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FORKNI-L Digest - 24 Jul 2003 to 26 Jul 2003 (#2003-211)

Sat, 26 Jul 2003

There are 3 messages totalling 76 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. FK thought (2)
  2. Staffers needed for interactive FK fansite


Date:    Fri, 25 Jul 2003 14:48:27 -0700
From:    Megan Hull <mistrydder@y......>
Subject: FK thought

My co-workers and I were discussing the deaths of Saddam Hussain's sons and
whether or not it was really them.  I voiced my opinion that it was, and someone
else said they figured that they would have left the area until things cooled
down.  I said they wouldn't have, because people that insufferably arrogant tend
to believe very firmly in their own invulnerability.  For some reason (I wonder
what that would be!), my mind flew to LaCroix in AMPH-- 'They gods cannot
destroy me, they haven't enough power!', and thought, "On the other hand, some
people manage to be right!"  <G>


"Eternal nights too short,
How quickly melt away,
With all the love we shared once,
Forever in a Day."


Date:    Fri, 25 Jul 2003 21:10:15 EDT
From:    Jeannie Ecklund <Gersknightlady@a.......>
Subject: Re: FK thought

Yesterday I was listening to Just Shoot Me and Nina was talking to her boss
about some meeting that went on all day and some one else said, "And Baseball
games seem to go on forever." then some one piped up and said to Nin, " And I
bet you don't see yourself in a mirror either."  Sorry for the sorry quoate but
I was on the computer.  Just seemed funny in veiw of the Dark Knight scene
with Nick and Janette in the bar.



Date:    Sat, 26 Jul 2003 05:52:39 -0000
From:    Méliza Treglia <knightmuzic@n.......>
Subject: Staffers needed for interactive FK fansite

A friend of mine and myself are planning to create the largest interactive FK
fansite on the web (ambitious, no?). Problem: we need staff to help us build and
maintain the site. The site will be known as "The Factory: The Ultimate
Interactive Forever Knight Fansite". The staff will be for the following
sections (and more sections will be added as needed):

Character Bios
Actor Bios
Cast and Crew Info
Episode Guide
Show Airings (in North America and Europe)
News/Street Team
Historical Information
Fanfic Archival
Audio-Visual Archival
Photo Archival
Forum Moderation
Chatroom Operation
Site Promotion
Site Updating
Faction Listing Archival
Website Listing Archival
Save Our Show Promotion
Merchandising (how and where to get both official and fan-made merchandise)

This site will be by the fans and for the fans, so we need as many people as
possible to get this project off the ground. Knowledge of PHP, Java, Javascript
and HTML is preferable, but not required. Contact me at
knightmuzic@n....... if you wish to help.

Thank you for your time.

Knightmuzic, TF Webmistress

P.S. Please feel free to distribute this message to other FK-related lists and
message boards. Just don't spam anybody. *wince*


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 24 Jul 2003 to 26 Jul 2003 (#2003-211)

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