There are 25 messages totalling 1015 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. Blood Transfusions and Such 2. Help with Questions 3. Syndie reminder/list family (2) 4. Tulsa LK party 5. FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 (12) 6. LIST RULES: 7. Nigel Bennett Novel (2) 8. Lucius's nomen 9. Urs/ (was Tracy and Vachon) 10. Name That Roman General! 11. Trilogy of Terror 12. Ger's chat ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 04:00:23 -0400 From: Eileen Salmas <ESalmas@a.......> Subject: Blood Transfusions and Such I was chatting with Carrie regarding her wonderful story Knight Confessions and some thought popped into my head that I'd love to know what you all think -- especially since there have been so many fascinating discussions about medicine and genetics on the list. In Nick's attempt to come back across, Natalie insists that stopping to consumption of blood is a key factor. What if he's in transition -- or has achieved mortality. From time to time even mortals need transfusions. What would that do to a vampire in transition? Is it just the blood or something else (assuming mortal blood, not a vampire blood exchange). On another note, Nick -- as well as the entire vampire community -- was injected with the virus as a cure in Fever. Would it stay in his system? Would he be a carrier even if he couldn't get it himself? If he became mortal would it come back to haunt him? Oh the dilema's he and Nat would have to face. Sorry to have rambled on. Eileen esalmas@a....... --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: Fwd: Knight Confessions Date: 96-04-19 02:51:18 EDT From: ESalmas To: ESalmas In a message dated 96-04-18 02:20:03 EDT, ESalmas writes: << Subj: Knight Confessions Date: 96-04-18 02:20:03 EDT From: ESalmas To: CKrumtum@g....... Dear Carrie, Was there a Part 29 that I missed? My sequence goes from 28 to 30 and there was nothing on the download from AOL this evening that was part 29. Pretty please post it to me if there is a part 29. As I've said before, I'm really enjoying this story. Some of what you've done has got me wondering about blood and mortality and how it's handled on the show and in the fanfic. Let's say, for the moment, that eating food in prison DID start pushing Nick toward mortality. Perhaps the weakness was not from lack of nourishment, but the transition to becoming mortal. Since Nat didn't have a chance to do a blood work up on him before he was infused with LaCroix's blood, they'll never know, unless he goes cold turkey again. >From time to time even mortals need transfusions. What would that do to a vampire in transition? Is it just the blood or something else (assuming mortal blood, not vampire blood exchange as you've written). Ovbiously, once LaCroix is involved, Nick would revert to the vampiric nature and the bond between them would be stengthened. Which leads to a question -- I always thought LaCroix was in control of the bond and could find Nick even when he didn't want to be found. Can Nick block him out? If Nick is weakened - partially mortal -- or however one chooses to describe his current conditon -- could he have contracted AIDS from the rape? I know he was injected with teh virus as a cure in Fever, but do you think it would stay in his system? Would he be a carrier even if he couldn't get it himself? If he became mortal would it come back to haunt him? Oh the dilema's he and Nat would have to face. Sorry to have rambled on. >> --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: Knight Confessions Date: 96-04-18 02:20:03 EDT From: ESalmas To: CKrumtum@g....... Dear Carrie, Was there a Part 29 that I missed? My sequence goes from 28 to 30 and there was nothing on the download from AOL this evening that was part 29. Pretty please post it to me if there is a part 29. As I've said before, I'm really enjoying this story. Some of what you've done has got me wondering about blood and mortality and how it's handled on the show and in the fanfic. Let's say, for the moment, that eating food in prison DID start pushing Nick toward mortality. Perhaps the weakness was not from lack of nourishment, but the transition to becoming mortal. Since Nat didn't have a chance to do a blood work up on him before he was infused with LaCroix's blood, they'll never know, unless he goes cold turkey again. >From time to time even mortals need transfusions. What would that do to a vampire in transition? Is it just the blood or something else (assuming mortal blood, not vampire blood exchange as you've written). Ovbiously, once LaCroix is involved, Nick would revert to the vampiric nature and the bond between them would be stengthened. Which leads to a question -- I always thought LaCroix was in control of the bond and could find Nick even when he didn't want to be found. Can Nick block him out? If Nick is weakened - partially mortal -- or however one chooses to describe his current conditon -- could he have contracted AIDS from the rape? I know he was injected with teh virus as a cure in Fever, but do you think it would stay in his system? Would he be a carrier even if he couldn't get it himself? If he became mortal would it come back to haunt him? Oh the dilema's he and Nat would have to face. Sorry to have rambled on. Eileen esalmas@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 22:25:16 +1000 From: Deanna Czarnuszewicz <deczar@p.......