FORKNI-L Digest - 26 Oct 2003 to 27 Oct 2003 (#2003-13)
Mon, 27 Oct 2003
There are 13 messages totalling 319 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
2. DVDs and Radio Show (2)
3. Cheers! (2)
4. DVD quality (4)
5. Fever - just a note
6. Admin: Southern California Fires Query (3)
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 14:18:20 -0800
From: Amanda Berendt <debrabant_foundation@y......>
Subject: YKYBWTMFKW...
(and I actually have...!)
Anyway... I was reading through the current issue of People Magazine
and there is a review thing of the new series 'Tru Calling' (about a
girl who can talk to the corpses where she works in the morgue and
gets a chance to prevent their deaths"
One part of the artice is
"I don't know how often she can fall for a guy who enters her
workplace on a slab, but the love elemnet gives this particular story
extra poignancy."
Of course I thought, "Hey that's how Nat met Nick!"
"Give me your soul and your heart will take flight
Forevermore in the night, Forever MINE in the night"
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 18:25:28 -0500
From: Brooksie <a11ebrook@a.......>
Subject: DVDs and Radio Show
De-lurking to say that I received my set of Forever Knight DVD's from Amazon
on Saturday and I think the packaging is quite elegant. The minimalist
design seems to suit the tone of the series which always leaned toward
I also enjoyed listening to the "radio show" from Sony's website. I found
Ger's tenuous grasp of the facts of the details of the show quite delightful
in contrast to Parriot's firm pronunciations. Yet, neither of them
poo-poo'd the idea of working on a follow-on effort, but Ger was quite
forceful in that the original relationships would have to be intact to do a
follow-on. There may be hope for Schanke yet (maybe he missed the plane!).
I also loved the way the host kept referring the the fan's efforts on behalf
of FK, that it was the fan's efforts that got this done and that done. In
fact he said that we were "the most fanatical cult this side of 'Star Trek'
<fans>". And whereas some here might find that description to be offensive,
I think it is nice to be *recognized*, to be given a voice.
So "hooray" for the Crusader and Save the Knight efforts, and all the fan
efforts that went on before that. I am going to sit back and enjoy my uncut
versions of season one and raise a toast to you and all the fans!
Julia B. (aka Brooksie) and Allie's Brook
Forever Knightie Crusader and War 11 Leader-in-Training
Les Chevaliers de la Nuit
"And a screamin' fine ride [he] is, too!"
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 16:41:45 -0800
From: Megan Hull <mistrydder@y......>
Subject: Re: DVDs and Radio Show
>Ger was quite
>forceful in that the original relationships would have to be intact to do a
>follow-on. There may be hope for Schanke yet (maybe he missed the plane!).
I've always liked the idea of doing a series of 'untold' stories from the first
or second season.
"Eternal nights too short,
How quickly melt away,
With all the love we shared once,
Forever in a Day."
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 18:34:03 -0700
From: Helena Handbag <momra1@l.......>
Subject: Cheers!
A big round of applause, laurels, hugs and kisses to all the folks who've
written letters, sent e-mails, took out ads and did all that hard work to convice
TPTB to release Our Favorite Show.
Awesome job, folks!!
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 20:43:25 EST
From: KaAG@a.......
Subject: Re: Cheers!
A big round of applause, laurels, hugs and kisses to all the folks who've
written letters, sent e-mails, took out ads and did all that hard work to
convice TPTB to release Our Favorite Show
I'll second that. I just finished watching the first disc and am amazed at
all the pieces that were cut from the Sci-Fi channel's version. "Last Act" was
especially fun-- so much of what I though was fanfic lore made sense. While it
was a little disappointing that DK didn't merge the two versions, the small
pieces that are missing didn't ruin the rest of the eps. I'm just thankful to
have the DVDs at long last and look forward to more marathon viewing sessions
on my next day off!
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 23:48:46 -0500
From: "S. Babbitt" <sbabbitt@b.......>
Subject: Re: DVD quality
Fran wrote:
>As for the quality, I will agree with Kristen, that they could have been
>cleaner. Yes, they're much better than my old tapes, still, I do
>expect higher
>quality from DVDs. I don't think it has anything to do with them
>cramming four
>or five episodes onto a disc.
