There are 33 messages totalling 1346 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. FK Cassette 2. YKYBWTMFKW... 3. Natural Life Cycle of Mailing Lists 4. Nigel Alert 5. Vocabularies, Apologies and Zaniness (2) 6. More LaCroix (5) 7. another bye bye 8. Synopsis? 9. Did GWD kill it?? 10. Newbi (2) 11. Waiting for something from me? (3) 12. New Episodes?? (2) 13. FK CD 14. kinda FK-related; what is an FK annex? (3) 15. list 16. LC's love for Fleur (think it was "More LaCroix") 17. Quick question... 18. Favorite FK songs 19. The Gift, by Jayel 20. Looking for FK knowledge 21. OK, knock it off (or, why you need asbestos to read the list lately) 22. SyndiCon ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 14:51:44 -0700 From: Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......> Subject: FK Cassette Hi Cousin Lisa, I have the Cassette and it is almost as yummy as the CD. It has most of the same pictures in it. Anyway, just thought you'd like to know and YES!!! I do have both. Had to! It was complusive. I really, really had to have both. <bounce> <bounce> <bounce> I've been listening to the CD all day while I've been beta reading a friend's FK novel. <Hi Cathy> Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......> Valentine, Sime/Gen, FKLFE, NATPE Strikeforce Survivor I don't WANT a new one. I LIKE that one. <LaCroix-Father's Day> Help save Forever Knight! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 16:04:40 -0600 From: "Tiger Tiger burning bright....." <tango@u.......> Subject: YKYBWTMFKW...'re listening to the radio and you hear the trivia question come up: "What did high ranking officials in Rome often raise to eat?" To which the answer is: "Mice." And you think: "Jeez, and LaCroix complains about *Nick's* eating habits??" <g> <Ducking and running from the Cousins...:)= > ******************************************* Erika. * Knightie,NatPacker * "You know, Nicholas, Nick&NatPacker * sometimes you really extrodinare! * are one umbrella short * of a cocktail." tango@u....... * Natalie, Curiouser & Curiouser ****************************************** SW Fan, HL Fan, X-Phile & LGW #24 'The Few, the Proud, the Paranoid.' Proud member of X-treme Possibilities! Cmdr. Bronwyn Siobhan Battai--USS Defender Dr. (Lt.Cmdr.) Natalya de Brabant--Melcoas Nicholas de Brabant, Intel--Melcoas ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 18:23:12 EDT From: MS IDALIA KAKESAKO <NPYF15B@p.......> Subject: Natural Life Cycle of Mailing Lists With all the talk here recently about the decline of the lists, I thought everyone might find the following interesting: <------------------forwarded info---------------------> THE NATURAL LIFE CYCLE OF MAILING LISTS Every list seems to go through the same cycle: 1. Initial enthusiasm (people introduce themselves, and gush a lot about how wonderful it is to find kindred souls). 2. Evangelism (people moan about how few folks are posting to the list, and brainstorm recruitment strategies). 3. Growth (more and more people join, more and more lengthy threads develop, occasional off-topic threads pop up). 4. Community (lots of threads, some more relevant than others; lots of information and advice is exchanged; experts help other experts as well as less experienced colleagues; friendships develop; people tease each other; newcomers are welcomed with generosity and patience; everyone -- newbie and expert alike -- feels comfortable asking questions, suggesting answers, and sharing opinions). 5. Discomfort with diversity (the number of messages increases dramatically; not every thread is fascinating to every reader; people start complaining about the signal-to- noise ratio; person 1 threatens to quit if *other* people don't limit discussion to person 1's pet topic; person 2 agrees with person 1; person 3 tells 1 & 2 to lighten up; more bandwidth is wasted complaining about off-topic threads than is used for the threads themselves; everyone gets annoyed). 6a. Smug complacency and stagnation (the purists flame everyone who asks an 'old' question or responds with humor to a serious post; newbies are rebuffed; traffic drops to a doze-producing level of a few minor issues; all interesting discussions happen by private email and are limited to a few participants; the purists spend lots of time self-righteously congratulating each other on keeping off-topic threads off the list). OR 6b. Maturity (a few people quit in a huff; the rest of the participants stay near stage 4, with stage 5 popping up briefly every few weeks; many people wear out their second or third 'delete' key, but the list lives contentedly ever after). <---------------------------------------------------------> What stage do you think the lists are in? My opinion after being here only 4 months is stage 4 or maybe 5. What do the "old-timers" have to say? 6b? ObFORKNI-L: Are all the most "vocal" listmembers up in Toronto now for GWD's play? I haven't received a new digest in almost 24 hours! It's kind of distressing. . . . Idalia Kakesako <NPYF15B@p.......> digest-ed Light Cousin with NatPack sympathies ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 15:24:21 -0700 From: Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......