There are 36 messages totalling 910 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. FK: NATPE syndication list 2. Aussie fans target (2) 3. One more thing about Ger's note (2) 4. : Vampirology/Vachon's coffin (2) 5. Letter Count 6. FORKNI-L Digest - 14 Jan 1996 to 15 Jan 1996 - Special issue 7. Flyers at airports (3) 8. Vampirology help needed (3) 9. Timing (Grr!) (2) 10. damn superbowl type stuff, was Re: Episode ID 11. episodes 12. SOS Stuff (2) 13. Sony web site 14. SOS-NAPTE bag fund update 1/15 15. <No subject given> 16. SOS-NAPTE Emergency Request 17. Raven Specs. 18. Contacts 19. VCR Alert--Nigel Bennett 20. spoilr digests 21. A noble purpose for Spam, "Jumanji" (2) 22. UPN Contacts 23. Goodbye 24. Stupid Newbie questions... 25. Reese Alert!! 26. Need warm fuzzies! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 20:16:30 +1100 From: Rhys Threlfall <rhyst@IPACIFIC.NET.AU> Subject: FK: NATPE syndication list Quick note Just a quick note the NATPE list of available product has been released listed for FK is Season 2 26eps and season 3 22 eps. Rhys 100237.601@c....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 19:18:32 +1000 From: Deanna Czarnuszewicz <deczar@p.......> Subject: Aussie fans target Hi to all, Firstly I would like to welcome my friend Jill Craig to the list. Jill is hostess to our Brisbane Forever Knight parties. I don't know how she puts up with us, but plans to do so again on 3rd Feb (e-mail me for details if you plan to be in Bris then)Thanks Jill, and Welcome! Our group here in Brisbane has been busy writing to TPTB overseas, but perhaps we should now target channel 10 who have purchased the rights to season 2(and subsequent seasons too, lets hope). I have made inquiries to the Brisbane programming section of channel 10, but they were not forthcoming with any information about upcoming programs, as they said it is too early to give out that information. However, I did find out the name of the programming manager for channel 10 and I believe she is the same person responsible for getting the X-Files shown in prime time before there were any signs of it becoming the success it is now.Perhaps we can thank her for picking up Forever Knight, and give her lots of encouragement. Let her know that there is already an audience for Forever Knight here in Australia,and that we believe FK has the same potential for success as the X-Files if it can get the right timeslot and promotions.What do you think? Maybe we should also write to channel 9 and thank them for showing the remainder of season 1. At least I hope they will, we are still getting eps on Thursday nights. They were all out of order, but at least it looks like we will see them all, with the exception maybe of Spin Doctor. Did any of you in Sydney or Canberra ever get Spin Doctor? Anyway the address: Ms. Christen Marlow, GPO Box 10, Sydney 2001 Hoping for many,many more Forever Knights Deanna Deanna Czarnuszewicz deczar@p....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 04:20:11 -0500 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Re: One more thing about Ger's note On Sun, 14 Jan 1996, Antonia Mandry wrote: > um, i just started watching FK, just got on the list and just found out > abou the cancellation so can someone tell me what is going on? > toni > I've sent her the four press releases. Would someone please send her --- and me -- the most updated SOS FAQ? (I'm Webless and can't go to the homepage to get it.) Thanks, Apache ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 04:29:34 -0500 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: : Vampirology/Vachon's coffin >7) Why coffins? Does there have to be dirt inside? Or do they sleep at >all? Do they just have to stay out of the sun, or do they have to crash >like Bram Stoker's vampires, and don't wake up easily? Nick sleeps in a bed (in black silk pajamas) with plenty of room for Nat to join him in it the minute it becomes possible, as any self-respecting member of this list can tell you in their sleep. Lacroix's arrangements are a secret, as far as I know. Vachon has a coffin in his church digs. My original take on it was that it was there for a joke, since his humor definitely runs to monster-movie ornate, but I'm beginning to think he's just sly enough to sleep in it. Looks pretty uncomfortable, though it has that nice gothic baroque feel. Anyone else give this any thought? Laura ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 05:36:42 -0500 From: Bea Quindlen <OCaoin@a.......