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Digest - 25 Apr 1996 to 26 Apr 1996 - Special issue

Fri, 26 Apr 1996

There are 34 messages totalling 1000 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. j_
  2. Spoiler?
  3. Syndicon East
  4. kinda FK-related; what is an FK annex? (2)
  5. Chats & Shrewthering
  6. Favorite FK Songs
  7. j_ (Lacroix pronunciation) (2)
  8. Ratings
  9. More Music (2)
 10. FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Apr 1996
 11. Various Topics (5)
 12. YKYB...
 13. This is for real!
 14. Sorry/Request
 15. Favorite FK songs
 16. Fiction formatting
 17. Shrew - Night 1
 18. Sweet Revenge - Update :(
 19. Animal RightsActivists
 20. Gemini tape tour
 21. FK CD and Hunters
 22. Sorry
 23. Enforcers (was Re: Various Topics)
 24. Bye etc.
 25. NiQ Questions (was Various Topics)
 26. <No subject given>
 27. Enforcers


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 15:40:00 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: j_

is it "janette" or is it "jeanette" or "jeannette"?
if french, i though it was either of the last two.
and how EXACTLY is lacroix pronounced? :P
on a perhaps older ep--newer to me because i haven't
watched FK in a while--there was a new blonde
vampire with whats-his-face [the new spanish/french
vamp, too]. missing some characters, not good!

-mad hat
*       *       *
We dance around in a
  ring & suppose,
But the Secret sits in
  the middle & knows.
--robert frost
*       *       *


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 18:42:51 -0500
From:    Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......>
Subject: Re: Spoiler?

Stella asks...

>What does spoiler mean?

A 'spoiler' is a comment that will tell you something about an episode you
may not have seen.  Normally it's kind of like a 'the butler did it' kind
of comment, but in this case, (FK) we make it a bit more general and say
that it's pretty much anything that will give you any real info on
an episode that is still under 'spoiler protection' (ie, hasn't been rerun
in syndication yet.)

This classification is to protect those who want to see an episode without
having it 'spoiled' for them.

----  TJ


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 18:45:55 -0500
From:    Sherri Haynes <abadi@p.......>
Subject: Re: Syndicon East

Hi All!
Is anyone from CT going to Syndicon East? I'll be driving down early Friday
morning and leaving late Sunday morning and would love some company for the
ride. My car will fit 3 more people comfortably. If interested, email me
privately and put RIDE in the subject line. This offer is for
transportation only--no accomodations. I'm looking forward to meeting my
fellow list members. Bye for now.

Cousin Sherri


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 16:44:15 -0800
From:    Dann Lunsford <dann@g.......>
Subject: Re: kinda FK-related; what is an FK annex?

In <199604251554.IAA03870@n.......>, on 04/25/96 at 08:18 AM,
   Valery King <kingv@u.......> said:

>On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Tigon Diana Hooker wrote:

>There is a scene, written but never filmed, that has Lacroix going into a
>church at the height of the asteroid madness, looking up at the cross
>(pretty painful activity for a vampire, even one of Lacroix's great age),
>and asking one question:


>I asked Nigel at Anglicon the reason for leaving this out, and he said
>they just ran out of time.

Good grief.  I can just see Nigel doing that scene.  That would have been
*shattering*.  And to think we were deprived of that by *running out
of time*.  Sheesh.  Surely they could have deleted a crowd scene, or
something?  *Anything* to put a scene with that power in the show.
Makes you wonder what else got left out.   *sigh*

* Dann Lunsford    * The only thing necessary for the triunph of evil *
* dann@g....... * is that men of good will do nothing.  --  Cicero    *


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 19:23:14 -0600
From:    Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......>
Subject: Re: Chats & Shrewthering

Good luck, best wishes, etc. to all who are going to the Shrewering!  How
about a post to the list when you get a chance.

Give my regards to Toronto....(musical interlude)

Have fun!


