There are 42 messages totalling 1016 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. Another HELP!!! post:) (2) 2. Rick Nick tape 3. Vachon Questions (2) 4. FK on USA/SFC (2) 5. LaCroix's Family (long) (2) 6. Various 7. Queen Elizabeth's makeup 8. Pronunciation 9. AZ FK Party - additional addition 10. FK Continuity, etc. (4) 11. Dark Knightie Episodes! (3) 12. YKYBWTMFKW... (2) 13. Forever K-nigit and Shakespeare... 14. Houston, Texas list members? 15. 3rd season episodes & bringing across newbies... 16. howdlydoodlydoo! 17. Be My Valentine (3) 18. LaCroix's Family 19. What the heck is "Hand"? 20. Weekend With Ger!!! 21. Weekend With Ger!! 22. Stupid, Stupid me! 23. I Will Repay - Janette and Nick 24. <No subject given> 25. Darling Daughter? 26. Fan Clus 27. Hand? Blue Meanies Ownership & War. 28. When is the last ep? 29. YKYBR... 30. vamps are real or not? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 14:05:37 -0800 From: Dee Davidson <dmd@a.......> Subject: Another HELP!!! post:) I really hate to do this but sometime yesterday my providers mail server died, so I imagine a few people got a heck of a lot of bounced mail, yuk. Would it be possible for someone to send me the yesterdays and todays messages from fkfic-l? The digests or throw them all together in one message, it doesn't really matter, how ever its easiest. Thanks in advance. Oh, as for who's master... personally I don't think LaCroix would care either way. If he drained them and Nick gave them his blood or if Nick drained them and LC gave them his blood I don't think it would matter, he would either claim them as his own(thats if he cared) or he would let Nick be master over them to teach him some sort of lesson, torture him in some way, or just to be mean. But thats if it involves LC and Nick, technically I think it which ever vampire gives the blood is the master. Hopefully that made sense:) Forever!! Dee Davidson dmd@a....... *Cousin * Valentine * ****************************************** "If you think I tormented you in the past my little friends, wait until you see what I do with you now!" Q ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 17:00:54 -0500 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Rick Nick tape Judes and I were shopping for a baby-dunking dress (don't ask) and ran into Sam Goody's record store to look for the Babe Soundtrack (you have not lived until you've heard the mice singing "Blue Moon"). They had a copy of the Rick Springfield pilot on pro tape on the $10 and under wall marked $9.99. When I got up to the register, it turned out to be $1.99. They only had one. But it never hurts to chek the sell-thru bins. Regards susang@v....... -- Faithful BRUNETTE Ravenette, because somebody STILL has to. Visit THE essential webpage for Forever Knight info at: "Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 16:37:11 -0500 From: Robbi Egersdorf <egersdor@m.......> Subject: Vachon Questions Hi All: I have a few question on Vachon. It's for a piece of fanfic I'm writing. 1) I think someone mentioned Vachon had been involved in Native American affairs at one point during his past. Can someone tell me about it? 2)Is there anything cannon about where Vachon was from 1750-1850. I need to know. Thanks Robbi Knightie With Dark Tendencies Loving the Angst egersdor@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 14:52:33 -0800 From: LC Fenster <lucienlc@i.......> Subject: Re: FK on USA/SFC >We will begin showing the rest of season 3 on Monday, April 22, and >each Monday thereafter. I think one has to remember that USA stopped showing FK with episode 13, Fever. Presumably, SFC will pick up in April with episode 14. NOT with episode 19 (Jane Doe). Remember, even under the initial USA deal, the syndies had the first broadcast. I'm sure that's in all the syndie deals. If TriStar unilaterally changed that on them, they'd be in serious serious trouble. Laurie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 16:56:18 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Re: LaCroix's Family (long) Sandra Gray wrote: FO>But LC doesn't always bring over every attractive and innocent thing FO>he comes across. I can't say more without spoiling a third season Yes, you're right. He *doesn't* bring across every attractive and innocent thing he comes across. And he didn't bring Fleur across either. ;) That's my point. ;) Besides, truly innocent people are really hard to find. Even saints have their slip-ups. FO>Nick certainly wasn't a *saint* when he