> Subject: Letter Count If you have sent correspondence of any type to save FK e-mail me with a count so we can see how we're doing! Please specify who you sent to, that is, do not say TPTB. Using the list below as a guide would be a big help. Totals will be posted daily. thank you. OCaoin@a....... ================================= Time: 3:00 am Fri. Jan 12, 1996 117 lottery tickets 2658 Letters so far to: 574 Kay Koplovitz USA 529 Jon Feltheimer TriStar/Columbia 266 Ron Perth USA 173 Bonnie Hammer USA 16 Telemuchen 48 Paragon 77 Sony 96 TriStar/Columbia 105 USA - NY 28 USA - LA 33 James Parriot 12 FOX 283 Local Syndicators 430 Sponsors 5 Cast/Crew 16 misc. 61 FAXES: 33 Kay Koplovitz USA 3 USA 8 Columbia/TriStar 17 misc. 251 E-MAILS: 55 USA 29 SONY 42 Columbia/TriStar 11 Fred Mollin 9 Nigel Bennett 7 James Parriot 100 misc 10 Telegrams 55 People have indicated they donated to charity as well. Misc= Marvin Kittman, Steve Case(AOL), Prodigy, USA Weekend, Ian Spelling, TV Guide, Sci-Fi Weekly, Entertainment Weekly, Ontario Development Corp., and the recently acquired fax numbers, etc. ============================================= ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 06:08:24 -0500 From: Bea Quindlen <OCaoin@a.......> Subject: Re: : Vampirology/Vachon's coffin On Mon, Jan 15, 1996, lf@c....... (Apache) responded to the question about coffins: >Vachon has a coffin in his church digs. My original take on it was that it was there >for a joke, since his humor definitely runs to monster-movie ornate, but I'm >beginning to think he's just sly enough to sleep in it. Looks pretty uncomfortable, >though it has that nice gothic baroque feel. Anyone else give this any thought? When I was a kid (yeah, in this century) many Catholic churches had fake coffins (catafalques) for use during solemn Requiem Masses when a corpse was not present. For example, all parishes had Requiem Masses for JFK and Pope John XXIII. I can remember it being used in the early years of the Viet-Nam conflict also. A real coffin can be very expensive (several thousand dollars) and not the type of thing a parish would abandon. When a parish is closed, in my area at least (Philadelphia Archdiocese), "TPTB" make sure it is stripped of anything consecrated, valuable, or anything that could be re-used or vandalized such as statues (Vachon's church still has statues in it). There is a shot in the Canadian version of "Dying To Know You" of Nick "laid out". It occurs when he and the psychic are searching the victims' house. She opens an ornate box and has a flash of Nick in full vamp in a coffin. OCaoin ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 01:12:30 -1000 From: Richard Scott <rscott@h.......> Subject: Re: Aussie fans target Hey, way to go Banana Benders! :-) Richard Scott (rscott@h.......) The AussieVamp ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 06:21:15 -0500 From: Shannon Thompson <celtic@j.......> Subject: Re: FORKNI-L Digest - 14 Jan 1996 to 15 Jan 1996 - Special issue Hi All! So nice to see that they got all of the info right in the article. Hmmm, since when did FK take place in NYC? I was under the impression we were in TO <sarcasm dripping>. Oh, and some good news (well, maybe)!! Iwas watching that tonight (I'm trying to give the 'new & improved' SS a try) they gave a commercial saying that FK was to be on Monday at 10pm. We'll see if there is truth in advertising. Shannon ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 08:00:19 PST From: Sherri Lynn Godsey <us011164@p.......> Subject: Flyers at airports If everyone thinks its too exotic, scrap the concept. Just thought laying a few around lounge areas wouldn't hurt, but if it would be a waste of time then I don't want to waste time or flyers. There are other places. I'm sure I'll find plenty of them. Sherri **Sherri Lynn Godsey, Founding Member SFKS. us011164@p....... -- "Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends" in Forever Knight. SAVE FK! Write for info re SOS webpage** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 08:20:49 -0400 From: Antonia Mandry <MA97AD14@a.......> Subject: Re: Vampirology help needed oh i dont know i think nick is a rebel Ventrue. Lacroix seems to be a bit Ventrueish. toni ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 08:29:55 -0400 From: Antonia Mandry <MA97AD14@a.......