--------Sharon Joy -  A Forever Knightie -  SJoy@u.......
          There's a past and-----there's a past...
Go here:  http://members.aol.com/CuznJamiMR/SaveForeverKnight.html


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 20:31:13 -0400
From:    Lisa Knust <lmknus@m.......>
Subject: Favorite FK Songs

        Well, since I often refer to myself as a music "freak", I just
had to jump in on this one.  Please disregard any incoherency as I have
been sitting in front of this monitor too long after inhaling too many
Organic Chem. fumes...again.  :)

"Killer Inside"-Better Than Ezra-Nick to Nat(if only I could remember the words)
"Blood Roses"-Tori Amos-Janette(OK,a bit weak,blood in title/about prostitution)
"Together Alone"-Crowded House-Nick & Janette("far away from me...as is
once will always be, together alone")
"Beauty and the Beast"(Disney Version)-?-LC & Fleur  <ducking from Cousins>

        I know I could think of more...but not the way my mind is working
at the moment...perhaps later...after sleep...

Lisa Knust
"For the Blood is the Life..."


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 18:50:25 -0700
From:    Swordsister <catheboo@c.......>
Subject: Re: j_ (Lacroix pronunciation)

On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Mad Hatter wrote:

> is it "janette" or is it "jeanette" or "jeannette"?

It's "Janette."  I'm not sure if it's correct French or not, it's been a
long time since my last French class.

> and how EXACTLY is lacroix pronounced? :P

Um.  Gee, I feel like I'm about to explain FK to a complete stranger...
"Look, I know this is going to sound kind of silly, but..."  Well, here
we go, this is my best shot.

"Lacroix" is two syllables, accent on the last.  First syllable "la"
rhymes with "duh", second syllable sounds like "kwah".  That'll get you
most of the way there.  If you want to sound a little bit better, you
can try saying "krwah", trying as hard as you can to make it sound just
like "kwah".  Sound silly?  I agree.  Well, we're not French, so it's
okay. :)

> watched FK in a while--there was a new blonde
> vampire with whats-his-face [the new spanish/french
> vamp, too]. missing some characters, not good!

The blonde was probably Urs, the Spaniard is Vachon.  Both are kinda
sorta new.  They're not really missing, just severely underused.  To the
annoyance of many.

Catherine Boone                 catheboo@c.......
"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with
 themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 22:06:22 -0400
From:    Susan Honig <Susankenn@a.......>
Subject: Ratings

I guess I don't know if this is exactly on topic but the Kindred Ratings have
been poor.

This might not bode well for Future FK if the Kindred with all the hype could
not find an audience in prime time

However, you could look at that by saying, look at the rating FK managed to
gernerate considering their odeous time slots.

Vampires may not longer by "in" in the TV world.

Just some thought. I am off to the Shrew.



Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 22:13:57 -0400
From:    "Lisa P." <LadysAVamp@a.......>
Subject: More Music

Someone (sorry, I forgot who) wrote that a good Lacroix song is "Princes of
the Universe" by Queen.

I'm not sure if it has already been said, but a perfect song for Nick would
be "Who Wants To Live Forever", also by Queen, and also a song that they use
alot in Highlander.

If anyone is interested (either FK or HL factions), there is a HL CD
available by Queen called "A Kind of Magic".  It contains "Princes of the
Universe", "Who Wants To Live Forever" and other Highlander: The Series
songs.  Also, Roger Bellon has his own HL CD out called Highlander: The

If anyone is interested in how to purchase these, let me know.  E-mail me at:


Keep the Knight Alive,



Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 22:22:31 -0400
From:    Jennie McGrath <JennieeMcg@a.......>
Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Apr 1996

I keep seeing refs to the preponderance of "serious" posts on this list, as
if this were a problem.  I personally find myself taking a much longer time
going over the posts and cojitating on same!  Funny is okay ... but always?
 After all, FK isn't exactly the lightest show I've ever watched.
And, as long as I'm out of lurk mode ... Why don't I see more about Vachon on
the list?  I'm in the Vloop but, from what I'm seeing here, *everyone* is in
some loop or another ... I haven't noticed the N&N people, or the other
special interest groups avoiding their favorite topics.  C'mon you Vachon


