FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Oct 2001 to 2 Oct 2001 (#2001-297)
Tue, 2 Oct 2001
There are 19 messages totalling 508 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Lastest KtK ad ****Argh!!!!!***** & Please See Sig/Salute (2)
2. Lastest KtK ad ****Argh!!!!!***** & Please See Sig/Salute, Apology
3. Lastest KtK ad ****Argh!!!!!***** (and Knight Vision Server)
4. FKFanFic2 problems and Lastest KtK ad (2)
5. Lastest KtK ad (7)
6. Dottie Rhodes
7. OT (Off Topic) Missed "Angel" Will Trade FK, HL, etc. (2)
8. Fw: Updates
9. Feeding our Cream Puff Nick
10. Planning for LCA
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 17:29:42 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad ****Argh!!!!!***** & Please See Sig/Salute
Hi all...........
Ealier it was said (sorry, brain free, see sig line <g>)
> > > For those of you unable to find and or purchase this ad
> > > It can be seen now on Kristins page:
Hence, my *Argh* Came in:
> > Well, **shoot,** I cannot get the page to load no matter what I do. I bet
> > it's AOL. Any ideas most welcome <g>.
Then Marg said: It's probably not AOL's fault. you're just being too
impatient. <g>
> Start the page, go out, do your groceries or take in a movie or
> something and it might have finished loading by the time you get home
> again.Even on a cable modem, Kristin's stuff is excruciatingly slow to load.
Welll, not exactly <g>. It's not that, browser says the page "does not
exist." <Sigh> I see I have some mail from Kritin, here, maybe that will
help. Thanks much to all who are trying to help me see Kristin's page.
Billie-Lee (Who says there is nothing like being first medical person on the
scene of major trauma/brush fire to brighten your day.Fellow driving 120 mph
N on freeway, lost control was *ejected* from the car landed on S side. Could
not get thru to 911. Amazingly alive & conscious. Along came an off duty
Paramedic & Doc, so we got him stabilized before the EMS got there. My hat
is off to all who stopped to help and those Fireman who stopped the brush
fire started when car exploded <as we were helping victim> and is grateful
she remembers her ER skills and had the right stuff in her car. Going to take
a shower now <g> Not just New York has great EMS AMEN!!)
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 17:41:18 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad ****Argh!!!!!***** & Please See Sig/Salute, Apology
OOPS!!!!! Apologies to ll for going over the limit in the sig line last post.
Did not mean to do that..........
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 19:03:10 -0400
From: knightfangs <knightfangs@h.......>
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad ****Argh!!!!!***** & Please See Sig/Salute
> Billie-Lee (Who says there is nothing like being first medical person on the
> scene of major trauma/brush fire to brighten your day.Fellow driving 120 mph
> N on freeway, lost control was *ejected* from the car landed on S side. Could
> not get thru to 911. Amazingly alive & conscious. Along came an off duty
> Paramedic & Doc, so we got him stabilized before the EMS got there. My hat
> is off to all who stopped to help and those Fireman who stopped the brush
> fire started when car exploded <as we were helping victim> and is grateful
> she remembers her ER skills and had the right stuff in her car. Going to take
> a shower now <g> Not just New York has great EMS AMEN!!)
Well God Bless you and the others.
This is what America is all about, and you're right, it doesn't only happen in
New York (whether you're talking about EMS or people in general.)
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 19:50:40 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad ****Argh!!!!!***** (and Knight Vision Server)
In a message dated 10/1/01 1:47:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
kris1228@s....... writes:
> Just FYI, the server is back up and running and the latest episode is up as
> well for today's update.
Wel, huzzah!!!!!! I got to see it, and for anyone who hasn't do go have a
look, Kristin's site has a whole new look since the last time I was there,
everything is wonderful, and this ad is just marvelous :)
Way to go, Kristin!!
Forever Yours,
mccelt2000@a....... (who'd better stay away from long sigs lines awhile <G>
but has thanked Grace OL for her kind comments <waving>!!)
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 21:39:48 -0400
From: Sandra <nitelvr@v.......>
Subject: Re: FKFanFic2 problems and Lastest KtK ad
Check for info on free web hosts.
KnightWitch wrote:
>I learned this ad is not available to the general public. It was printed in
>the subscriptions only issue. I got mine from.....GET This......The Sony
How could an ad only be put in the subscriptions only issue? Isn't the
magazine available on newsstands too? If so, is the ad in newsstand copies?