> Subject: Re: Nigel Alert Paula Hurley wrote: Sorry guys, I can't believe I sent this without saying what night it came on!! Duh!! It is aired tonight and tomorrow morning on Bravo. Thanks Kim for pointing out my mistake. > The Star Turn: Nigel Bennett and Joe-Norman Shaw star as a <grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr> It's only on BRAVO Canada!!!! Waaaaiiillllllll!!!!! It wanna see Nigel too! Cousin Cherri seriously contemplating buying a satellite dish. <grumble> <grumble> Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......> Valentine, Sime/Gen, FKLFE, NATPE Strikeforce Survivor I don't WANT a new one. I LIKE that one. <LaCroix-Father's Day> Help save Forever Knight! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 18:24:48 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Vocabularies, Apologies and Zaniness Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:26:16 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: More LaCroix FO> Bobbie Williams <UserKnight@a.......> said: FO>>I don't believe he was in love with Fleur--she was just one more FO>>being he could control (and taking her would be one more way he could annoy FO>>Nick). I don't believe LaCroix remembers what love is--or if he ever Normally I'm not someone who feels she has to defend LaCroix -- I mean, if this were a real situation, he'd defend himself just fine -- BITE, SLURP, BYE BYE! ;) But I honestly can't see how his love for Fleur could be in doubt. I don't WANT to think he was in love with her -- I mistrust people who fall in love at first sight and I think LC would view it as a sign of weakness. (Boy am I a Cousin or what? :) ) As much as I don't WANT him to be in lover with her, I have to admit that I believe he was. What else would explain why he didn't bring her across? He brings across those people he wants to control or use (in at least some of the cases), so what better way to control her, as you say he wants to do? When Nick says "she's just another conquest to you" -- did you see the look on LC's face? Ye Gods that was pain! He was wounded to the quick! And did you see his soliloquy beneath Nat's window as he remembers Fluer? He begs for an end to "this incessant longing". Those don't sound like the words of a man who didn't love someone. Pain comes from love, and that man was IN PAIN. Wicked Cousin Tippi ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:33:54 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: another bye bye Hey all, Going nomail for a few days while I finish up rewrites on my novel. Toodles and have fun! Wicked Cousin Tippi (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 18:40:26 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Vocabularies, Apologies and Zaniness Hi guys and gals, Yes, formal warning, it's me. Your friendly neighborhood booger head. Yep, like a self fulfilling prophecy, I have screwed up again. Not that this surprises anyone. Especially not me. >Hell, I even stopped talking to people who even looked as if they had a >large vocabulary...:) >I'm someone who can't remember to use my spellchecker regularly...:) <Taking a deep breath> Okay, bad humor maybe. If I offended, forgive. Most of the replies I got were from people who, after having read multiple posts form me knew I was JOKING. Gasp. Yes, I was joking. But, that doesn't mean I didn't offend others. I have apologized off list for that. Now I'm going to apologize on list. If anyone else thought that I was being anything other than brain dead with a real bad joke, forgive me. I just thought the smiley faces, and my general good nature while writing the post would be understood by all. And was by most. Thanks, BTW, to those of you who wrote me back and laughed with me about this. We had our fun. IMHO, using a dictionary IS optional, and aside from a few words, I can count them on one hand, I pretty much understand everything that's posted. I do look up every word I don't know. I really do. I did graduate from college, I really did, twice. I never intended to offend anyone, I really didn't. Okay, now that I've made a total ass of myself, I will take my trip to TO and watch a wonderful play, trip the lights fantastic in the Vampire Sex Bar, take the FK Tour with Will, party in Dotti's room until I collapse, and generally have a great time. If anyone cares....I'll be back on Monday and will answer any and all e-mail then. <<<hug>>> \\// LLAP! OOPs. Wrong list for that huh? :)= Carrie, Proud Knightie CKrumtum@g....... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:04:25 -0600 From: Dorothy Elggren <delggren@e.......> Subject: Re: Synopsis? I sent a synopsis of the episodes to Tammy. Dorothy delggren@e....... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 19:56:05 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: Did GWD kill it?? Gehirn sez ... >I was with your hubby.........ah......I mean, I agreed with his interps >of Ger's interviews, until I read the log from the Prodigy Chat. Sometimes an actor in a long running role will make subtle noises about leaving as a means of seeing if something else comes up. That's probably what was happening. ---- TJ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 19:42:36 -0400 From: Lisa Anne Prince <Moonlight@g.......