> Subject: Re: Timing (Grr!) yep that happened in Chicago too, but i was prepared (i turned it on about 35 min b/f it was supposed to be on/ i *had* been watching Rudi Valentino in "The Sonof the Sheik".. i know i know , what do these two things have in common? well, both the leading men ar e adorable and have dimples!). toni ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 08:27:31 -0500 From: Lillian Feden <feden@m.......> Subject: Re: Timing (Grr!) At 08:29 AM 1/15/96 -0400, Antonia Mandry wrote: >yep that happened in Chicago too, but i was prepared (i turned it on about 35 > min b/f it was supposed to be on/ i *had* been watching Rudi Valentino in "The > Sonof the Sheik".. i know i know , what do these two things have in common? > well, >both the leading men ar e adorable and have dimples!). >toni > Hmmm, I watched it in Chicago also, but it started at 10:35, just like last week. No surprises there. Lillian |feden@m....... aka RotsaRuck@a.......| |Knightie; Optimist's Club | |Help Save Forever Knight! Check out the SFK Web Page for info: | | | ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 08:42:02 -0500 From: Jack De Winter <jackdw@m.......> Subject: damn superbowl type stuff, was Re: Episode ID > If I'm not mistaken, it's for the episode entitled "Strings" which is >airing this week where I am. It' s one of the new batch of eps. > >Becky >Knightie, NatPacker & closet Cousin Grrr... I was going to watch it... I had the tape ready... I had my Knight watching teddy bear Lucien with me... and then the start showing this Football stuff... yuch... only I find out later that the pre-empted Strings and then shifted it forward 1/2 hour. Any body know when it will be on the Toronto stations? regards, cousin jack, out for vengeance -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack De Winter 'why isn't phoenetic spelt the way it sounds?' Software Metrics, inc. 'why do they have interstate highways in Hawaii?' jackdw@m....... 'why do you turn the radio off when looking for a street address?' 'what do they put on your liscence if you are bald?' 'why do women open their eyes wide when putting on lipstick?' 'why is there only one Monopolies Commission?' ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 08:54:35 -0400 From: Antonia Mandry <MA97AD14@a.......> Subject: Re: Flyers at airports um, im thinking opf maybe posting appreciation week or save FK flyers at my school in wooster, ohio. we'll see. I'll have to see if i can get permission. toni :) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 08:58:38 -0400 From: Antonia Mandry <MA97AD14@a.......> Subject: episodes can somebody tell me when the upcoming episodes are supposed to be aired? also, can whoever has all of 2nd season on tape contact me? I'd like to arrange to get the eps. i don't have thank you toni ma97ad14@a....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 08:59:59 -0500 From: Kristina Mairi Buhrman <kmb19@c.......> Subject: SOS Stuff Well, I bet that the NATPE contingent has already left (while I was out with disease for a few days), but I just wanted to wish 'em luck. I'm gonna perform a few libations today for their success (good thing I paid attention in my Greek religion class <g>). Also, as for puting up flyers; at colleges there are usually bulliton boards where anyone can put a flyer (as opposed to the department specific boards). If you're near a college, ya might want to check it out. I'll be putting up the flyers here today (for once, I'm really regretting the fact that Cornell starts up so late. Most of the campus won't even be here until *Thursday* : P ). -Kristina kmb19@c....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 09:32:59 -0500 From: "Sharon A. Himmanen" <romana@p.......> Subject: Sony web site They've updated the upcoming episodes web page to include Strings and Fever. The one for Strings gives the whole thing completely away. Sharon -- Sharon Himmanen * romana@p........ Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help save it, check out or send me email ASAP! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 10:05:23 EST From: Karen Tobin <ktobin@t.......> Subject: Re: One more thing about Ger's note On 15 Jan 96 at 4:20, Apache wrote: RE: Antonia Mandry's request for SOS info > I've sent her the four press releases. Would someone please > send her --- and me -- the most updated SOS FAQ? (I'm Webless > and can't go to the homepage to get it.) > This has been done. Karen, Knightie/Heartbreaker/FFFROG ktobin@t......., KarenT1228@a.......) Reference Librarian of the Save Forever Knight Campaign Forever Knight has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 10:57:44 -0500 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Re: Vampirology help needed Sally Williams <scu11i@n.......