> Subject: Help with Questions As part of our Forever Knight presentation at an upcoming convention, or group is planning a 'sort of' vampire quizz show. Can anyone with a slightly twisted imagination help us with some questions and answers? These should be Forever Knight and/or Vampire related. Examples: Q: Why did the Vampire Cross the Road. A.To get to the other side. Q:What is Tracy A: A Good Cop.(Other answers may also be accepted :-) (Fortunatly) I can't claim responsibility for these and you can see why we need help. The convention is only two weeks away! Sorry to bother the list with this sillyness, but as we discovered at the last convention, very few people even die-hard vampire fans saw Forever Knight 1st season, (Which was only shown once here in Australia)and we feel this is a good opportunity to introduce as many people as we can to FK before 2nd and 3rd season are shown.We have found that people enjoy our 'very different' presentations. I think it would be best if suggestions are E-mailed to me privately. Many,many thanks Deanna The Brisbane Group of Forever Knight Fans Queensland Beautiful one Day Australia Perfect the Next ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 08:35:26 -0400 From: "Sharon A. Himmanen" <romana@p.......> Subject: Syndie reminder/list family Just a reminder that we're getting new episodes next weekend and that letters or postcards or something might be nice to your local affiliate and to SFC to let them know you're there, watching. I try to drop a note to my local affiliate every time I see a new episode just to let them know I'm there, I'm watching and that I appreciate that they're showing FK. Jamie wrote: >I always thought we were family, here. I would hate to be wrong about >that. Jamie, Jamie, Jamie... How many families to *you* know who *don't* bicker and get throughly disgusted with each other and stomp off to their room for a while to cool off or to get away? :-) I think the fact that we do have our occasional growing pains and that we managage, admittedly after some period of problems, to resolve them in *some* manner speaks to the fact that we are a community or even an extended family. I think I'd be a little more concerned about the list if we *didn't* have our occasional problems. You can't please all the people all the time, and I think everyone here does a pretty good job of trying to keep upwards of 1000 people happy. I admit, my enthusiasm for the lists has waned, but you have to remember I've been here since the summer of 1993 when the list was under 500 people. I left altogether in November because I was disgusted with the lack of discussion, the constant misunderstandings, and the misconception that simple disagreement was flame-bait. I left spoiler (and haven't and will not return) because rather than a discussion list for *us* it became a conduit to Toronto for grievances about the show and especially because the constant "Nat's a bitch" thread was, to me, offensive and unconstructive and unwarrented (I'm not sure what I'll do if it moves to FORKNI in earnest). It wasn't that I didn't feel welcome, though I suppose that was an element. I just found it became an excercise in frustration and futility and I wasn't enjoying the repetative arguments anymore. Why stay if it's causing me aggrivation when there were other places to go? Leaving for a bit and just dealing with a few smaller discussion groups actually helped me regain my equilibrium about the lists, and I returned to FORKNI when the show got cancelled and I'll remain here for as long as I'm able to. So I'd argue that these satellite groups don't necessarily hurt the list--they may actually help it by being stress-reducers of sorts, overflow conduits for when the main thing gets to be too much. Most of the people on the smaller loops I'm on are still on FORKNI and are still reading it even if they aren't participating. Yes, we're all responsible for maintaining the flavor of the list. That's partly why I left SPOILR and don't post as much. I was going round and round with people and not getting anywhere (and getting aggrevated) and was contributing to the problem. In some cases, for some people, saying *nothing* might be a better thing than speaking up sometimes. That's what I think about the whole thing anyway. Sorry for the long post. Sharon -- Sharon Himmanen * romana@p........ Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help save it, check out or send me email ASAP! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 08:09:15 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Tulsa LK party Just a reminder: the Tulsa party is still on May 18, beginning at about sunset, or between 8 and 9 pm. For anyone planning to come, I need an RSVP, list of food allergies (if you haven't mailed me already about this), and preference of chocolate or white cake and what kind of ice cream (so far it's been solid chocolate: chocolate, much to my delight). Also, mail me for directions. My house can be a bit hard to find if you don't know what you're looking for. It's a non-alcohol party (THANK you, mom and dad :S), but some of the stuff we'll have doesn't NEED it. There will also be much sugar, caffeine, and chocolate, plus random, obnoxious, obscure, rather stupid, pun-quality FK sight gags strewn about the house. Uhhhh... Tippi won't be here, but there may (nothing definite) be an IRC link to Arlington (Tippi WILL be there). TTFN! Cousin "Susan" Phoenix * Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng Charter Unnamed * Member of the Cold Shower Sisterhood * SKLed phoenix@i....... **Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!** George the Plastic Bat loves you. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 09:48:21 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 At 02:36 AM 4/20/96 -0400, Jamie wrote: > >I always thought we were family, here. I would hate to be wrong about that. > I know, this is sad. I have discovered there's been a lot of private e-mail bitching by people and this is why some people have left when we haven't even seen what the furor as all about. When I first hit this list, this kind of thing wasn't happening and there was a great combination silliness and seriousness. Remember the long discussion on how a vampire could serious drain a body of blood in so short a time? Man, I learned more about blood than I could have possibly wanted - but it was really interesting. But people still jumped in and had fun with it. That sense of fun is definitely gone, and replaced with a fear of saying the wrong thing. I'm still here, I'm not going anywhere. I think the general apathy also has to do with the fact that the realization has begun to sink in that we have lost our show - for now anyway. That we have four new eps left, we are all uncertain about those, and then the door is closed on new FK for who knows how long. It is a sobering thought. We went for 18 mos. without it once before, we'll get thru this too. I think it's going to be fun to watch how the popularity of the show is going to grow thru the Sci-Fi channel. I have a feeling they're going to realize they have to do somthing and do something soon. In the meantime, we have a great time in Toronto to look forward to. Those of us on the SKL list have our outlet for hysteria and anyone who wants to giggle at FK related (and sometimes not) nonsense is free to take a look. The rest have this list to discuss seriously. I like that too - just not as a steady diet. I don't think the family feeling is gone - just a little unsteady at the moment due to outside circumstances. We'll get back to it, I'm sure. Tootles - love you all (well MOST OF YOU (vbg)) Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 08:57:25 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 >In the meantime, we have a great time in Toronto to look forward to. Those >of us on the SKL list have our outlet for hysteria and anyone who wants to >giggle at FK related (and sometimes not) nonsense is free to take a look. Since when is *FK related* nonsense off-limits on this list? I was under the impression the SKL list was for *off topic* nonsense... at least, that's what we were told. Diane E # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 10:07:13 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: Syndie reminder/list family At 08:35 AM 4/20/96 -0400, Sharon wrote: >Jamie, Jamie, Jamie... How many families to *you* know who *don't* bicker and get throughly disgusted with each other and stomp off to their room for a while to cool off or to get away? :-) etc..... Excellent post Sharon and I think it said it all. Thanks!!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 10:22:03 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 At 08:57 AM 4/20/96 -0500, you wrote: >Since when is *FK related* nonsense off-limits on this list? I was under the impression the SKL list was for *off topic* nonsense... at least, that's what we >were told. > Listen, after the crap we caught after last Saturday night we don't want to take any chances! A lot of the silliness we did that night was FK related, and some of it was not. No one said "oh the FK stuff was funny and okay, but the other stuff wasn't" we just got reamed for everything. Also, we get really bawdy over there and we don't have to worry about any of the cast being on the list so we have no rules--from x-rated to g-rated and back again! We can be totally immature if we it strikes us and not worry about anyone chastising us. We're still posting a little silliness here - we just have to be careful!! (ssssh quiet - we're posting funnies!! heh-heh-heh-heh!!!) Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 09:55:07 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 >Listen, after the crap we caught after last Saturday night we don't want to >take any chances! A lot of the silliness we did that night was FK related, >and some of it was not. No one said "oh the FK stuff was funny and okay, but <sigh> I'm going to respond to this, because it's very much relevant to the whole debate. Frankly, IMO, you *deserved* to be called on last Saturday. Yes, you didn't intend to spam the list, but that doesn't change the fact that you *did*. The fact that people got justifiably annoyed with you does *not* mean you should take your toys and go home! Yes, you caught a lot of flack. Yes, some of it was excessive. But if everybody who messes up and gets told they did leaves, this list is gonna get awfully empty awfully fast... And that, as our esteemed assistant-listowner is wont to say, would be a Very Bad Thing. :) Diane E # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 10:51:47 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: LIST RULES: As per my previous post, for everyone's reference, this is a PARTIAL recap of the Rules of the Lists, as set by Jaye and posted at These rules have been around for longer than I have; they are not negotiable, and reminders that one should adhere to these rules are not persecution. 'Nuff said. * -- When replying to a previous post, you may only quote FOUR LINES of that post for each point you wish to comment on. * -- Sigs can be no longer than FIVE lines long, including all text, symbols and spaces. * -- No "Me Too" posts (i.e. posts that quote another post and add "I agree") * -- No personal replies to the lists, unless it's an emergency; private replies should go via private e-mail. * -- No posting of fiction on FORKNI. (Discussion of fiction is okay.) No spoilers on FORKNI. No discussion on FKFIC (only fiction). Spoilers only on FKSPOILR. * -- While there is no hard and fast rule, it is strongly suggested that listmembers make a sincere effort to limit themselves to three posts per day. * -- Stay On Topic. If it isn't about FK, it should be elsewhere. * -- BE NICE. NO FLAMING ON-LIST. "These rules are subject to change without warning. The punishment for ignoring the rules is a one-week nomailing for the first offense, one-week noposting for the second, and permanent unsubscription and noposting for the third." This is a direct quote from the web page. Which is, once again, located at: If you absolutely positively have no access whatsoever to the Web, I'll send you a copy upon request (by PRIVATE e-mail, please!) Hope this clears up any confusion. -- ------- Jamie M.R. <immajer@p.......> ------- --------- Assistant Listowner, FORKNI-L --------- -Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies- ------ Ask me about 'Saturday Knight Live'! ----- 'We will make Mountain Dew come out of your nose' ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 11:04:31 -0400 From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@p.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 On Apr 20, 1996 10:22:03, 'Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......>' wrote: >Listen, after the crap we caught after last Saturday night we don't want to >take any chances! A lot of the silliness we did that night was FK related, >and some of it was not. No one said "oh the FK stuff was funny and okay, but >the other stuff wasn't" we just got reamed for everything. Dotti, you know as well as I do that we *deserved* to get reamed for that. We generated WAY too much mail for one night. Not only that: there were times when three short posts could have been combined into one, and STILL not have been anywhere near on-topic. Not just excessive mail, but JUNK mail. We just got out of hand, period; and you and I were two of the worst offenders. It was understandable in a way, and from what I've heard, it's not the first time it's happened on the list; but it was most definitely wrong. And THAT is what SKL is for. More than anything else, quantity. For those times when you just feel impelled to make sixteen posts in a row at three in the morning, posts that SHOULDN'T be sent to forkni. For idle conversation and nattering. For unselfconscious rambling. Which sometimes strays into FK territory. I mean, how the heck do you enforce a "no on-topic posts" rule? >We're still posting a little silliness here - we just have to be careful!! >(ssssh quiet - we're posting funnies!! heh-heh-heh-heh!!!) Careful is good. Careful is very good. Careful is, in fact, in accordance with the List Rules. There can be merriment and mirth within the generous limitations of the Rules. I mean, there always has been... and it shouldn't stop now. But as Diane says, being asked to be careful and responsible and play by the rules isn't the same as being exiled. And if there is anyone on this list who has posted without EVER making a mistake, I would very much like to meet them... -- ------- Jamie M.R. <immajer@p.......