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 19:26:19 -0700
From:    Swordsister <catheboo@c.......>
Subject: Re: Various Topics

On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Nancy Fralic wrote:

> to put them all into the same post to save space for people - let me know
> if this is better or worse than multiple posts!:

Absolutely!  It's always best to combine your comments/questions into one
post, in deference to those who have to pay per message they receive.
Thanks for asking! :)

> accountant for Nick - why couldn't there be one who is a therapist?
> He/she could do a booming business what with parenting anxieties, angsty
> types like Nick and Urs, even handle multple personalities. :)

Oh no, vampires already have a therapist: Lacroix, of course!  What do
you think the Nightcrawler does all night? :)  Besides, he would never
be able to stand having another vampire telling Nick what to do.

> 2.  When LaCroix moved to Toronto, and apparently become the leading
> citizen of the Community, whom did he replace?  Janette, because of the

I never got the feeling that the Community had that much structure.  You
could possibly say that the oldest rule through use of force, but I
always thought the Community was more of an anarchy than anything else,
any and all conflicts are one-on-one, the strongest wins, and everyone
moves on.  But there's not much to back up these theories in the
episodes, since Nick never interacted much with the Community (even in
flashbacks, which might be the reason I thought it was an anarchy

> but I did not belong to the lists then.  Why does the concensus seem
> to be that all that they did was kiss?  I would think Nat would have said

I agree they heavily imply it in the dialogue, but the reason the
consensus is that nothing happened is because we cling like lichen :) to
JP's promise that it is not possible for a vampire to have sex with a
mortal without the mortal either waking up dead or a vampire.  With that
in mind, Natalie couldn't have gotten past a few bases without some...
ah... radical changes.  Some would argue that this rule is no longer
valid after Blackwing, but unfortunately I'm still not able to talk
about that episode without a lot of swearing and pacing and beating of
random passers-by... sigh.  Maybe someday.

Catherine Boone                 catheboo@c.......
"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with
 themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 19:33:13 -0700
From:    Peggy Wiltz <pwiltz@i.......>
Subject: YKYB...

...obsessing about FK too much when you've just bathed your sweet, smiley
6-month old baby girl, she needs her ears swabbed so you reach for a
Q-tip... and immediately think of LaCroix?!?!

Really, my kids don't remind me of LaCroix in the least.  Most of the time...

Well, back to lurking.


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 21:46:01 -0500
From:    "J.S. Levin/Stormsinger" <wabbit@e.......>
Subject: Re: This is for real!

I swear on a stack of FK scripts that this is true:

I am presently working in the admissions department of a small college.  We
are constantly getting in reply card from various high school students who
want more info about the school.  On the cards, the kids give various info
about themselves, including their areas of career interest.

Today I got a card from a girl, last name "Vetter", who is interested in Law

I kid you not!

wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger)
FOREVER KNIGHT:SciFi Channel Mon, 7 & 11 pmCT  Let 'em know we're watching!
If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters"
are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats...


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 20:50:26 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: Re: j_ (Lacroix pronunciation)

At 06:50 PM 4/25/96 -0700, you wrote:
>  Sound silly?  I agree.  Well, we're not French, so it's
>okay. :)
>> watched FK in a while--there was a new blonde
>> vampire with whats-his-face [the new spanish/french
>> vamp, too]. missing some characters, not good!
>The blonde was probably Urs, the Spaniard is Vachon.  Both are kinda
>sorta new.  They're not really missing, just severely underused.  To the
>annoyance of many.

oui; i'll agree with that! thonx~
Urs....she was brought across by Vachon, wasn't she?
i *missed* the ep where vachon and the other spaniard
vampire duked it out~ something about a mission?

