FORKNI-L Digest - 27 Mar 2002 to 28 Mar 2002 (#2002-91)
Thu, 28 Mar 2002
There are 14 messages totalling 471 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. My Fanlistings / Reminder (4)
2. FK FanFic Awards (4)
3. Help with a Fic title
4. KtK script auction update
5. Lora Haines' name in LK (2)
6. Tim's Fic for the Marathon
7. Fw: Gary Farmer part #4
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 16:58:09 -0800
From: Knight Ranger <knightranger1228@y.......>
Subject: Re: My Fanlistings / Reminder
> Forever Knight Fanlisting
I went to this site and clicked on the "join" tab and
nothing happened. Anyone have any ideas?
Knight Ranger
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 17:10:14 -0800
From: Knight Ranger <knightranger1228@y.......>
Subject: FK FanFic Awards
This is the first notice I saw about this and I'm very
sorry to hear that it has been cancelled. I loved
reading all the stories. I hope you decide to pick it
up again next year.
Knight Ranger
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 13:38:36 +1200
From: Knightraven <kiwisun@i.......>
Subject: Re: FK FanFic Awards
> This is the first notice I saw about this and I'm very
> sorry to hear that it has been cancelled.
i agree with this sentiment. With all the emails one tends to get on
lists...a little repetition for emphasis is usually needed, so I hope you
change your mind and carry on with the awards this year, Nancy! A shame to
waste the attention generated right now.
I will certainly be signing up...should i ever find out where to do it.<g>
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 16:54:48 -0700
From: Kelly C Smith <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Re: Help with a Fic title
I went over and read this, and I really enjoyed it! Very neat story!
Anyone know Janice Cox's email addy? I tried the one in the story, and
it bounced.
KC Smith
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 17:12:49 -0700
From: Kelly C Smith <tigrlady2u@j.......>
Subject: Re: FK FanFic Awards
I, too, am extremely disappointed at the cancellation of the FK fanfic
awards! It's one of the few things I look forward to every year.
KC Smith
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 23:05:04 -0600
From: Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......>
Subject: Re: FK FanFic Awards
Kylie wrote:
> i agree with this sentiment. With all the emails one tends to get on
> lists...a little repetition for emphasis is usually needed,
> so I hope you change your mind and carry on with the awards this year,
> Nancy!
But the lists are pretty darned quiet now, so this should have been noticed!
Sadly, it apparently wasn't---or it didn't generate much interest.
When I ran last year's awards, I had almost 200 people register for voter IDs.
Many authors came forward to tell me what stories they wrote and where they were
archived. This year, practically no one responded with story links. I got a
grand total of 5 voter ID requests. I can take a hint!
> A shame to
> waste the attention generated right now.
> I will certainly be signing up...should i ever find out where
> to do it.<g>
Okay, let's run a test! Listmembers, if you want the awards to go on, email me
PRIVATELY at nancykam@a....... and I'll keep a tally. If this number gets to be
a respectable sum, I'll do the awards. If not, well, so it goes.
What's a respectacle sum? I'd say 50.
I'll forward this to the FK lists I'm on (UF, LCN,Foreverknick, NNPack, Raven
Awards, FKFIC Discussion List). You guys forward it on to any ohter lists you
may be on. Let's see if there is any interest in this out there!
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 00:56:28 EST
From: Knightwave@a.......
Subject: KtK script auction update
Things are rolling on nicely. Thanks to everyone who has bid and sent in
questions. I'll get back to those I haven't answered yet as soon as I have
your answer. <g> If anyone sees any errors, please let me know. <g>
Same rules as with the last auction. Please send me your bids, not the
list. Tell me what you're bidding on and how much, and please give me
some kind of ID if you don't want your name listed.
Because we're really pushing the time envelope here, those who win,
please be prepared to respond quickly with your payments. Because of
growing costs, the KtK has to ask for a separate check/money order for
shipping in the amount of $3.50. If you pay with PayPal, you can just
add the extra into payment.
Web site is on: Kickstart the Knight (( )) Send
bids to knightwave@a....... Auction ends midnight EST on March 31.