> ------- --------- Assistant Listowner, FORKNI-L --------- -Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies- ------ Ask me about 'Saturday Knight Live'! ----- 'We will make Mountain Dew come out of your nose' ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 10:50:08 -0500 From: D Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 >there are those on the SKL loop who are there because they do not feel welcome >on forkni-l. <snip> Yet there were those who were unhappy with the state of >the list even before That Night, who felt there was too much trivial traffic >Which group is right? Which group is wrong? If either? I don't know. Look, Jamie! Four lines! :) (Yes, I'm posting a lot this morning, because I *care* about this. I'll be quiet later. :> ) Neither is right. And both. To expect the List to be exactly what *you* (I'm using 'you' in the universal sense, here) want it to be unreasonable. I've been on this list for about a year and a half, and there have been times I've been in both camps, sometime simultaneously <g>-- yelling at my monitor for certain people to <Lighten up!> and for others to <Get a life, already!> on numerous occasions. :) >people are signing off the lists because they feel unwanted or because >they're just not enjoying themselves, There are always going to be people who don't like what the list is, and leave it. That's life, it happens all the time, even though you don't realize it because most of them lurk, or leave quietly. The problem comes in when the people who *aren't* happy don't speak up-- or are treated as 'wrong' when they do. Remember the spoiler list at the beginning of this season? The Tracy-bashers and Third-season-haters were spewing venom (and it *Was* venom, no pretense to be anything else) *everywhere* and those of us that thought it had potential mostly kept silent, because the few that *did* post were told they were stupid, over-optimistic dreamers.... *That's* what you need to watch out for. If you want more serious threads, START ONE! If you think someone's post is the funniest thing you've read in years, but have no other comment to make on it, *send it private e-mail*. This list is, at its best, a democracy run by a pair of benevolent dictators (Jaye & Jamie) and like all democracies, it won't work if the people involved don't participate in *keeping* it that way! We're experiencing one of the list's periodic bouts of 'growing pains'. We do this fairly often, but I'm beginning to wonder if the list hasn't, psychologically speaking, hit adolescence. <g> In My Highy Prejudiced Opinion (Warning, silly analogies ahead!) a large part of the current problem is that we 'old list hands' <vbg> feel like a family that has just had a favorite aunt marry a man with a huge number of rambunctious, outgoing, high-energy children-- and their new cousins (note, no capital C ;> ), who have always been made to mind our manners, say 'please' and 'thank you' and generally behaved with old-fashioned politeness in company are annoyed at suddenly having the family reunion disrupted by these ill-mannered, loud and demanding brats, who hog all the cake, push us off the swings, and complain that "she hit me!" when we push back. <vbg> Of course, to the new folk, it probably feels like having your Dad drag you to visit stuffy Great-Aunt Ruth, who makes you sit on a hard chair and drink chamomile tea, while telling long, boring stories about when she was a girl, back in the Gay '90s.... ;) Now I think about it, *Jamie* annoyed the hell out of me when she first joined the list <g> because *she* was posting constantly-- and, in retrospect, that was partly because when *I* was new, I was the opposite type, the "lurk until I feel like I know these people and can talk to them without being snubbed" type-- but she calmed down, I ventured out of my cyber-shell, and we're pretty good e-friends, now. :) So please, people, remember that there's a difference between disagreement and flaming, between enthusiasm and bad manners, and that the former is okay and the latter is not? Then, years from now, we can all meet at the List's 50th Cyberspace birthday party and complain about how the *New* Newbies just don't understand.... ;) Diane E # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 12:05:42 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 At 09:55 AM 4/20/96 -0500, you wrote: >But if everybody who messes up and gets told they did >leaves, this list is gonna get awfully empty awfully fast... > >And that, as our esteemed assistant-listowner is wont to say, would be a Very Bad Thing. :) I agree - I didn't say we were totally in the right - it did get a little out of hand - I just don't think the nastiness we got was really justified. Yes, we did need to be called on it and since we don't want that to happen again we have moved it to avoid upsetting anyone else. No one is saying there can't be any fun on this list, but you know the saying, once burned twice shy. And, I agree, it would be sad if everyone avoided this list like the plague - but I think everyone will come back (if they have in fact left totally). I just think everyone is being quiet. Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 12:14:29 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 At 11:04 AM 4/20/96 -0400, you wrote: >Dotti, you know as well as I do that we *deserved* to get reamed for that. We generated WAY too much mail for one night. I didn't say we didn't deserve to get called on it - just the ferocity was a little - ferocious, shall I say? I agree, way too much mail, some of it was really stupid - some of it was junk - and you and I were intensely naughty. But you've looked at the actual messages lately, I haven't I don't really remember everything, so you know better just how stupid it got. As I said to D.E., (HI D.E.!!) I agreed we were bad, deserved to get our wrists slapped, and we made our list for our excessive craziness. What am I debating anyway? Oh, yea, the lack of fun on the lists afterwards. Well, like I said, I'm sure it will return when everyone gets over this (and by the looks of these notes, everyone hasn't gotten over them). I reread the list rules, and I know them, and I will make sure I will try very had not to break them and still keep the sense of humor we always had here. I'm sure it'll be back soon - let's all chill, forget it, and go forward. Sending kisses and virtual hugs to everybody!!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 11:33:19 -0500 From: Lady Sushi <phoenix@i.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 >Of course, to the new folk, it probably feels like having your Dad drag you to >visit stuffy Great-Aunt Ruth, who makes you sit on a hard chair and drink >chamomile tea, while telling long, boring stories about when she was a girl, >back in the Gay '90s.... ;) Sorry, sorry, off topic, but funny! Chamomile tea is a sedative, heheheh. Just liked the irony of it. ObFK: YKYBWTMFKW you start to wonder about the REST of the _Briscoe County, Jr._ affiliations after Dixie Cousins... 'Course, this could also be a You Know You've Been Getting Too Little Sleep When or a You Know You're Too Goddy About a Telnet Chat w/ Your BF When... 'Night, all! Gee, and it isn't even noon yet... Cousin "Susan" Phoenix * Camera Fanatic of the Thong Throng Charter Unnamed * Member of the Cold Shower Sisterhood * SKLed phoenix@i....... **Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat!** George the Plastic Bat loves you. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 12:38:01 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 At 10:50 AM 4/20/96 -0500, you wrote: >So please, people, remember that there's a difference between disagreement and flaming, between enthusiasm and bad manners, and that the former is okay and the latter is not? Yeah Diane!! I think her last note should be the lid slammer - nothing better can be said and she is completely right!! Rah rah D.E.!! Rah, rah!! Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 11:13:51 +0000 From: "Julene McDonald ( but i preffer Blondie )" <blondie@g.......> Subject: Re: Nigel Bennett Novel just what is the name of this novel he's doing? Cousin Blondie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Here comes the woman with the look in her eye. Raised on leather, flesh on her mind..." -----------------"Devil Inside" (INXS)------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 13:14:54 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Lucius's nomen Amy R. (hi, Amy!) asked if we could be sure Divius wasn't Lucius's nomen (gens or clan name). I don't see how. Gens names were not used independently of the Gens. Selene has a name that indicates Greek origin. (Incidentally, I think I've been told the script spelled it Seline, although Selene is correct.) Unless, perhaps, Selene or an ancestor had been a slave who was freed by someone in Lucius's gens. A freed slave did assume the manumitor's nomen, I think. My source is a book which I've had to return. I suppose in that case it's possible that Divia/Divius is a gens name. The only trouble with this is that it doesn't appear that Divia is known to be Lucius's child, judging by the way she's talked about in front of him. I doubt if Selene would have called the child by the nomen if she and Lucius had some kind of agreement that the girl wouldn't be openly acknowledge. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 13:48:42 -0400 From: Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......