> Subject: Re: Newbi Hey, Hey Stella & Everyone Else :) Stella asked: >But when I read the postings I get different views. Is Lacroix a >good Vampyre or bad? Does Nick kill and drink human blood? Well, technically, both of these questions depend upon the person's individual point of view -- which of course also is what makes this types of discussions so interesting. I, for one, think that LaCroix is largely misunderstood and does, although he goes about it the wrong way, want what's best for his *children*. There are others who believe that LaCroix is evil incarnate and should be eradicated from the face of the Earth as soon as possible. Nick, on the other hand, annoys me to no end. I think he's a hypocrite that gives in far to easily and refuses to take responsibility for who and what he is. It is far easier for him to blame LaCroix for the hell that is his life than to take a little credit for it himself. There are *vast* numbers of people who would disagree with this point of view. >Everyone has been so helpful. A big kudos to Lisa, she has always >answered my questions. Thanx for being patient with me. No problem :) See ya' Lisa ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 19:54:41 -0400 From: Arletta Asbury <g4akl@e.......> Subject: Re: Newbi At 01:58 PM 4/24/96 -0600, Teri R. Myers wrote: >Hi! A couple of questions, if you don't mind. As being new to this >listserve and Forever Knight, I am confused. I have to admit that I have >never seen FK because I can't find it out here, but I do have a friend >that will be mailing me some copies. But when I read the postings I get >different views. Is Lacroix a good Vampyre or bad? Does Nick kill and >drink human blood? > >Please let me know. I have really enjoyed being apart of this >listserve. Everyone has been so helpful. A big kudos to Lisa, she has >always answered my questions. Thanx for beening patient with me. > >--++--++--++-- >Stella >trm8203@m....... >Being a newbie is fun! > > ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 20:18:23 -0400 From: Janette Z <Janette92@a.......> Subject: Waiting for something from me? Hello all!!! I'm sorry to bug the list with this, but would everyone who has NOT received the Nightcrawler tape in the mail please e-mail me? Also, someone was kind enough to loan me a copy of Baby, Baby a while ago, and I can't find this particular persons e-mail address, if you think this is you would you please e-mail me? Another BTW: Over 12 people have e-mailed me offering to help me out with Murder One tapes for my roommate, (I knew Forever Knight fans were the best!!!) so if you were going to offer, thank you, but never mind! Well, now that I'm done with this completely off-topic, unrelated, annoying post.... Ravenette, Immortal Beloved, Seducer, CO-CFW for Evil MacLeod, Richie Reservist, Janette92@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:04:11 -0700 From: Angie Lotto <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: More LaCroix This is my two cents worth take on it... I believe indeed that LC was in love with her. That was the only way that what Nick had said to him would sink in. I don't know if this makes sense to you, but when you truly love someone, you would sacifice anything, including that love, to make sure that the object of your love was safe and sound. I believe that is what LC did. Lasher At 05:26 PM 4/24/96 CST, you wrote: >FO>>I don't believe he was in love with Fleur--she was just one more >FO>>being he could control (and taking her would be one more way he could annoy >What else would explain why he didn't bring her across? He brings >across those people he wants to control or use (in at least some of the >cases), so what better way to control her, as you say he wants to do? >When Nick says "she's just another conquest to you" -- did you see the >look on LC's face? Ye Gods that was pain! He was wounded to the quick! >And did you see his soliloquy beneath Nat's window as he remembers >Fluer? He begs for an end to "this incessant longing". Those don't >sound like the words of a man who didn't love someone. > >Pain comes from love, and that man was IN PAIN. > >Wicked Cousin Tippi > > ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 19:03:19 -0700 From: Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......> Subject: Re: New Episodes?? Lisa P. wrote: > > Second, I've noticed that USA :-( has stopped airing FK, but the FOX network > :-) is still showing reruns. Is FOX going to show the new episodes, or are > they only going to show it on the SF Channel? I have posted this before but will post it again, as I really hope that we all will get to see the last 4 eps from somewhere or other!! For several months, an episode of FK would be shown by the FOX channel here in Denver in a late-night Saturday time slot ( like after midnight). That same episode would then air the following Monday night on USA. I have my toes and fingers crossed that FOX will continue this pattern through the last 4 eps. FOX did show Dead of Knight last weekend, so hopefully it will go ahead and air the last 4 eps in the same way. I hope this helps:-) Lisa M. wyllow@n....... "Whatever you are, be a good one." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 21:57:06 -0400 From: Bobbie Williams <UserKnight@a.......> Subject: FK CD Just got the CD in the mail--it's absolutely wonderful <bouncing up and down, with dignity, I am a Knightie after all> <VBG>. Bobbie, Lady of the Knight and self-professed Cyberknight "Out of the spirit, into the flesh/The animal heartbeat in the chest The naked desire/The appetite/But you remember the light" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 21:15:39 CST From: "OREL, SARA" <FA55@n.......