lacroix & nick:
i've always theorized that nick's bringing-across was like a
"mutation" in an offspring; he just happened to keep his
human conscience. [i didn't consider the fact that he just
didn't want to lose it or that lacroix's age made him much
more cognitive~] anyway, i thought the reason why nick
couldn't bring anyone across wasn't necessarily that LC didn't
teach him, but rather his "mutation" was carried over~there
was at least one ep where nick's "offspring" didn't want to be
a vampire. i think=in the 1920's, ummm.....well,
that probably doesn't explain very much, but i still have that
feeling. i actually became addicted to FK while on vacation
in canada--then three months later, lo and behold i discover
they were showing it in MN! that was maybe a year ago,
i forget. so my info on LC & the show in general is a little

-mad hatter
*       *       *
We dance around in a
  ring & suppose,
But the Secret sits in
  the middle & knows.
--robert frost
*       *       *


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 23:20:26 -0500
From:    Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......>
Subject: Sorry/Request


     Once again, I am sorry about the SyndiCon flyer. I did not realize that
it had empty pages, I didn't even realize that it had those extras after the
blanks until I replied to the message and then I saw them. I'm sure that the
person who sent the flyer to me (who was trying to help I might add) hadn't
intended for this to happen either. But, it did and I'm sorry.

    I have been reading the posts about the atmosphere on the list. I guess
I just chalked it up to the fact that we were all anxious for new episodes.
Someone, however, has made me see otherwise, when they were *nice* enough to
send me a post about the SyndiCon flyer that stated, among other things,
"Please don't do this again." Geez and I was planning on making an every day
thing of it! No, I don't know this person, never saw them before. 'Nuff said.

   For anyone who doesn't know, the mail loop is an extension of this list
for people who either can not or choose not to join a mailing list or are on
this list, but because of time constraints are unable to keep up with the
list. The loop serves the purpose of filling in these gaps. I cut and paste
any pertinent information regarding the SOS/FK Campaign and I like to add
any little item of interest, like Susan's affiliation page or gjwalli's nice
pictures of Fred and Nigel and JP and Ger and the CD excerpts. I think you
get the idea <G> Anyway, I'm going to take a break. So, if anyone is going
to post anything like this, that they feel would be informative or fun for
the their loop buddies, I'd appreciate it if they could CC it to me too. I'm
not going to take a break from the loop, just a little vacation from the

  I really liked TJ's post, it was fun and nicely got to the point. If I can
just add my own little advice.... Unless you can honestly say that you never
make a mistake, don't point out other people's. I think we can all say that
we are harder on ourselves when we make a mistake than anyone could possibly
be. So, the person is probably already miserable, don't add to it.
When someone makes a habit out of posting an entire message in their reply,
just a nice note, letting them know that some people pay by the line and
your sure that they just didn't realize that, will go over a lot better than
blasting them for it and you'll probably make a new friend.

 I finished the transcription on the interview, I will be writing up the

And if someone could send me whatever it is they are doing and in what area
with the TCI company, I'll be happy to pass it along to the loop members in
that area.

Thanks for indulging me.



Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 23:44:16 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: kinda FK-related; what is an FK annex?

In a message dated 96-04-25 21:01:53 EDT, you write:

>>On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Tigon Diana Hooker wrote:
>>There is a scene, written but never filmed, that has Lacroix going into a
>>church at the height of the asteroid madness, looking up at the cross
>>(pretty painful activity for a vampire, even one of Lacroix's great age),
>>and asking one question:
>>I asked Nigel at Anglicon the reason for leaving this out, and he said
>>they just ran out of time.

Actually, I (Tigon) *didn't* write this. Valery King very nicely wrote this
in response to a question I asked.

Sorry for using up space, but I'm a great believer in credit where credit
is due.

Tigon the Bouncing Tigger
Knightie w/ N&N and FoSiL tendencies


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 00:22:11 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Re: Various Topics

In a message dated 96-04-25 23:12:58 EDT, Catherine Boone wrote:

>consensus is that nothing happened is because we cling like lichen :) to
>JP's promise that it is not possible for a vampire to have sex with a
>mortal without the mortal either waking up dead or a vampire.

Urg...I have a nasty feeling I'm about to not only open an icky can of
worms here, but also be beaned upside the head with the can (lets not
speak of what will probably be done to me with the worms!). Forgive me
in advance, but I've only been onlist for a week and watching the show
for a few months. I have managed to get and watch all the eps, but my
first exposure was around 'Human Factor.' (ducking at this point).