> Subject: Re: Urs/ (was Tracy and Vachon) Janice wrote: > Poor little victim Urs! She's strong, pretty, healthy, and for all purposes >immortal. That's not enough, tho, and so she's apparently spent the > last hundred years or so bitching about what a miserable life Vachon gave her. Uh....wait a second.....are we discussing FK? The show about the Angst Ridden, guilt overloaded, soul searching, Vampire/Babe/Cop whose like eight hundred years old? It's interesting and makes for great story telling in Nickie, but Urs can't play? Friendly *#%$@* discussion follows: I think that the Urs character could have been a great set up to some fine stories about a woman (vampire) searching for some meaning in the night.......I mean, her life.. >Babe! Get over it! If (un)life's too much, take a walk in the sun... Or else >join Nick in the Mortal Wannabe Club. Urs was attempting suicide by offering her blood to Vachon, who was valantly trying to rescue her. You don't get over suicidal tendencies simply by surviving a botched attempt. I don't see Urs as strong in the sense I think you meant it either. In HoD I thought I saw a woman who just got a clue into what might be the root of her unhappiness. And I think Nickie saw that too. The truly interesting tales are ahead for her. Besides, her maker was/is a wanderer, who has been running for five hundred years. *His* maker offed herself. Seems like they have both (V & U) come to a time where they are ready to examine thier lives (unlives).. I'd like to see Nickie take her (Introduce her) to the Art Museum. I'd like to see LaCroix lend her some books. Oh my #*&%* I want to mention that wonderful piece of Fan Fiction: "Child Of Truth" by Merry Troupe for like the third time!!!. I really would like to see that side of LaCroix, I would like Nickie to see that side of LaCroix. I would like to see Nigel and Ger write an ep for season four that follows the tag from NIQ. What did the old geezer say to Nickie that day? What did he leave out? What did he embelish? Did they...........drink bottle after bottle of the house special all day? I'd like to see Urs and Vachon spend a weekend in NYC and go to the Aster Place Barbershop..........<wcg> > Can you say sugar high? I'm >hypoglycemic--better get off before I crash... No, the roomie ate my cookies and my chocolate wabbit and headed to his girlfiends for the weekend ....... three hours sleep is just not enough, coffee aint helpin' me........think I'll crack his door, the cats will just *have to* go sleep on his laundry......heh, heh.... Why don't the chocolatiers do delivery? They have no foresight. Karies, shutting up and going back to bed with James' Nick and LC scones. from Jadfe.......Sure to be a tasty treat. SoulDebris@a....... Darkly Whimsical. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 11:23:32 -0700 From: Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......> Subject: Re: Nigel Bennett Novel > > just what is the name of this novel he's doing? > Cousin Blondie It is titeled "Keeper of the King" by Nigel Bennett and P.N. Elrod, the first in a trilogy. It is due from Baen Books in October of this year. Denise, The Cousinly Ravenette ithildin@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 14:22:43 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Name That Roman General! Regarding the family name of General Lucius ("sir, yes sir, whatever you say, sir"): I think it's clear from what Lisa McDavid said that Divia's name doesn't give us a clue. So Leslie <LoosCanN@a.......>, you started this thread, right? I guess no one knows what his full name might have been! And if there isn't a canon answer, or a good clue from what we've seen in the episodes or scripts (for those lucky dogs who have scripts), then... You get to make one up! :^) Roman naming experts should probably be consulted as to the form of the name (so that it sounds like a real Roman name that someone of Lucius' stature would have), but you can look for something appropriate. And since this list needs some lightening up right now, here's a new game (and it's on-topic, too!): **** Name That Roman General! **** I'll start the ball rolling. Those who know Latin will have to supply the Latin versions of most of these suggestions. I'm just tossing out some words that seem appropriate for incorporation into Lucius' family name. I seem to recall Lisa saying there would be 3 parts to the name (although I'm not sure how often people used the full name), so that gives us up to two words to add to "Lucius." - Cross (Lacroix means "the cross" in French; perhaps he took this French name because it resembled his Roman name) - Quid Pro Quo (OK, it's 3 words instead of two and I doubt it's a name, but it *is* the man's motto, isn't it??) - Uncle (Come on, Latin scholars -- what's Latin for Uncle??) - Q-tip (What's Latin for Q-tip? Qus Tipius??) - fuzzy eyebrows (As in: "Yes, Sir, General Lucius Fuzzy Eyebrows, Sir") - how about something that would acknowledge one of the television sponsors of FK? I'm thinking that "General Lucius Spamus" has a nice ring to it. <ducking and running really, really fast from the Cousins now....> And I'd just like to say that if Mr. Bennett is subscribed to this list right now I'm going to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment. <g> If FK comes back as a series of TV movies and he has to perform in flashbacks as a character called Lucius Spamus or Lucius Qus Tipius, *someone* is gonna come after me! :^) This message brought to you by the Committee to Support On-Topic Silliness on FORKNI-L. * Allison Percy, a perky Knightie percy91@w....... * * Shrewthering info: * * "To paraphrase the Hair Club for Men guy, 'I not only compose the music * * for the show, I'm also a fan...'" Fred Mollin * ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 11:31:58 -0700 From: Dianne Therese De Sha <maeve@g.