> Subject: kinda FK-related; what is an FK annex? Okay, I know this is only related to FK (the tv show) by the initials, so please forgive me but someone asked (and it will be a short reply)... Besides, Nick was an archaeologist,even in the Nile Valley (although somewhat to the south). FK Annex (and forgive my hesitation here -- forgot to check the article and I haven't dealt with Karnak material since it was written seven years ago -- was a long time ago and my memory may be in error) was a designation of an excavation area at East Karnak that went from the surface down to Middle Kingdom material (about 3600 years exposure, and more would have been found if it weren't for that pesky water table), perhaps 25-20 feet from surface to bottom of the trench. Areas of excavation were labeled by year; thus in the first year, the director mapped out trenches (squares) AA, AB, AC, etc., and in the second BA, BB, BC, etc.. The square FK was thus originally designated in the sixth season, although it was never actually dug. FK Annex ran off the FK square to the west, but wasn't originally planned to be dug, and thus was never given a designation... Oh, never mind -- I suppose that gives you the idea. (I hope that is right, Anne -- would be embarrassing if I got the map mixed up - I spent three weeks deep down that hole...) Of course, you could simply accept the alternate explanation that it is an extension I added on to my house, an area where Forever Knight is the only allowable topic of conversation. But that would be silly. ObFK: I have been fascinated by the recent discussions about the character of Lacroix. He is my favourite character, and is played by my favourite of the actors -- I find him so compelling... I do not believe in Lacroix lite (did you folks ever finish the ISOLC? I have been off the fiction list for a while now), and one of the things I find so incredible about Uncle is the complete in-human-ness of him at times (and thecharacteristic is something I think comes from the actor as much as from the scripts), which comes through very clearly in BMV although in several others as well. I do not by any stretch of the imagination think of him as being as evil, even potentially, as Nick can be, but he can be incredibly cold and cruel. He can toy with people and other vampires, and he can be unpredictable and violent. But Nick has something the demon in SoBelial found so delicious, and Lacroix, perhaps because he was never Christian, never could be damned (although there is that church scene in AMPH -- Why oh Why could that not have been kept? Was it ever filmed?). Anyway, I was once told by a knightie when I said I though Nick was more evil than Lacroix that "them's fighting words" -- I suppose they are, but I stick to them. Note I do NOT mean that I believe Lacroix is any less than he is -- he is manipulative, inhuman, cold, cruel, and mesmerizing... But I don't think he is evil, just beyond our comprehension. So there. Sara Orel FA55%nemomus@a....... By the way Anne, my fellow merc: I got a message bounced back to me today, to my great annoyance, so I post this private note to you -- I am arranging my flights this summer for the August field season in Egypt (stupid, I know) and I was wondering if you were still going to be in-country in late July (late late July). A FK get-together, perhaps? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 22:19:29 EDT From: "linda c. fried" <103213.3530@c.......> Subject: list sorry to post this here, but would the denver/colorado contigent please e-mail me. my computer crashed bad last week and took with it all my addresses and phone numbers... i really can't get in touch with you guys re:party. thanks. regards, linda c. fried 103213.3530@c....... aboarts@c....... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 22:03:41 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: More LaCroix Angie Lotto wrote: >I believe indeed that LC was in >love with her. .... when you truly love >someone, you would sacifice anything, including that love, to make sure that >the object of your love was safe and sound. I believe that is what LC did. I also believe LC was in love with Fleur, but I'm not so sure he sacrificed to make sure Fleur would remain safe. Nick said by bringing her across, LaCroix would destroy the very thing he loved. Nick called it innocence and purity. I think it was kindness, but they're in the same realm. I think LaCroix simply had to bow to the logic. If he brought her across, she would no longer be the person he loved. There was really no way LaCroix could have what he wanted. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 00:08:43 -0400 From: "Melanie Moser (Red)" <moser@c.......