I'm wondering if the quality has something to do with how the eps
were filmed in the first place. I have DirecTV, so the quality of the
image on my TV is usually very clear. However, when FK was still
showing regularly on SciFi, I remember thinking that the quality was
awfully grainy. This was especially noticeable when I'd toggle back
and forth between FK and other shows just to compare the picture.
Did anyone else ever notice this, or do I need to get my eyes checked? <g>
Stephanie Babbitt (sbabbitt@b.......), Atlanta, GA
Vaquera (Because I Can), MadNatter, N&NPacker
Nobody Dies. Nobody Ever Died.
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 00:25:58 EST
From: Shenandora DeWynst <Shenandora@a.......>
Subject: Re: Fever - just a note
Hi Susan - I couldn't find the 'Fever'-script. Where is it placed?
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 00:03:21 EST
From: "Lynn L. Sowinski" <Lls761@a.......>
Subject: Re: DVD quality
I agree with you. I think some of the scenes from FK were filmed looking
kinda' grainy. I think the lighting was a little off in some scenes in DK too.
(Or maybe I just have different taste in lighting than the director did :oP )
I remember trying to re-record certain eps because I thought my TV reception
or tape quality were off. I kept getting the same results. I don't know how
or if that could be fixed. I don't know if it had anything to do with
filiming budget or timetable, but its really not that bad. Lets face it gang -
FK is a classic! We will take it just as it was filmed and enjoy it none the
Lynn :o)
"If dogs don't go to Heaven, when I die I want to go where they went."
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 23:25:46 -0600
From: Amy <amilynh@c.......>
Subject: Re: DVD quality
>I'm wondering if the quality has something to do with how the eps
>were filmed in the first place.
First season was filmed on 16mm stock. It wasn't till 2nd season that they
switched to the more expensive 35mm.
Amy F.
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 09:39:13 -0500
From: Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Admin: Southern California Fires Query
I've heard from Jean Graham, who is ok in San Diego but paints a vivid picture
of just how hellish (her word) the atmosphere is around the Southern California
fires. She wondered how the other Forkni-lers in fire areas were doing. I know
we have quite a few list members in the San Diego and San Bernardino areas. In
fact, as I drove to work and listened to a report from the fires, I wondered if
any of us was among the evacuees.
So anyone with information, please check in.
listowner, Forkni-l
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 09:45:19 -0500
From: Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Re: Admin: Southern California Fires Query
Can I add a personal plea to anyone in the San Diego/Murrieta (sp?) area? I
have an aunt and young cousins in Murrietta. My parents are out of town and I
couldn't find my aunt's phone number. I'm sure I'd have heard if the town was
threatened, but one can't help worrying.
I know we have numerous fans in the San Diego area as I met a number of you
last time I was at San Diego Comic Con, including Jean. I'm very glad to hear
she's okay.
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 09:50:53 -0500
From: Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: Re: DVD quality
I noticed parts of Last Act were off and the first part of Dark Knight was
a little too dark, but who cares. With the new and improved sound
quality I am picking up various nuiances in the dialogue I missed
And at least we are finally seeing FK in its entirety, the way it was
meant to be seen. I for one am seeing bits and pieces I have never seen
Take for example that scene in Dark Knight part 2 where Alyce asks Nick
to bring her across. Before the DVD I had never knew that Alyce
explained why she wanted to brought across. As far as I knew she had just
said Take me and LaCroix said take her. Nick almost took her then decided
not to.
to be sure it was short and I suppose got the the point across but I
think the scene is much more exciting the way in its entirety.
With that in mind I hope some day TPTB take mercy on us and give us and
unchopped version the first part of Dark Knight. But until then I am
content with what I have and can hardly wait for them to bring part two
out. We must think positvely here.
Debbie Clarke
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 11:06:34 EST
From: Michele Canterbury <Mobody@a.......>
Subject: Admin: Southern California Fires Query
I finally heard from my daughter Alison, who is a student at SDSU. Anyone
who went to FK in SD got to meet her there. She had spent the weekend in Phoenix
and flights were cancelled into SD on sunday. She just got home this morning.
The university is completly shut down and she says everyone in the area is
wearing face masks for the ash and smoke in the air, but besides being
frightened is ok so far. Hope everyone else out there is doing ok too.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 26 Oct 2003 to 27 Oct 2003 (#2003-13)
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