......>
Subject:      FK Party Queary

OK, just a thought:

Kira mentioned something to me a while ago about not wanting to watch the
final ep alone (I suggested a BIG bottle of vodka, but that didn't appeal
to her...), so she wanted to know if anyone would be interested in coming
up to our place to watch it. I'll be home from school by then, and since
I haven't met any of the San Francisco contingent yet, I would like too.

Which is what I am asking, I guess. The Bay Area is a big place, and
Healdsburg (15 minutes north of Santa Rosa) is a ways out of the way for
most people, but anyone who's interested, my sister and I have our own
place (finally)with a nice view of the Russian River (assuming the dam
is up) and if there is any interest we'd like to do it.

And it would probably be a nice afternoon thing, because we get FK at
9:00pm (and then again at 11:00) on Saturday.

So let me know if you are interested.

Oh yeah, thought I'd add, Kira is *very* big into gourmet cooking...and
she *loves* getting the chance to cook for other people...she does great
vegetarian gourmet too....

Natpacker: Yes, I am *both* a Nick&NatPacker & Valentine
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:52:24 -0500
From:         Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......>
Subject:      Re: FK Continuity Errors

On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, Amy Volpert wrote:
> 7) It is revealed that LaCroix is so hard on Nick because of repressed
> memories of his tortured relationship with his own father.

This one is true :-). Dead Air, first season.

                  Katja Stokley    -*-    cstokley@g.......
            -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*-
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 17:55:06 CST
From:         Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......>
Subject:      Gary Kramer (Screed)

Is the guy's name Gary or Greg?  I've been calling him Greg Kramer!

Wicked Cousin Tippi
(WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......)
Join the Thong Throng!
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 19:22:55 -0500
From:         "Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......>
Subject:      Re: San Francisco

On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, Lisa McDavid wrote:

> So The Other Show is set in San Francisco? Now, that's ironic. I'm told
> by someone who's seen the original script for Nick Knight as a tv movie
> that originally it was set in San Francisco.

I wish...although I doubt Toronto natives would want to share.

Natpacker, Nick&NatPacker, Valentine and San Franciscan
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 16:16:10 -0800
From:         Dee Davidson <dmd@a.......>
Subject:      Re: Is it quiet? and  other stuff

I don't know about the quiet but something strange *is* going on, I'm
getting posts from yesterday and early this morning. Whats really strange
is that I got mail that was received from 4-5 am first, then ones from
earlier around midnight-5 am.
Is anyone sure this isn't really the Twilight Zone list?

in response to Candice's april fools post:
Hehehe, perfect, I loved it made me proud to have you as a fellow cousin:)

I watched The Kindred last and wasn't too impressed, I know C. Thomas
Howell can act better than that. Althought I didn't think it sucked I do
think there is alot of room for improvement so hopefully tonights episode
will be better.
"If you think I tormented you in the past my little friends, wait
until you see what I do with you now!"  Q
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 15:35:10 -0900
From:         Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject:      Re: umm

I managed to watch 18 mins. yes, 18 mins. on the most boring stuff I
have ever seen--Kindred: The Useless.  I did not waste anymore time.
Date:         Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:59:58 -0700
From:         Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......>
Subject:      Re: The Other Show -- dialogue :p

Then there were THESE bits of wonder:

"Your hands are like ice."   Duhhh!
"You look a little pale."
"Those are beautiful earrings." ( unsuspecting mortal)
    "Would you like to see them up close?" ( vampire)
  (Sounds like something from a sleazy pick-up joint.)

"He took L.A. and now he wants YOUR city."

The dialog doesn't hold a candle to that found in FK.

All vampires fascinate me, and yes, I did watch K:tE.  They have no
snuggly, teddy-bear like Nick, and DEFINITELY no one with the eloquence of

Let's hope that the jury is still out.  Keep writing letters!

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 18:11:14 -0500
From:         Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......>
Subject:      Re: umm


On Apr 02, 1996 22:26:44, 'Abby <albrecht@c.......>' wrote:

>The letters are having a positive effect. The woman I talked to said Sony
>was starting to realize how strong the fans are. They are still working
>on promotional stuff like cups, and they are starting to wonder if they
>made the right decision. She didn't say they were planning on bringing it
>back anytime soon, but...

Yes, it is a five-line quote.

It is a VERY GOOD five line quote.  Which deserves to be repeated.



Would this be a good time to mention that the fight isn't over yet?

Abby, ya done good.  REAL good.