was brought over either. True enough. But you don't have to be on a very high mountain to fall. Angels fall from Heaven. Nick fell from, oh, the 13th century equivalent of Sunday school. He didn't have that far to fall, but he still fell. ;) (At least he would like to think so!) Wicked Cousin Tippi, the Angel (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 17:08:05 -0600 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: Various >:If Nick could vamp out without provocation, and calm down to normal with >:minimal effort *because* the original vamping out was without provocation, >Kind of like he vamped out (at least the eyes) then went back to normal in >the tag of Sons of Belial. In Sons of Belial, I interpreted that to kind of when you let yourself go a little bit, emotionally, after a bad experience, (especially if there's someone there you can lean on for support), but you are still in control. I'm still waiting to hear the "implications" of the vamping out in the popcorn scene, but maybe it's in here somewhere; there's a lot of mail today. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 17:07:04 CST From: Wicked One <WickedOne@h.......> Subject: Queen Elizabeth's makeup I'm sure there are debates in Medieval history just as there are in anthropology. Physical anthropologists think they have all the theories right and cultural anthropologists think THEY have all the right theories. I *am* a history minor and have had an equal number of history profs on both sides of the bathing/cleanliness issues. The point is, one can always find evidence to support one's beliefs. The only way I'd know for sure if australopithecene man was 2 million years old instead of 4 million years old would be to travel back in time. Until I invent time travel, shall we all agree to disgree and get back to FK? ;) Thank you everyone for offering info on both sides of the debate. We all learn more on Forkni that'd get us through a round of Jeopardy than most of us pick up in higher education. ;) We have a highly literate and intelligent group of listers here. Wicked Cousin Tippi, the Bathed One (WickedOne@h....... or TippiNB@a.......) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 18:21:02 -0500 From: Hugo Trepanier <pio@m.......> Subject: Re: Pronunciation Hey everyone! I still have around 300 messages to go through from not reading my mail this week. So, I just saw this message about pronouncing FORKNI-L. Well, my best buddy (Fred) and I always say "Fork Nee L". Or sometimes we go the short way and say "Fork Nee". Just thought you'd all be glad to know that! :) Hugo Trepanier, pio@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 16:43:08 -0700 From: Kathy L <kathryn@u.......> Subject: AZ FK Party - additional addition Hi All Just want to add to Marg's post that we all had a blast at the AZ FK party - and thank Bridget one more time for having us over on such short notice. It was great for us 3rd season converts to see all the eps y'all have been talking about on the list for so long (AMPH, BMV, C&C, etc etc) We finally have a clew! We'll definitely have to do this again on the 26th! James, if you're interested, *please* drop one of us a line - we'd love to have you at the next one! Kathy kathryn@u....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 20:04:27 -0500 From: Stephanie Babbitt <stephanie.babbitt@g.......> Subject: Re: FK Continuity, etc. Re vampire vs. carouche feeding preferences, Sandra wrote: >Screed was shown in the flashback of MBiaV (I think) partying >with and apparently feeding upon a woman.<snip> >So maybe what you have *first* means that that is what you *prefer* >to eat rather than that is *all* you eat. Here's my take on Screed's eating habits. He probably doesn't look at women for food so much as for sex. He talks at length in MBiaV about how the sex with no commitments or obligations after is the only life for a man, "being a vampire." (Aside: I found it interesting that he didn't call himself a carouche). I think he still likes sex a lot (particularly given that his looks probably didn't attract too many women when he was mortal!), and killing and draining the women just happens to be a consequence, not a food thing. Opinions, anyone? >In Near Death, we see a newly brought over Nick start to immediately get >>Janette in a lip lock. Now, unless LC broke it up, *Nick's* first hunger >would have been satisfied by drinking *vampire* blood. Technically, every FK vampire's first meal is vampire blood (except for those