And if it isn't in newsstand copies, why isn't it?
--Sandra, forever Knightie
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 23:55:46 EDT
From: KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: FKFanFic2 problems and Lastest KtK ad
In a message dated 10/1/2001 9:42:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
nitelvr@v....... writes:
How could an ad only be put in the subscriptions only issue? Isn't the
magazine available on newsstands too? If so, is the ad in newsstand copies?
And if it isn't in newsstand copies, why isn't it?
The mag has a subscription only issue. This comes out to subscribers daily
or three times a week. The general public gets an issue once a week. I
can't explain why, only that it happens....go figure.
My husband brings them home to me regularly. So I now have two of them.
I hope to get one autographed at LCA4 and then send it to Susan Field for the
next on line auction for KtK. Watch for it.
KnightWitch ;-]]]]]]]]]]]]]=
CaddyWhacker [first and foremost], Die Hard, Ravenette with Enforcement
A Unique line of Forever Knight apparel is now available at:
"It's the little things in life you treasure" Fred Kwan, Galaxy Quest
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 05:34:44 -0700
From: Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad
Looks beautiful, the designer(s) did a wonderful job.
Laurie of the Isles
----- Original Message -----
From: <SField8067@a.......>
> For those of you unable to find and or purchase this ad
> It can be seen now on Kristins page:
> Nice to know That TPTB are already looking at it!! :)
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 09:12:13 EDT
From: Julia Kocich <JKocich@a.......>
Subject: Re: Dottie Rhodes
Isn't Dottie Rhodes from New York? She used to post often to the List.
Is she all right? >>
As far as I know, Dottie Rhodes, who was a great poster, lived in ... either
Rhode Island or Connecticut, as well as having familial roots down south. I
never heard that she actually lived in NY.
AIM: jkocich
MSN: jkocich@y.......
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 09:27:04 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: OT (Off Topic) Missed "Angel" Will Trade FK, HL, etc.
Good morning all!
Sorry for the cross post, sleepy :)
I missed "Angel" last night <argh>. I had the VCR set and all, even set my
danged *alarm clock,* but after my adventerous day yesterday, I slept right
through it and did not change the cable box ***darn!!.**. So, I only got the
last 20 minutes of the new ep of "Angel."
**Happy** to trade from extensive (Canadian) Forever Knight + Alum, (Boxed
sets and/or Pro tapes) Highlander, Highlander: The Raven, + Alum, BTVS,
*rest* <g> of Angel, Withblade, Enterprise, premiere, etc., etc.
Please contact me off list if you can help, and many thanks for all the
messages of support <waving!!> after my exciting day yesterday!
A wonderful and Immortal-filled day to all :)
Forever Yours,
Forever Peace,
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 10:43:04 -0400
From: "Anita K. Blake" <AKBlake@l.......>
Subject: Re: OT (Off Topic) Missed "Angel" Will Trade FK, HL, etc.
Talk to me offlist!
"These days my life is a cross between a preternatural soap opera and
an action-adventure movie. Sort of As the Casket Turns meets Rambo"
Anita Blake- The Killing Dance by Laurell K. Hamilton
Owner of the X-Men Fanfic archive,
Co-owner of the Unofficial Hugh Jackman Fan Club (the UHJFC)
and the new FKFanfic2 archive,
and member #13 of the Lisa Ryder FC!
AKBlake@l....... ~ ~ ~
-----Original Message-----
From: Forever Knight TV show [mailto:FORKNI-L@l.......]On Behalf Of
Billie Lee
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 9:27 AM
To: FORKNI-L@l.......
Subject: OT (Off Topic) Missed "Angel" Will Trade FK, HL, etc.
Good morning all!
Sorry for the cross post, sleepy :)
I missed "Angel" last night <argh>. I had the VCR set and all, even set my
danged *alarm clock,* but after my adventerous day yesterday, I slept right
through it and did not change the cable box ***darn!!.**. So, I only got
the last 20 minutes of the new ep of "Angel."
**Happy** to trade from extensive (Canadian) Forever Knight + Alum, (Boxed
sets and/or Pro tapes) Highlander, Highlander: The Raven, + Alum, BTVS,
*rest* <g> of Angel, Withblade, Enterprise, premiere, etc., etc.
Please contact me off list if you can help, and many thanks for all the
messages of support <waving!!> after my exciting day yesterday!
A wonderful and Immortal-filled day to all :)
Forever Yours,
Forever Peace,
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 10:50:43 -0400
From: jmtof@j.......