> said: > 6) Why can't vampires have sex with humans? James Parriott said that vampire sex requires penetration both above and below the neck. The former could be deadly for a human partner. > 7) Why coffins? Does there have to be dirt inside? Or do they sleep at > all? Do they just have to stay out of the sun, or do they have to crash > like Bram Stoker's vampires, and don't wake up easily? As others have noted, we know that Nick sleeps either in his bed or on the couch. (It's actually quite amusing when you see him on the couch with his arms crossed vampire-style!) However, in a first season episode called "Hunters," Schanke is hiding out from a killer in the Raven. He gets curious and sneaks down into the basement where he sees a coffin. Janette chases him out of the basement and then opens a cupboard door. In the cupboard we see a female vampire hanging upside down, rather upset at having her sleep disturbed. There may have been another vamp in the coffin as well. So... the answer to your question is that *some* vamps may sleep in coffins or hang upside down in cupboards, but it's clearly not necessary. It's probably just convenient to sleep in a place where the sunlight cannot get in. Hope that helps! * Allison Percy, a perky Knightie percy91@w....... * * __o Pedal for Forever Knight & the Pediatric AIDS Foundation! * * _`\<,_ Contact me at percy91@w....... to find out * * (*)/ (*) how to pledge your support and/or join the ride! * ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 10:13:27 -0600 From: Diane Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: SOS-NAPTE bag fund update 1/15 The current Pledge Total for the NATPE bag fund is: $3290 Thanks to all of you who donated, but if you haven't, PLEASE contribute! We still need to pay shipping to get the bags to Vegas, and second-day UPS is *not* cheap! Mail them to: SOS-FK P.O. Box 00000 Xxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000-0000 Make them out to Laurie Cohen Fenster. Then e-mail me with the amount and your full name (so we can match it against your check when it arrives). Diane E NATPE-FK Campaign Coordinator # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # # "Ask, and it shall be given to you." Matthew 7:7 # ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 10:17:50 -0600 From: Mary Baker <mabaker@t.......> Subject: <No subject given> I have been off the list for several weeks due to illness but I thought I would mention the following article that appeared in todays Wisconsin State Journal. Any and all typos/misspellings are mine and not to be attributed to the Wisconsin State Journal. 'FOREVER KNIGHT' felled by ratings Knight-Ridder Newspapers The vampire drama "Forever Knight" didn't scare up big ratings, so cable's USA Network is dropping the show. USA had been airing original episodes of the program, which revolved around a vampire detective working in modern-day NYC, on Mondays at 9pm with a repeat Tuesday night at 8. USA dropped the Monday telecast as of last week. Two remaining original episodes, and then only repeats will air in the Tuesday slot for the "forseseeable" future, said a network spokesman. The spokesman attributed the change to program's "low ratings." USA's orginal episodes of the series averaged a 1.3 rating (percentage of the 66 million home receiving the network), representing an audience of about 842,000 homes. For comparioson, repeats of "silk Stockings," which aired in the same MOnday slot prior to "Forever Knight," averaged a 2.5 rating or 1.6 million homes. No surprise, USA is returning "Silk Stockings" to the Monday schedule immediately. Mary mabaker@t....... Mary Baker mabaker@t....... **************************************************** Wealthy the spirit that knows its own flight Stealthy the hunter that slays its own fright Blessed the traveler that journeys the length of the night - Dan Fogelberg **************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 11:10:01 -0600 From: Diane Echelbarger <gryphon@e.......