unexplained few who manage to make it across after being bitten only). I think vampire blood has no lasting nutritional value to vampires. Sexual and medicinal value, definitely--but it's vampire junk food. Even if the new vampire has been swilling vampire blood, he/she is still going to be hungry for something more substantial, be it human, cow, rat, or something even more disgusting. My $.02, of course. Discussion? Stephanie Babbitt (stephanie.babbitt@g.......) Vaquera ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 19:08:44 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: Dark Knightie Episodes! In a message dated 96-03-30 15:44:24 EST, you write: >I'm sure there's more - anyone else with a favorite Dark Knightie ep or >scene, please add to this! > > I have to add Black Budda. Before anyone yells, let me explain... This is the ep where Nick meets Vachon. The amount of power and raw anger he displays in their initial encounter, also towards Screed and the Inca in this ep, really gave me the chills. He may be mild mannered at times, but rest assured, when he's on, he's on. Carrie, Proud Knightie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 19:16:44 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: LaCroix's Family (long) Tippi writes: >Nick fell from, oh, the 13th century equivalent of Sunday school. Well, someone with more knowledge of history would have to comment here (if I'm wrong), but Nick as a mortal seemed pretty eager to go off and party with Janette. That doesn't seem to me to indicate that Nick was so "Sunday schoolish". ;) Or would that practice of having intimate fun ;) be considered okay by medieval Catholic priests? I don't know myself (being neither medieval or Catholic). Nick also showed a propensity as a mortal for not being that pious (or even respectful) in second season's Queen of Harps. In that a mortal Nick is part of a contingent sent to Wales to quell some local Druid activity. He questioned his Lord (the mortal kind) about whether what they were asked to do was right and fell hard for a (I guess) Druid priestess (leader, singer, whatever). When the Lord killed the woman, Nick was the one who found her and was, of course, accused of the crime by the locals who found him with her dead body. Said Lord was able to arrange for Nick's "punishment" to be going off to the Crusades. So Nick might have had some reason to be somewhat disillusioned with the church before ever meeting Janette and LC. Oh, and as for the Druid woman, he was meeting her late at night at a Stonehenge type of spot and kissing her. Whatever kind of relationship he was having with her was strong enough to wake him from sleep knowing she was in danger (he just didn't get there before she was killed). The "psychic connection". :) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 00:41:48 GMT From: Hilary Doda <katya@i.......> Subject: YKYBWTMFKW... You know you've been watching too much Forever Knight (and spending too much time on Forkni/FKFic-l) when you, through a slip of the tongue, refer to fan-authored stories as fang-fic... and you know that you talk about FK *way* too much when your friend actually gets the reference...:)= Dona Katya -=feel the call of the Knight...=- * Raven * X-Phile * FFFROGie * Mother of the WCP * ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 19:49:23 EST From: Maral Agnerian <102425.1537@c.......> Subject: Forever K-nigit and Shakespeare... O grim-look'd knight! O knight with hue so black! O knight, which ever art when day is not! O knight, O knight, alack, alack, alack! - Ian Curtis ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 19:54:43 -0500 From: Monique de Solis <CMSolis@a.......> Subject: Houston, Texas list members? Thanks to all of you who made me feel welcome on the list by responding to my first post. (Hi Sandra) I am looking for some list members in or around Houston, Texas. Are there any Houston area fans who'd be willing to lend me tapes? I am trying to get some of the 1rst and 2nd season episodes. I don't think I can wait until SFC airs them. :)= Monique cmsolis@a....... *coming soon...faction name here* ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 16:55:14 -0800 From: Amy R. <r......@w.......