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 Jamie writes: > But as Diane says, being asked to be careful and responsible and play by > the rules isn't the same as being exiled. > And if there is anyone on this list who has posted without EVER making a > mistake, I would very much like to meet them... <A figure steps forward nervously...> "Hello. My name is Dianne (no, the 2-n one) and I... I..." <deep breath> "... I was once a newbie too!" <gasps of horror snipped <g> No, really. As I recall Steff (aka Darkangel) and I signed on at about the same time. Some of my very first posts were a bunch of little back- and-forth faction sabre-rattling that really should have been private email-- only neither of us knew any better. <blush> So... about 5 or 6 posts in, someone (not a clue _who_ now-- was that you, Susan G? :-) sent us a private email rap on the knuckles and clarification of list ettiquette. I was completely embarrassed for making a nusance of myself, apologized, and was much more careful in the future. But I didn't feel unwelcome, nor did I leave. They didn't even send me to bed without supper (i.e. nomailed for a week). But I respected my elders and felt like a fool and learned my lesson in manners. And it left no lasting psychological scars... nor has it kept me from posting either silliness or faction nonsense to the lists. It just made me aware of what's cool and what's not and how to be a good little citizen. :-) So come on, guys. This isn't a stuffy place. But it's just not a free- for-all either. And when the grown-ups tell you that you can't run around with scissors in your hand, they're not trying to be mean, or no-fun, or stuffy. There are reasons for these rules (i.e., risk of serious bodily harm &/or PSUVM dumping overloaded non-academic lists!). And one day today's newbies will realize that they're no longer newbies-- and it'll probably be the day they send _their_ first private email knuckle-rap to a new, really clueless newbie... <cue "Turn, turn, turn" and/or "Sunrise, sunset" here <vbg> Dianne (who's just about warped as many odd analogies as she can for today...) Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- <cat.goddess@p.......> -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 14:41:54 -0400 From: Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 19 Apr 1996 to 20 Apr 1996 At 11:31 AM 4/20/96 -0700, you wrote: >So come on, guys. This isn't a stuffy place. But it's just not a free-for-all either. > Totally agreed!! I never said we weren't wrong - just surprised by how angry everyone was. You are so right!! >And when the grown-ups tell you that you can't run around with scissors in your hand, they're not trying to be mean., LOL! ROTFL! Also true....thanks Diane. Now, can we stop please and go back to having fun!!?? Ahem, to all my loving friends on this list (and yes I mean ALL of them) I hereby pledge never to mention this again and chalk it up to a learning experience! Now, does anyone want to discuss Ger's chat? Have you read it yet? Do you think (like I did) that a lot of it was sort of wasted questions? ("I think your name is cool!!") Maybe it was a little person... Does everyone have Showtime so you can watch the "Trilogy of Terror" or will someone need copies?? Dotti R Knightie 4-Ever dottir@w....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 10:54:28 -2055 From: "L. Katherine Queen" <lqueen@p.......> Subject: Trilogy of Terror Hi Guys, Does anybody know when Trilogy of Terror is supposed to air on Showtime? Katherine lqueen@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 15:05:23 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Ger's chat Dotti Rhodes <dottir@w.......> said: > experience! Now, does anyone want to discuss Ger's chat? Have you read it > yet? Do you think (like I did) that a lot of it was sort of wasted > questions? ("I think your name is cool!!") Maybe it was a little person... If by a "little person" you mean a child, I think the Pseudo Chat area is supposed to be adults-only, so I doubt it. If by a "little person" you mean a person of short stature, I have no idea! If by a "little person" you mean someone who couldn't think of something better to say, yes, that's probably it! There was some time at the beginning of the chat when absolutely nothing appeared to be happening. Probably people got bored and submitted questions that weren't really earth-shaking. > Does everyone have Showtime so you can watch the "Trilogy of Terror" or will > someone need copies?? Whenever "Trilogy of Terror 2" runs on Showtime, a lot of people who don't get the channel will be trying to work out tape trades! <g> -- Allison Percy (sparing you the longer .sig this time!) percy91@w....... -- ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 20 Apr 1996 - Special issue ****************************************************
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