FORKNI-L Digest - 9 Jan 2003 to 10 Jan 2003 (#2003-10)
Fri, 10 Jan 2003
There are 5 messages totalling 150 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. FK skins for The Sims (2)
2. FK moment (2)
3. Father's Day
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 21:36:04 -0700
From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: FK skins for The Sims
I recall somebody here was talking about FK skins for The Sims a while
ago; are there any on the net?
Your very humble & most obedient servant,
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 23:52:09 -0600
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......>
Subject: Re: FK moment
McLisa wrote:
> But I had to write because I'm suddenly having visions of
> Lucius's younger brother Paulus (a perfectly good Roman name) who ran off
> and joined the early Christians, was brought over when he tried to preach to
> Divia, and has been going through the centuries trying to be "good" ever since.
I'm sure that would have just infuriated Lucius to have such an
annoying younger brother! (Of course,, he probably thought that way
when he was mortal, too. <g>)
> What a pity Nicholas didn't meet him first. :)
If he had, Nicholas would have just had a sore head from drinking the
next morning, that's for sure! And then perhaps we could have had,
"Forever Sibling Rivalry", the tale of Lucien Lacroix doing everything
he can to ditch his little brother, who follows him wherever Lucien
goes, trying to get him to do the right thing and spoiling all his
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 01:07:47 EST
From: Becky Hinson <bbhinson3@a.......>
Subject: Re: FK moment
In a message dated 1/9/03 11:52:36 PM Central Standard Time,
nancykam@a....... writes:
> And then perhaps we could have had, "Forever Sibling Rivalry", the tale of
> Lucien Lacroix doing everything he can to ditch his little brother, who
> follows him wherever Lucien goes, trying to get him to do the right thing
> and spoiling all his fun.
Do I hear the keyboards clattering out a story?? Don't look at me to do it,
ya'll... I can't write worth a darn! LOL
~Cousin Becky
Carpe DM -- Seize the Dungeon Master
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 07:25:35 -0800
From: Beverly Collins-LaCroix <beverlylacroix@w.......>
Subject: Father's Day
I just gotta say I loved the episode. It was one of my favs, especially
the meeting between LC and Don Constantine. :-)
And the idea that Nick hadn't learned by the early to mid 1900's that it
was fruitless to escape LaCroix went beyond my comprehension. And
Janette should have known also, they were very dysfunctional at the
time. :-)
Did Janette give Nick his out just to tell LaCroix in hopes she would be
number one with LaCroix again, hoping that LC would get another one or
none at all? <giggle> That was hysterical when LC informed Janette he
didn't want another one he wanted that one. <g>
Beverly Collins-LaCroix
ArchAngel to ARES, God of War
"Death shall have no dominion"
She walks in beauty, like the night,
Of cloudless climes and starry skies,
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
Lord Byron
Collins-Library Archive
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 12:29:33 -0800
From: Aura Thundera <deonii@y.......>
Subject: Re: FK skins for The Sims
I have a Ger head for The Sims on my other computer.
I made it some time ago for my entertainment.
However, the quality is not as good as it might be so
it was never put up on my website. If you want it,
e-mail me privately at deonii@y........
Aura Thundera
--- Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......> wrote:
> I recall somebody here was talking about FK skins
> for The Sims a while
> ago; are there any on the net?
> Your very humble & most obedient servant,
> Ligeia
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 9 Jan 2003 to 10 Jan 2003 (#2003-10)
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