> Subject: Re: 3rd season episodes & bringing across newbies... > I think that was the one that confirmed my being brought across. (Which is > a good thing, because my first ep was Let One Man Tear Asunder.) Kind of > like the taste of my master's blood after being drained ... <grin> Oh! ROTFL! Me too! The first episode I saw was "TG," on USA, and then, that weekend, "NiQ" on syndie brought me across... goodness knows where I'd be now if I hadn't decided to give it another chance! Speaking of which, my pal Sara came over for her first crack at pre-third season eps last night, and had a neat insight. (She'll probably be a Vaquera, anyway, but who am I to judge? <g>) A few days ago, I asked if there were any opinions on the flavor of Janette's blood. Last night, Sara, watching "CL" of all things, suddenly said, "LaCroix really likes the taste of wine, doesn't he?" I hit the pause button. And *looked* at her. "Well," she squirmed. "He likes that the girl is a wine merchant's daughter, and in that other episode [TG; no, I did *not* show it to her <g>] he wanted her to taste like wine and honey. I bet Janette tasted like wine." ***** Amy, Lady of the Knight (Amy R.) r......@w....... ***** "Opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making." -- Milton Pronunciation-Survey Taker: how do you say "forkni-l"? Or do you? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 19:58:20 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: FK Continuity, etc. Stephanie Babbitt writes: >Technically, every FK vampire's first meal is vampire blood [snip] True. But *after* Nick was shown sucking blood from LC's wrist, he was then shown putting a lip lock on Janette. Now we know vampire sex involves blood sharing so Nick's first *meal* (unless LC broke it up) would have been Janette's vampire blood. Now maybe you have a point about vampire blood not being satisfying as a foodstuff. But does that negate a *preference* for vampire blood? And didn't Screed say in Blind Faith something like, "There's another like me about. Carouche type."? Sounds to me like he considered himself a Carouche. Also, what about his "first hunger" for Tracy in Fever? He didn't want Tracy for sex, but for food, it looked to me. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 17:26:44 -0800 From: Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......> Subject: Re: Another HELP!!! post:) Dee Davidson wrote: > > Would it be possible for someone to send me the yesterdays and todays > messages from fkfic-l? I sent her these. Denise, The Cousinly Ravenette ithildin@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 20:58:27 EST From: Maral Agnerian <102425.1537@c.......> Subject: howdlydoodlydoo! Well, uh, hi everyone. Wow. So this is *THE LIST* huh? Cool. seeya in the loony bin! - Ian Curtis ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 20:58:31 EST From: Maral Agnerian <102425.1537@c.......> Subject: Re: FK Continuity, etc. Hokay...lets settle this nice and cleanly folks... Rules Regarding Forever Knight Continuity: 1) There are no inconcistencies 2) If an inconcistency is found, refer to rule 1 It really is that simple folks, so enough nitpicking already!!! you're not supposed to ask these questions, it's done by a bunch of silly writers so what do you expect!? Any further know where to find me... - Ian Curtis ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 20:58:36 EST From: Maral Agnerian <102425.1537@c.......> Subject: Re: Vachon Questions okiedokie... 1) he fought with the native americans in upper canada for a while, but i dont quite remember the tribe or the prescise era, but he was fighting to uncover the letter that proved that an area of land belonged to the indians. (episode with marian blackwing, can't remember the name...) 2) aside from when he brought Urse accross (late 19th century) no. well thats about it, hope it helps - Ian Curtis ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 20:58:47 EST From: Maral Agnerian <102425.1537@c.......> Subject: Re: Dark Knightie Episodes! Fever was a damned good episode, im just ticked that they knocked off Screed! (grrr!) Screed was (in my opinion) sort of a replacement for Schanke's comic relief, epecially with that OUTRAGEOUS accent! i'm definitely going to miss him. at least we still have vachon, but why couldn't they knock of Tracy instead!?! go fig. - Ian Curtis "Defective Knight" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 22:14:59 -0500 From: Stephanie Babbitt <stephanie.babbitt@g.......