<warm fuzzies!!>

Jamie M.R. -- Asst. Listowner/Mommy/Nag, FORKNI-L etc.
Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies
"I may do what I have done.  I may smash the hollow rock
without breaking stride and splinter the glitter inside
all over a midnight street." -- L.F.
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 19:37:31 -0500
From:         Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......>
Subject:      Beautiful People Poll

The vote for GWD is up to 10%. :-)

                  Katja Stokley    -*-    cstokley@g.......
            -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*-
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 19:39:56 -0500
From:         Jill Marie Spetoskey <jilkey@u.......>
Subject:      Re: Reruns and I tried...

On Tue, 2 Apr 1996, Tara Housman wrote:

> I suspect, however, that it'll turn out to be a pseudo-San Francisco filmed
> in a Century City backlot with a few stock San Francisco establishing shots
> thrown in. IWTV's interview took place in a real building at 6th & Market

I'm guessing at this one, but might it be Vancouver filmed?  I know
Sliders uses Vancouver for faux-Francisco.  There's also easy access to
all 22 Canadian actors in Western Canada, and could probably swing the
remaining 20 actors that are currently at work in the Toronto area.  ( I
mean no offense to Canadian TV.  I watch more shows made thare than I do
the American stuff, and HNiC is a lifeline after the Foxpuck)

Regardless, I want MY vampire/cop show to be filmed in Toronto. (pout)
Now that SciFi seems to have made a committment to air FK, it would seem
that there's a better shot at original tv movie type things.  I really
doubt the local syndies around here could swing showing FK made for tv
movies in prime time, and SciFi seems to be trying to find something to
air other than Twilight Zone reruns.

Jill Marie
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 15:57:45 -0800
From:         John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......>
Subject:      Re: Nick's Quest

>   >I forget the episode name, but it was the one with the psychic who was
>   >helping the police. A man who was the pillar of the community had his own
>   >wife and daughter kidnapped, and the wife killed.

>   If I'm not mistaken, this was "Dying to Know You" from season 1.  This is
>   the one with the flashback to the American Colonies, where Nick befrends a
>   man named Matthew who then kills himself when he finds out what Nick really
>   is.  But I could be wrong

Did Matthew really find out that Nick was a vampire?  I thought Nick didn't
tell him and basically told Matthew that what he witnessed might have been
a dream.  Matthew, unable to resolve what he witness, thought he was going
insane and killed himself.
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 19:46:03 -0500
From:         Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......>
Subject:      Trilogy of Terror2?

>I spoke with Ger today (April 2, 1996) during a break he took from filming
>"Trilogy of Terror 2",

This is from Rosemary's letter to Debsplay list. Does anybody know about
this? Is there a Trilogy of Terror 1? I've never heard of it. Info please...

Proud Knightie who will be very grateful for any help...
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 15:48:55 -0900
From:         Muldy Sculler <ffbmh@a.......>
Subject:      Re: San Francisco

The tv movie Nick Knight was set in SF?  There must have been a last
minute change, the Nick Knight I saw was set in LA.
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 16:53:35 -0800
From:         AKR <r@w.......>
Subject:      Re: The Future is on Sci-Fi

On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, Margie Hammet wrote:
> I was suggesting using the (soon to be former) Spoiler list for
> discussing episodes when they air on Sci-Fi...

The use of the lists is up to Jaye, of course, but fkspoilr won't be
"former" until FK stops airing in syndication, right?  I mean, LK won't
be rerun until next fall, right?  I can't imagine we'll ever be done
discussing the final ep, whatever happens in it.
I am sure that we *will* discuss the episodes as they air, wherever they
air, whenever they air, world without end...
***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (AKR) r@w....... *****
      Bright Knightie, Light Cousin, Fuzzy N&Ner, Fleur-Booster
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 19:58:17 -0500
From:         "Alora C. Chistiakoff" <acc0924@i.......>
Subject:      Re: umm

On Tue, 2 Apr 1996, Abby wrote:

> The letters are having a positive effect. The woman I talked to said Sony
> was starting to realize how strong the fans are. They are still working
> on promotional stuff like cups, and they are starting to wonder if they
> made the right decision....

I am feeling another letter writing jag coming on...

Natpacker, Nick&NatPacker, Valentine and San Franciscan who hates that
that *thing* is set in my favorite city!
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 19:57:43 EST
From:         Kenneth Dare <102226.1213@c.......>
Subject:      Re: Is it Quiet?