Hope everyone has fun. <g>
Tuesday, March 26, 2002
new #1 $10.00 Mom-Ra Dying For Fame script
new #2 $10.00 Karen Love You To Death script
#3 $10.00 Emily Father Figure script
#4 $ . False Witness script
new #5 $20.00 Karen Dance By the Light of the Moon script
new #6 $30.00 Amanda Curiouser & Curiouser script
#7 $10.00 Cloud Trophy Girl script
#8 $10.00 Cloud Blackwing script
new #9 $20.00 Megan Son of Belial script
#10 $10.00 Emily Father's Day script
new #11 $30.00 Amanda The Fix script
new #12 $25.00 Doreen Last Knight & parody scripts
tie #12 $25.00 Karen " " " " "
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 01:51:02 EST
From: KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: Lora Haines' name in LK
In a message dated 3/13/2002 8:42:11 AM Eastern Standard Time,
mclisa@m....... writes:
From what I heard at the time, Lora was happy to have her name used for the
suicide victim in LK. Remember, they had to have her permission or there's no
way their lawyer's would have allowed them to name the character after her.
I know I'm a little late with this but I'd like to know why Lora disbanded
the FK Fan Club. I know it's not active but I still use it in my signature
as I feel I'm still a member.
I was also very disappointed she didn't ask if anyone would like to take it
over. I seriously would have done it but she never gave anyone a chance.
KnightWitch ;-{{{{{{{{{{{{=
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 02:10:59 EST
From: KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: My Fanlistings / Reminder
In a message dated 3/27/2002 7:58:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,
knightranger1228@y....... writes:
<< > Forever Knight Fanlisting
I went to this site and clicked on the "join" tab and
nothing happened. Anyone have any ideas?
Worked for me.
KnightWitch ;-]=
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 09:51:57 -0800
From: Knight Ranger <knightranger1228@y.......>
Subject: Re: My Fanlistings / Reminder
I just tried it again and its still a no go for me.
Too bad.
> << > Forever Knight Fanlisting
> (
> I went to this site and clicked on the "join" tab
and nothing happened. Anyone have any ideas?
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 13:45:40 -0500
From: "portia1@m......." <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Tim's Fic for the Marathon
I guess I'm more of an old softy than I want to admit. Tim's story made me
laugh, and made me get teary-eyed too! It really is exciting to know that our
show will have another airing, but what makes it even more special for me is
that I have all of you with whom to share the excitement. I guess that's what
makes such lists as this so is a place where we can go to share
the joy and fun we find in such things as FK.
I guess I also got teary-eyed from the nostalgia -- it's going to be great
having our gang come back into our homes, just like Nick stopped in to drop off
goodies at Tim's place. I got a little thrill out of remembering once again how
much I have loved these characters! Good ol' Schanke and Stonetree, Vachon and
Tracy, Urs and Screed, Cohen and Reece, the redoubtable LaCroix, the indomitable
Nat, and my dearest wayward Knight.... "g"
Portia, who can't believe she actually *did* take off Monday just for this
marathon! (I'm surprised at myself....And I CAN'T wait!!! LOL)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 15:52:36 -0500
From: mclisa <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Fw: Gary Farmer part #4
Forwarded for Dona Angel. Sorry this didn't go through yesterday, but I'd
left work before it arrived. McLisa
> Gary Farmer part #4
> I was able to check out on my Digital Cable Guide re:
> It will be on the Pay-Per-View type cable channels as
> I suspected - for my cable company in the
> Philadelphia, PA area @ $3.95 + fees/taxes, but
> thought some of you would like to know anyway:
> TONIGHT = Wed. 3-27 @ 10.00 pm - 12:30am
> THURS = 3-28 @ 7am to 9:30am
> FRI = 3-29 @ 5:30am to 8am
> SAT = 3-30 @ 12 to 2:30am
> If you go to YaHoo Groups, Native Celebs NEWS List @
> ~it has PUBLIC ARCHIVES, so you can check this out
> without subbing, but I highly recommend subbing to the
> N.C.NEWS List, as it's usually just 1 weekly LONG
> Newsletter, but not a 'high traffic list' = LOTS of
> mssgs every day, like FK-L list! Now the Native
> Celebes Discussion list, well that IS a rather "high
> traffic list' type list!
> ANYWAY. there was something really good one of the NC
> Newsletters about GARY FARMER and I wanted to share it
> with ya'll - bkz of a sorta review of him in 'The
> Score" - now, the list owner of that list states it's
> okay to fwd her Newsletters to others, in their
> entirety and not excerpts. HOWEVER, due to FK-L and
> our faithful list-Compadres, and for dear ListMommy
> McLisa's sanity ::waves ta McLisa:: I will only post
> the section about Gary Farmer - but, I figure that I
> should post THAT part - in it's entirety - so please
> excuse that I'm not <snipping> any of that, but at
> least it's not the whole newsletter!