Um...so if JP promised...what's the deal with Janette in 'Human Factor?'
Not to mention that in 'Dark Knight,' before she brought in LaCroix, she
and Nick sure gave the impression of...um...touching at least a few
bases (aw, heck, looked like a homer to me). So does JP's rule only
apply to male vamps, or what?

Off to build battlements to withstand the flames...

Tigon the Ducking Tigger
Knightie w/ N&N and FoSiL tendencies, insomniac, potential flaming corpse
"Did you just think to yourself...'Oh, today would be a good day to spont-
 aneously combust?'" (Nat to Nick, I forgot which ep)


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 00:29:08 -0400
From:    Nathanial Cook <NatRobin@a.......>
Subject: Re: Favorite FK songs

About songs for LaCroix . . .

Somehow, I could picture him doing "Double Dare" by Bauhaus.  Real

Nice refs.

NAT!!!  (Meet You at the Ravenette!!!)


Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 1996 23:02:17 -0500
From:    Janice Cox <jancox@v.......>
Subject: Fiction formatting

Okay, I did it again. Would some kind soul tell me how I'm formatting so
wrong? I swear I do the same thing each time (MS-Dos w/line breaks, 70
characters to a line, etc) and about half the time the formatting weirds up.
Highly irritating.

BTW, the story's called Guilt Trip. Non-formatting bricks, bats, and Diet
Dr. Pepper welcome.


The Odd Vaquera



Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 02:45:02 -0400
From:    Kris Culotta <gilead@b.......>
Subject: Re: More Music

>songs.  Also, Roger Bellon has his own HL CD out called Highlander: The

Ok, I give up! I haven't seen this one... (but I _do_ have the other one).
Where in the world (or netherworld) is it?


"...rage, rage against the dying of the light."  -Dylan Thomas


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 00:22:26 -0700
From:    Swordsister <catheboo@c.......>
Subject: Re: Various Topics

On Fri, 26 Apr 1996, Tigon Diana Hooker wrote:

> Um...so if JP promised...what's the deal with Janette in 'Human Factor?'
> Not to mention that in 'Dark Knight,' before she brought in LaCroix, she
> <snip!> bases (aw, heck, looked like a homer to me). So does JP's rule
> only apply to male vamps, or what?

Darn.  And here I thought I could get away with touching on this topic
*without* getting into any hairy areas.  (Whoo, would Freud just have a
field day with that sentence, or *what*?  Yeek.)  Well, since I opened this
can of worms, I guess it's up to me to close it again.  Okay, rolling up
sleeves, this'll stay PG, darnit!

The full theory goes that vampires absolutely positively have to bite
when <sigh> "having fun."  Now, when hitting home base (why do I feel
like I'm back in eighth grade?), female vamps don't necessarily have to
"have fun."  Hence, their partners sometimes live, if they really don't
want to kill them, and have some pretty darn outstanding control.

Which covers Dark Knight.  As for Human Factor, that doesn't really
count, considering all the weird circumstances surrounding it all.

> Off to build battlements to withstand the flames...
> Tigon the Ducking Tigger
> Knightie w/ N&N and FoSiL tendencies, insomniac, potential flaming corpse

Hey, you asked a good, logical question that I should have said in my
original post, so the fifty people lurking who asked the same question
you did wouldn't get confused. :)  No flame retardant needed, 'kay?
'S cool.

Catherine Boone                 catheboo@c.......
"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with
 themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - H. L. Mencken


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 04:19:03 EDT
From:    MS LYNNE R ACKERMAN <GNBV32C@p.......>
Subject: Shrew - Night 1

Oh, boy - it looks like I get to be the first one to post!

WOW - this was FANTASTIC!!!!  Four hours of uncontrolled hysteria!  We
were all laughing so hard, at one point the whole pew was shaking
under us!

Where to start?  Well, hmmmmm...let's see......

