FORKNI-L Digest - 24 Sep 2001 to 25 Sep 2001 (#2001-290)
Tue, 25 Sep 2001
There are 9 messages totalling 341 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Now, this is more like it! Character Themes & A Way to Get FK on DVD?
2. New Question (2)
3. new question (3)
4. How do the Enforcers know?
5. fan fic (2)
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 17:04:12 EDT
From: Billie Lee <McCelt2000@a.......>
Subject: Re: Now,
this is more like it! Character Themes & A Way to Get FK on DVD?
(Yes, I know I am combining topics, hope no one minds!)
In a message dated 9/24/01 1:33:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
portia1@m....... writes:
> Just want to tell you all that I love seeing all of these posts!
OH boy, me too, Portia.
> Having been gone a while, and then coming back to such an eerily silent
> list, I was starting to think the FK momentum might have died down while I
> was gone! (I know -- blasphemous thoughts! "g") Glad to see we're still
> keeping the " Knight" alive. "g"
GASP!! <g> And here I was just about to write a post asking what the current
topics are.................figured I had scads of things to catch up on!
Quite likely someone else has already done this, but my SO has a friend whose
(who's?) computer has the ability to transfer VHS to DVD. He tells me the
Video tape plays, gets recorded on his friend's hard drive (must be a
gazillion gigabytes!), and then he can transfer it to a real live, usable in
the home DVD player DVD. SO has offered to do this for me (will take Forever
and a Knight, I imagine)....hence, I have quite carefully numbered all of my
FK tapes. It sure would be great to have them on something that won't
degrade <ssssssssshhhhhhhhuuuuuuuddddddderrrrrrrrr>
over time, eh? I await his next report with great anticipation :>)
He wants to do all my Highlander boxed sets for me, too, and 'tho I am a
*serious* HL fan, I am insisting that FK gets done first!
Can someone please tell me what the "Why Divia waited 20 years" thing is
about? I am confused (<--now there's a shock) and it sounds intriguing.
Fran said: <>
WOW, that is the first song that always comes to my mind when FK-Related
Music comes up! (<sigh> I miss Freddy..........)
<<Oh well, I guess I'll go back into lurking now. I've just depressed
Gee, I don't find that song depressing at all for some reason, it actually
(Yeah, OK, I'm weird. We already knew that-->) cheers me up. {{{{{{{{Hug for
Fran!}}}}}}}} Don't be sad!
Forever Yours,
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 18:56:48 -0700
From: Kyer <kyer@p.......>
Subject: Re: New Question
Stormborn wrote:
> OK, I'm biased, but I'd find a good vantage point from which to watch the
> many changing shades of an Arizona desert mountain throughout the day
Sunrise: The ocean off of Carmel-by-the Sea (winter of course. summer is
too foggy too see anything!<g>). Blues and greens glow in the waves as they
strike against the tidepools; bright kites soaring up above. The seals
playing along the shore by Monterey. Small plane ride so he could 'fly'
over the quilted patchwork of farmlands of central valley, California. The
glorious snow-capped Sierra Nevadas with its gemstone of Lake Tahoe.
Sunset: The Grand Canyon. There are so many beautiful earthen tones when
the setting sun hits it---even panoramic pictures can't do it justice; not
for nothing is it called one of the greatest natural wonders of the world.
Evening: an open air concert in La Pedregal Mall or the Phoenix Botanical
Gardens on a cloudless night (or Sedona if too tired to make it that far.)
Because even an 800-year old former vampire could surely never have enough
of the stars with music?
Meals: fairly light, raw and organic. He'll have a lifetime to gunk up his
system, I'm sure. But I wouldn't want him getting indigestion during 'our'
In summary: light on the people and food; heavy on the colors!
: )
Kyer, who's stuck between her love of native California and her adopted
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 23:54:49 -0400
From: Brenda Bell <webwarren@e.......>
Subject: Re: new question
At 01:16 PM 9/24/2001 -0700, KC wrote:
> Ahh... I miss the Lake and I only live 35 minutes from there.
I think any of us who has grown up by a lake, ocean, or river, or anyone
who has grown up amid a spectacular mountain range or forest, misses it
whenever they're away. Another of the same type of scene is _okay_, but it
just isn't the same...
As far as the remortalized Nick... has anyone stopped to consider the
possibility that he might have severe allergies to today's foods? Take
garlic, for example. I grew up in a house without garlic because my dad's
deathly allergic to it, and can get violently ill just from smelling traces
of it. The vampiric reaction to garlic could result in a mortal who is
similarly allergic. I have friends whose food allergies run to the
anaphylactic -- a restaurant that is not absolutely anal about making sure
a dish doesn't have mushrooms or mushroom flavoring, for example, could
send one of my friends on a quick trip to the hospital... if she survived
that long. Another is just as allergic to chicken. Nuts are another common
food allergy.
As much as we'd love to take Nick out to the Azure or its equivalent, we'd
probably be safer introducing him to foods the same way we introduce
infants to them -- one at a time, the ones with the least likelihood of
allergic reactions first. The big problem, of course, would be keeping Nick
away from all the stuff that could possibly make him ill (but we don't know
it for sure yet).