> Subject: Re: New Episodes?? On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, Lisa Marvin wrote: > > For several months, an episode of FK would be shown by the FOX channel > here in Denver in a late-night Saturday time slot ( like after > midnight). That same episode would then air the following Monday > night on USA. > > I have my toes and fingers crossed that FOX will continue this pattern > through the last 4 eps. FOX did show Dead of Knight last weekend, so > hopefully it will go ahead and air the last 4 eps in the same way. > In the Balt-Wash D.C. area, we have two FOX stations, and only the Baltimore FOX carries FK - at midight on Saturday. Strangely enough, our USA doesn't show FK... at least I haven't been able to find it listed or on. I would have thought USA would have been consistent across the country, but apparently not. (Makes those ratings really relevant and accurate, eh?) On a cool note: a Wash D.C. (independent/WB) carries FK, the new episode, on Thursdays at midnight. So, I'm already warming up my VCR for "Jane Doe" tomorrow/tonight. If you haven't done so already, be sure to send a note to the SciFi Channel and thank them for showing FK. I've been able to bring across a few more fans now that we're on at a decent time! Mel Moser N&NPacker, Tempted-2BA-Cousin moser@c....... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:43:00 -0700 From: [Name removed by request] Subject: LC's love for Fleur (think it was "More LaCroix") Tips asserted that if LC didn't love Fleur, why else would he have refused to bring her across? (Modern technology has been flipping off at me today. Can't access the post.) One possibility is that now LC has something he can use against Nick, the next time he'd like something his way. It's a nice thing having that promise there. And, as inspired by discussions we had when it first aired, if he *really* loved Fleur, he would have brought her across. She wanted it, he wanted it. It wouldn't have been a question of doing what a 3rd party says you should do. He would have been listening to *her*, to what she was asking, pleading for. Apparently he loves Nicholas more. Or apparently he really just loved that innocence, not Fleur herself [though why he didn't then go after every PYT (uh, Pretty Young Thing), proclaiming his love, makes no sense to me. Maybe if Diane Carey had a hand in all the scripts, he would have :)] i don't believe one way or the other. Just putting out some other possibilities. But... we will often do what we think is best for others because we don't want them to get hurt, etc. i absolutely do not let my sister, who i love dearly, do certain things because i want to make sure she's still there for me to push around and generally torture. But then there's the point where, if you really really love them, you let them go (and if they don't come back you go and kill them, got it, Sir). They should be able to exercise their free will, after all. Now this is going to get back to what we believe love really is, whether possessive love can be considered love at all, and i don't want to start that again. And there's also the fact that we were in an entirely different time in which the people had entirely different concepts about a woman's voice. LC wouldn't have considered what Fleur wanted. She was property. Ach, whatever. i'm going to go get some ice cream. [Name removed by request] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 00:06:18 -0500 From: Mary Gilbert <mcg3390@g.......> Subject: Re: Waiting for something from me? > Hello all!!! I'm sorry to bug the list with this, but would everyone who >has NOT received the Nightcrawler tape in the mail please e-mail me? > >Ravenette, Immortal Beloved, >Seducer, CO-CFW for Evil >MacLeod, Richie Reservist, >Janette92@a....... > > Janette, As of today I have not received a tape. My name is Mary Gilbert if you need my address again please e-mail me mcg3390@g....... I'm really looking forward to your tape Cousin Mary G. Cousin to the core! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 00:57:07 -0400 From: Kris Culotta <gilead@b.......> Subject: Quick question... Just de-lurking for a quick second here... (spare the _flames_! The sun is bad enough!) Just one question... I've only been here for a little while (the list, I mean. How long I've been on this earth is a whole other subject...), but one thing I had to know is... in the opening credits, where _is_ that amazingly cool tower? I keep having strange dreams about it, and it's become the subject of lots of my drawings (although it fits in with the rest of my style...medieval/gothic stuff). Anyone know? Thanks, Langstrat <"...rage, rage, against the dying of the light." -Dylan Thomas> ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 01:14:30 -0400 From: Angie Lotto <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: More LaCroix >I also believe LC was in love with Fleur, but I'm not so sure he sacrificed >to make sure Fleur would remain safe. Nick said by bringing her across, >LaCroix would destroy the very thing he loved. Nick called it innocence >and purity. I think it was kindness, but they're in the same realm. I think >LaCroix simply had to bow to the logic. If he brought her across, she would >no longer be the person he loved. There was really no way LaCroix could >have what he wanted. > >Margie (treeleaf@i.......) > Yes Margie, I can see that too, but if I had been in LaCriox place, I would have wanted my lover to be with me in the forever. If he had told her exactly what he was, and gave her the choice, and she took it volunteerly (SP) then there should be no reason to bring her over. Nick was way to close to the whole thing, and LaCroix did indeed stop for Nickolas' sake and not his own. But then again, I could be completely wrong! Angie ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 01:23:22 -0400 From: Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> Subject: Re: kinda FK-related; what