Catherine and Nigel were both there - I didn't see them myself, but
lots of other people did.

For the Knighties and anyone else who's interested - it was definitely
NOT a "stunt chest" they used in "Night In Question".  In one scene
Ger wore nothing but a form-fitting undershirt (with a tuxedo shirt
painted on it) and shorts.  And I was in the front row, and checked
out the chest up close!  And yes, we all agreed it was definitely his
chest in NIQ.

Oh, yeah...nice legs, too!

And Ger wore the white shirt he wore in "Games Vampires Play" - lots
of chest showing - Dotti and I definitely swooned when we saw that
(and we weren't alone <g>)!  He also wore the sort of Western coat he
wore in "The Code", in another scene.  Oh, yeah, and he sang too, in
one short scene.  Not alone, but with a lot of the rest of the cast.

Funniest moment - Ger is screaming at his servant, and grabs him by
the neck...at which point the servant suddenly crossed his fingers in
the shape of a cross, vamped out and hissed at Ger!  The entire
audience fell out of its seats laughing and screaming...and this was
just the Thursday crowd.  I can just imagine what will happen when
they do it on Saturday, when I figure half the audience will be fans
going there to see Ger!


Sorry, I have to end this now because my guest wants to get to sleep
so she can get up in time to make her plane tomorrow.  I'll finish it
tomorrow afternoon, if no one else has posted.

One last comment - everyone had a FANTASTIC time, and agreed it was
worth every penny they paid to get here.

I do feel bad for anyone who couldn't afford to come though.  I'm in
the same boat, so I understand.  If I didn't live here, I couldn't
have afforded it either.  Hopefully you can get to something else, sometime.


A message from Lynne Ackerman in Toronto (or, as we like to call it,
"Hollywood North"!)    Via Internet:  gnbv32c@p....... (preferred
address) or be028@t.......
           *** Help save Forever Knight!  Ask me how. ***


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 05:52:28 CST
From:    Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......>
Subject: Sweet Revenge - Update :(

Hey all,
Thanks go to everyone who ordered a copy of Sweet Revenge (The Eternal
Champion/FK revenge zine).  I am really proud of everyone who
contributed.  Now the BAD NEWS: The zine has been delayed till I don't
know when.  My printer went bye bye, kaput, fini.  Which wouldn't be so
bad, but then those Infamous Car Troubles came up.  I can either buy a
new printer or get my car fixed.  Hard choice, but I had to go with the

Anyway, I'll be sending back the checks to everyone who ordered a copy
over the next week.  Sorry about this.  I hope to revive this in the
future.  In the meantime, I'll be posting the final EC story to fkfic at
some point.

Thanks again.


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 07:43:32 -0400
From:    June Williams <cousin@w.......>
Subject: Re: Various Topics

At 02:22 PM 4/25/96 -0400, you wrote:

>1.  Since some vampires besides Nick apparently have jobs/careers
 - why couldn't there be one who is a therapist?
 A. Isn't that one of LaCroix's funtions already ? "Good Evening Gentle
Listeners", instead of "I'm Dr Frasier Crane, and I'm listening". Did you
see Nick's vision of LaCroix's thereputic style in Curiouser and Curiouser ?
>2.  When LaCroix moved to Toronto, and apparently become the leading
>citizen of the Community, whom did he replace?
 1B. He did not "replace" Jannette.  The FK universe does not have that sort
of strict hierchy.  La Croix is old and powerful.  Fledglings know that.
They have a taste for unlife and won't casualy tangle with someone who could
easily dispose of them. The only FK device of external control in the
community are the shadowy Enforcers. They are those "who maintain our
secret". Even LaCroix would be subject to final death if they knew he posed
a threat.
> - Has any of this been explored through missing scenes or fan fic?
> 2B. But of course

>5.  Lastly,-  Why does the concensus seem to be that all that they did was
kiss?  I would think Nat would have said"Last night I thought we made
progress" not "Last night I thought we'd won."
  1C. Because she was sleeping on the couch when he got up, and in her pink
fuzzy robe to boot(now how in the heck did she get that robe in Nick's loft ?)
 Nat could have been on the sofa because I could see Nat needing to think
afterward -
  2C. Puhleeze !!!  Night of mad passionate love and then leave the poor
dear in a cold bed all to his lonesome.  I don't think so.  Don't let the
NatPackers hear you talking that way about the good Doctor.
 Ad Astra -June-cousin@w.......
>Nancy Fralic


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 08:02:57 EDT
From:    Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject: Animal RightsActivists

Do you suppose the animal rights activists will protest outside The Raven
or start a campaign against vampires (like Nick) for killing animals?