> Subject: Re: FK Continuity, etc. In response to my offbeat ramblings, Sandra G. wrote: >Now maybe you have a point about vampire blood not being satisfying as a >foodstuff. But does that negate a *preference* for vampire blood? No, not at all. I should think that the sexual and psychic properties of vampire blood would make it the snack of preference for most vampires. All I'm saying is that the *food* source a vampire chooses seems to have tremendous impact on his/her eventual vampiric physical and social class. Either you feed on humans, and you're a top-notch vampire, or you feed on non-humans, and you're a carouche (lower class, sez Nick, with some disdain). There may be a separate class of vampires that can subsist on vampire blood. Maybe that's where Enforcers come from! <g> >And didn't Screed say in Blind Faith something like, "There's another >like me about. Carouche type."? Yep. Exact quote: "There's another like me here and abouts. Carouche type. Vicious, mean droogie." (I still think Screed could have used subtitles like the jive speakers got in the movie "Airplane." <bg>) >Sounds to me like he considered himself a Carouche. He did. That's why I found it interesting that he specifically called himself a "vampire" in MBiaV, seeming to indicate that he thought himself to be in a class with Bourbon and Vachon (though Bourbon didn't seem charmed by the implication). He was capable of functioning as their equal on a sexual/predatory basis, and seemed to take some pleasure in that. I just found his choice of words (or more appropriately, the writers' choice of words) to be somewhat curious. >Also, what about his "first hunger" for Tracy >in Fever? He didn't want Tracy for sex, but for food, it looked to me. If it was like first hunger again, all bets would be off--what he preferred before wouldn't matter. It would be like the very first time he ever woke up, and he would have munched Tracy with glee. However, had Tracy been a Holstein cow wandering through the sewer (now *there's* a mental image for you!), she would have been every bit as appetizing to him as she was in her human form. But had he not been ill, I believe he would have seen Tracy only as a sex object and not as food. Off to get some real work done, :-( Stephanie Babbitt Vaquera (who wonders how Vachon would react to Tracy as a cow) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 21:28:30 -0500 From: Pearl <pearl@g.......> Subject: Re: Dark Knightie Episodes! I agree with you. I find Tracy to be the most BORING character on FK. Uncle, Lacroix for those of you that aren't Cousins, should do away with her:[ Signed, Max... A Cousin Forever ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 22:49:42 -0500 From: Felicia Bollin <AriCon@a.......> Subject: Be My Valentine (was: "LaCroix's Family (Fleur)") Having just recently re-seen BMV thanks to the dubbing of Tami LaFrank (I saw it firstly before I was on the list), I decided to trot out my opinions on all topics therein (I know you're oh-so-glad <G>) for continued debate. Opinions? First things first: Yes, LaCroix was really in love with Fleur. From everything I saw him do and say; and just witnessing the fond look Janette bent on them from the doorway as Nick was glaring at them in the garden. IMO, Janette also knows True Love when she sees it. Remember, she's French. <VBG> Yes, Nick was a complete brick and jerk combined for not letting Fleur decide if she wanted to be brought across. Fleur looked and sounded eminently sensible and rational. If it comes to that, she sounded more sensible and rational than her older brother did when he was brought across. She argued quite eloquently and passionately for it, and I have no doubt she knew what she wanted. He could have at least spent some time sitting and talking with her and telling her *rationally* the pros and cons. He didn't have to crack down and, essentially, forbid her. I don't care what century it was, or what Nick's feelings about life as a vampire are, or no matter how unappetizing he found the prospect of his baby sister "going on a liquid diet" <G> for the rest of her unlife. He wasn't in the position to make that decision for another human being. As we saw in another ep that I won't bring up because it's a.) a controversial subject and b.) still spoiler-protected, we see Nick hasn't changed his opinions on it all that much and still thinks he can run around feeling free to make that one particular huge decision for everyone else. Because he finds being a vampire ugly and distasteful, so apparently *must* everyone else. 3.) I don't see how Catherine Disher can maintain that Nat was drugged and not hypnotized by LC. I think she was acting muzzy from the moment she saw him at the restaurant, before she took even a sip of champagne. The