is an FK annex? In a message dated 96-04-24 23:34:34 EDT, you write: > Lacroix, perhaps because he was never Christian, never could be damned >(although there is that church scene in AMPH -- Why oh Why could that not have >been kept? First of all...what church scene in AMPH? Secondly, one wonders which of the Roman Gods LaCroix might have worshipped. Presumably Mars, the god of war, was one...but I can't help wondering how he felt about Pluto. Did LaCroix choose eternal life because he secretly dreaded one of those occasional fun punish- ments in Hades like pushing a rock uphill for eternity? Under those circumstances, I might choose undeath, too. Then again, perhaps LaCroix was a Roman athiest. Tigon the Bouncing Tigger Knightie w/ N&N and FoSiL tendencies "Life can cheat will always find a way." (Divia, AMPH) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 02:14:32 -0400 From: Ray Heuer <RayHeuer@a.......> Subject: Re: Waiting for something from me? Dear Janette, Hi! Yes, I was one of those folks who expected a Nightcrawler tape and haven't recieved it yet. Just letting you know. -- Ray ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 02:14:30 -0400 From: Ray Heuer <RayHeuer@a.......> Subject: Re: Favorite FK songs Bobbie Williams wrote: > Still looking for the perfect LaCroix song. Let's face it, Queen's "Princes of the Universe" (if I remember the title correctly) pretty much fills the bill. Unfortunately, it's already taken. (For the two or three of you who don't watch "Highlander: The Series", It's said series' main theme.) -- Ray Nat Vamp Camp Rage! Rage! Against the dying of the Knight! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 02:21:42 -0400 From: AMARYS <Amarys@c.......> Subject: Re: The Gift, by Jayel Would some kind soul on the FKFIC list please forward me any parts of this story that have dropped since part 23? My server went down and all of my mail from the past two days is gone. Thanks! * amarys@c....... com Shelley M. Maas * * We are never blind to the truth. Sometimes, we just prefer * * to keep our eyes closed. * ********************************///\\\******************************** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 01:05:47 -0500 From: "fa;kl lks" <egersdor@m.......> Subject: Looking for FK knowledge I am looking for someone who knows more than I about The FK universe. Someone who has seen all the episode and who knows a little more than the rest of us about what the creators intended. Would this person please E-mail me privately Thanks Robbi Knightie With Dark Tendencies egersdor@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 05:32:45 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: kinda FK-related; what is an FK annex? On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Tigon Diana Hooker <TeigrLlew@a.......> wrote: >Secondly, one wonders which of the Roman Gods LaCroix might have >worshipped. A large section of the Legion in late Empire (not sure how late, but I think this probably qualifies) worshipped Mithras. The ceremonies were shrouded in mystery, but they involved (I am NOT making this up!) various levels of initiate, including the "Raven" level, which was the acolyte/entry level, and the slaughter of a white bull for its blood by the god (spilled on the earth to symbolically renew the land, I believe) was central to the religion's theology. Mithraism was one of many 'mystery religions' that sprang up late in the Roman Empire. For a long time, they thought Christianity was just another of them.... <g> I'm sure somebody with more knowledge can fill in the gaps for me. I'm going from my memory of college history courses and Mary Stewarts' Merlin trilogy. Diane E # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 09:34:41 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: OK, knock it off (or, why you need asbestos to read the list lately) Picture a few people in a room. They are friends. Good friends. They have a lot in common. They like each other. Now. They find out that a nuclear warhead is about to be launched. They are good people. They like life. For them, and for others. So they try to warn as many people as possible in the hopes of stopping it. Lots of people hear their warning, and join these few in the bunker. For a while, things work out. Then it becomes obvious that their efforts are in vain. The bomb is going to fall after all. Now what have you got? 1300 people in a room waiting for The Big One. And lots and lots of tension. Now, if you've been in fandom for a while, this is hardly the first time you've seen this. You start small, then you get an influx of people, and some of them Just Don't Get It. (Now, I'm sure I'm not going to offend anyone with that, since the guilty will probably think I'm talking about somebody else, and that's OK.) And if you've seen this before, you also know there's only one thing you can do about it. Wait it out. (Well, that or leave and swear you're never going to get involved in fandom again.) Years ago, I would have jumped into this fray. (And did, actually. Like many of us, I still have the scars.) But in the last year or two I've gone from a type A to a type B personality, and have adopted the following motto: I used to be aggravated, now I'm just bemused. Simply put, if you see a post that annoys you, DELETE IT. No, I don't know what "excoriated" means. If I can't get it from context, I'll look it up. It won't kill me. And I've been known to let a typo or two slip through. ("Satan neglige" anyone?) It won't kill any of us. Don't like a writer's style? Don't read them. Don't like the way a thread's going? Don't read it. Feel the need to respond to an inflammatory post? Do it in private. At least it'll keep the flames from spreading. I don't know what the policy is on unsubbing flamers, but I hope there is one. Most of all, CHILL OUT. Please. It'll all be over soon. ---- TJ (and Sorcha) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 09:56:34 -0500 From: Stephanie Babbitt <stephanie.babbitt@g.......