> Subject: SOS-NAPTE Emergency Request We've had an unexpected shortfall in NAPTE flyer copying. As a result, I'm short 5000 flyers. If anyone out there can copy AND FOLD flyers for us, using cream or light gray paper, (we'll overnight the original to you today, arriving Tuesday) *and* afford express mail shipping to get it to us in Las Vegas in time for NATPE, e-mail me IMMEDIATELY! Sorry I can't offer to reimburse for paper or shipping, but we STILL haven't covered the shipping for the bags.... :( Diane E NATPE-FK Campaign Coordinator # D Echelbarger gryphon@e....... # # WWW HomePage: # # "Ask, and it shall be given to you." Matthew 7:7 # ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 12:40:43 -0500 From: Hilary Doda <Hilary_Doda@g.......> Subject: Re: Vampirology help needed I always saw Nick as an Anarch, formerly Toreador-LaCroix and Janette are *very* Toreador, and, but. Katya -=feel the call of the Knight...=- * Raven * X-Phile * Trekker * FFFROGie * -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TEdNet - Teacher Education Network TEL Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Toronto -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 12:41:13 -0500 From: Hilary Doda <Hilary_Doda@g.......> Subject: Raven Specs. Hi...a question, and asking for help. A friend of mine is writing a (unofficial) Toronto sourcebook for Vampire:The Masqurade, and (being an FK fan) wants to include CERK and the (first version of) the Raven. Can someone contact me about helping with getting the information for her, or send me a FAQ (if there is one)...She's looking for things like floor plans, descriptions, stats and things of that sort. Thanks! Katya -=feel the call of the Knight...=- * Raven * X-Phile * Trekker * FFFROGie * -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TEdNet - Teacher Education Network TEL Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Toronto -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 12:47:20 -0500 From: Cassie Carter <ccarter@b.......> Subject: Re: Flyers at airports On Mon, 15 Jan 1996, Antonia Mandry wrote: > um, im thinking opf maybe posting appreciation week or save FK flyers at my > school in wooster, ohio. we'll see. I'll have to see if i can get permission. > toni :) Hey Toni--how far is Wooster from Bowling Green? Cassie Carter |-------------------------------------| English Department | here . . . I'm extending my wrist | Bowling Green State University | to you . . . feel the pulse. | Bowling Green, OH 43403 | Feel it. --Jim Carroll | ccarter@b....... |-------------------------------------| ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 10:23:26 -0800 From: Dianne Therese De Sha <maeve@m.......> Subject: Re: SOS Stuff > > Well, I bet that the NATPE contingent has already left (while I was out > with disease for a few days), but I just wanted to wish 'em luck. I'm > gonna perform a few libations today for their success (good thing I paid > attention in my Greek religion class <g>). Us? Nope, we leave Tuesday the 23rd to descend on Vegas the 24th. (Appreciate the libations, though! :-) [so keep calling, everyone! ;-] Dianne The Mad Digester :-) -*- NATPE Carpool Coordinator Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- <moonlight@c.......> "I hope you'll pardon us if we continue to crusade. :)" -- Jaye *Web info: *Daily digest/list-summary email loop: moonlight@c....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 13:11:44 -0500 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: Contacts Okay, we now need help from the inside--and this especially applies to the California and West Coast people. 1) Dreamworks is a no-go. Trust me on this. The few people who are there say it wouldn't be an option and they wouldn't be interested. Amblin entertainment is about an equal shot in hell--look what's happened with the Doctor Who franchise. Yes, it's finally going through, but how many years later and with a completely different cast and AMBLIN style. If we try to pitch these guys and they accept, the horros of USA will be but a pinprick compared with the torments of the damned these guys will subject us to. 2) Our best and brightest hope is UPN. Paramount won't have a vampire series--WB and Fox DO. Does anyone know anyone in Paramount, from the mail room up? We need some inside information and we need it pronto. 