There are 2 messages totalling 50 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. LaCroix's Family (Fleur) 2. Oatmeal/3rd season Blooper Reel? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 16:39:53 -0500 From: Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......> Subject: Re: LaCroix's Family (Fleur) In a message dated 96-03-30 01:49:02 EST, Sandra wrote: >For that matter, was LC interested in Fleur because he could imagine >her as a grown Divia? Being Nick's "father", he might have naturally >considered Fleur his "mortal" daughter. .<Cringe> (No Flame, just a cringe) I think LaCroix was instantly attracted to Fleur in a very healthy consenting adults manner, the moment she touched him. If he was a cartoon his heart would have burst from his chest and pounded like crazy. Everything he said on the air in BMV supports mesmerized love, don'tcha think? And that stuff about opposites fusing together like two sides of a coin. I won't repeat the Nightcrawler stuff, but it is all available in the Cerk Archives (Thanks....and...Wild Fuzzies to the page makers) And I agree with Cousin Diane, Nick should have let him have her, but that *is* another discussion, indeed. Poor broken hearted LaCroix. I wonder though, if LaCroix is as decadent as we like to fantasize, why he never returned to claim Fleur's son when he matured. Other than the fact that Nick would have a stroke. I'd say the boy was a keeper. He really does indulge Nick, in some ways, at a cost to himself. Karies SoulDebris@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 16:37:52 EST From: LAURA B WASKEY <KHHK71A@p.......> Subject: Oatmeal/3rd season Blooper Reel? Inquiring minds would like to know, if anyone has heard about a third season blooper reel? After seeing the 2nd season at Crescent City, I want more!! Anyone heard any gossip? Thanks. Cousin Laura I KHHK71A@p....... *Ask me about the Ben Bass Fan Club* ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Mar 1996 ************************************
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