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FORKNI-L Digest - 5 Nov 2002 to 6 Nov 2002 (#2002-325)

Wed, 6 Nov 2002

There are 8 messages totalling 264 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. OCT 31 (2)
  3. Today's Birthday:  November 7
  4. saw blu
  5. YKYBWTMFKW... (3)


Date:    Mon, 4 Nov 2002 23:51:43 -0000
From:    Kezia Hepden <keziahepden@h.......>
Subject: Re: OCT 31

Melinda Morgan wrote:
> For some reason, I can't get the image out of my mind
> of Nick and LaCroix handing out candy and vamping out
> when the kids grab the candy. I don't know why LOL but
> it'd be an easy scare tactic. I'm writing a little
> humorous piece about it.

That storyline rang immediate bells with me, as being *very* similar to an
existing piece of FK fanfic I've read fairly recently.  So.... I started
checking back through authors I've been reading over the last few weeks.
And I found it!  It's LaCroix only (and one other FK character, but I won't
say who or I'll spoil the surprise) and is called 'Shot in the Dark', by
Raven Breena, and you can find it on her excellent, well-worth-a-visit site,

Cousin Kezia


Date:    Tue, 5 Nov 2002 18:23:28 -0500
From:    Judith Cataldo <judycat@e.......>

You see an email titled "Christian Lacroix" and you think, that is going
to be one heated FORKNI-L topic but it turns out it was on a costume
list and Christian Lacroix is a fashion designer.

Judy C.


Date:    Wed, 6 Nov 2002 05:55:02 -0600
From:    eowyn3@j.......
Subject: Today's Birthday:  November 7

Hi Y'all!

Today is the birthday of:    Kristin                        kris1228@e.......
                             Cindy    (married to Robin)    niteluvr@s.......
                             Robin (married to Cindy)       mfaut@s.......
                             Heather Bryant (aka BonnyHthr) admin@b.......

You can send birthday greetings to Kristin, Cindy, Robin and Heather at
the above e-mail addresses.  Please NOT to the list!

People who share birthdays on this date include:
Milton Bradley, Games Man
Albert Camus, Novelist
Marie Marja Sklodowska Curie, Chemist
Billy Graham, Evangelist
Al Hirt, Jazz Trumpeter
Joni Mitchell, Folk Performer

Significant events on this date:
1876, Edward Bouchet, is first black to receive a PhD in US college
1893, Colorado became the first state to give women the right to vote.
1918, Goddard demonstrates tube-launched solid propellant rocket.
1998, John Glenn returned to Earth aboard the space shuttle "Discovery,"

I hope you have Very Happy Birthday, Kristin, Cindy, Robin and Heather!

If you would like to be added to the birthday announcements, please send
your name, birthdate (no year needed) and e-mail address to me,
privately, eowyn3@j....... and I'll be glad to add you.

eowyn3@j......., eowyn@w.......
GWDFC, G-IV & V Attendee, Knighties Listowner, TKD, FK X-Stitcher,
Proud Survivor of Fk-fic  Wars 8-11, Keeper of the FK Birthday List
She can be taught!  But only in little bytes!


Date:    Wed, 6 Nov 2002 09:09:23 EST
From:    Billie Lee Williams <McCelt2003@a.......>
Subject: Re: OCT 31

In a message dated 11/5/2002 2:48:29 PM Pacific Standard Time,
keziahepden@h....... writes:

> 'Shot in the Dark', by
> Raven Breena, and you can find it on her excellent, well-worth-a-visit
> site,
> www.naturesong.com

OH, **thank you,** for the reminder about Cousin Raven's great site, I was
just able to bookmark it and get the story on my new-ish computer here.

::::::::::::::::::waves at Raven !! :::::::::::::::::::::::::

Great site, great story, go there!! :>)=

Forever Yours,


Date:    Wed, 6 Nov 2002 11:17:00 -0800
From:    Melinda Morgan <sgt_buck_frobisher@y.......>
Subject: Re: saw blu

I saw a commercial and I *thought* I saw him on one of
the scenes but wasn't sure. Thanks for the info.


--- DPHEIL <dpheil@a.......> wrote:
> HI . . I just went to see "Santa Clause 2"
> One of the people was Blu Mankuma/Captain Joe Reese
> Nice to see he's still working
> I just wish I saw the rest of the cast more often
> Maybe Ger & Nigel could get cast in that Ancient
> Roman Cop Show

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Date:    Wed, 6 Nov 2002 11:24:47 -0800
From:    Melinda Morgan <sgt_buck_frobisher@y.......>
Subject: YKYBWTMFKW...

1. OK, my FK dreams are getting wierd lately...I
dreamed about me sucking on someone's neck...and I
don't even wanna know where that really wierd Janette
dream came from....sheesh. Why can't I have more
normal ones...I wouldn't mind kissing Nick on one of
them LOL

2. You're making beef steak for dinner and after you
take it out of the ziploc bag it was in and find a
little bit of cow's blood, you find yourself holding
it up and saying 'Ew, Nat, it's blood!!" as you're
carrying it to the trash. I'm glad my mom was visiting
in someone else's apartment, or she'd have probably
said I was crazy. I thought about doing it again with
the fried potatoes and ketchup I had the next day, but

3. Jeopardy had a category Monday called 'Crusader' I
didn't get any right, but I can imagine Nick rattling
them off and then making some slip like 'Hey, you live
through it, you never forget' LOL

4. I don't know if I've said this one yet, but when
they had those Beauty and the Beast commercials out, I
couldn't watch one without thinking of Nick and Nat.

5. There's a local coin shop in this area with two
locations, one of which I've been in, called Knight
Coin and Jewelry

6. The paper had a little almanac thing about a
hurricane in New York back in the 1800's that brought
out hundereds of rats and my first thought after
reading it was 'Screed wouldn've thought he was in


Visit my forums!
The Paul Gross Place http://pub92.ezboard.com/bthepaulgrossplace


Date:    Wed, 6 Nov 2002 11:26:53 -0800
From:    Melinda Morgan <sgt_buck_frobisher@y.......>
Subject: YKYBWTMFKW...

I forgot one. On Sunday night's Match Game on Game
Show Network, one of the contestants was named, if I
heard right, Barbara Vetter. I may be wrong on the
first name, my memory's fuzzy, but the last name
definately sounded like 'Vetter'


Visit my forums!
The Paul Gross Place http://pub92.ezboard.com/bthepaulgrossplace


Date:    Wed, 6 Nov 2002 14:50:33 EST
From:    Evelyn Duncan <BrandyKitt@a.......>
Subject: Re: YKYBWTMFKW...

In a message dated 11/06/2002 1:26:06 PM Central Standard Time,
sgt_buck_frobisher@y....... writes:

2. You're making beef steak for dinner and after you
take it out of the ziploc bag it was in and find a
little bit of cow's blood, you find yourself holding
it up and saying 'Ew, Nat, it's blood!!" as you're
carrying it to the trash.

Oh, I definitely think that Nick would love to work in a deli;
when I open up the new packages of meat, there are juices
(and in the roast beef, blood) that he could drain off and
drink up.

Evelyn Duncan

Vaya con queso.
  -- Cliff Huxtable


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 5 Nov 2002 to 6 Nov 2002 (#2002-325)

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