3) We need someone inside TriStar, again, from the mail room up. Anyone who is unemployed want to see if they're hiring low level staff? I thought about sending the Mercs in (ninja suits, rapelling down the side os the building, etc.) but figured we should check out the other resources first. FK runs about $700 thou per episode, which is HALF of what it costs for a series like the X-File and about a third of the Trek or special effect shows. That, plus the automatic audience, should interest somebody. And we shouldn't be discouraged about Tri-Star NOT listing a 4th season of FK. remember, those lists were made up two weeks ago. And when did we REALLY start calling the Syndicators to remind them to ask for the show? It's like the Boston Globe article--it mentions 2000 hits on Jamie's page, which is well over 5000 now. What we'll be seeing in print is back-dated, that's why it's taking so long for us to get the word out. But the word IS getting out! So congratulations to all of those people who have really put forth an effort here, from writing and making phone calls to giving a part of their time or their blood to make this thing work! Regards When we get a fourth season, the hair GOES. susang@v....... -- Get all your info for Saving Forever Knight from: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 13:41:36 -0500 From: "Phyllis A. Smith" <phsmith@i.......> Subject: VCR Alert--Nigel Bennett After perusing the Sci-FI Channel web page, I discovered that Nigel Bennett's epsisode of Friday the13th called "The Butcher" will air February 6, 1996 at 10:01 pm and 02:01 am EST. Alicia ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 12:33:27 -0700 From: Raissa Devereux <1595@e.......> Subject: spoilr digests I haven't received a fkspoilr digest for a couple of days. Is the list being held, or is just slow? Until next time, Raissa Devereux raissa@i....... I've got places to go, people to dissect. - Natalie Lambert ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 12:20:51 -0500 From: Inanna Arthen <Vyrdolak@a.......> Subject: A noble purpose for Spam, "Jumanji" In a message dated 96-01-14 17:13:30 EST, Lisa Prince writes: >1 large can of Spam Lite & 1 small can of regular Spam >(In the name of science, I'm planning to open the smaller can, >leave it on the counter, and see how long it takes for something to >start growing out of it. I figure in a year or so, it'll be a very >nice little planter <G> ) Okay, how many people just went "Ewwwww" Yeah, but not for the reason you think. What a waste!!!! Donate the can to a homeless shelter or food pantry. *You* might not think Spam is appetizing -- but it's ambrosia for someone who lives on the street and hasn't eaten in three days. Or for that matter, when compared to old-fashioned K-rations -- don't forget, Spam won WWII! ;-} (Why do you *think* it's so popular in Hawaii?? ;-} ) I just bought a can of Spam Lite myself (*ouch* -- $2.19 for a widdo can, and 110 calories for 1/6 of that widdo can! and 8g of fat -- since I'm not starving, this is definitely a condiment, NOT food -- like the baco-bits on your salad) -- and I already use Pantene. Good stuff! WFXT ran "Strings" last night!! Any Boston residents who got frustrated and gave up, they *did* air it an hour and a quarter late, at 12:15, after the confusticated NFL Playoffs. Now I must get busy and write them to express appreciation at seeing a new ep. I'm going to keep trying to call them, too, despite its being late for NAPTE. (I thought "Strings" was a very good ep, BTW. How can they be cancelling this show!) Oh, yes -- "Jumanji" does NOT "stink"!!! I saw it twice and may see it again! You may not *like* it. That's absolutely your perogative. But that doesn't make it a bad film -- just a film that you didn't care for. If there's no other Tristar offering that floats your boat, *I* recommend "Jumanji". ;-} (Just close your eyes, eat your Spam, and think of England... I mean, "Forever Knight"). And hey, you might like it, after all. ;-} Inanna des Cousines vyrdolak@a....... "I *wanted* to bite you -- I didn't!" PS. Do only people with phone phobia get a story for calling their local stations? I have never suffered from phone phobia... I deleted the details on that offer... :-( ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 14:30:19 -0500 From: "Susan M. Garrett" <susang@v.......> Subject: UPN Contacts The type of contacts I'm looking for at UPN are PERSONAL contacts, the friend-of-a-friend type of thing. Everywhere we go, we find people who like FK. The way our stats are coming out, maybe we could find someone at UPN and Tri-Star? Regards When we get a fourth season, the hair GOES. susang@v....... -- Get all your info for Saving Forever Knight from: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 15:07:19 -0500 From: Lisa Cork <cork@c.......