FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Jan 2004 to 23 Jan 2004 (#2004-23)
January 23, 2004
There are 5 messages totalling 178 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. European trip (3)
2. Happy FK moment
3. Crusader Valentine Fiction Contest Reminder
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 21:55:59 -0800
From: Megan Hull <mistrydder@y......>
Subject: European trip
My family is headed to Europe this summer, and us kids are going to have some
time to bum around on our own. We were debating where to go, and I suggested
we drop by Italy, see Venice... Rome... Pompeii....
My brother's reply was thus:
Well, we all have places we want to go, and we may end up drawing straws. Or
hitting each other with folding chairs. I haven't decided yet.
By the way, your desire to visit Pompey wouldn't have any ulterior *cough*
LaCroix *cough* motives involved would it?
We'll discuss it more later.
How well he knows me! <G>
Just wanted to share!
"Eternal nights too short,
How quickly melt away,
With all the love we shared once,
Forever in a Day."
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 23:58:05 -0800
From: Laura Davies <brightfeather1.geo@y......>
Subject: Re: European trip
Tell him that you want to see Roman porn... um, I mean
frescos, in person. <eg>
Laura (who almost fell out of her chair laughing when
she and a classmate ran across Roman porn when
studying for the final exam)
--- Megan Hull <mistrydder@y......> wrote:
> My family is headed to Europe this summer, and us
> kids are going to have some time to bum around on
> our own. We were debating where to go, and I
> suggested we drop by Italy, see Venice... Rome...
> Pompeii....
> My brother's reply was thus:
> Well, we all have places we want to go, and we may
> end up drawing straws. Or hitting each other with
> folding chairs. I haven't decided yet.
> By the way, your desire to visit Pompey wouldn't
> have any ulterior *cough* LaCroix *cough* motives
> involved would it?
> We'll discuss it more later.
> Love,
> Michael
> How well he knows me! <G>
> Just wanted to share!
> -Megan
> "Eternal nights too short,
> How quickly melt away,
> With all the love we shared once,
> Forever in a Day."
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 03:29:48 -0800
From: Amanda Berendt <debrabant_foundation@y......>
Subject: Re: European trip
When I was in London last summer for vacation, I didn't even have to
look very hard for a FK moment.
I was at the Titanic exhibit and they had an ancient Roman coin that
they had brought up. Of course I thought, was it a gift from LC that
had fallen out of Nick's pocket?
Ok, gotta get ready for work.
"Give me your soul and your heart will take flight
Forevermore in the night, Forever MINE in the night"
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 12:00:02 EST
From: Lisa Knust <LthePoet@a.......>
Subject: Happy FK moment
So I was watching some of my Angel Season 2 DVDs and I decided to turn
on the audio commentary on the episode with John Kapelos, just to see. Sure
enough, the guy doing the commentary mentioned FK. I know that anyone who has
these probably has already noticed this, but it made me happy to hear FK
mentioned (even if it was that he claimed people on the internet said he had
ripped off FK by castng JK), so I thought I'd share.
Enjoying my rare day off-
Lisa Knust
<sig has the day off too>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 13:05:29 EST
From: SField8067@a.......
Subject: Crusader Valentine Fiction Contest Reminder
Posted with permission.
Hi Everyone :0
Its been a couple of weeks since i posted about the contest. We have only
received two entrys to date. We would really like for there to be a few more at
here are the rules again :)
-- Stories must be about Valentine's Day and romance
-- Any and all FK characters may be used
-- Stories can be up to 7500 words long (short story length)
-- Crossovers are allowed, as long as the FK characters are primary
-- Stories must be submitted in TEXT FORMAT to Susan Ellen Field,
sField8067@a......., by February 1, 2004
All submitted stories will be posted on the Crusader website ( Readers will be able to vote for their favorite
story from
February 3 to February 13 (this gives us time to post the stories on the
and the winner will be announced by Valentine's Day, February 14.
The winner of the contest will be awarded a big Valentine's heart and a
certificate! Writers, warm up your keyboards, let your romantic side shine
and get writing!
Susan Ellen Field
KtK/Crusader Fearless Leader
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 22 Jan 2004 to 23 Jan 2004 (#2004-23)
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