> <>
> NativeCelebsNEWS list mssg#101
> Wed. July 18, 2001
> #23 - 2001
> --------------
> Movie Review: The Score
> Roscoe Pond says:
> There is something to be said about our Native Actors
> pushing into main stream Hollywood Films. I think it
> is a great thing and about time. Actor Gary Farmer has
> a supporting role in "The Score" opposite the great
> Robert DeNiro. In fact, Gary portrays DeNiro's
> bodyguard in this exciting Heist thriller.
> If you watch closely too during the Film for about 5
> seconds, you can see briefly Actor and Artist Michael
> Horse in the film. Him and another guy are loading
> Kegs onto a truck. It is an important scene that sets
> up another scene for DeNiro's character. If you blink
> you miss Michael Horse. Gary Farmer is without a doubt
> my Favorite Native Actor. Graham Greene runs a close
> second. Why? because his body of work will be
> remembered for years to come. His range as an actor
> can hopefully some day garner him a Lead role that
> will equal his talents. He should have been nominated
> for a supporting acting Oscar for "Smoke Signals".
> In "The Score" I saw a bodyguard and not an Indian or
> Hispanic. There was no racial line. Although I did
> notice a dreamcatcher hanging on a rearview mirror in
> Gary's car in the Film. As an American Indian I
> noticed it and I think only Indians were supposed to
> notice it.
> As an actor I am jealous because Gary Farmer and
> Graham Greene are working opposite huge and great
> actors. Gary along side DeNiro and Graham along side
> Tom Hanks in "The Green Mile". Starting out as an
> actor I hoped that it would be me along side Thee
> Robert DeNiro. But, some things are meant to be for
> others. Go and see "The Score" if not for Gary Farmer
> then for DeNiro, Edward Norton, Angela Bassett and the
> Legendary Marlon Brando....
> (Annie: Don't sell yourself short Roscoe, you've got a
> few years to prove yourself. You're young enough to
> grow... Oh, and thanks for providing content to the
> newsletter, good stuff as always!)
> ---------------------------------------
> To subscribe, send a blank mail to
> NativeCelebsNews-subscribe@y.......
> <snip>
> You're welcome to forward my newsletters as much as
> you wish, just don't send it regularly to a bunch of
> people. Tell them to subscribe themselves. If you
> forward, you should forward an ENTIRE newsletter, not
> excerpts.
> Okay. now that's REALLY ALL FOR NOW!...REALLY!
> ::Wide-Eyed Innocent Vaq-Look::
> K'chi Wliwni Nidobak! = Great thanks my
> friends!~~Angel a.k.a. Doņa Angel~~"ALL FOR JAVS AND
> JAVS FORALL!"/Devoted VaqDreaming Vaquera/Willing
> Slave of THE Glorious Spaniard/INCArnate
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 13:09:52 -0800
From: Red <red@s.......>
Subject: Re: My Fanlistings / Reminder
Try going here (avoids the frames):
----- Original Message -----
From: "Knight Ranger" <knightranger1228@y.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 09:51 AM
Subject: Re: My Fanlistings / Reminder
> I just tried it again and its still a no go for me.
> Too bad.
> > << > Forever Knight Fanlisting
> > (
> >
> > I went to this site and clicked on the "join" tab
> and nothing happened. Anyone have any ideas?
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 16:26:38 -0500
From: mclisa <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Re: Lora Haines' name in LK
Knight Witch asked:
I know I'm a little late with this but I'd like to know why Lora disbanded
the FK Fan Club. I know it's not active but I still use it in my signature
as I feel I'm still a member.
It was my understanding that the club wasn't getting enough members and
people willing to work on the newsletter and so on. I don't know if she
looked for someone to take it over. She may have, but it just didn't make it
to Forkni-l.
I do know she has a very busy RL, so that probably entered into it. While I
haven't seen her in years, I liked her very much and remember her as a
really great person.
McLisa (Lisa McDavid)
"That will be trouble".
Listowner, Forkni-l and Fkfic-l
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 27 Mar 2002 to 28 Mar 2002 (#2002-91)
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