FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Feb 2002 to 3 Feb 2002 (#2002-34)
Sun, 3 Feb 2002
There are 2 messages totalling 76 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. New Lisa/Tracy sites
2. ADMIN: Announcing the 2001 Forever Knight Fan Fiction Awards!
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 00:07:56 EST
From: DeanieBTVS@a.......
Subject: New Lisa/Tracy sites
Hi! Just a quick announcement about my new Lisa sites.
The Lisa Ryder Fanlisting ( A
"Fanlisting" is simply a list of fans who like a person/show/etc. (for more
info check out the fanlistings index, The
Lisa Fanlisting is full of pictures, quotes, biographical info and more.
The Tracy Vetter Fanlisting ( celebrates
all things Tracy. It was fun to create -- I was reliving the whole third
season as I looked for quotes :)
Please visit, and please join both fanlistings. Also, don't forget my main
site, the Lisa Ryder Screencaps Archive -- with thousands of screencaps of
Lisa ( Soon to come is the Forever Knight
Galleries, with hundreds of screencaps of the FK characters...
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 21:13:06 -0600
From: "Nancy E. Kaminski" <nancykam@m.......>
Subject: ADMIN: Announcing the 2001 Forever Knight Fan Fiction Awards!
(posted with McLisa's kind permission)
To all writers and readers of Forever Knight fan fiction:
Another year has gone past, and yes, it's time once again to honor the writers
of Forever Knight fan fiction! Even though our beloved show has been off the air
for what seems to be an eternity, devoted authors are still producing quality
stories to carry on the tale of Nicholas Knight, vampire cop.
Accordingly, I'm setting up a new website to catalog the stories published on
the internet in the past year. To qualify the story need only be about Forever
Knight and published in totality in the year 2001.
Like last year, I'll start compiling a list of potential nominees. To aid in
this, I'd appreciate it if authors send me the name and URL (the *exact*
location, not just a webpage on which your story is located somewhere, please)
of any stories they published during 2001. And you readers, please start
thinking about which stories affected you the most in the last year. Was it
funny? Did it reveal something new about our familiar characters? Did it keep
you on the edge of your seat? Nominations will be open as soon as I get the
website together, sometime in the next two weeks or so.
I'll keep you posted on deadlines and other administrative stuff. If you've
never participated in the fanfic awards, please go to and take
a look at the website for last year's awards. It'll tell you how the awards
Thanks, and please, please, please participate! Tell those hard-working authors
how much you appreciate their efforts! Also, please forward this announcement
to any faction list to which you're subscribed. Let's spread the word so all
authors can be involved in the awards!
Stay tuned, more to come soon...
Nancy Kaminski
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Feb 2002 to 3 Feb 2002 (#2002-34)
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