Another thing to consider is Nick's immune system. I am reminded of a movie
I saw a few months ago, I think on Sci-Fi channel, about a child born of
in-vitro fertilization, the sperm donor being a man who had been
flash-frozen 5000 years ago. Because of the father's exposure to different
germs than we are usually exposed to, the child had antibodies and
immunities to anthrax and Plague -- but got deathly ill from what should
have been a very mild case of the flu. What sorts of vaccinations and
precautions would a remortalized Nick need to take to make sure he didn't
suddenly die of a (to us) pedestrian ailment?
Brenda F. Bell webwarren@e....... /nick TMana IM: n2kye
Arctophile, computer addict, TREKker, stealth photographer...
UA, PoCBS, FKPagan; Neon-Green GlowWorm
HugMistress of the Ger Bear Project
Gerthering 3 Photos:
Visit the Fiendish Glow at
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 23:50:06 -0500
From: Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: Re: new question
>As far as the remortalized Nick... has anyone stopped to consider the
>possibility that he might have severe allergies to today's foods?
>What sorts of vaccinations and
>precautions would a remortalized Nick need to take to make sure he didn't
>suddenly die of a (to us) pedestrian ailment?
Both of these concerns are actually ones I've been working with in a fanfic
I'm currently writing. Turning into an epic, I might add (right, K.C.? ;) ).
I don't envy the brave soul who offers to beta this one when I'm through. ;)
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 02:35:06 -0400
From: knightfangs <knightfangs@h.......>
Subject: Re: new question
> As far as the remortalized Nick... has anyone stopped to consider the
> possibility that he might have severe allergies to today's foods?=20
Good point, Brenda. I know people who are deathly allergic to fish; and
then there was my grandfather who wasn't allergic, but just HATED
anything that looked or smelled like fish so much so that when my mother
and grandmother ate fish or crabs (once in a blue moon), he would eat in
the living room. He said just the smell was enough to make him sick.
Never found out why he hated it so much. Maybe he was attacked by a
crab in his younger days.
<snip> The vampiric reaction to garlic could result in a mortal who is
> similarly allergic. <snip>
Even if Nick isn't really physically allergic to the garlic, he might
still have that "knee-jerk" response to it and really, really hate it.
What a shame! Guess I won't be cooking any Italian food for him. I
tend to go heavy on the garlic when I make my sauce.
> Another thing to consider is Nick's immune system.
Now that's something I've often thought about. If he had ever regained
his humanity he would have to go for innoculations. Maybe I could take
him for his MMR. Since my children started going to Pre-K and got their
chicken Pox vaccine, as well as the others, I decided to get the Chicken
Pox vaccine for myself since I never had CP, Mumps, or measels.
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 07:12:06 -0500
From: Tim Phillips <Timp@d.......>
Subject: Re: How do the Enforcers know?
>That's one of those villainous CBS cuts. Do I gather SciFi did it too? There's
>a scene in the original, full-length Canadian versions where we see the night
>technician from Tawny's station go outside after she refuses to give up the
>footage and insists on airing it. He turns out to be a
>vampire. He flies off, presumably to call in the Enforcers.
In the flashback, I always assumed LC called them.
Sci-Fi has the scene, but comments that LaCroix makes at some
point in that episode - in the Civil War era piece - are to the effect
that the Enforcers simply know. The inference is that they
somehow are able to monitor all that is happening within the
vampire community. LaCroix doesn't have to call them, in fact - he
seems a little ... intimidated?... by the fact that they are arriving.
So, how do the Enforcers know?
And why don't they wack someone like Natalie - who has actual
physical evidence of Nicholas squirreled away in her lab?
This is one of those places that FK probably could have benefited
from a stronger "story bible". The Enforcers just don't make a lot
of sense in the broader scope of the show. They were a plot
device for a single episode that makes for a number of ackward
assumptions elsewhere.
Oh, well. Pass the cheese. I prefer Monteray Jack or a Mild
Chedder :-)
Tim Phillips
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:32:27 GMT
From: Tracey Rayner <trayner@p.......>
Subject: fan fic
I was wondering if anyone would help me with a little problem. I am
finally getting motivated to write a fanfic which has been stewing in my
mind for about a year now. The problem is I haven't actually written
fanfic before (unless you count war posts) and I was wondering if there
was a nice person there (preferably someone who is incredibly patient)
who would be able to give me some advice on it and proof read it etc (I'm
grammatically challenged). Any help would be appreciated.
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:35:01 -0500
From: Eve Dutton <umdutto3@c.......>
Subject: Re: New Question
Molly wrote:
>Anyone else have the feeling that under
>our ministrations, Nick would soon weigh about 300 pounds?! <g>
With all that walking and horseback riding and... other healthful exercise
*eg*... I'm sure he'd be fine. ;)
Eve Dutton
"Some are born to sweep the light
Some are born to endless night"
--William Blake
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:32:44 -0500
From: Nichole A Knight <cdisiere@j.......>
Subject: Re: fan fic
The honor would be mine. I could help you.
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:32:27 GMT Tracey Rayner <trayner@p.......>
> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone would help me with a little problem. I am
> finally getting motivated to write a fanfic which has been stewing in my
> mind for about a year now. The problem is I haven't actually written
> fanfic before (unless you count war posts) and I was wondering if there
> was a nice person there (preferably someone who is incredibly patient)
> who would be able to give me some advice on it and proof read it etc (I'm
> grammatically challenged). Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Trace
"I am what I am, and I don't think Betty Ford takes vampires!"
~Detective Nick Knight/Nicholas de Brabant "Forever Knight"
End of FORKNI-L Digest - 24 Sep 2001 to 25 Sep 2001 (#2001-290)
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