FORKNI-L Digest - 5 Dec 2002 to 6 Dec 2002 (#2002-355)
Fri, 6 Dec 2002
There are 14 messages totalling 317 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Happy Eid al-Fitr (2)
2. 2 fic questions (2)
3. Need info about Toronto
4. Happy St. Nicholas' Day! (2)
5. Chicago morphed into our favorite FK city
6. Vampire Names
7. Find Your Vampire Name (2)
8. Hello
9. Proof that TO really is Hollywood north (2)
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 21:25:16 -0800
From: Megan Hull <mistrydder@y.......>
Subject: Re: Happy Eid al-Fitr
Someone want to explain exactly what that is? (Christmas, Hanukah, Kawanza,
Saturnellia, and now Eid... December sure is popular for the parties, isn't it?)
Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......> wrote:Wishing Muslim Forkni-lers a happy
"Eternal nights too short,
How quickly melt away,
With all the love we shared once,
Forever in a Day."
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 00:39:19 -0500
From: Marg <mytoronto@r.......>
Subject: Re: 2 fic questions
Amanda Berendt wrote:
> My fic is SLOWLY moving along... what is the standard dress code for
> the performances at Massey Hall? Is it formal, or just kind of
> dressy (like suit/tie for the men, nice pants/skirt for the women)?
Dressy to casual dressy, mostly. hardly anyone dresses formally these
days except for major opening nights.
Marg <mytoronto@r.......>
In Toronto, where it used to be de rigeur to dress formally for the
Opera and now people have even been seen there in jeans and T-shirts
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 18:53:52 -0800
From: Idena Thatcher <shabernigdo2002@y.......>
Subject: Re: 2 fic questions
> -Amanda
> (thinking of what clothes I should put Nick in<g>)
Jeans. Just jeans. ^_^
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 00:34:38 -0800
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Need info about Toronto
I know we have a few Toronto experts on the list so here is
my question: is there a park in Toronto where someone could
find homeless people sleeping on the benches at night? Bet I
don't have to say that it is for a fic.
Sunny LaCountess
LaCountess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk
"Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!"
--Homer Simpson
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 05:24:56 -0800
From: Laurie of the Isles <laudon1228@y.......>
Subject: Re: Happy Eid al-Fitr
--- Megan Hull <mistrydder@y.......> wrote:
Re: Eid al-Fitr
> Someone want to explain exactly what that is?
I believe it's a celbration marking the end of the
holy month of Ramadan, a month in which the Muslim
faithful fast during daylight hours, among other
things. The occurance of Ramadan moves around, some
years it is at the end of the year, some years it is
at the beginning of the next, as I believe it is based
on the lunar calandar.
Apologies if I've got it wrong.
Laurie of the Isles
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 07:01:18 -0700
From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Happy St. Nicholas' Day!
I first started watching Forever Knight about three years ago. Shortly
after I began watching, two close family members became seriously ill,
and the time I spent watching FK was a welcome escape from grim reality.
About a year later, with health crises resolved, I wrote my first long
fiction story ever, school included. The chance to play in the FK
universe, and the warm nurturing climate of FK fanfic made me overcome
my writer's anxiety enough to complete a story. This summer, my trip to
Toronto was spiced up by visiting FK locations like the CN Tower and the
Loft. And now that I prepare to tape the series for the third time (on
Space), I realize that watching FK has, in a strange way, led to greater
social awareness. When I hear a radio news item on prostitution in my
city, I *listen* instead of tuning it out, because of Janette. Because
of Nick, I pay more attention to the background stories about policing
which occasionally grace the City section of the newspaper, as well as
the usual crime stories.
So here's to Nick, Janette, and the folks who started bringing us their
story ten years ago!
Your very humble & most obedient servant,
P.S. to Canadians: I'd much rather celebrate ten years of Nick Knight on
the airwaves and in cyberspace than ten years of Ralph Klein in Alberta!
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 12:17:00 -0600
From: "B. Stone" <StoneB@g.......>
Subject: Chicago morphed into our favorite FK city
I was watching _Angel Eyes_ on DVD. The action supposedly takes
place in Chicago. Imagine my surprise when a shot of Toronto,
complete with CN tower, flashed momentarily on the screen.
