FORKNI-L Digest - 17 Feb 2002 to 18 Feb 2002 (#2002-49)
Mon, 18 Feb 2002
There are 5 messages totalling 214 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Olympic Sports Revisited (4)
2. 9th KtK Forever Knight auction
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 23:16:59 -0000
From: Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......>
Subject: Re: Olympic Sports Revisited
Chris wrote:
> faster than all of us and they can fly for heaven's sake. What is ski
> jumping to them? Take away the defiance of gravity and the element of
> risk, the ooh and ahhh factor, and figure skating becomes kind of clumsier
> ice dancing, and even that is a sport Janette might glance at and sneer.
Chris raises a really good point. We tend to anthropomorphize the FK vamps
because they reflect (or destroy) so many of our own beliefs, fears and
regrets. But they aren't human and there is probably a point beyond which
they would no longer wish to participate or enjoy mortal pass times. Nick
would probably enjoy them far longer than the others because he would
appreciate the struggle inherent in reaching the goals the athletes set for
themselves, but even he might not really find the "athleticism" of the
events very interesting. LaCroix might even find the efforts pathetic - at
best amusing.
Thanks, Chris, for a new look at our favorite vampires.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Rosmini <chrismin@e.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: Olympic Sports Revisited
> You know, after a week of watching The Games, I'm sure the mortal
> characters would each have their favorite sports, but I can't imagine the
> vampires would care a hoot about any of them except possibly to place a bet.
> After all, beyond the strength and grace and control, fundamentally these
> sports are all about Gravity (yes, even figure skating :-)... even Ballet
> for that matter), and that might make them of little interest to beings
> immune to that force.
> But it's hard to imagine LaCroix wasting the sneer time on any of it,
> although the judging scandals might amuse him.
> Of course I imagine The Olympics would just make Nick feel how separate he
> is from Humanity. He does like Baseball though, but Baseball is a game and
> that's another thing entirely.
> Chris Rosmini
> Knightie
> <chrismin@e.......>
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 23:04:52 -0600
From: "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: Re: Olympic Sports Revisited
> Barbara Vainio wrote:
> Chris raises a really good point. We tend to
> anthropomorphize the FK vamps
> because they reflect (or destroy) so many of our own beliefs,
> fears and regrets. But they aren't human and there is probably a point
> beyond which they would no longer wish to participate or enjoy mortal
> pastimes.
I'm not so sure about that. True, they themselves have the physical ability to
defy gravity so that the efforts of the athletes are nothing to them. On the
other hand, they do appreciate aethetics and skill (going to the ballet, opera,
etc.). I see no reason why they might not enjoy watching humans, with all their
physical limitations, perform incredible feats. (I was watching the snowboarding
last night--those guys are definitely superhuman, or at the very least crazy!
Another thing to consider is that while our vamps may be able to fly, that
doesn't meant they're graceful or coordinated. For all we know, Lacroix has two
left feet when it comes to ice dancing. Nick could be totally incapable of being
the brakeman on a bobsled because he just doesn't understand the dynamics of
shifting his weight and applying the brakes enough to compete on the Olympic
level. Maybe Janette doesn't have the tactical ability to come in first in
short-track ice skating. There's much more to these Olympic sports than simple
strength. There's coordination, skill, tactics and strategy, and the sheer
bloody-minded desire to win.
Nancy Kaminski
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 00:48:19 EST
From: Meliss9900@a.......
Subject: Re: Olympic Sports Revisited
In a message dated 02/17/2002 10:36:50 PM Central Standard Time,
bevainio@w....... writes:
> . But they aren't human and there is probably a point beyond which
> they would no longer wish to participate or enjoy mortal pass times. Nick
> would probably enjoy them far longer than the others because he would
> appreciate the struggle inherent in reaching the goals the athletes set for
Oh I dunno. I think that Screed and Vachon would enjoy a good game of hockey.
Urs would love the skating.
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 22:42:19 -0800
From: Sunny LaCountess <countessa2000@y.......>
Subject: Re: Olympic Sports Revisited
--- Barbara Vainio <bevainio@w.......> wrote:
> We tend to anthropomorphize the FK vamps because they
>reflect (or destroy) so many of our own
> beliefs, fears and regrets. But they aren't human and
>there is probably a point beyond which they would no
>longer wish to participate or enjoy mortal pass times.
I am going to stray off topic here and extend this to their
love lives. Since I joined the fandom the question of “is
it Janette or is it Natalie” has been asked over and over
and so far, never been justly answered. But when it was
raised once on a list I was on, my answer to it was simple:
both. Referring to what Barbara said, it’s vampires we are
talking about here and nothing says they should be like us.
IMO vampires, unlike humans, are polygamous and have
multiple lovers, even in the same lifetime. The reason is
simple too: they live forever, so having just one mate,
mortal or vampire, doesn't make much sense, does it? That
also explains why Janette was never jealous of Natalie ( I
was asked about that too) or why she left Nick after their
90 years of marriage.
Sorry for going off topic here. I don’t watch the games,
although I’d love too. I usually have no time.
Countess -- Twilight Knightie,IB,DT,UF,Cotk
"Trudging through enternity, hauling my homemade horrors, do you think THAT was
my dream when I was young and evil?"
-Mommy Fortuna, The last Unicorn
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 04:57:28 EST
From: Knightwave@a.......
Subject: 9th KtK Forever Knight auction
Hello everyone. Yes, the time has come around for us to bombard you all with
another KtK auction. <g> Susan has big plans for this latest attempt to
attract TPTB's attention. We have stirred them up; let's keep the pressure
We have a lot of different items offered this time including specialty
t-shirts, scripts, autographed articles, to an authentic 'Raven matchbook'
for you to bid on. Susan decided to drive me totally crazy by offering 49
items this time. <g> Surely there's something there to interest everyone.
We have to ask for a starting bid on all shirts of $10.00. These people have
put out a time and materials to produce these shirts. It's the least we can
do in return.
Since there's so many items this time, we're going to have to ask that
everyone who makes the final winning bid, please be prepared to send a
separate check or money order of $3.50 to offset the postage and packaging
costs. We've absorbed these costs in the past, but simply can't this time.
The web site to look at the description of the items is:
<A HREF="">Kickstart the Knight</A> ( ) Follow the colorful banner Becky has graciously put
up for us to use. It will take you to the web page. She assures us the
pictures that are missing on some of the items will be up very soon. <g>
So, have fun everyone. Don't forget to send your bids to me, not the list.
Please include the item name & number, bid, and your name and email contact.
This auction will end at 12 midnight (9 p.m. Pacific time) on Sunday, the
24th of Feb. Hope that gives everyone enough time to play. <g>
If you have any questions or problems, let me know and I'll try and help.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 17 Feb 2002 to 18 Feb 2002 (#2002-49)
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