  I'm with you.  Yours is about the first thing that I have gotten all day.  I
sent a message to the listserver because I thought that I had been non mailed
(again!) but is said that I was set up to get mail.  Now I have gotten nothing
since about 11:00pm last night.  What is the deal? And here I thought my
computer was going on the blink again.
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:02:03 -0500
From:         patrick kortner aiex <paiex@i.......>
Subject:      Nanette Recruitment Options

        I heartily thank those who have asked for the Nanette FAQ, and hope
that some of those who have requested it consider joining my little fraction.
        Another option exists for those who don't want to completely defect
from their current faction/fraction (although there is nothing in the Nanette
bylaws that says you can't be cross-affiliated): you can be an FoN -- Friend
of the Nanettes. As the Part-Time FoN Cousin Diane says, as in "Girls just
want to have FoN." That will, in fact, be the motto of the FoNs.

        ObFK: Regarding those who have most intelligently answered my ques-
tion about Nick's being or not being a Carouche, I thank you. It was my un-
derstanding that a Carouche only had to drink the blood of animals, and did
not know that specifically implied the blood of "vermin." That's sort of an
ObFK, isn't it? :)

        Thanks, all.

        Pat -- Not Quite The Lone Nanette Any Longer,
        B-Negative FoD, Web Page Designer-In-Training
        "Quid pro quo, Clarice. I tell you things, you tell me things."
                -- Hannibal Lecter, "Silence of the Lambs"
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:06:27 -0500
From:         Cassie Carter <ccarter@b.......>
Subject:      Recruiting . . .

Hello, all!

I've been toying with an idea for a while now, so I guess I might as well
spring it on you.  I'm the Program Director for this year's Midwest
Popular Culture and American Culture Associations' conference, which will
be held in Bowling Green, OH, November 15 & 16, 1996.  I would just LOVE
to see one or more panels (of 3 or 4 presentors each) devoted to FK.  The
papers could be on *anything* related to FK, including discussions of the
show itself, fandom, this list, the SOS campaign, whatever.  And since
we're talking about a culture studies conference here, all disciplines and
all approaches are welcome.  And yes, we do fiction readings, too.

Is anyone out there interested?  Please reply via private e-mail.  If
enough people express interest, I'll post a formal call for papers to the
list (you know, submission guidelines, deadline, registration fees, etc.).


Cassie Carter                   |----------------------------------------|
English Department              |     Visit THE JIM CARROLL HOME PAGE    |
Bowling Green State University  |http://www.bgsu.edu/~ccarter/carroll.htm|
Bowling Green, OH 43403         |*Everything you want to know about JC!* |
ccarter@b.......                |----------------------------------------|
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:10:28 -0500
From:         Amy Potter <APotter@g.......>
Subject:      ***that*** show

Well, I *had* to delurk to comment on this fiasco.  It's really
hard to believe that FK got ignored to produce this.  I have to
admit that I'm not at all familiar with the game (I think it's a
game? a book?) the show is supposedly based on, but I can't imagine
that the original is this ... well ... vapid.  Not to mention that
they completely destroyed any semblance of vampire lore, except for
the drinking blood part. And of course I could go on about how the
name of a certain club in a certain show *rips off* the name of
another club in another show... based on the first episode,
Jannette's Raven was a much classier and more interesting place
than the Haven can ever hope of being.

I have to say though that I did like the scene where the Nosferatu
guy murdered the pathologist in the morgue, it was so much like
something *Uncle* would have done
<hiding from Cousins>
Of course NB would have carried it off with mch more grace and

I will problably watch one or two more episodes, just to give it
the benefit of the doubt, but I don't hold out much hope.

The ranting ends here, I now ...
<return to lurk mode>

Email: APotter@g.......
Home Page: http://members.gnn.com/APotter/page1.htm
You're almost 800 years old . . . what's an egg?
Date:         Wed, 3 Apr 1996 20:28:16 -0500
From:         Allison Percy <percy91@w.......>
Subject:      Re: LIST RULES: The Poem!

<chortle> <snicker> <snort>

Ya gotta love a list that includes people so creative that they write
poetry about list rules!

Just one question, Jamie -- why couldn't you come up with a rhyme for
<http://cac.psu.edu/~jap8/FK/FK.html> ?

I can think of several rhymes for "html", including things like "Blue
Meanies from Hell"!  But I will admit that URLs tend to mess up the meter
of a poem.... :^)

* Allison Percy, a perky Knightie               percy91@w....... *
* Shrewthering info: http://assets.wharton.upenn.edu/~percy91/shrew.html  *
* "Is your life interfering with your list reading?  If so, just set      *
*  your options to NO LIFE for awhile."  Cousin Diane Shea                *

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