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 08:06:44 -0400
From:    "Nancy M. Duemling" <nancyd@p.......>
Subject: Gemini tape tour

Just wanted to let those on my tour route know what seems to have
happened.  I mailed out the tape over a month ago, and it apparently
was taken by the first person on the list, never to be seen or heard
from again.  As a matter of fact, she didn't respond to my query
about the tape.

So I guess I'll just redub the show, and start with #2 on the list
(Hi, Tammy!).  Sorry for the delay, but I guess not everyone can be
trusted :(=

Nancy D., Knightie and DueSer (nancyd@p.......)
   Visit our web site at http://www.msen.com/~duemling/
Nick Knight, Benton Fraser, Ray Vecchio and Brisco County, Jr.
   What is it with me and law abiding guys???


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 08:28:50 -0500
From:    "fa;kl lks" <egersdor@m.......>
Subject: FK CD and Hunters

I just listened to my FK CD with earphones.  Nigel Bennett's voice
 whispering in my ear was devastating!!!

I just watched Hunters for the first time and couldn't understand why
 Nick didn't use any of his powers while she was hunting him.  Was
 it because they don't work in the daytime or in the spirit of the hunt.
I don't think it was the spirit of the hunt because their lives where
in danger.  Nick would have used everything at his disposal to make
sure they survived.  Anyone know?

Knightie With Dark Tendencies


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 10:03:03 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: Re: Various Topics

At 07:43 AM 4/26/96 -0400, you wrote:
> 1B. He did not "replace" Jannette.  The FK universe does not have that sort
>of strict hierchy.  La Croix is old and powerful.  Fledglings know that.
>They have a taste for unlife and won't casualy tangle with someone who could
>easily dispose of them. The only FK device of external control in the
>community are the shadowy Enforcers. They are those "who maintain our
>secret". Even LaCroix would be subject to final death if they knew he posed
>a threat.

>>Nancy Fralic

uh oh! someone fill me in on "enforcers" quick! ack! and what ep(s)?
-mad hat
*       *       *
"life is like the gene
pool; discombobulation
is inevitable, some chaos
is necessary." -mad hat
*       *       *


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 12:47:36 -0400
From:    Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......>
Subject: Sorry

Hello, apparently yesterday I blew a spoiler statute on 'Human
Factor.' I *am* very sorry...according to the FAQ list I down-
loaded a few weeks ago from the FTP site, the spoiler rule expires
"noon...on the fourth Tuesday after the first satellite feed." But
two people have gently pointed out to me that spoiler protection
is now in effect until after the first rerun.

>sigh< I really tried to read up and the rules and I'm very sorry
for my transgression. Mercy on the grounds I've been here just
barely over a week?

Also if someone could kindly lay out the precise rules re spoilers,
I promise to follow them faithfully.

Tigon the Chastised Tigger
Knightie w/ N&N and FoSiL tendencies


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 12:51:34 -0400
From:    Lisa Knust <lmknus@m.......>
Subject: Enforcers (was Re: Various Topics)

> uh oh! someone fill me in on "enforcers" quick! ack! and what ep(s)?
> -mad hat
        The enforcers are vamps who enforce the "code" that mortals
cannot find out about the existence of the vampire community.  In the 1st
season ep "Unreality TV" we see them both in a flashback and in the
present trying to prevent humans from having material evidence (a photo
and video respectively) that vampires exist.  Nick can't hyponotize
either person into forgetting about what they saw until they no longer
have actual proof.  Just a brief summary...hope it helps!     :)

Lisa Knust
"For the Blood is the Life..."