> Subject: Goodbye Hello, I am momentarily delurking to say farewell. I am leaving my job which means I won't have access to the internet or email until I get a computer of my own. I have enjoyed this group very much. Good luck saving the show. I will be doing my part to spread the message! Save Forever Knight!! Lisa cork@c....... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 13:42:22 -0800 From: LC Fenster <lucienlc@i.......> Subject: Re: Stupid Newbie questions... Neither stupid nor newbie, and something that probably a lot of you are wondering about. Dianne wrote: >1> I'm ready to send off my recipts from Sony/TS day... do I >_mention_ it's part of Sony Day or just that it's 'cuz of FK??? Both. Explain that it is because of SONY/TS APP DAY, part of Forever Knight Appreciation Week. Or send them to the SOS po box, to be sent in en masse. >2> what's up with AOL day? I signed up for a trial (SaveFK@a....... :-) >in honor... but what's up? Bravo! :-) >Where do I go, what do I do? (When I send email to TPTB at AOL, do I >mention AOL Day or just FK??? There's a chat at Remote Control at 11 pm NY time. Click on "Go To" in the menu at the top, then on "Keyword"; then type in "tv gossip" then click on "Remote Control", and you're in! Btw, it looks like we're going to have a special FK guest (fingers crossed) at that chat. :-) Btw, if you want to go on earlier or later, go to "tv gossip", then click on "primetime and latenight shows" then an "C-F" and you'll find all the Forever Knight boards. You can also send a nice note to Steve Case, Pres. of AOL, explaining that you have signed on because of all the Forever Knight facilities available on AOL and congratulating him for them. :-) Hope that helps. Laurie CF ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 13:36:05 -0800 From: Roni Power <bach@c.......> Subject: Reese Alert!! Hi all, I'm sitting with a sick child and watching MacGyver and guess who should appear? Blu Mankuma!! He's playing a Sheriff and he's playing the character the same way he plays Reese. Roni. Schanke-He's a *Good* Cop! With |Pinky are you pondering what I'm pondering? *Good* Instincts! Become A FoD! | I think so Brain but if we didn't have Roni Power bach@c....... O+ FoD| ears, we'd look like weasels. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 16:42:56 -0500 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: Need warm fuzzies! Someone send me warm fuzzies! I just spent 4 hours wandering around slushy downtown Philly arranging gift baskets for two local television stations (so that both will ask for FK at NATPE)! I suppose you all realize how hard it is to find anything appropriately vampire-related -- even a bat! -- to put in those baskets. Should have planned further ahead -- like in October when there were bat things for sale everywhere. I ended up using a little plastic Count (you know, the vampire muppet who counts all the time on "Sesame Street"). I know, wrong network, but it gets the vampire theme across. I also included chocolates & cookies since who doesn't like those? ;) I made it very clear in the card that we'd love them to *ask* for a fourth season of FK at NATPE. The card included everyone's name who contributed. Thanks to Lynn Messing, Susan Garrett, and Elinor Lerner for chipping in. I blew the budget but what the heck. Time to relax now.... * Allison Percy, a perky Knightie percy91@w....... * * __o Pedal for Forever Knight & the Pediatric AIDS Foundation! * * _`\<,_ Contact me at percy91@w....... to find out * * (*)/ (*) how to pledge your support and/or join the ride! * ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 12:28:22 -0800 From: Dianne Therese De Sha <maeve@m.......> Subject: Re: A noble purpose for Spam, "Jumanji" Inanna des Cousines writes: > PS. Do only people with phone phobia get a story for calling their local > stations? I have never suffered from phone phobia... I deleted the details > on that offer... :-( No, no. Anyone who calls gets it-- whether they had to go through anguish and torment to do so or not :-) Dianne (who just signed on AOL on trial as "SaveFK@a......." in honor of AOL-day...someone send me mail and say "hi!" :-) The Mad Digester :-) -*- NATPE Carpool Coordinator Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- <moonlight@c.......> ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 15 Jan 1996 ************************************
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