FORKNI-L Digest - 3 Oct 2001 to 4 Oct 2001 (#2001-299)
Thu, 4 Oct 2001
There are 4 messages totalling 109 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. A Treat In Store For All LaCroix Fans
2. Lastest KtK ad
3. FK and the Sims
4. Character Themes
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 20:28:41 +0100
From: Kezia Hepden <keziahepden@h.......>
Subject: A Treat In Store For All LaCroix Fans
A tip for all my fellow Cousins....
Run, do not walk, to your nearest stockist of SF magazines, and buy a copy
(or two <G>) of TV Zine Issue 143 - which is in the shops till 11 October
and has Buffy on the cover. There's a four page interview with a certain Mr
Nigel Bennett about his role in Lexx, with five colour photos, one of them
full page. Hm-mmmm!
If you don't have access to a decent magazine stockist, then the publisher's
online store is at
At one point the article reads 'Bennett, who's probably best known to fans
for his work as the seductive LaCroix in Forever Knight'.... Personally, I
think it would take a very brave person to disagree with that assessment on
*this* list!
(Either that or someone with suicidal tendencies....)
Kezia Hepden
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 01:48:44 EDT
From: KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad
In a message dated 10/2/2001 11:35:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
phylis_s_2000_2001@y....... writes:
<< >Wonderful ad. To bad there isn't a physical one to
have. Sigh! Wonderful artwork. Phylis
As I stated....I will give one of the copies I have of the ad to Susan Field
for the next auction when I get it autographed at LCA.
KnightWitch :-]=
CaddyWhacker [first and foremost], Die Hard, Ravenette with Enforcement
A Unique line of Forever Knight apparel is now available at:
"It's the little things in life you treasure" Fred Kwan, Galaxy Quest
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 03:32:04 -0400
From: Gabrielle White <singtoangels@h.......>
Subject: FK and the Sims
This is Sing to Angels, coming out of hiding for love of two things; FK and
the Sims. To those of you who don't know what the Sims are, it is a game
where you can make your own families and have them interact with each other.
I've already made an Anne Rice vampires family, and a Highlander family,
now I want to make a FK family. I actually wanted to do that first, but I
couldn't find any faces that looked like any of the characters. I even
looked online to see if anyone had made skins for FK characters and no luck.
So, (and here is the point of the whole message here) has anyone on the
list made any skins for the Sims for FK characters? Most importantly, I want
Nick, Nat, and LaCroix. If anyone has made any, I'm desperate! :)
Look forward to a story coming up soon about FK and the Sims. I may even
finish it someday... :)
Sing to Angels
*****(N&Npacker, Secret Valentine, Detester of Perkiness, Grey Cousin
(lover of Uncle in all his guises), Vaquero)*****
"Look for more than the human eye can see, and sing the grief you find to
the angels above."
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 12:10:49 -0600
From: Rose Thatcher <dreamerextrodanar@h.......>
Subject: Re: Character Themes
Janett- Vampiro. it's spanish, and I heard it in Spain, and Thought of her.
:) (at least what I understood.) <G>
Rome was not built by holding committe meetings. It was done by killing all
those who opposed them.
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 3 Oct 2001 to 4 Oct 2001 (#2001-299)
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