Are you confused?? Good....
B. Stone
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 10:15:57 -0800
From: Megan Hull <mistrydder@y.......>
Subject: Re: Happy St. Nicholas' Day!
Ditto. And that's human nature: we're more interested in something when it can
be connected to someone or something we already know about. In my case, I
always HATED history. Names, dates, kings and reformers, wars and treaties.
Who cared? And with my memory, I couldn't remember them anyway. Until I
started in on Forever Knight. Suddenly, history was real and alive and had to
do with people (fictional basis notwithstanding) that I loved and cared about.
I started studying history on my own just because I wanted to know how our fav
vamps would have lived back then. Gee, the changes a silly TV show can bring
(And God knows, I need the break from reality sometimes!)
Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......> wrote:I realize that watching FK
has, in a strange way, led to greater
social awareness.
"Eternal nights too short,
How quickly melt away,
With all the love we shared once,
Forever in a Day."
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 13:35:10 -0500
From: clarkcindy <clarkcindy@m.......>
Subject: Re: Vampire Names
. But what the heck is a
Hierophant? My Funk&Wagnalls doesn't run to such exotic words.
I have a wonderful 1951, huge library edition Webster's, and it defines
Hierophant as:
1. in ancient Greece, the priest who expounded the Elusian mysteries.
2. an interpreter of sacred mysteries and esoteric principles.
Hope this helps.
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 13:40:09 -0500
From: clarkcindy <clarkcindy@m.......>
Subject: Re: Find Your Vampire Name
but...but...I've never been to Russia?! I like the sound of Lioness of The
Flesh though. >;)
Maybe it tapped into a past unlife or something.
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 14:19:51 -0500
From: clarkcindy <clarkcindy@m.......>
Subject: Re: Hello
OH, found out one thing. The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich was NOT
narrated by Richard Basehart even if MGM DOES have his name on it. I bought it
and there is NO WAY that the narrator is RB. I even emailed MGM about it.
Speaking of narrators a bit more on-topic. PBS recently aired a docudrama
on Ben Franklin that was narrated by Colm Feore and the actor who played
Lord Delabarre (sp) in QOH was also in it.
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 14:56:05 -0500
From: clarkcindy <clarkcindy@m.......>
Subject: Re: Find Your Vampire Name
Okay, I had to try this one.
I have been known as: Sultana of the Arctic
I guess Cleveland qualifies.
Also known as: Minerva of the Crows
I knew I spent too much time on the farm.
The Great Archives : Intelligent, knowing, wise and shrewd. This winged
one was cast from the firmament (sky).
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 12:28:54 -0800
From: Amanda Berendt <debrabant_foundation@y.......>
Subject: Proof that TO really is Hollywood north
> Speaking of narrators a bit more on-topic. PBS recently aired a
> docudrama on Ben Franklin that was narrated by Colm Feore and the
>actor who played Lord Delabarre (sp) in QOH was also in it.
Ok so again we have an 'american' history program made in canada.
On a similar theme, I was in the video store the other day and in the
travel section there was a video for a virtual tour of New York.
There was a big sticker on the back that said "Made in Toronto" At
first I laughed, like "duh, did they film it in TO and pretend it was
New York like they do on TV". OF course it was probably packaged and
edited and stuff in TO, but still the big sticker is halarious.
"Dreams are portable - I carry mine with me"
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 21:05:25 +0000
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......>
Subject: Re: Proof that TO really is Hollywood north
> > Speaking of narrators a bit more on-topic. PBS recently aired a
> > docudrama on Ben Franklin that was narrated by Colm Feore and the
> >actor who played Lord Delabarre (sp) in QOH was also in it.
This neat documentary was produced by the Twin Cities Public TV, and I was all
revved up to see how they dressed up Minneapolis to look like Revolutionary-era
Philadelphia. As soon as I saw the first scene I knew it wasn't shot here.
Darn! I was enjoying the thought that maybe, just maybe, Colm Feore had spent
some time within ten miles of my house. <g>
I enjoyed the program anyway.
Nancy Kaminski
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 5 Dec 2002 to 6 Dec 2002 (#2002-355)
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