first two/three/however many lines before she took a drop of drink, she looks both fuzzy and dazzled at the same time already. I don't recall seeing a noticeable change in her demeanor _after_ she started drinking the alleged drugged brew, either. I guess that's all! <G> ps. I'm with Cousin Diane (KerrRaven@a.......), and the person who recently Nigel-raved after watching three of his videos. I think if Nigel Bennett can make me think, even for a mad moment or two in the course of a show, that his LC has a vested sensual interest in a microphone, he must be the best damn actor on the scene these days! ;-)) I could never be a Cousin, but I apparently have definite Cousin (okay, I admit it, and Knightie) tendencies. Felicia Bollin AriCon@a....... Ravenette*Immortal Beloved ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 23:09:11 -0500 From: Props Guy <PropsGuy@a.......> Subject: Re: LaCroix's Family <It seems to me that LC gave Nick to Janette as a gift. Of course, the question should arise, "why didn't she bring him across herself?"> My theory's always been that Janette wanted Nick as a lover, as an equal. It's not that she didn't know how to bring him across, but if she had, he would have always been subordinate to her. By having LaCroix do it, she insured that she and Nick would be both siblings and lovers. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 21:29:11 -0700 From: Lisa Marvin <wyllow@n.......> Subject: Re: What the heck is "Hand"? Regarding the issue of "the hand", I thought it referred to the hand that Vachon lost in the airplane crash, first episode of the 3rd season. Tracy approaches him in the hangar where the bodies are being kept, and as she tells him to put his hands up, he says something about how that would be impossible, because he "lost one in the crash". Then he holds up a yukky bloody stump and Tracy faints dead away. Am I remembering correctly? I'll have to go re-watch that one. Lisa wyllow@n....... Whatever you are, be a good one. -A.L. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 23:14:12 -0500 From: Susan Honig <Susankenn@a.......> Subject: Re: Weekend With Ger!!! hI;; I got in also. Can't wait to meet all of you. Sue susankenn@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 23:25:50 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Be My Valentine Regarding Felicia's comments, if LC was in love with Fleur, then why didn't he ignore Nick's arguments and bring her over. And, actually, before Nick interrupted them, he looked like he was just about to do that ("There is a way. My precious flower."). He's brought over other people on less provocation than love (Alexandra, the Vietnamese vampire, Daniel). So why not bring over Fleur? And because LC was going to bring over Fleur without much of an explanation (informed consent? what's that?), the scene where she wants to be brought over might not have even occurred without Nick's interruption. And I think Nick was right to try to save his sister from the fate Nick had locked himself into. :P :) I do agree though that Nat was falling under LC's spell before drinking anything. Would she have stayed in his control? Well, I happen to think a vampire as old as LC is probably more skilled in hypnotism. Actually, plain alcohol might have even proved sufficient to loosen her resistance more if she had any if AMPH was anything to go by (at least I think Spark was able to hypnotize her). --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 23:34:26 EST From: Kenneth Dare <102226.1213@c.......> Subject: Weekend With Ger!! Hi Sue glad your coming can't wate to see you. I'm not sure I can wate until the end of June. ----------- Brandy ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 20:56:23 -0800 From: Denise Underwood <ithildin@m.......> Subject: Stupid, Stupid me! > OK. I finally did it, I deleted a post I needed to reply to! Drattie > Ratties!!! > > Would the kind lady who replied to my post re: Are you attending > SyndiCon in SanFrancisco to see Nigel Bennett, please remail me? > > Thx, and sorry > Denise, the shamefaced forkni-l'r > ithildin@m....