> Subject: Re: More LaCroix Re Fleur, Wicked Cousin Tippi wrote: >As much as I don't >WANT him to be in love with her, I have to admit that I believe he was. I agree that the love was real. What clinches it for me is that LaCroix *admits* to Nicholas that he is frustrated, embarrassed, and annoyed by his feelings, yet he cannot overcome them. It's so unusual for LC to admit to any sort of weakness, to suggest that he is not in complete control, that I think he *must* have been under the influence of that most powerful emotion. Here's something I've been kicking around in my mind: Had LC brought Fleur across, would he have allowed her to become a powerful, remorseless killer like himself? Or would he have protected her, brought her blood to drink, kept her from the violence of the vampire life in order to maintain her innocent purity and her gentleness? I almost think the latter, because of his love. Cousins? Stephanie Vaquera (who *liked* the gentleness Fleur prompted in LC) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 10:21:38 -0500 From: Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......> Subject: SyndiCon is the updated flyer for SyndiCon >SYNDI-Con >The East Coast Version >Featuring "HIGHLANDER" > and > "FOREVER KNIGHT" > >WHEN: May 10, 11, and 12th, 1996 >WHERE: Marriott Inner Harbor Hotel > 110 South Eutaw Street > Baltimore, Maryland > >*CONFIRMED GUESTS:* (all guest appearances subject to professional >commitments) > From "HIGHLANDER" : > Jim Byrnes, Stan Kirsch, Elizabeth Gracen, Peter Wingfield > and live...via sattelite ....Adrian Paul > >>From Production: > Bill Panzer, Executive Producer > Ken Gord, Producer > Gillian Horvath, Creative Consultant > Donna Lettow , Script Co-cordinator > Roger Bellon, series music composer > > >**********JUST CONFIRMED******** >>From "FOREVER KNIGHT" > Nigel Bennett (Lucien LaCroix) > and his writing partner > P. N. Elrod; and together they will be reading from their new >vampire trilogy >****************************************************************************** >************************ >ALSO CONFIRMED: > TJ GLENN > Legendary tv/film stunt co-ordinator & swordmaster > and will be doing re-enactments of swordfights > > HEATHER ALEXANDER THUNDERCASTLE > Celtic singer/ songwriter > "HIGHLANDER" Card games > > > > Tournaments > > > > !!!! > with prizes !!!! > >JASON HENDERSON > author of the first "HIGHLANDER" novel "Element of Fire" > >MARTY GEAR > renowned costumer, who will judge the Masquerade (costume contest) > >ITINERATE DANCE THEATER: Highland dancers > >SATURDAY NIGHT BENEFIT CONCERT > a night of blues to be remembered > THE JIM BYRNES BAND > ALL PROCEEDS GO TO CHARITY >****************************************************************************** >****************************** >COST: >CONVENTION: > $55.00 for all 3 days ~ ~ $35.00 for one day ~ ~ Children 10 and under >are free >JIM BYRNES BAND CONCERT: > $15.00 if you already have a membership, or are going to purchase these >both at the > same time (total $70.00 per person) > $25.00 if you wish to attend the concert ONLY > >The membership for the con and/or the concert tickets can be purchased by > check or money order (sorry, no credit cards) and sent to: > > SYNDI-Con > > > > > > > > > > VOICEMAIL > P. O. Box 77347 > > > > > > > 510.888.2414 > San Francisco, California 94107 > >*please note: Please include a legal size self addressed stamped > envelope with your registration. Please include a note stating the name, >address, > and evening phone number of EACH person attending. You will be receiving a >receipt in > the mail for the convention, and an actual ticket for the concert. You must >bring this > receipt with you to register, or present valid ID at the registration desk. > There you will pick up >your packet, which will include your receipt, a program, a schedule, and lots >of >great information about the Baltimore area!! You will also need to bring >your ticket for >your entrance to the concert. ***** > >To lend a hand to those of you who want a roommate to help with hotel >expenses for the >convention, SYNDI-Con is starting a roommate listing. Fill out the form and >send it with a >self-addressed, stamped envelope to: > > SYNDI-Con Roommates > Sharon Carroll > 104 Ellery Avenue > Middletown, RI 02842 > > OR > > e-mail it to: > > > and we will send you a list of people who are looking for roommates After >'s up to you! > > This is for SYNDI-Con : ______ East Coast > > Personal Info: >NAME: ___________________________________________________________ > E-mail address:__________________________ >ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ > ________________________________________________________ >Evening