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 12:58:28 -0400
From:    Lisa Knust <lmknus@m.......>
Subject: Bye etc.

        AAAAHHHH!!!   The horror of finals is approaching.  And after
that there is the horror of all horrors-no more school e-mail until
        OK, I think I've calmed down now.  :)   At any rate, I will be
going nomail during finals so I don't get tempted to spend time here
instead of studying.  If anyone wants to reach me (why?  I don't know,
but just in case) I will be at this address for another week and a half.
After that I just have to hope and pray that I get a computer at home
soon (besides the circa 1985 dinosaur there now).  Please cross your
fingers for me.  With any luck, I'll be back before fall (please,
please,please!).  I don't think I could wait that long.  :)

Lisa Knust
"For the Blood is the Life..."


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 13:16:23 -0400
From:    Nancy Fralic <fralic@m.......>
Subject: NiQ Questions (was Various Topics)

On Fri. Apr 26, Swordwister wrote:

<The full theory goes that vampires absolutely positively have to bite
<when <sigh> "having fun."

However, vampires don't eat food, either, and Nick not only was, he
didn't know he was a vampire.  The vampire element didn't seem to take
over for several hours.  That's why I thought there was a "grace period"
where he wasn't likely to vamp out.  It still doesn't answer why Natalie
would so positively think they had "won".  As a scientist, she wouldn't
be likely to jump to conclusions based on a kiss!
Another thing that has bothered me about NiQ, when Nat goes to pick Nick
up at the hospital (the scene when he's eating), the exterior opening
shot appears to show a dawn scene.  By the time Nick finishes eating and
dresses, and is discharged, it would have to be full daylight.  How did
Nat get him home without making him crawl in the trunk or cover up
heavily in clothes - let alone circumventing the wheelchair escort to the
front door?  He certainly would have been suspicious that something
wasn't normal if she' said, "Hop in the trunk!"
Surely that opening shot was not of late in the day.  How
could his lack of blood pressure, etc., remain hidden all day - those
nurses have to maintain the charts on the patients.

Incidently - I am not being picky over NiQ; I'd only ever seen bits and
pieces of episodes before this - but NiQ brought me over big time.  I
made sure I taped it from USA after seeing it on the syndie!

Nancy Fralic


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 13:17:24 EDT
From:    Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject: <No subject given>

I disagree about that "proof" statement.  How about the bullet-in-the-head
episode when Lacroix pulls down the x-rays in front of the doctor's eyes
and then tells her what to think?
The proof is in the vampire (-:


Date:    Fri, 26 Apr 1996 11:33:36 -0500
From:    Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject: Re: Enforcers

At 12:51 PM 4/26/96 -0400, you wrote:
>> uh oh! someone fill me in on "enforcers" quick! ack! and what ep(s)?
>> -mad hat
>        The enforcers are vamps who enforce the "code" that mortals
>cannot find out about the existence of the vampire community.  In the 1st
>season ep "Unreality TV" we see them both in a flashback and in the
>present trying to prevent humans from having material evidence (a photo
>and video respectively) that vampires exist.  Nick can't hyponotize
>either person into forgetting about what they saw until they no longer
>have actual proof.  Just a brief summary...hope it helps!     :)
>Lisa Knust

fascinating.....shall i assume that enforcers are also vamps? do they
mingle with mortals/other vamps at all? what do they look like?
how does one become an enforcer? 1st season...that explains everything.
too bad i missed it! [so much for a quick answer, eh? i thought i'd milk
you--or anyone else for that matter--for more info]~

oh, and goo luk with a home computer. we finally got ours on-line a few
months ago. of course, my parents are absolutely (computer illiterate)^n,
but that's okay. at least i can do my e-mail!  :)
*       *       *
"life is like the gene pool; discombobulation is inevitable,
some chaos is necessary." -mad hat <cli7@s.......>
*       *       *


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 25 Apr 1996 to 26 Apr 1996 - Special issue

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