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 00:23:29 -0500 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: I Will Repay - Janette and Nick Since I have nothing better to do (besides my two midterms, two projects, homework...) :-), I transcribed the scene between Janette and Nick in the Raven in I Will Repay. This takes place after Natalie comes to Nick's apartment to beg him to bring Richard over, and he's had a brief flashback to telling Elisabeth that he will make her like he is. [Nick enters the Raven. A female vampire bares her fangs at him. He walks up to Janette, who is with another (presumed) vampire.] Janette: Nicola! Ooh, you've got that look in your eye. [To the anonymous vampire] We'll talk later. [To Nick] Here to renew old acquaintance? Nick: I need something from you. J: That's a promising start. N: Advice. J: You're such a grind. N: Have you ever brought anyone over? J: Well, I'm not exactly the mothering type. N: I'm serious! J: So am I. Why? Are you thinking of doing it? N: I'm considering it. J: A lover? N: No. A relative of someone who's very dear to me. He's dying. J: Then let him. N: It's not as easy as that, Janette. J: It's easier than doing what you are contemplating. N: So you have done it. J: No - I have never been able to stop myself at the right moment - you know, while there is still life in them - bring them over and make them a vampire. I guess I'm just too much the glutton. I can't bring myself to stop until they are drained and I am satisfied. My promise of eternal life is broken. But by then there is no one left to apologize to. N: I can control my urges. J: Yes - too well, I'd say. Few of us are like you. N: The one I'm thinking about bringing over is a good man. J: [mocking] A pure soul? N: No one is that. [Anonymous vampire returns; pours for Janette.] J: Oh - just a few minutes longer - I hope you can wait? [Exit AV. Janette and Nick walk toward the door.] J: Now, are you prepared for what will come later? The eternal bond? Your life and the other's will be intertwined forever. N: I don't believe that. J: Think of LaCroix, following you through the centuries. N: He wanted to control me; to be like he was. J: [angry] He was your father; your creator. He loved you. [beat] If you do it, just be certain that you take the responsibility. [They kiss.] Katja Stokley -*- cstokley@g....... -*- Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue -*- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 23:50:25 -0600 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: <No subject given> We've been asked not to flame anybody. Could that be extended to not flaming Tracy? Margie (treeleaf@i.......) Nick and Natpacker LaCroix and Nick Unnamed Faction ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 01:14:53 -0500 From: Carrie Krumtum <Carrie400@a.......> Subject: Re: Be My Valentine Did I read one of the posts right? There is a Canadian version of this ep in which Nick is heard to tell Nat he loves her? I thought there were only Canadian eps of the FIRST season. Are there Canadian eps of the SECOND season as well? Someone, please help me out. Thanks Carrie, Proud Knightie Carrie400@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 18:30:13 U From: Celeste Hotaling-Lyons <celeste_hotaling-lyons@i.......> Subject: Darling Daughter? Subject: Time:6:15 PM OFFICE MEMO Darling Daughter? Date:3/30/96 Susan Said: >Janette seems happy enough to be >second best in LaCroix's eyes, but there must have been times when it >became just a <tad> annoying. The sad truth is that, for centuries, women have been "second best"... and third best, and bottom-of-the-barrel. A woman of Janette's era grew up with the fact that she had virtually no human rights whatsoever, let alone having worry that her father would automatically dote on his shining son, rather than his daughter. In *this* century, my Uncle Gabe was the third kid after 2 girls, and he was so obviously his parents' super-deluxe fav-rave that my mother, the first child, is still dealing with it, despite the fact that her parents have been dead for years. Parents are *still* bumping off perfectly nice little girls in China so that they are free to have another, hopefully male, baby. (T'was on 60 minutes, last month). 99 out of every 100 abortions in India are female fetuses. I could go on (& on), but won't. I'd say Janette has only *very* recently begun to question her 'second place' status, if at all. We have to place these characters in the history they lived through. Cousine Celeste celeste_hotaling-lyons@i....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 22:27:09 -0800 From: "Lashoka BirthFire (Lax)" <lashoka@p.......> Subject: Fan Clus Does anyone have the curent membership rates and address for the Nigel Benentt Fan club? and also the Ben Bass Fan Club? Thanx in advance... Cousin Lashoka lashoka@p....... | Worner Box 0000 |(000)-000-0000 lashoka@o.......