phone_________________ Gender:______________ Age: >__________ >Do you smoke? ____Yes _____ No >What nights are you planning on staying at the hotel? ___Thursday ___Friday > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____Saturday > ___ Sunday >Do you already have a reservation? __Yes ___ No >How many roommates do you want? _______ > >ROOMMATE PREFERENCES: >Gender_____________________ >Age preference_______________ >Smoker: _____ Yes _____ No _______ Doesn't matter > > >OTHER PROGRAMMING: >Friday night no-host mixer (dress: casual) a time for fans (and maybe the >guests!) to get to >know one another and talk about their favorite things > >Dealer's room %%%% European version Videos %%%%% Q & A panels with the >Actors >and Production staff %%%% Autograph sessions %%%% Charity auction %%%%% >Sword fighting re-enactments by TJ Glenn %%%%% Celtic music by Heather >Alexander >%%%% Art Show %%%%% ThunderCastle Card Game Tournement %%%% Masquerade >(costume contest) ****and many more things to come!!!!!!!!*** > > >ABOUT THE MASQUERADE (costume contest): You are encouraged to wear a costume >from >any period, during the 3 days. The formal costume contest will be held > Friday and if you wish, >you can enter when you register. There are two catagories of entrants: >beginner, and expert. >Each catagory will be judged on its own, and will not compete with each >other. If there is a >weapon involved with the costume it MUST be peace-bonded (unable to be drawn >or used) by >our security staff. The only exception is if the weapon is a vital part of >your costume >presentation, and then can be used only under the close supervision of the >Masquerade >organizers and the security staff. > > > >THE HOTEL: > Room rate is $125.00 flat rate with up to 4 persons per room. Be sure to >mention SYNDI-Con > to get this rate. For reservations call: 1.410.962.0202 > There is shuttle service from the Baltimore/Washington International >Airport, $10.00 one way > or $15.00 round trip. > > TIMES: >You will pick up a schedule at the time you register. The basic times of the >convention are: > >Friday: Registration opens at 1:00 p.m., and programming starts at 3:00 p.m. >ending at about 6 >p.m. The mixer starts at about 7, and goes until about 9 or 10 p.m > >Saturday: Registration opens at 8 a.m. with programming at 9 a.m., ending at >about 6 p.m. The >concert starts at about 9 p.m. and goes until about 11:00 p.m > >Sunday: Registration opens at 9 a.m. with programming at 10:00 a.m., ending >about 6 p.m. > >TRAVEL: >US AIR is the official airline of SYNDI-Con East. For a discount on your >airfare have your travel >agent refer to GOLD FILE #2854-005 or call these numbers: >US AIR Meeting and convention office : 1-800-334-8644 (8am to 9pm ET) >Ashland Travel: Peter Zois at 1-800-445-9600 > >BALTIMORE CON NEWS!!! >The Bad, the Good, the Exciting, the Surprise > >First we are sorry we have been unable to answer all of your questions. We >have been in San >Francisco for SYNDI-Con West without the ability to answer our e-mail. Plus >we felt that it was >important to wait until we could respond with facts versus conjecture. > >THE BAD NEWS >Adrian will not be able to join us in person for the Baltimore convention >because he will be >filming a new movie in Manila - very far from Baltimore. With the kind >assistance of his agent, >we tried to work out a way for him to fly in. Unfortunately, it is simply >too far. The flights would >take zillions of hours of travel time. Adrian wanted to come to the Con, so >he tried, and we tried. >It is not going to be possible. > >THE GOOD NEWS >Adrian is filming a new action adventure movie called "Rangers" which we can >all look forward >to seeing. The film co-stars Michael Biehn and Kathleen York. (Think that >if we begged they >would release it during re-runs?!) We have been promised more information, >when we have it, >you will too. > >THE EXCITING NEWS >With the generous help from Bill Panzer, we are working on a satellite link >with Adrian who >agrees it is a great idea. We don't have any of the details; as soon as we >do.... > >THE SURPRISE >"Forever Knight"'s Nigel Bennett (Lucien LaCroix) had such a terrific time at >SYNDI-Con West, >that he and his writing partner, P. N. Elrod, will be joining us in >Baltimore, and they will be >reading from their new vampire trilogy. > >THE FINE PRINT >We can't offer refunds. All of the the SYNDI-Con flyers do say that guest >appearances are >subject to professional commitments. Some friends have told us that most of >the "Adrian can't >be there" letters have been quite positive. Yes, we are all disappointed, >but we have lots of >exciting guests. And many of us will finally meet! > >As always, please pass this information along. If you have questions, please >e-mail me here. > >P.S. The hotel has agreed to extend our room discount availability until >April 26th. > >SYNDI-CON >**THERE CAN BE ONLY FUN!!!** > >Thanks! > > FOREVER KNIGHT: Now showing on the SciFi Channel Mondays, 8pm, 12am EST FOREVER KNIGHT SOS/FK: *Cousin* *Vachon Ogler* *MPPB* *DMC member!* *PWFC* *MFW Cavalry* ***The Mother of Invention *had* to have been a single mother!*** ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 24 Apr 1996 to 25 Apr 1996 - Special issue *******************************************************************
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