Subject: Fw: Updates
Ben called last night, he's working on a new series filming in Calgary
called "Tom Stone." It will air on CBC television starting in February
of 2002. This means it will not air in the U.S. as of yet.
URL is:
He plays a character named Graham who is the love interest of the main
female character; Graham is a reporter with The Globe and Mail.
According to Ben his role will probably be a recurring one.
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:03:46 EDT
From: SField8067@a.......
Subject: Lastest KtK ad
Hi Everyone,
i will try to make copies of the page available to everyone that would like
one soon By snail mail..
working out the details now :)
Hugs, susan
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 08:34:56 -0700
From: phylis sullivan <phylis_s_2000_2001@y.......>
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad
--- SField8067@a....... wrote:
> For those of you unable to find and or purchase this ad
> It can be seen now on Kristins page:
> Nice to know That TPTB are already looking at it!!
> :)
Wonderful ad. To bad there isn't a physical one to
have. Sigh! Wonderful artwork. Phylis
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 08:38:39 -0700
From: phylis sullivan <phylis_s_2000_2001@y.......>
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad
--- SField8067@a....... wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> i will try to make copies of the page available to everyone that would like
> one soon By snail mail..
> working out the details now :)
> Hugs, susan
> SField8067@a.......
Bless you! Thanks, Phylis
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:02:46 -0500
From: Christy Stillman <cstillma@u.......>
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad
>>Wonderful ad. To bad there isn't a physical one to
>have. Sigh! Wonderful artwork. Phylis
I agree. LOL I love the way LaCroix's stern visage is positioned over the
"A common mistake people make when trying to design something
completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete
fools." -- Douglas Adams
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:46:48 -0700
From: StormBorn <stormborne@e.......>
Subject: Re: Feeding our Cream Puff Nick
Sami contemplated the Cream Puff Plot:
>>Also, I will require two cream puffs one for me, one for the dog}. It
might be easier to lure him to a trailer, hand him the plate of cream puffs,
close the door, and stand guard. I will STILL require two cream puffs, plus
one for the dog.<<
Only two cream puffs for yourself? Tsk, tsk--the way to make a baker happy
is to gorge oneself with cream puffs (excepting the ones you set aside for
the pets)until you are unable to move or speak except to grunt with
Hmmn...will Nick's eyes then turn red everytime he craves a cream puff?
Abnormally fond of dead guys
stormborne@e....... -
LEXXfic - read "Once a Slave" at www.angelfire/goth/cryopod/
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 14:58:51 EDT
From: Paula Newman <RAVENSFYRE67@a.......>
Subject: Planning for LCA
Hi Everyone!!!
With officially less than three weeks until LCA4, I've been given permission by
Donna L. (aka Sweet_Wench1 on other lists) to announce a list she started for
those planning on attending LCA this year.
Its for those of us to plan our extra activities without cluttering other
peoples mailboxes.
So far, about the only thing we've decided on is a (or maybe more than one)
video night. Yours truly will be hauling a TV/VCR across the border since
the hotel won't let us hook up a VCR to their sets. <g> Okay, its only a 13
in. set but it beats paying the $125 a night to rent a setup from the hotel.
Rae, has volunteered to bring the dailies she has ("Curiouser and Curiouser"
and "Ashes to Ashes"). Anyone else planning on attending, who own *coveted*
dailies, those of us who don't own them would ****really**** appreciate your
bringing them to share.
Other things we have been discussing have be an excursion to Niagara Falls
and a tour of FK sites. Oooh, Marg!!!! <g>
Thanks for letting me ramble.
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 15:03:04 EDT
From: SField8067@a.......
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad
Okay guys, As i do want you all to see just how big and beautiful it is..
whoever would like a copy of the Ad from Variety,i will be glad to send one
just send me your name/address in an email put"VarietyAd' in the subject...
Send it to: SField8067@a.......
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 16:27:40 EDT
From: SField8067@a.......
Subject: Re: Lastest KtK ad
Besides me providing copies of the ad page, i have been in touch with my
contact at Variety and got this word back from him regarding that particular
>>>>You can call our subscription department at 800-552-3632 and order back
issues. Just let them know the date and they'll help you out with the
the date wasSeptember 27th issue of Daily Variety...
so hopefully you all can and will be able to have it....
Hugs, susan
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 1 Oct 2001 to 2 Oct 2001 (#2001-297)
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