| Colorado College lashoka@g....... | Colorado SPGS, Co 00000 | a_bittenbin@r....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 01:46:50 -0500 From: Cynthia R Ratajczak <crr2@a.......> Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFKW... You know you've been watching too much Forever Knight when: Someone refers to a professor at your school named LaCroix and you say, "He has time to teach philosophy and be a vampire? How does he do the the radio show?" I've got to get out more (preferably in the daytime)! Cynthia Knightie/Natpacker/Vaquera crr2@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 03:05:14 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: FK on USA/SFC >I think one has to remember that USA stopped showing FK with episode >13, Fever. Presumably, SFC will pick up in April with episode 14. NOT >with episode 19 (Jane Doe). No, they'll be starting with ep 1, and not doing the "new" ones (14-22) until the fall. ---- TJ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 01:56:48 -0500 From: Rebecca Howle <JHHowle@a.......> Subject: Hand? Blue Meanies Ownership & War. Ok, now if Jamie has ownership of Hand (pick which ever one you prefer Beatles or Addams Family version) who the heck owns the Blue Meanies? I foresee a very interesting FK War with lots of Blue Meanies and Hands running around, doing various biddings for people. Rebecca Hotel Goddess for the Shrewthering, Dark Knightie- All the fun of liking Nick without all the guilt and angst. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 01:55:30 -0500 From: Heather <corona@l.......> Subject: When is the last ep? Hi Gee it's been a long time since i posted When is the last episode airing? Heather Parks vamp@c....... corona@l....... hjparks@e....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 02:55:39 -0500 From: Ann Scura <Vaqueras@a.......> Subject: YKYBR... You know you've been reading too much Forkni-l when you pass this establishment and think 'Uncle finally got sick of 'em?' COUSINS' Hole-hog-BBQ This has been happening so much lately that my husband who only watches FK under protest is beginning to understand the references. He thinks we're kinda scary. ;) (Conspiratorial wink) Ann Scura *Vaquera* ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 05:16:16 -0500 From: Mary Hogan <c524997@m.......> Subject: Re: vamps are real or not? Hi, Being rather behind on my reading, I don't know if anyone is still interested in this topic or not, but my thoughts are that they are real, but perhaps just not in this dimension/world/time period. My sense of "realism" or skepticism about anything so unlikely, however, makes me amend that to an "I wish they were real" view. That's one of the reasons why my sig other occasionally looks at me like I'm nuts - "you WANT there to be blood-sucking undead creatures murdering and creating mayhem??" was his reply. Not that he dislikes the idea of various other fantasy creatures being real - he used to eat, breathe and sleep D&D before I met him - but the idea of wanting the baddies to be for real as well as the good guys kinda bothers him. Myself, I would love for the whole range of things to be for real, from unicorns, aliens and vampires to the abominable snowman and lochness monster, just because I like having things be a little more magical and exciting. As for going beyond what I want and what I think is possible...has anyone here read Andrew Greeley's bood "The God Game"?? It is a very interesting book about a fellow playing a computer game in which a weird techno problem results in the creation of real people and creatures in the artificial world designed in the game. The book has an interesting take on the whole idea of parallel worlds and the whole "If I'm a dream creation of god's <insert deity/nondeity of choice>, who is dreaming up god?" idea. Stuff like that makes me think that our joking about how much we'd want vamps to be for real might have some interesting consequences in other dimensions. Throw in a little too much Richard Bach, for whom parallel worlds are a matter of course, and you can REALLY mess up your mind at 4 a.m.!!! -Mary Hogan C524997@m....... die-hard with ravenette tendencies (classic ravenette, of course!) Mary Hogan c524997@m....... phone: [phone number removed] ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Mar 1996 to 31 Mar 1996 - Special issue *******************************************************************
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